astropsychee · 1 year
NATAL SUN/PLUTO Aspects - The Quest for Authenticity 🕯️
Let me set the vibe, first.
It's a brand-new playlist, and I do accept recommendations! Will update it every now and then. :p
The Sun in astrology is the archetypal King figure. It represents our consciousness, the pure awareness that I AM. Every planet has its own WILL, and the Sun’s will is to BE — to shine and express itself into the world. This is our personality and ego, but also our Life Force, a.k.a Spirit. When we look at the Sun and its aspects/house placement, we see what gives us a sense of fulfillment and purpose in life.
On the other hand, Pluto is the Lord of the Underworld, the Sorcerer hidden away from the light. It’s a generational planet that helps us heal and evolve spiritually by putting us in critical situations. Similarly to Uranus and Neptune, Pluto is an Outcast , a Divergent— the opposite of the widely accepted and adored King. I personally imagine him as a Quasimodo-looking character, but make no mistake. Pluto is immensely powerful.
When these two unite, it’s uncomfortable for both. Pluto feels exposed, and it desperately wants to hide away from the light, whereas the Sun feels like it’s been covered with a thick cloak of darkness. 
The Aspect is Most Potent if:
it’s within 5 degrees (those are the orbs that I’m using)
it’s APPLYING instead of SEPARATING 
it's a conjunction, square, opposition, quincunx, or quintile (harmonious aspects are usually less intense, especially the Trine)
📌 This is a highly karmic aspect - especially karma from their father or paternal side of the family. They are essentially breaking the taboos and secrets their ancestors couldn't didn't dare to speak about and confront. These people are the ILLUMINATORS who shift their family's paradigm around heavier, darker topics. They don't have to dig for any familial secrets, though. If they do their personal shadow work, they will break the chains of karma for all past and future generations.
📌They might become socially powerful and be known for their power/sexuality/mystery/criminal activity or occult/healing abilities. They could also become self-obsessed, or obsessed with their goals and desire to be known.
📌The Sun represents a woman's ideal husband, which is why in a woman's chart, this aspect can be really dangerous. She might be unconsciously attracted to (and even marry) abusive, controlling, really DARK individuals. They will mirror, and take to an extreme, her own unintegrated Shadow and/or unresolved daddy issues.
📌You might know these people for a long time, and not actually know them. Some of them have IMPENETRABLE defenses. When they do let someone in, they are terrified of being truly seen - with their good, bad, and ugly sides. This vulnerability is the cave they fear to enter, but it holds the treasure they seek. Deep down, they DO want to be seen and accepted as they are. But they most likely won't get that love from another person until they learn to love themselves unconditionally, first. They have to stop trying to run away and hide from themselves (or their father).
📌 Their father, and specifically his relationship to his Shadow, and the darker aspects of life, played a big role in the formation of their personality, and how they view themselves.
There are three scenarios here - 1) he was either a PUNISHER of the shadows (could've literally worked as a policeman, for example); he was an EXPLORER (psychologist, investigator) or he was a HEALER - occultist, energy worker, etc.
These are three levels of consciousness. If he punished the shadows - his and the world's - the more shame and guilt he could've projected onto his child(ren). These people might feel as if he's always monitoring their steps, and they can't hide anything from him - especially their mistakes or anything "taboo". If they were heavily judged or punished, they will grow up feeling guilty and ashamed of a very big part of what makes them human.
This affects how they view themselves - they can either see themselves as a Divine Child, with both the Yin and Yang, light and dark within or as a Beast, some sort of a Devil responsible for all the evil in the world.
They should know that whatever it was, it had nothing to do with them and EVERYTHING to do with their father's own degree of self-acceptance and wholeness.
Nonetheless, their relationship with him is/was intense, and there might've been a lot of power struggles involved.
📌These people are MAGNETIC in a way people can't explain. Even if they aren't traditionally "beautiful" or "attractive", they just draw others in. Powerful presence and aura.  
📌 It might take them some time to realize the power hidden in their shadows. They are destined to become Alchemists, but how easily or quickly this will happen depends on their free will and desire to separate themselves from their father's projections/expectations.
