askmerlevi · 5 years
I’m gonna keep these ones on the side in case anything happens, but from today on, please go back to the original blogs askmermanlevi and @ningyogaaru ​ !!
Thank you so much for following me here, it was a nightmare having them taken away, it felt like years even if it was just a little over 3 weeks lol
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askmerlevi · 5 years
It seems like your other blog has been restored! At least for the audience , I was able to look at it again!!
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askmerlevi · 5 years
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One time Levi caught a fungal infection from eating infected raw fish. We’ve since changed providers and now check our residents’ food more thoroughly, to avoid this kind of situations. Poor sweetheart, he was feverish, gasped frequently, his skin, scales and fins were irritated and itchy, and he slept most of the time. It took a little over a week, but thankfully, Eren managed to get him out of that state, didn’t leave his side unless extremelly necessary until he recovered.
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askmerlevi · 5 years
I am here to support the idea of mer!ererivamika. In fact, are you open for commissions? :)
[[Yyyyyep! I have one spot open! I haven’t made a new commission post in this blog yet, but I am! You can DM me if you have any questions!]]
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askmerlevi · 5 years
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One time Levi caught a fungal infection from eating infected raw fish. We've since changed providers and now check our residents' food more thoroughly, to avoid this kind of situations. Poor sweetheart, he was feverish, gasped frequently, his skin, scales and fins were irritated and itchy, and he slept most of the time. It took a little over a week, but thankfully, Eren managed to get him out of that state, didn't leave his side unless extremelly necessary until he recovered.
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askmerlevi · 5 years
Lol Idt think the rivamika fans realize in your mer universe Eren is an item with Levi
[[I think that was my mistake; I may not have made it clear enough that Mikasa and Levi will only be friends in the AU, but again, I don’t mind if the drawings where they interact are taken as shippy by rivamika shippers. Seriously, I don’t mind. I may not ship them but I know some folks do, some of my friends do ship them and we even joked around at the possibility of mer!ererivamika. And I may do it if I’m convinced by someone lol but if, it’s most likely gonna be some sort of “spin-off” within the story or totally outside of the story; say, maybe with my shark!Eren for example, that’s a spin-off of sorts within the AU. It’s more like “This blog ships Ereri, but if someone breaks through my monoshipper-wall, I may consider drawing it”, ya know? I love Ereri too much, but I appreciate other charas too, specially turning them into merms. This blog is my hobbie, and how I explore themes and practice drawing, so basically whatever I feel like drawing, I’ll draw it.]]
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askmerlevi · 5 years
Do you plan on keeping this as ereri? You tagged that last picture as rivamika so.. I got a little confused.
[[Yes, this is a Levi-centric blog with a side of Ereri. I tagged it as rivamika because it can be seen as such or used as such (also it IS Levi AND Mikasa in it lol), I don’t mind. But I also tagged it as “implied” but “Not necessarily”, so it’s kinda suggested, but it’s not the main purpose of it, I simply wanted to introduce her to the “public”. The intention of it is that Mikasa’s still scared and distrustful, and Levi’s trying to be friendly by bringing her food; a way to make her trust him and the rest of the staff. I am not a rivamika shipper, I’m actually an Ereri monoshipper. Buuut I really wanted to draw a mermaid and I like Mikasa’s design a lot, so I ended up throwing her in the AU with Levi, so he wouldn’t be alone. Again, people can see it and use it as rivamika if they want, I don’t mind at all, just don’t expect this blog to turn into a rivamika one; there won’t be kisses or sexy times with them. I’m sorry if this was confusing. I’ll probably draw her more in the future, just not exactly in shippy situations, so any and all shippy asks for her won’t be answered; all others probably will, I enjoyed drawing her~ 
tl;dr In this blog, we ship Ereri.]]
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askmerlevi · 5 years
In the image of Levi and Mikasa, is he blushing?
[[Not really, it’s kinda a thing I do in pretty much all of my drawings, and those who’ve followed me since I made my old blog, the one that got deleted, know this. If you go through my other drawings, specially the colored ones, you’ll notice that almost every single character has a “blush” on their face. I like how it looks, makes them feel more “alive” to me, and when a character really is flustered, I make the blush-lines-sketch completelly red. So here Levi isn’t blushing, it’s just how I draw him.]]
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askmerlevi · 5 years
Hablas español!!! Sería posible una imagen de Mikasa para apreciar a detalle la belleza de la cola?
