asagao-onna · 1 year
Thought I’d give you all an update. My sister had to have a hysterectomy as well, but it was successful and she is currently in remission. I also have a new dog, or rather an old one, as I rescued a ten year-old Boston terrier a few moths ago. He’s a goofball, but so adorable! My back has gotten worse though. Turns out I have a stress fracture on my pelvis, in addition to arthritis, degenerative disc disease, and mild scoliosis, with spina bifida occulta further aggravating my lumbar pain. Anyway, I’m still on the fence about returning to tumblr. My mental state does seem better away from it.
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asagao-onna · 2 years
//Unfortunately my other dog passed away last week. He had also been ill for some time and seemed to have given up the fight after losing his brother. I haven’t been without a pet since I was a teenager. It gets pretty lonely without one. My instinct is to rush out and adopt two new dogs, but I know I need to mourn first.
On the upside, my sister’s breast cancer has not spread anywhere else. She has to have a double mastectomy, and she should be cancer free after that. Maybe I’ll feel like writing more once she’s in the clear.
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asagao-onna · 2 years
Stopping in to say I will attempt to go online more soon. I have been having heavy burn-out. Sorry, it happens. Plus, I’ve been going through a lot of personal grief. We finally had to say goodbye to our ailing dog. I know it was the merciful thing to do, but it’s still so hard. He was such a great dog. Our other dog isn’t in the best of health, either. Hopefully, he will be with us for some time still.
The day after my dog passed away, I got the news my sister had been diagnosed with breast cancer. We are all really hoping she will be cancer free after surgery. She’s a year and a half younger than me. It just seems insane. We haven’t gotten to visit each other in several years, either. I’m keeping my fingers crossed that she recovers and I can go see her later in the year. 
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asagao-onna · 2 years
Congratulations to the lovely couple!
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asagao-onna · 2 years
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asagao-onna · 2 years
Orochimaru was almost stunned to find Anko still dedicated after all the torture and after all this time. Through all the years Orochimaru even forget about her during some years. Orochimaru created an artificial family of two sons and underlings that have returned after years of abuse because of nowhere else to go. Anko too, one of one’s wanting to come back But it’s different, feelings of affection.
Orochimaru reached towards her even more and placed a finger under her chin and gently tiled up her head. He smirked “you’re always so talkative aren’t you dear, you always have been” With his freehand Orochimaru pulled Anko’s head back by her hair and kissed her. Orochimaru used his tongue to guide Anko’s tongue where he wanted it to go, controlling it. “I own you, my dear.”
Anko smiled through her tears, stunned to find him react positively. It was a given that he wouldn’t say he loved her or something like that, but she had expected him to be much more dismissive about her feelings. What he did say struck her as quite sweet. She knew it was his way of expressing affection and it touched her.
The yank to her ponytail chased those analytical thoughts from her mind. all that mattered at that moment was the anticipation of his lips engulfing hers. When he kissed her, she followed his lead, allowing him to guide her through all the motions, as if he were teaching her a hand sign. In a way, he was teaching her, as she wasn’t terribly experienced. “I want that. I want you to possess me. And I want you to want to posses me, too.“
A Night Out
[from x]
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asagao-onna · 2 years
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asagao-onna · 2 years
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Anko Mitarashi~<3
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asagao-onna · 2 years
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asagao-onna · 2 years
Plz plz plz draw Anko from Naruto! She doesn’t get nearly enough love and she’s so badass!
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asagao-onna · 2 years
Giving the chunins a hard time!
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asagao-onna · 2 years
Orochimaru was taken a back by the word ‘marriage’ although he didn’t show it. He knew after tonight Anko would always want more and he didn’t know how much more he could give her.
Orochimaru scoffed at Anko hurrying to undress to join him in the bath. “Eager aren’t we?” He cooked an eyebrow. Her little vessel was as beautiful as he expected. She had that one same body her whole life, beautiful, untainted. Orochimaru has used up and discarded so many human lives. “There’s nothing to be nervous of, you don’t need to be here if you don’t want to” Orochimaru assured her.
