awitchescirque · 3 years
Witchcraft Things I Give You Permission To Do
Lay down while meditating. Seriously, if you have back pain like I do, try it. The experience is so much better.
Sit in a chair while working at an altar instead of on the ground. Again, pain. You’re allowed.
Enjoy something aesthetically without wanting to pursue it spiritually (be mindful of cultural appropriation obviously).
Enjoy something spiritually without pursuing it aesthetically. Your craft is your own.
Work hard to make your witchcraft look aesthetically appealing/post a lot about your journey.
Call yourself a witch instead of a baby witch.
Move at your own pace, whether it feel turtle-in-winter-slow or careening-off-the-freeway-fast.
Most importantly: Trust your own experiences. Even I struggle with this, but learning to acknowledge the breadth of your own power is terrifying and liberating. You have the power to affect change both physical and magical.
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awitchescirque · 5 years
today i had somewhat of a epiphany...
I almost never update this blog despite having so much witchy stuff in my likes to share, mostly because i felt really out of my craft.
depression, work, daily life stress...
all this took way too much energy out of me and i found myself blurring through days, months...years?
but today, i was feeding my dog and noticed...how long my yard was getting, and i don’t have a “picket fence neighborhood” yard.
so i had wild flowers, thistles, ferns and the like growing rampant and i never noticed just how...beautiful it all was...
i gave an offering, to the Earth, the wind, the sun and the four corners, and i picked a few samples.
I want to find out what these plants are, their function, and what they could possibly mean to me.
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awitchescirque · 5 years
Would anyone be interested if I made a blog specifically about native witches???? (Others could follow but it would be full of info for native people.
Is that a thing people would like or am I setting myself up for failure here.
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awitchescirque · 6 years
Best Herbs to Grow Indoors🌿
🌿 Basil   🌿 Bay Laurel  🌿 Chervil
🌿 Chives  🌿 Mint  🌿 Oregano
🌿 Parsley  🌿 Rosemary  🌿 Thyme
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awitchescirque · 6 years
Witch Tip
I think people mistake or overthink what it means to “feel a connection” with something (like a crystal or tarot deck). It can be as simple as really liking something and wanting to have it!
It doesn’t have to be a physical sensation or inner voice. — I used to scan my crystal cabinet with my hands and close my eyes in the hopes that I would finally feel what it meant to connect with something. I was disappointed to have underwhelming experiences every time. Now I often just open it up and grab what I think is prettiest or nicest to hold in my hand that day. Your connections can be as straightforward as this and still be valid
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awitchescirque · 6 years
Cork board “Altar” for the studious witch
Alright brujitas, I’m not quite sure how often studyblr would cross with witchblr. But what I do know is a lot of witches, me included, have limited space and need our precious tables or nightstands for our every day objects. Altars are traditionally a desk of some sort, with flat surface space for all necessary items and a storage space for items not currently in use (spare candles, matches, etc).
I want to say that a lot of the “best” and idolized altars are giant wood desks with statues and figures, crystal grids of all specimens, and candles upon candles with plenty of space for a thick grimoire. But this isn’t necessary, it’s difficult to maintain (especially college kid witches, apartment dwellers, and more), it also isn’t really better than any other altar. What works for your space and your abilities is what is best for you! For some of us, a cork board altar would be a great place to start.
How to use:
I say “altar” because it could be used as an extension to your grimoire, if you are someone who loves theorizing then it could easily be used to connect and visualize your thoughts or findings before you write them. If you have an altar with limited space, having a cork board near the altar for current spell workings would also be fantastic!
*Make sure your cork board is properly secured to the wall, and that your pins are sturdy
What to pin:
Any papers relevant to your studies is an obvious go to, but here are some tips to make it a bit more unique and witchy:
Pouches: Small pouches meant to be stuffed into gift bags or for herbs would be perfect to store here. They don’t weigh a thing and be easily secured with pins while maintaining easy access to the materials inside. You can store herbs, flowers, some offerings, crystals, or various candles in these pouches. If you find pouches small enough, you could also make a quick crystal grid.
Sigils: Cork boards are perfect for sigils, and you have wider options than just pinning up one drawn on paper. You can make your sigils from formations of the pins (and when the pins are actually used and the sigil is broken up, you can consider it activated then). Or, if you like being crafty, a really quick string art of your sigil can be done in seconds (all you need now is embroidery floss). 
If you do happen to be studying for something, you can use your cork board to post all of the needed information and use it as a charging station to aid in your studies. Part of being a witch is to set yourself up for success after all, and having your information in a location you are going to visit every day is a pretty solid step to take.
And of course, images. You do not need a big fancy statue, when you can easily find a historical art concept of your deities. Or brilliant pictures of the animals, planets, etc that you use in your craft. This is a much cheaper alternative and easier to move on from if your craft is ever adjusted. Tip - make a collage on your cork board as an offering to one of your deities.