The task here is to become SELF-AWARE. They can use a myriad of tools - therapy, meditation, yoga, energy healing, somatic work, OR ART to channel their Shadow and integrate it into their consciousness.
📌 During their lives, they are often called to the gates of the Underworld. They learn how to enter it fearlessly, and how to listen to the voice within. This process of illumination (Sun) will help them transform their subconscious mind (Pluto), and when they emerge from this metaphorical Underworld, their work and expression in the world will have a different quality, richness, and potency to it. This is how they step into their power and leadership - by making peace with the demons of the past.
📌 Introverted or extroverted? Both. It mostly depends on the specific aspect, but also on other placements. We know that Mars is Pluto's lower octave. So, in their early life, some of them might be quite extroverted, focused on worldly ambitions, and even be less selective about the people they let in their close circle. As they age though, their focus turns inwards. They can progressively become more introverted, self-reflective, and their goals/values can dramatically shift. As their vibration goes up, they go from being the Warrior to being The Wizard. 
📌 If they don’t work to reclaim their power and express themselves truthfully and unapologetically in the world, they can become jealous and bitter. They can lurk behind the scenes of life, and try to sabotage those who do what they want to do, or they might try to destroy themselves. Depression is possible, as well as suicide attempts and risky behavior.
Pluto wants them to kill something about themselves, which is most likely their cowardice/pride/vanity/past conditioning. But not their physical selves. It's never about the physical, although it can feel this way. These people will either feed the Collective Shadow or help heal it. When they do the latter, they become potent forces of transformation for other people, as well.
📌 Life wants them to be humbler. They can carry a lot of pride and might try to appear as perfect and "spotless" as possible. They might be afraid of their reputation being destroyed or bruised in some way.
📌They are on a Quest for Love. When they learn how to forgive themselves and others, their HEARTS will open, and the light of the Sun will shine through. They can become truly unconditionally loving, and they have to start with themselves, first.
📌 Pluto is connected to our Divine Feminine energy (although it's not a feminine planet) a.k.a Kundalini. So, these people need to learn how to SURRENDER to the Divine. This is a major lesson, so for a good portion of their life, they might feel tempted to gain power through CONTROL and domination, but this will only worsen their karma.
As they will understand, the only real power is the power of Truth and Unconditional Love.
- 𝑽𝒆𝒓𝒐𝒏𝒊𝒌𝒂
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astropsychee · 1 year
🍰 Astro Bite #9 - Astrology's Outsiders
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Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto carry major OUTSIDER energy.
Their purpose is to disrupt, destroy, and elevate the status quo. They are natural rebels and Karma-breakers.
So, when you have one (or more) of them at prominent places in your chart - aspecting your inner planets or sitting at the MC/IC/AS/DS angles, for example, you kind of feel like you were born with a special birthmark.
You feel restless and different from everyone else. People might even get triggered and defensive when you express your beliefs and viewpoints. These can be seen as outlandish - even in your own family. It's pretty common for the carriers of these planets to be born in conservative families where the energy has become stagnant and/or toxic, and there is a great need for a change.
Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto want their "hosts" to be a much-needed breath of fresh air for their family system and/or any environment they find themselves in.
These people can also be change-makers on a GRAND SCALE. Collective planets give us the potential to influence the masses - but only after we personally learn some tough lessons, first. This is why most people don't experience these planets in a positive way until later in life - think, 40 y/o and older.
Until then, they can act in quite abrupt and unpredictable ways. For example, a woman with a tight Moon/Uranus conjunction, might experience a lot of change, friction, and instability in her family, specifically her relationship with the mother. She could also move around A LOT while growing up and never really have a place to call "home". This can set her on a path of redefining what the Moon themes (motherhood, femininity, nurturing, and family) really mean to her, and how she wants to show up for her own family and/or as a woman.
In conclusion, the collective planets give us a choice. We are allowed to be much more creative in the areas they rule/touch in our life. It's almost as if we channel the creativity of the Gods, themselves.
Uranus wants to free us. It's especially concerned with our mentality, so it asks us to look at things from a new angle and break free from the prison of past conditioning and mental barriers.
Neptune blurs the lines of duality. It has to do with our feelings about certain areas of life. It wants us to let our judgments and guards down, and see things in a much more holistic and compassionate way.
