bisexual-bella-swan · 3 years
What are your top five ways that Meyer blindsided you regarding what you thought versus what she meant? For example, you've said before how you truly thought that Bella being afraid of blood would have implications but that never did. Or how Jacob would fight the imprint!--but he didn't. Or maybe in a more subtext way: for example, Bella showing signs of suicidal ideation in New Moon but Meyer insisting that isn't at all what's happening. In what ways did Word of God blindsided/confuse?
1. Jacob fighting the imprint. I was absolutely sure that was where this was going. Any other YA series would have the main characters be like "NO! I will NOT have some outside force decide my life for me! I don't CARE if we'd be perfect together. It's MY life, I get to choose!" Like just look at all those stories of "utopias" where the characters are paired up by the government or a computer or whatever and they they FIGHT it and that's the whole point and I thought that's where imprinting was going, especially with Jacob being so against it. "They don't belong to themselves anymore" "what's wrong with falling in love the normal way?" "It's just another way of having your choices taken away from you." Like, my god, there was SUCH potential here for a parallel with the veggie vampires choosing not to surrender to their instincts but no, it's a Happily Ever After (supposedly). Also still think if he had imprinted on like Jess or Angela or Random Girl in New Moon/Eclipse, SM would have had him fight it and ~choose his love for Bella~.
2. The James bite. I thought this was going to be a big deal and that would end up mattering later in the series. That the bite and exposure to vampire venom would have made Bella immune and impossible to turn (!), or that they could create an antidote to vampirism from her blood (!), or that it would be the explanation for why she was so good at vampiring right away, or something. But it's just . . . never a big deal, not important, never even really mentioned again other than there being a scar that Edward can be emo about.
3. Denali story/foreshadowing. I legit thought Carlisle was going to die in Breaking Dawn. And he's basically the most interesting character to me so I wasn't all that psyched about it, but it made sense. Often in YA/coming of age stories, the mentor figure has to die so the young characters can really come into their own. But the main reason I thought he was doomed was at the beginning of BD when Bella's talking about the Denali coven and how Carlisle told her about how the sisters' 'mother' had been killed and they were still so upset they couldn't utter her name, and Bella has a thought like "I can't imagine the Cullens without Carlisle" and I was like welp he's a goner. But then, no, we just get that non-fight at the end.
4. THE BABY. Okay, once we get to BD, it's pretty clear the baby is happening. Bella's dreams and the whole Denali backstory with the Immortal Child aren't exactly subtle. But PRIOR to BD, SM seemed to be trying really hard to make the fandom think it was impossible. I remember those halcyon pre-BD days vaguely. I wasn't super into the fandom but I had read the first three books and was Twi Curious, basically, and read some stuff on the Lexicon and followed a few. . . I guess they were livejournals at the time, lmao. And the WHOLE FANDOM was convinced and babies were impossible and would quote things SM has said at Q&As or on the Lexicon and like babyfic was disdained because "that can't happen." And it's retrospect it's clear that SM was tip-toeing around it and answered very carefully so she could be "Haha I never said a male vampire and a female HUMAN specifically couldn't have a baby! Checkmate!" but the fandom still basically felt lied to from the Word of God stuff we had been getting from her over the last few years. I think the backlash wouldn't have been as bad if she had just been like "I'm not going to answer that" or something versus heavily implying it was impossible while leaving a specifically E/B-shaped loophole.
5. Born to be a Vampire. Maybe it's just me, but if you're setting up a character to be "born to be a vampire," maybe making her pass out at the sight/scent of blood and LOVE the sun/warmth is a weird choice? Bella being able to smell blood is supposedly weird (but like . . . I can smell it?) and maybe a hint to her vampiric potential, but then why does it make her sick rather than make her be like "Idk it smells kinda good? That's weird, right? I'm so weird." I also just . . . being a vampire is framed as BAD. The Cullens "rise above the hand they were dealt." They make the best of a situation that is written as being kind of lonely and frustrating at best and DAMNED FOR ALL ETERNITY at worst and then Bella becomes a vampire and it's perfect forevers and bliss and fairytale cottages and I'm just like, what? I wanted bittersweet! I was fine with her becoming a vampire, but I wanted it to be a struggle, for it to not be the fairytale she thought it was, but for it still to be worth it in the end. And I thought that's where it was going with all those gloomy quotes SM put at the beginning of the books. Do not eat from the Tree of Knowledge. Violent delights have violent ends. The world will end in fire or ice. Uh, none of those point to a fairytale in my mind. Also Bella being framed as being uncommonly good/selfless AND 'born to a be vampire' just does not compute in my mind. The Cullens are the way they are because Carlisle was so unsuited to be a vampire that he just rewrote all the rules. Maybe Bella was born to be a CULLEN but born to be a vampire implies something different to me. That's something I might say about a James or an Aro.