Don’t forget the decorations! You can also add strings and ribbons, dried flowers, pendants, among other things to the board.
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awitchescirque · 6 years
Storm Witch Tip:
A storm is likely to come when:
deciduous trees flip their leaves due to wind direction
birds fly low in the sky, and go quiet
there’s a southerly wind (in the US)
there’s a red dawn in the east
layers of nimbus clouds move in opposite directions
the morning grass is dry of dew
an earthy scent rises from the soil and flowers
pine cones remain closed
a halo rings the moon at night
nights are warm in winter (cloud cover insulation)
smoke swirls and descends, instead of a steady rise
Remember, low pressure brings wet weather.
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awitchescirque · 6 years
witch tip
in my eyes, any type of self care is witchcraft. taking a shower? a literal and metaphorical cleansing ritual. making food? kitchen witchcraft, obviously. drawing? it’s like a really complex sigil thats purpose is to calm you down and clear your mind. making tea? potions. lying in bed all day binging your favourite show on netflix? a day of recharging your soul. don’t ever feel guilty for not doing complex spells all the time. you’re a witch - everything you do is inherently witchy.
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awitchescirque · 6 years
my energy is not for consumption I will not let people drain me
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awitchescirque · 6 years
Witch tips without warnings just keep popping up . . .
Hey kids,
Before you rub an unknown thing on your skin, ingest an unfamiliar thing, light a random recommendation from the internet on fire, or otherwise come in contact with something that you are not personally knowledgeable about, take 2 seconds and google it.
For example:
St. Johns Wort, if ingested, has negative interactions with anti-depressants, and interferes with birth control because it speeds up the metabolism of certain substances.
Continuous exposure to fluorite causes a painful bone disease. Fluorite dust can be absorbed through the lungs, skin, and is soluble in water.
There are parts of  yew that should not be burned.
Mugwort is related to ragweed and can cause allergic reactions. Also, it can cause and enhance anxiety.
 Essential oils, man …
No, really. 2 seconds. Google. You’re at an internet connected device anyway. Save yourself the trouble of a bad time.
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awitchescirque · 6 years
How to get on good terms with the local spirits
From my experience… so it’s pretty plant-focused.
Pick up trash.
Give some water to the plants occasionally, especially during hot and dry days.
Flatter them. If you think a plant is really pretty, you can just say it out loud and they will love it.
Pay attention to which areas are off-limits and avoid them. Try to feel if you get bad vibes in a certain place and stay out of them so you don’t piss off the locals.
Give in return for whatever you take. Even if you’re just weeding, pour out some water or leave coins.
Reduce waste. Whatever you don’t use, give back to the land. You can make a compost pile, or toss scraps of plants into the yard so they can decompose and bring new life.
Don’t mow your lawn, if it’s possible for you to avoid it. If you have to, give a warning beforehand, or make an offering in apology to the plants.
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awitchescirque · 6 years
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h e d g e 🌿 w i t c h
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awitchescirque · 6 years
You can be Jewish and practice witchcraft 
You can be Muslim and practice witchcraft 
You can be Christian and practice witchcraft 
You can practice any of the Abrahamic religions and still practice witchcraft 
It’s your practice
You do not have to be a Wiccan or a pagan of any form to practice witchcraft
Anyone who says otherwise is wrong 
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awitchescirque · 7 years
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The Poison Dagger
Used to bring sickness – physical, mental or spiritual – to your victim. It can be drawn on their doorstep, its ashes added to crossing powder, or drawn over a photo of them. 
To make Poison Dagger Powder: combine black mustard seed, the dirt from a hospital, a powdered, poisonous plant of your choosing (though one that is not dangerous with mere skin contact is recommended), 3 powdered (red) chiles, the ashes of the Dagger and (optionally) the ashes of Deuteronomy 32:24 – 
“They will be wasted by famine, and consumed by plague and bitter destruction;   And the teeth of beasts I will send upon them, With the venom of crawling things of the dust.”
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awitchescirque · 7 years
Infused Water Magic
perhaps it’s a bit too warm for coffee potions, or hot chocolate magic, or even tea spells, but you still want to work a little magic into your day. infused waters! here’s just a couple of suggestions with fruit and even herbs, and their correspondences.
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for all recipes, chop, cube, or slice all fresh ingredients. let them sit in a bottle of cool water for a few hours. the longer it waits, the more flavor infuses. afterwards, you can eat the fruit or infuse it again!
Honeydew Melon and Raspberry   🍈 🍇
for fertility, love, beauty, protection, abundance, and lunar magic
Strawberry, Lime, and Cucumber  🍓 🍊  🍠
for love, chastity, fertility, healing, fortune, peace and protection.
Raspberry, Rose Petal, and Vanilla  🍇  🌹  🍃
for love, protection, divination, healing, psychic abilities. happiness, and lust.