Pluto wants to empower us. It's all about our will, so it wants to change how things have been done in the past. Whatever it touches usually undergoes a major transformation. You might need to actually start from scratch.
What has your experience with these weirdos been? I'd love to read some comments from you guys.
- 𝑽𝒆𝒓𝒐𝒏𝒊𝒌𝒂
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astropsychee · 3 years
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astropsychee · 3 years
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i read an amazing article by wannasworld and i decided to put together a small piece based on it. just a daily reminder to speak black women. 
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astropsychee · 3 years
Hi I hope you’re doing well! What Disney prince do you think would be a Gemini sun, Leo moon, Taurus venus, and Cancer mars?
Hi I’m doing great thanks for asking! Unfortunately, I have only seen a handful of Disney movies so I don’t know many of the princes but idk maybe Prince Naveen from The Princess and the Frog because he definitely had at least one Leo placement 😂
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astropsychee · 3 years
Synastry House Overlays-Moon Placements
First House-
There is safe environment feeling for someone’s moon when in another person’s first house. Moon person feels a sense of security, like they are able to put their guard down around the house partner. A sense that house partner really gets them and they assume they feel the same. Moon person openness helps house partner with their sensitive side and feels moved by the Moon person. Both partners are able to pick up on each other’s moods easily as they are sensitive to each other as well and most of the time can affect each other. The house person’s self-expression can strongly have an affect on the moon partner. 
Second House-
Second house synastry brings a value feeling of emotional satisfaction for the Moon person when in someone’s second house rather a romantic one. House person senses that there is something that the Moon partner wants, making them feel a little anxious and in a reaction will act out. The Moon wants to provide security and the house partner tries to be helpful an generous. There is a chance of jealousy and possessiveness occurring with this overlay as Venus naturally rules the second house. This is best for a business related relationship and not the best romantic synastry but can be managed as both partner can see that there is tangible value. 
Third House-
Someone’s moon in the third house brings an atmosphere of cooperation and friendliness or sibling like feel. The Moon person sees and admires how the house partner goes about their life, handling things a certain way, and to the Moon it just feels right. Emotional reactions of the Moon person however can have a huge influence on the house partner. House person enjoys the Moon partner’s company and admires their intelligence and feels like they can chat about anything and can often find themselves thinking about the Moon partner. There is good communication between the two, even similar ways of thinking, to the point where it feels like there is a psychic connection. 
Fourth House-
Having someone’s Moon in the fourth house can bring a love/hate type of relationship. Even though there can be a deep bond between the two, there is also a competitive nature to them. A feeling of being home with each other here for these people, house partner may be able to nurture Moon person and be able to provide a warm environment. Moon person feels the need to establish some sort of authority over the house partner. There is an intensity that comes with this synastry that most people cannot handle as the two may want to spend a lot of time together, if this is a romantic connection the two may move in quickly together. Some believe this is a past life connection.
Fifth House-
Moon in the fifth house brings a fun, loving, pleasureful type of energy to any relationship. The house person arouses something in the Moon partner strongly, making the Moon partner feel like the house person is truly an amazing human being and be comfortable enough to put down their guard. This give the house partner a flattered feeling and a boost in pride when receiving attention from Moon person, giving back warmth and love. House person may also find themselves enjoying even the emotional parts of this relationship along with the happier parts. Both partner stimulates the creativity in each other, if a romantic there may be even lots of talks of having children or if one is already a parent, the other partner may get along very well with the children.
Sixth House-
There is a constant need to always try and help one another with Moon sixth house overlay, which would make this a good overlay for work relationships or service type. Moon person may have a strange feeling about the house partner, feelings of either they are obligated to always be helping the house partner or that the house partner is a burden to the Moon person. The house person may have a slight sense of this but continues on with their life anyways, they may even want to help the Moon partner help organize their life in a better way somehow. There is a risk of Moon person becoming a martyr type in this overlay.
Seventh House-
A sense of acceptance and balance can be felt by the Moon person in this house synastry. The Moon person feels secure around the house partner and also feels like there is no judgement coming from them. House person just enjoys all the eccentric things about the Moon partner and loves to be there for them in some form of support. For both, being together just feels natural like all things are balanced and can feel like you two really mesh well together and probably spend all their free time with each other. There can be a romantic attraction, especially if the moon is conjunct with the house person’s DC, but this can also be great for a business partnership.