[[Hola! Si, jaja. Sobre la imagen, se supone que si le das click derecho y la abres en otra ventana, te dejará hacer zoom in. Si no, creo que si entras al blog y la ves desde ahí, también puedes hacerlo. Si no te lo permite, avísame por DM y te lo mando 8) ]]
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askmerlevi · 5 years
Does levi want any more piercings? (Belly button, septum, ect??) And what's favourite noise to make?
Sshhh! Don’t tell him those are possible. I’m sure he’ll want them and Eren gets anxious when Dr. Hanji brings out the piercing gun. His favorite noise to make? He clicks a lot. 
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askmerlevi · 5 years
I've seen a photo of Levi sleeping with his eyes open once and it was so cute and creepy at the same time. Does he really sleep like that?
I... wasn’t aware he slept like that? We’ve caught him sleeping on the rocks at the bottom of his tank and he sleeps pretty normally. Eyes closed, tail stretched, arms cushioning his head... Where did you get this picture? We’d like to see it!!
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askmerlevi · 5 years
to the artist! how many for a commission? in your art blog I didn't see prices :c
[[I’m sorry hun! I haven’t made a new commissions post, but I’ll drop the commissions chart here! If you have any further questions about it or you’d like to get one, please DM me! 8) Thank you for asking! ]]
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askmerlevi · 5 years
Hello! I like your rivamika art and your nice, interesting AU. So, tell us about your relationship with Mikasa.
As we explained in the last post, sadly, Mikasa is too new and frightened still, she doesn’t trust Levi yet and barely lets him get close enough for him to bring her food and see if she’s feeling well. Hopefully, she’ll warm up to us soon enough so Eren can check her properly, and for her and Levi to become friends. Right now they live in separate but neighboring tanks, and Levi dives into her tank every morning to check on her. At least he has a new task now!
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askmerlevi · 5 years
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We've noticed many of you are worried about Levi’s happiness living at the Center; regarding that topic, we'd like to make it clear that he is not sad or unhappy living here, and he's expressed his satisfaction with the facility so far. He eats well and plenty, we take care of his health, he's not experimented on or forced to perform, and all we do with him for research is let him show us how his culture and how his anatomy works compared to ours in any way he feels comfortable, he tells us about how merfolk's socity works, and he simply lives with us and everything it implies, like holidays and celebrations. Some day, maybe he'll return, who knows... With Eren around it's hard to tell. But he likes being here.
Of course, he can't exactly always go outside, since not all humans are as nice as we are to merfolk, and he can only stay out for up to 2 hours without diving in. But we do wheel him around the facilities and he visits his neighbors from time to time. Usually he plays with the dolphins, orcas, seals and otters. However, and very few know about this, we have a new resident at the Center!
We've been keeping an eye around the area where he was found, and a few weeks ago, we found a case like him. We found her washed up and badly roughed up, we don't know yet what happened to her, but Levi's trying to convince her that we're not gonna hurt her, and that she can trust us. Difficult, since she doesn't even really trust Levi yet... She won't answer questions, but Levi will. So if you have questions for her, he'll try his best to pass the message if she feels like replying. 
What we've learned so far: we can call her "Mikasa", she's apparently from the same bloodline and original pod as Levi's but they didn't know each other, and she doesn't like salmon as much as Levi does.
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askmerlevi · 5 years
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Remember that one official pic with the boys modeling some weird outfits? I love Levi’s.
Want the NSFW version?~ Support me on Patreon! Sneak peek under the cut!
Keep reading
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askmerlevi · 5 years
[[ SO. As the struggling college student and artist that I am, I’m gonna go ahead and give this a try. Tumblr’s being kinda stingy with the NSFW content and I really don’t wanna risk getting all deleted again. Thus, most of my NSFW content will now go to Patreon alone...In here I’ll only post mild NSFW.
There will be two monthly exclusive drawings, one SFW and one NSFW, which my patrons will be able to choose through a poll. As a patron, if you want to see something specific, you can let me know and I’ll choose the most requested ones for the next polls!
Please check out my pledges and the other rewards! Right now the goal is to reach at least $150usd, after which I’ll launch a storenvy with charms and probably prints. This is a project I’ve wanted to do for a while now, so please! Anyone who’s interested, go check it out! <3 Reblogging also helps out a ton! ]]
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askmerlevi · 5 years
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*sigh*... If he could stop stealing phones, tablets, and anything the patrons are holding before him... That would be wonderful. 
Some regulars have started to bring him treats and little gifts in exchage for photos or tricks. Petra supervises everything, the poor angel. 
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