bangtanreact · 7 years
- Update
Hey guys! 
I can’t believe it’s nearly been a year since I last posted..sorry for leaving without any warning. As you have probably guessed by now, I’ve decided to put this blog on an indefinite hiatus. I’m still a fan of kpop, but I’ve lost all interest in doing reactions. It was starting to become a chore to post them, instead of something fun to do. I apologise if you sent me one and it never got completed! I’m actually still receiving requests at the moment, which unfortunately won’t be finished. 
I do have some plans for this blog, the main one being turning it back into a general kpop blog (i’m inactive on my other one too, oops). I’m not sure when it will be, or if it will ever happen, but this blog defiantly isn’t going anywhere.
In the meantime, feel free to follow/talk to me on my other social medias:
twitter - tumblr - instagram 
Thank you guys so much for an amazing nearly 3 years as a reactions blog. You have been so patient and understanding, which I’m very grateful for. I’m going to miss you all a lot! 
Thank you and I love you all so so much! 
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bangtanreact · 8 years
GOT7 react to you getting a kitten together
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Thank you for the request! I haven’t make a reaction in a while so I’m sorry if it’s not the best~
BamBam: “I don’t think I’m old enough to be a parent, I’m still a baby now!”
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JB:  lets completely ignore the fact that that is a dog lmao [New selfie buddy]
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Jackson: “Oh my God! I’m so excited!”
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Jinyoung: “I’ve always wanted a kitten! Ahh~”
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Mark: and again  “He’s so cute..”
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Youngjae: you know the drill “The kitten and I are quite similar. He doesn’t care that much and sleeps all the time..” 
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bangtanreact · 8 years
i’m not getting ask notifications for some reason..is anyone else having the same problem?
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bangtanreact · 8 years
- Requests are open!
I’ve decided to clear out my ask box since it was getting confusing on which reactions I had completed, this means my ask is open for requests! I’m currently doing reactions for BTS, EXO, B.A.P, SHINee and GOT7! Feel free to send me a bunch since I have all day to do some~
Thank you for being patient while I’ve been away and thank you for supporting my blog  ❤
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bangtanreact · 8 years
You're taking requests?
Sorry anon, tumblr didn’t give me a notification for this ask. My requests are open though, so feel free to send some in!
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bangtanreact · 8 years
okay, so I might be getting two kittens and I need some name ideas. They can be boys or girls names, so far I have Zino and Zion. Please send in any names, not just kpop, thank you!
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bangtanreact · 8 years
((self-promotion but i finally updated my instagram if you wanna follow it !))
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bangtanreact · 8 years
hey do you have a masterlist for your reactions? if so pls send me the link~
http://bangtanreact.tumblr.com/masterlist - hopefully this works, I'm on my phone rn ~
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bangtanreact · 8 years
I fixed the banner and hopefully that’s everything. Feel free to message me if you find any other parts that don’t look correct or are broken!~
Hey guys, I didn’t get enough time today to fix the colours and banner on my blog but I fixed the links! I will do the banner tomorrow since it’s saved on my desktop. 
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bangtanreact · 8 years
Hey guys, I didn’t get enough time today to fix the colours and banner on my blog but I fixed the links! I will do the banner tomorrow since it’s saved on my desktop. 
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bangtanreact · 8 years
Hi guys, I apologise for disappearing for over a month without saying anything! I’ve been busy recently (visiting the farm where my dad works is by far the funnest thing. cows are underrated.) and haven’t had time to keep up with both of my blogs. 
Tumblr also messed up my theme again..it did this on my other blog earlier too. It has reset it to my custom themes default layout, deleted my links and messed up my text. I will probably fix this tomorrow since I’m on my laptop right now which is hard to edit themes on. 
I’m most likely going to put this blog a semi-hiatus for a bit. That doesn’t mean I won’t be active! It just means I won’t be as active as I would like to be. It will probably last a few weeks, depending on when I have the time to mass make reactions. I also start college in September so that will slow down activity on this blog too.
If you want to talk to me I will mainly be on my anime/shows blog so feel free to message me there!
Thank you all for following me and being very patient! I love you all and I hope to become a better blog for everyone~
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bangtanreact · 8 years
I don’t know if you guys like anime but I started using my anime blog again if you're interested in following it (I reblog kdramas sometimes too!)
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bangtanreact · 8 years
I know right ! People get butt hurt over anything and everything!!! And I suggest that you sleep somewhere else so the moth doesn't attack you 😂
It’s quite annoying.,.
and I managed to survive the night without being attack, thank god
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bangtanreact · 8 years
there was a huge moth in my room but i can’t find it now and it’s probably going to attack me in the night :)))
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bangtanreact · 8 years
I have the same feeling you have for seventeen but towards twice I don't know why but I just do they're really obnoxious to me idk why
I’ve seen quite a few people have that feeling towards Twice.,.tbh it’s your choice and if you don’t like them it’s fine, I don’t understand why people get so butthurt over it? 
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bangtanreact · 8 years
Why do you not like Seventeen? :(
I just generally don’t like them.,I find them very cocky and annoying too. They really don’t appeal to me at all.
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bangtanreact · 8 years
- Update
Hi guys! I’m not sure when I will be able to post some reactions because my mum broke her ankle on Friday and is having to have an operation on it. I’m going back and forth to the hospital a lot so I won’t have time to update (plus this is a lot more important than reactions). I will defiantly try come on here when I have time but I can’t promise any reactions being posted. Feel free to send me asks or requests and I will answer/complete them when I have a chance ❤ 
I hope you all having an amazing day and thank you for being patient with updates~ ily
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