Eighth House-
There is a deep reach into the Moon person’s psyche when it lands in someone’s eighth house, a reach so far that the house partner can stir up the most dark and hidden part of the Moon person’s subconscious, Moon person may even crave things that most people won’t put up with. Along with being able to arouse something in the Moon partner, the house person senses the intensiveness and willing to go down into the depths with the Moon partner no matter what comes for them. There is a deep attraction and an intense urge that’s almost like a hunger for each other, this synastry could make intense closet lovers or worse enemies. 
Ninth House-
An expansive feeling in this synastry for both people, being able to learn from each other in so many different ways. Both the house person and Moon partner have similar views on many subjects and an appreciation for each other on a integral level. The Moon person idealizes the house partner, seeing them as brilliant or an inspiration for life putting them on this pedestal. There may even be a feeling like the house partner is out of the league, and that can be stretched to the idea of out of reach as in long-distance, traveling may play a part in this relationship. House person is inspired by Moon partner to become a better person, so much that it may come to a point where the house person absolutely needs the Moon partner and becomes emotionally dependent on them. 
Tenth House-
When someone’s Moon lands in another’s tenth house, a great amount of admiration occurs. House person helps provide security and a sense of status for the Moon partner. Moon person may in some way promote the house partner and help them feel confident and help with their career. There isn’t a lot of emotional closeness here, if badly aspected, Moon person may get this uneasy feeling about the house partner as if they are too pompous and it doesn’t sit well with the Moon person. This synastry is great for work related relationships rather than a romantic one but not impossible as there is a want for one or the other to have their partner as a Trophy Wife/Husband.
Eleventh House-
One of the best synastry to have for friends, love, or both. Both people here can feel like their true self when with each other and be able to share their feelings safely, they can almost feel like they have known each other forever. There is support and chances are there are several mutual friends between the two. An instinctive at ease feeling for the Moon person happens when they are around the house partner. Moon can see the house partner as maybe their ‘dream’ guy or girl, feeling like the house person is the answer to all their hopes and dreams. House partner will help Moon person expand their social horizons and may be the one who always has a place to hang or have get togethers. This house overlay is a pretty calm one and can calm down negative aspects in charts. 
Twelfth House-
There is a mutual compassion for each other when it comes to twelfth house, this overlay can bring these people to feel like there is a psychic connection and they are soulmates. There is a feeling for one or both that the two were fated with each other, almost karmic. House person may find themselves dreaming about Moon partner, while the Moon helps identify things that lie hidden to the house person that may be highly beneficial. But there needs to be some cautiousness when it comes to the twelfth house, if badly aspected there can be a lack of trust between them with no real purpose. Moon person feels like they cannot figure out the house partner, like they are hiding something, even if the house partner isn’t. This makes the house person suspicious and wonders why the Moon partner acts like that and in result may end up playing games with each other and turn into enemies. This is not a simple or easy synastry.
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astropsychee · 3 years
Astrology Notes
- Gemini rising the most effected by their Sun sign and where their ruler sits due to Gemini’s natural changeability and adaptability.
- Sun, Moon, or Mars in 6th or 10th makes someone excellent at taking criticism.
- Mars in 7th won’t date someone that doesn’t fit their version of “attractive”, or fit their idealistic partner. Mars in 7th may attract people this person deems attractive.
- The house Jupiter is in shows what you need to do in order to grow the healthiest way possible and bring yourself the best luck.
- Libra Mercury has lovely talking voices and may find that they flirt without realising.
- Jupiter dominance mixed with an introverted or shy person can be distressing for the person who has a hard time making friends and finding the energy to be as outgoing as they wish they were.
- Anything Saturn touches brings a level of seriousness to that area, and can make those parts of a person’s life important to their social status and personal growth.
- Planets in the 6th, particularly Venus and Moon, can make animals a very good stress relief, or an aid in their mental health and comfort.
- Mercury in 5th makes for a good singing voice and great communication with children.
