*goes through a break up*
Me: mothertrucker dude that hurt like a buttcheek on a stick
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I like my pasta lookin like it got left out in the snow with the amount of parmesan cheese on it. Mama’s callin for a whole inch of shakey cheese tonight!
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Me: *farts* there you go
him: thanks
me: lol did you just thank me for farting?
him: yeah
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I forgot I had this account and looking back I sound like such an idiot in all these but now that it’s been about a year here is what happened:
-prom guy broke up with the girl who was harassing me
-I blocked her and we have nothing to do with me anymore but still lowkey worried she will come for me when she finds out about prom guy and me...I’ll cross that bridge if/when it gets here
-he and I are still fwbs a year later and have had multiple talks about dating but it won’t happen for a while due to other reasons
-we ended up being each others’ firsts
-my mom found out and was iffy about it all
-i’ll probably end up marrying this dude but that’s totally cool by me
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wow what is wrong with me....
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spent the night with him after prom wishing he’d kiss me. now we’re talking about what if we’re each other’s firsts
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if she doesnt have friends thats a red flag
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saw her at prom. she was basically alone. 
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so uh... he and i are kind of friends with benefits now. only took about two weeks after they broke up for that to happen. wow.
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just as expected. it only takes about 2 or 3 days before she’s messaging me again about how I’m the one to blame for her actions. nice to know my gut wasnt panicking and keeping me up about it for nothing. ive clearly gone through this process enough times to get the pattern. i give it until this upcoming tuesday for her to try messaging me again but little does she know i will have blocked her by then. you do not get to harass me over things i havent done and are not my problem. i am choosing not to fight you and try to make you stop because i cant control you but instead choosing not to let myself be subjected to this utter bullshit. although if she continues to persist in other ways i will stand up for myself and tell her to stop. i refuse to let her treat me this way
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you cant control other people. only yourself
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“…It’s when they’re the most truthful.” source
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Look at all that you’ve been through. You got this! :))
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you can’t change who you are, so why not love yourself :))
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theres always so many things i wish i could say to that one person but you know itd all go in one ear and out the other and the only thing theyd take away from it is the idea youre the one attacking them
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damn my brother said he was gonna get me a burrito and i was looking forward to that all day and then he comes home empty handed. i think my heart is crying a little
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