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bisexual-bella-swan · 3 years
AU where Bella and Edward fall in love by emailing back and forth or leaving snarky notes at school
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bisexual-bella-swan · 3 years
midnight sun movie where theres a hallucination carlisle everytime edward thinks he's gonna do something bad, like how bella had the hallucination edward in new moon
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bisexual-bella-swan · 3 years
I'm curious about your opinion about periods in Twilight. We're know they exist because Bella not getting hers is the big "oh" moment in Breaking Dawn. But I have a hard time reconciling that fact with "a paper cut makes me want to kill you" and " I can't be in a classroom where there's going to be drops of blood". Is period blood corrupted and doesn't smell nice? (coming from SM it wouldn't surprise me). In a world where half the population are bleeding one week a month I see it very hard to interact with humans if vampires can't control themselves around a single drop of blood. Nomads aren't the problem, they aren't around humans enough, but the Cullens? They want to live among humans, and half of those humans bleed regularly.
Period blood is not just blood. There’s blood in there, but there’s also mucous and vaginal secretions as the female body sheds its uterine lining. So, I doubt the smell of period blood is particularly sweet to vampire.
If you want a backup-argument, Edward in Midnight Sun mentions that during his cannibal years, he first tried eating junkies. However, the drugs polluted the blood, it tasted terrible, so he switched to eating rapists.
If vampires are turned off by drugs, period blood is an absolute no-go.
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bisexual-bella-swan · 3 years
Sometimes I think SM’s premise of Bella finding the place where she belonged and shined as a vampire would have made more sense if the Cullens were the Swans. 
Her name being “Bella Swan” is kind of silly but it might have worked better if she had just embraced it by having Bella Whoever marry into the Swan family and become a Beautiful Swan. 
Also is there something there with swans having long necks and vampires biting necks?
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bisexual-bella-swan · 3 years
Truth vs. Twilight
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In collaboration with the Quileute Tribe, this site seeks to inform Twilight fans, parents, teachers, and others about the real Quileute culture, which indeed has a wolf origin story, a historic relationship with the wolf as demonstrated in songs, stories, and various art forms, as well as a modern, multi-dimensional community with a sophisticated governance system. We also hope to offer a counter narrative to The Twilight Saga’s stereotypical representations of race, class, and gender, and offer resources for a more meaningful understanding of Native American life and cultures.
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bisexual-bella-swan · 3 years
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The Twilight Soundtrack (x)
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bisexual-bella-swan · 3 years
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He deserves the world and don't you dare disagree with me.
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bisexual-bella-swan · 3 years
Bella seeing Edward in Italy but his eyes are red.
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bisexual-bella-swan · 3 years
elcias hernandez ortiz is the only survivor of the atlanta shooting. he's in intensive care and his family still hasn't raised enough money to cover his medical expenses. please donate if you can.
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bisexual-bella-swan · 3 years
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Rose Petals listen, rosalie and emmett are too soft with eachother and it slays me assorted twilight trash (2/?)
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bisexual-bella-swan · 3 years
To me the wolves keep their long hair
Fuck Meyer and ass backward ways
As they should have! 
If anyone is wondering about the importance of hair, I found a video with an Ojibwe professor, Dr. Anton Treuer, talking about it and an article about the history of Natives being forced to cut their hair to forcefully assimilate them.
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bisexual-bella-swan · 3 years
Wow I am so bi for Bella
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Bella Swan serving lesbian looks 1/?
Twilight (2008) Dir. Catherine Hardwicke 
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bisexual-bella-swan · 3 years
Looking for ways to donate to support the Asian American community?
I just found a thread on Twitter with some great suggestions that I’ll duplicate here:
Asian American Legal Defense and Education Fund
Asian American Journalists Association
Asian Pacific American Labor Alliance
The Center for Asian Pacific American Women
The National Queer Asian Pacific Islander Alliance
Asian Mental Health Collective
And for more info, including other ways you can help, check out this Stop Asian Hate carrd
Please feel free to add more organizations and ways to help!
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bisexual-bella-swan · 3 years
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bisexual-bella-swan · 3 years
I don't know why this gif of Peter Facinelli and Elizabeth Reaser makes me so happy but it does 🥺
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bisexual-bella-swan · 3 years
Here in Texas we actually don’t see the confederacy as bad (which is super nasty in and of itself) and honestly if you’re having a southern (white, American) vampire and you want them to be older you kinda have to make them like that. Not justifying it in any way but, sadly, I can kinda see the thought process.
1) when you say “here in Texas we actually don’t see the confederacy as bad” what you actually mean is white people don’t see the confederacy as bad bc there are plenty of black and Latin Americans living in Texas who very much do lol. This was kinda my point RE Smeyer not seeing anything wrong with writing a white supremacist character who goes unchecked/is basically heroised
2) ..........she literally did not have to make him like that at all since his entire confederate and military history is realistically useless to the plot because a vampire army is totally different to a human army, thereby María changing him for his tactical knowledge of how humans armies work is such a stretch and like...doesn’t make sense
3) even if she did “have” to make him like that, why doesn’t she acknowledge it? Why is he allowed to find love and a family who never questions or criticises his past beyond his diet of human blood? It’s not like she threw in his racist backstory to villainise him, or as a lesson for how people can overcome the hatred they were raised with and express remorse for what they’ve done, bc he never does!!!!
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