- Cancer and Libra energy combined in personal planets can make someone caring to the point of interference, overstepping boundaries, and a sense of entitlement to other people’s lives without realising.
- Virgo and is probably the most hard headed and stubborn when they’ve made a final decision.
- When Saturn is in a water sign or house it can make them very unmotivated when it comes to work, even if it’s work they enjoy.
- The house Uranus is in shows what you will use and what you need when resisting authority.
- Look at planets/sign that are in the house ruled by your Jupiter’s sign. Use those energies to your advantage, you’ll reach your goals and find luck quicker that way.
Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3
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astropsychee · 3 years
I can definitely confirm the fact that Capricorn Mars individuals have incredible self control. It’s actually a little scary 😂
✨astronotes 002 (by faffilion)
Next post is going to be more about aspects in astrology and how they manifest.
We tend to get along with people whose moons are our rising and vice versa. This is because the moon represents our deep interests and the rising person tends to display those characteristics that we’re interested in the most (a person with capricorn moon would get along with capricorn rising and vice versa)
Aries people might get things done, they are productive, but they might not get them done well or through (to the end). Capricorns are also productive and tend to always get things done, but they get them done very well and are usually very patient with their energy.
Transist of sun into the 5th house can indicate the beginning of a relationship that might not necessarily last. the combination of jupiter return and this transit can indicate marriage or long term relationships
Any planet in the 11th house would manifest in turbulent ways. even the most stable and slow-moving of planets saturn, might be rocked and not so stable if it falls in the 11th house. A person with a natal saturn in the 11th may have problems with conventions and traditions and refuse to follow their father figure
Aquarius in mercury people tend to be very self centered and love to talk a lot about what they know and can cut people off while they’re speaking
You can learn a lot about your learning style by seeing which signs you have in the 3rd and 6th house. A leo rising might have libra in the 3rd and capricorn in the 6th house, these people would learn through working in groups and applying the concepts in real world scenarios. They may be also interested in learning about business and corporations.
I’ve never met a leo sun or sun in the 5th house person who didn’t like cats. If they don’t like them now, they’re very likely to love them later in life, and will go overboard with the amount of cats they get.
if you can’t relate to a personal placement in your chart it’s probably because you still haven’t grown into it. People with personal capricorn placements are more likely to not relate to their charts at all because they tend to be late bloomers.
Capricorn mars people, even in a water and fire heavy chart are capable to control the rest of the chart and achieve what they want to
Virgos can be a lot like geminis in the sense that they’d adapt to the environment that they’re in. Especially when they’re communicating, they are more likely to tell you what you want to hear, without even realizing it.
Venus in virgo or venus in the 6h people tend to have stomach issues, they are also very likely to LOVE the study aesthetics and if they have leo placements might go overboard with buying stationery.
For some reason, all the mars in taurus people i know are amazing cooks, they just know exactly how much to put of any ingredient natuarally, “No recipe” queens and kings.
Let me know if you want more  ❤️ ❤️
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astropsychee · 3 years
So, I have a 9th house stellium and I’m knock kneed. Do you think the stellium is the reason why??
Honestly I don’t fully know how it works but I intercepted it as whichever house is full can overwhelm or cause issues in the corresponding body part or the one under it. So in your case, the 9th house rules the hip and thighs so having so much energy there can weigh down on the hips and the thighs which in turn causes misalignment of the knees but don’t take my word for it 😂
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astropsychee · 3 years
It’s the saddest thing to both crave and despise intimacy. To want to feel loved and protected by someone you trust but also have this irrational fear that you’re not good enough for it. The fear of intimacy / companionship comes from insecurity. There’s this nagging at the back of your mind that keeps pushing the idea that you don’t deserve to be happy or adored. It’s an irrational thought that letting someone close enough to see the real you will push them away. That fear is the fear of not being enough. Everyone wants to be loved on some sort of level. People who constantly find themselves pushing the people that want to love them away are just afraid of letting themselves be completely open with someone. They’re afraid of showing their “ugly” side. Being vulnerable is the hardest thing for these types of people to do. It requires them to tear down the defenses that they’ve built up to protect themselves. These defense mechanisms can stem from emotional, physical, and/or psychological trauma that has caused them to feel it necessary to protect their inner world from pain and suffering. What they don’t realize is that in the end, that barrier that they’ve come to be comfortable with is what causes their strife.