Citrus and Cucumber 🍊  🍠
for purification, protection, beauty, divination, purification, and wealth.
Rosemary and Grapefruit 🍃 🍈
for exorcism, healing, love, lust, protection, purification, spirituality and energy
Watermelon and Mint  🍉  🍃
for purification, new beginnings, exorcism, healing, protection, and wealth.
Strawberry, Lemon, and Basil  🍓 🍊  🍃
for courage, exorcism, protection, friendship, purification and love.
Orange and Blueberry  🍊  🍇
for protection, beauty, divination, fortune, love, purification, and wealth
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awitchescirque · 7 years
Transit Witchcraft
For your commutes, wherever you happen to be going.
~ Make a bus-catching charm, especially if you have trouble catching your bus on time. A locket would work well here, or a small charm you can leave in your bag.
~ Similar, but not exactly the same - a charm to encourage buses to come swiftly and on time. Useful if your bus is on the unreliable side.
~ Keep small spell bottles or other easy to transport things in your bag. Avoid cloth sachets unless you can keep them from spilling. They’re easy to assemble, but it blows to have to shake herbs or grit out of all your stuff.
~ Safety charms out the wazoo - use them on buses, trains, bikes, on foot, whatever. Devise something to guard you against creeps. (Don’t solely rely on these, of course. Keeping alert is always really important.)
~ Use a paper transfer or ticket as part of a spell. This would be a great surface for sigils. You could also tuck it under a candle, or roll it up and stick it in a little jar, or write your travel desires on it and burn it.
~ Tuck a written sigil into whatever pocket or sleeve you keep your bus card in.
~ Flat-out enchant your transit cards. A subtle idea is a sort of reminder spell, something that makes you remember to check how much fare is left on your card before you run out. 
~ Set up a “leave me alone” charm or glamour to help keep jerks from bothering you. Be careful about invisibility spells, though - you really don’t want the drivers of vehicles to not notice you when you’re crossing streets, for example.
~ Wear or carry stones known to protect travelers, like amethyst, chalcedony, or orange zircon.
~ If you have the same driver or operator every day and you find them cranky or tricky to deal with, sweeten them up with honey or sugar. Coffee shops and convenience stores often have little packets of these that you can swipe and keep with you.
~ Come up with a spell to make street lights go your way - try a silent chant if you’re in a vehicle, or try combining a chant with stamping your feet (at a crosswalk, perhaps) or walking. Getting your feet and your thoughts in rhythm can add extra oomph to your spell.
~ A nasty curse against someone would be something to fuck up their commutes.
~ Harness the power of the vehicle you’re in or on, its forward momentum, the oomph of its engines. This is based in the power of your concentration, especially if you have a lot of people around you, but you can add a lot of extra juice to your spell.
~ This is definitely biased toward public transit and walking, I know. I live in a city where it’s not a huge issue if you don’t have a car. There’s a ton of cool stuff you can do if you DO have a car - it’s a whole other environment that counts as your space!
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awitchescirque · 7 years
A Sacred Blood Binding for Protecting Someone Threatened by Magic
For those of you reading this who may not know me or my blog, I am a practicing Necromancer, Voodooist, and Sanguinist of nearly 13 years. As of recent, a friend of a friend was attacked. Luckily, he had put the right precautions in place to protect her and she will be okay. For those of you wishing to protect someone targeted by a malicious mage, to prevent a malicious mage from harming someone, or to protect someone you love, here is a Blood Binding that will fully protect that individual.
|What You Will Need| A white Pillar Candle Moon Water [optional] Blessing Water White Salt Ashes from Incense [any will do, ashes are protection on their own] Charcoal Dust [even that of some in which you may use on a Grill will do] A small glass bowl A clean Paintbrush A small dropper Small sterile knife or dagger Two small vials [bottle caps will work too] A bottle of alcohol Cotton or Gauze [Band-aides will work to] Two lengths of black ribbon Rosemary leaves or powder Clean Work Space About an hour to an hour and a half of time
|Preparation: Obtaining the Blood| ~Clean a small area on your palm with the alcohol, do the same to the recipient. ~ Start with the tip of the blade across your own palm, cut a line about an inch in length. ~ Once this is done, curl your fingers inward to your palm a few times to get the blood flowing, but avoid making a full fist. ~ Once the blood is flowing, you may either allow it to drip into the vial [or bottle cap] on its own, or gently push it in with the edge of the blade you’ve used. Fill the vial of bottle cap. ~ Once this is done, practice proper care of the wound you’ve created. Clean it with alcohol thoroughly and place a cotton pad or band-aide on it. ~ Repeat this with the recipient, placing their blood in the clean and empty vial [or bottle cap].
|Preparation: Dressing Your Ritual Candle| ~ First, carve whatever sigil you associate with protection into the white pillar candle. To increase the effect, do so on the bottom and all round the circumference of the candle. ~ When this is done, take up your dropper and place three drops of moon water and/or Blessing water anywhere you please on the candle. ~ Clean your dropper by pulling in water and squeezing it out a few times. ~ Complete a ring of combined white salt and rosemary leaves around the candle. ~ Charge the candle with your intent. Focus on your want to protect the person. Envision them safe and unaffected.
|The Ritual of Binding| Make sure to have the recipient present for this. If you would like a blood protection binding or ritual for someone over a distance, let me know and I will personally give you one to help with your unique situation.