He noticed Anko struggling in the bath. All he experiments hes done on both men and women and she was struggling with her already breasts like he’s never seen breasts before. Suddenly he felt like pervert Jiraiya. A wave a guilt washed over him as a noticed the familiar scars on her a body as a he tried not to stare at her too hard. The scars he inflicted on her long ago. He extended an arm to trace her scars he left behind, then quickly pulled his arm back realizing how close he was to her.
Orochimaru was uncomfortably close to Anko now. Completely lost in thought about the past with his arm reaching out toward her chest. “I’m sorry, Anko. You don’t have to do anything you don’t want to do” realizing the position Anko was in years ago and that she may not have forgiven him. He wanted to pull her into him.
“I want to be here.“ Summoning her courage, she looked into his eyes. “I want to be close to you like this.” Her eyelids drifted shut as she groaned, “I’m just afraid you’ll think I’m not good enough. You’re so attractive and perfect, I know I can’t compare.” She swallowed the lump forming in her throat, then looked at him again, this time with a faint, yet sincere smile. “I do want to do this with you. It’s something I’ve wanted for for a very long time, but I never thought you’d let me.”
His arm was still reaching towards her, so she took his hand in both of hers. Anko bowed her head until she was able to touch her cheek to his knuckles. She nuzzled Orochimaru’s hand and let her lips brush against his fingers. “I’d like to be held by you and to cuddle with you. And I’ll go as far as you’re willing to go with me. No one else has ever made me feel the way that you do, Orochimaru-sama. I missed you so much for all those years. It ate me up inside to have you as an enemy; to have been hurt and betrayed by the one person who always meant everything to me.” There was a crushing pain in her chest, making her voice tremble and crack.
“I tried to move on. Honestly, I did!” she wheezed, gripping his hand tighter. “But no one else could eclipse you. They don’t make me feel passionate and alive the way you do. You make me feel real. I only feel empty trying to make do without you in my life.“ A stray teardrop or two ran down her face and hit the water with a plop. “I don’t expect you to feel as strongly for me as I feel for you... But if you could care for me just a little, if you could keep me close, I would be happy.”
A Night Out
[from x]
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asagao-onna · 2 years
“My dear let’s not put a label on this and lets just enjoy ourselves, hmm?” Orochimaru whispered in Anko’s ear and when he pulled away he slightly bit her earlobe. “A mistress is what you would like to be in my life? What do you plan to do for me?” He smirked while watching Anko enjoy her desserts. Orochimaru has always been incredibly selfish. He could feel a heat rising in himself, one he hasn’t felt in a very long time. Orochimaru knew what he was capable of. He knew he was sick and twisted and that side of his would come out even during a very physical intimate act and he wasn’t sure if Anko was ready for that.
“Anko dear are you finished eating? I think I’m going to head into onsen now” he place a hand on her shoulder as he stood up and made his way to the onsen side of the room. Orochimaru casually undressed thinking nothing of it and got in the bath.
She moaned a little louder than she would have liked at the nip to her ear. It was just so thrilling and pleasurable. “If that’s how you feel, I won’t insist on defining it,” she eventually managed to say. It seemed Orochimaru wasn’t ready for some sort of commitment just now, and she didn’t want to put him off by pressuring him. “Well, I wouldn’t say no if you happen to propose marriage to me someday, but it’s not an expectation of mine. That was one of my childhood dreams I grew out of a long time ago.” Anko sighed as she recalled those hopes for what might have been, had Orochimaru stayed loyal to village.
“A mistress, a lover, a concubine, or whatever you might call it; I want to belong to you in the romantic sense. I want to please you and do anything you wish.” He might take that as an invitation to demand terrible things of her, only she didn’t care. Anko lost all reason when she was this close to him. After years of the compulsion to fight Orochimaru and drag him to hell with her, despite her true feelings for him, she wanted to surrender to him without conditions. “I know it might sound strange, but I often imagine you punishing me for everything I’ve messed up, then giving me praise and affection when I'm good. Including at how well I take my punishments. I don’t know why. Maybe I miss those things from when you were my sensei. Or maybe the idea of putting all my trust in you again without you abandoning me this time is comforting.”