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astropsychee · 3 years
Astro Notes 💜
Wanna piss off a Libra, be unnecessarily confrontational. People who are rude and rash for no reason are likely to bring out the aggressive side of the normally calm Libra.
Due to Virgos being prone to anxiety and their overthinking nature, once embarrassed, they’ll think about it for days if not years.
Despite popular belief, Aquarius moons/ suns are actually quite emotional. In fact they feel emotions so deeply that they rather ignore them since they prefer to rationalize instead of feel.
Sun conjunct Pluto people are constantly being transformed. Change and rebirth is attached to the core personality. The houses that they fall in may show where or how these transformations happen. Example: Someone with Pluto in the 7th conjunct sun in the 8th may experience rebirth and major changes to their personality through their relationships, whether they’re platonic or romantic.
Similarly to Aquarius, Capricorn moons are not emotionless. The moon doesn’t belong in Capricorn and Capricorns rational and rigid structure doesn’t bode well with the moons boundless energy. This can lead to over rationalizing ones emotions or repression. Those with their natal moon in Capricorn have trouble understanding their emotions, thus the tendency to bottle things up inside until they explode.
Out of all the sister signs, Gemini and Sagittarius are the most similar in my opinion. Both signs have a need to learn and explore. Their bright eyed “up for whatever” energy shines brightly between the two.
Having squares in ones natal chart is both a blessing and a curse. The square aspects points to friction between two planets thus causing the individual to feel torn. This leads to a lot of inner turmoil and cognitive dissonance. However, it also represents potential for greatness. With the challenges these individuals face, persistence and resilience can be the outcome.
Virgo suns/ mars/ risings have an outer calmness about them that’s hard to miss. They exude earthy energy.
Scorpio , Pisces, and Virgo give themselves away with their eyes. Scorpio eyes are like magnifying glasses. Very intense, piercing, and sharp. Like they can see all the secrets you’re holding. Pisces eyes are usually watery and ethereal. There’s something rather otherworldly about a Pisces stare. Virgo eyes are similar to scorpio but without the intensity. Virgo eyes are constantly scanning their surroundings. They peep everything.
Underdeveloped Leo placements (especially Venus and Mars) have a very hard time dealing with rejection of any kind. That’s why being ignored, dismissed, or kept out of the loop infuriates them so much because they take it very personal and assume that it is something to do with them as a person. Rejection of any kind can cause them to question their own self worth.
People with Venus conjunct Mars can have a hard time separating their romantic feelings from their sexual ones, therefore they often mistake lust for love.
Stelliums within a certain house can lead to health issues in the corresponding body part. For example: I have a 9th and 10th house stellium and I’m bow legged and have dealt with issues with my knees, hips, and thighs my whole life.
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astropsychee · 3 years
Hi I hope you’re doing well! How do you think a Taurus venus and Cancer mars male would be like in a relationship?
Hey I’m doing great thanks for asking. He would probably be a real sweetheart if his placements are developed. Probably slow to fall in love or into a relationship, but once he’s there he’s all about you. He would romanticize you and ultimately want to please you and fulfill your needs. He’s the type of guy to cook dinner for you and bring you breakfast in bed. Might be a little hard headed when it comes to his relationship ideals and a little passive aggressive, but ultimately if you guys match up it’ll be a dope relationship.
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astropsychee · 3 years
I’m super sexual but like also I’m super shy which don’t mix well
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astropsychee · 3 years
It’s the lack of accountably and victim complex that I just can’t deal with. Underdeveloped cancers refuse to take responsibility for things and rationalize their toxicity by constantly blaming everything bad that happens to them on other people.
Question for all Sagittarians: why do y’all have a problem with Cancers so bad?? I get the mutable fire/cardinal water clash, but…what’s the real issue with you people? Go
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astropsychee · 3 years
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nicki minaj accepting the game changer award at the 2019 billboard women in music event (12/12/19)
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astropsychee · 4 years
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astropsychee · 4 years
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Aries Sun, Leo Moon, Aries Venus, & Leo Rising mood board for @thiswasaphase ❤️
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