⭐ First, light the candle and make sure the blood, paintbrushes, dropper, incense ash, small glass bowl, ribbons, rosemary, and salt are available ahead of time so that the ritual may run smoothly.
⭐Start by tying the first ribbon around your own wrist in a firm, single knot while speaking the following: “I am the shield, I am the child of the above, the below, the moon, and the sun, I am the protector, Of those in strife. Hear me now, guardians of the Goetia, of the above and below. I order the strength to protect and serve. I request your power, your blessing, and your notice. I am the shield, and I shall serve.”
⭐ Tie the second ribbon around the recipient’s wrist in a firm, single knot while speaking the following: “S/he who wears this ribbon is cast with my protection, Guardians of the above, below, and beyond, I call you. Guardians of the above, below, and beyond, I serve you. Protect this child of yours in their time of request, Give me the strength, the power, and the resilience to keep this child safe and free from harm. I am their protector, their safety, their haven. I am their shield. So it shall be.”
⭐ Sprinkle salt over both of your hands, the same as which the wrist is tied with ribbon.
⭐ After this, take your small paintbrush and dip it in your blood. Proceed to draw the sigil in which you carved into your candle on the base of both the recipient’s wrists, atop where their blood flows. Focus your intent of protection on them while doing so, envisioning them safe.
⭐ When finished, clean the paintbrush off and dip it in the recipient’s blood. Draw the same sigil on the base of both your wrists. [You may request assistance if needed.] Envision yourself as shield, a protector, a blockage from any harm meant to forthcome.
⭐ Clean the paintbrush and set it aside. You are done with this particular tool.
⭐ Combine the remaining blood of both you and the recipient in one of the bottles after rinsing it out.
⭐ When finished, enchant and will the vial. “Combined blood of shield and holder, Guardians watch over s/he who holds this vial. I am their shield. I am their protector. Willed by those above, below, and in between. They are hereby safe from all harm. Those who aim to harm, let them suffer tenfold for their actions.” ⭐ Add the incense ash in which you should have on hand or have burned during the ritual to the vial. “Ash of what is no more, keep the past where it shall belong.”
⭐ Add a pinch of salt to the vial. “Product of the earth, let it be known that no harm be done on mother’s ground.”
⭐ Add a pinch of rosemary powder or a single leaf to the vial. “Element of protection, ensure no negativity be within. Keep turmoil at bay. Shield this child of earth, of night and day, from those who seek to harm them.”
⭐ Cap the vial firmly, repeat the enchantment used when placing the blood in the vial.
⭐ If you know the name of the attacker, be it first or last, mark it on the vial in black ink or paint. The first letter will do.
⭐ Mark the first or last name of the recipient by the first letter in white ink or paint. ⭐ Shake the contents of the vial firmly, willing protection and intent of blockage int the vial. Do this nine times.
⭐ Bestow the vial upon the recipient. “I am the shield. I am the protector. No harm shall meet you. All negativity be gone. I am the filter, the judge, the light. You are free from the trials of worry and strife.”
⭐ You may string the vial for wearing if the recipient chooses. You will do this by tying the string around the vial’s top in a secure knot, then tying the string around the recipient’s neck. If not, they may carry it in their pocket, purse, wallet, hoodie, boots, shoes, or anywhere it will fit on their person. It is advised they keep this vial on them at all times for full effect.
⭐ To conclude the ritual, draw a salt circle around the recipient clockwise. Allow them to soak in what you have offered and given them. Advise them to open themselves to your shielding and protection. ⭐ When finished, they may break the circle and step out. The recipient is to blow out the candle.
⭐ Clean up responsibly. Thoroughly clean EVERYTHING that came into contact with the blood with bleach and hot water. Dispose of any cotton used to collect excess blood, throw away bandages used and excess unsalvageable material. Clean up any wax, ash, or spilt water and salt. Return all tools to their proper places. This ritual is complex, long, and meant for someone whose health, life, or property has been threatened by another mage. This can be done to prevent a threat or the effects of action taken as well. This is your responsibility to uphold, and upon casting this spell and binding, you are responsible for this person. Do not attempt it if you are not willing to look out for them. I hope this comes as help to those in strife, threatened, harmed, or worried for another. Thank you.
- Cailan.
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