Anko could only nod and stare at him as he removed his clothing. Though she knew they would both be undressing, that didn’t make it any less exhilarating to watch. Damn, was his body as beautiful as she’d always dreamed! Her heart pounded and most of her blood had rushed to her face. If she didn’t hurry up and join him, she’d soon faint and land in the remnants of their dinner. Scurrying over, she untied her obi. She slowly let her yukata slip off each shoulder and pool on the floor behind her.
If it had been anyone else seeing her naked, she would’ve thought little of it. Their opinions didn’t really matter. Orochimaru’s did, however, and she was afraid he’d find her body unattractive. Anko averted her gaze from his face as she stepped into the onsen. She sat down close to him, yet her eyes darted around for somewhere to focus on. Staring down at herself, there were her breasts floating at the surface of the water, embarrassing her with their refusal to stay submerged. To the side was the only slightly blurred view of his nakedness, threatening to give her a nosebleed. His face held the possibility of a disappointed reaction, making it not an option. Finally, she chose to look off to the other side, at the wall. “So, what do you think?” she asked, not specifying what she meant. Really, she just wanted some form of reassurance he was enjoying himself.
A Night Out
[from x]
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asagao-onna · 2 years
//Oh, and by the way, guess who's been working on her fic? This mun! The next chapter will be done around the new year! It's truly been my magnum opus of OroAnko fics! I am so proud to be nearing the end.
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You Melt My Frostbitten Spirit by SapphoSnape
//Look what I made for Anko’s birthday! Do you love it or do you LOVE it? And it should inspire me to work more on my fic. I am pleased as punch with it! 
Feels no jutsu!
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asagao-onna · 2 years
Without headbands.
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asagao-onna · 2 years
Orochimaru allowed Anko to change in complete privacy. It always bothered Orochimaru when Jiraiya would peep on women. Orochimaru didn’t want to come on strong at all, he never begged, he was never desperate. Orochimaru waited for the staff to arrange dinner while he accepted the situation. Orochimaru hadn’t remembered the last time he had been with a woman, it wasn’t a priority but, but nervous wasn’t a word he would use to describe how he felt.
The meal was extravagant, Orochimaru was the only sannin who hasn’t wasted they money on frivolous things like gambling or women. Even though many wasn’t improving to him he was still able to build his own sound village empire. But he was slightly proud he was able to spoil Anko in the moment.
“I never use that word for anyone or anything” Orochimaru stated bluntly but not harshly referring to Anko’s use of the word love. “You know things with Konoha are different now, I no longer have to be on the run from an entire village and I have no plans to destroy it either” when Anko pressed her leg unto him he gently rested his hand on her thigh, his actions didn’t exactly match up with the words coming out of his mouth. “You can join me and help me of you so desire, but you do have a home in the village.” Orochimaru gently squeezed her thigh. “I have several helping me perfect myself and my son, maybe I don’t need you that way”
His hand on her thigh made her whole body tingle with excitement. However, she tried to keep still, only hinting at her elation with a soft smile. “What do you need?“ she asked, resting her teacup on the zataku. “Companionship, perhaps? To be accepted as you are, despite your crimes and the pain you’ve caused. Someone who will give you all of their love, even though you can’t give it back?“ Anko leaned in, bringing her face very close to his and locking her gaze on him. “Or is talking a waste of energy that could be better spent on the physical act?“
She reached for a stick of dango and sucked all three pieces off in one go. After swallowing them, Anko licked the syrup from her lips. “I don’t mind if I’m a mistress, instead of a wife. All I ask is that it’s not a one time thing. I want to stay with you this time. You have no idea how much I missed you all those years when I was alone. And I think you know how I feel, whether I say it or not.”
A Night Out
[from x]
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asagao-onna · 2 years
Hey sensei
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