anxiousorcus · 3 months
Fuck Matt Mullenweg.
I've only been here 6 months and clearly it was 6 months too many if this is how staff treats its userbase.
A plague of hammers upon your house, Matt.
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anxiousorcus · 3 months
RIP nebulaaaa and fuck this site tbh
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anxiousorcus · 4 months
happy superbowl don't forget to leave some neatly partitioned meats and cheeses out for juice tonight
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anxiousorcus · 4 months
More stories from hell (retail) today I was ringing up this lady and she goes oh I want to do part of this on a gift card and the rest on normal card and I go ok and then she hands me a folded piece of paper. I think oh OK it must be folded around the gift card, right? Wrong. It is a folded sheet of 8×11 printer paper with "$40" written on the inside in ballpoint pen. I go what is this. She says a gift card. I say this is not a gift card. She says yes it is. I say this is a piece of paper with "$40" written on it. She says "well it's a gift card." I say it absolutely is not. I am grinding my teeth. She says well I want to use it. I say you physically cannot do that bc it is a piece of paper. I cannot scan or swipe it. I apologize, as if this is my fault, and not because she is completely insane. I hate it here
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anxiousorcus · 4 months
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anxiousorcus · 4 months
I don’t think at any other point in my life has it been more nakedly obvious the United States government functions first as an arms dealer and global police force for imperialism and an actual country with a government as a distant second. There’s is practically no pretense right now that it functions as anything else and the ruling class has no interest in even pretending otherwise. No education, no housing, no transportation, no new infrastructure, no healthcare, no welfare, no social safety net, no legal guarantees for bodily autonomy and basic human rights. Just an endless stream of weapons and money for war and military occupation (including the domestic military occupation through the “police). Nothing else matters, and they don’t care that we know it anymore.
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anxiousorcus · 4 months
(Marking this post as mature because. STRONG language)
Hi Californians of tumblr! Its ballot getting season, so I'd like to highlight one candidate statement in particular. You may have heard of him before, and if you have, you probably want him dead! Its our good old racist Don J Grundmann!
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So let me tell you, the non-Californian reading this, the good news. The good news is that Don Grundmann is not a serious candidate. He has been around the ballots since at least 2012 and has never recieved more than 1.2% of the overall vote in any election. He has been publically humiliated multiple times, with his most high profile failure being a "Straight Pride" rally that put himself on the record stating "We are a peaceful, racist group." Absolutely no sense of irony on this man.
Pretty much every single ballot submission he's ever done has used this exact same structure, language, even the same websites. FOR YOUR SECURITY'S SAKE PLEASE DON'T ACTUALLY CHECK THOSE WEBSITES, I HAVE ZERO FAITH THEY WON'T JUST INFECT YOUR DEVICE WITH MALWARE OR GET YOU PUT ON A LIST.
So why beat the dead horse? Because regardless of how many times he trots his dead horse of a human body out, its dangerous each and every time. That someone can write *any of the above shit* and be considered valid enough to be PUT ON AN OFFICIAL BALLOT is beyond absurd.
I trust us to run this man out of town for a 12th year straight. May we hopefully! make this the last time he ever steps foot here again.
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anxiousorcus · 4 months
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anxiousorcus · 4 months
Adding onto the enshittification of sponsored content. Sportsball is getting increasingly more cozy with online gambling sites like DraftKings and Underdog Fantasy. YouTubers can put all the disclaimers they want with it but at this point everyone just collectively agrees its only a matter of time before there's a massive, sportsball destroying scandal with them.
at this point youtuber sponsored products are literally anti-ads. you see a youtuber hawking a product, doesn't matter how much integrity that youtuber has, the product is garbage. good products just straight up do not bother with youtube partnerships
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anxiousorcus · 4 months
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He should be in all detective shows
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anxiousorcus · 4 months
Hi this happened already this year because of the Buffalo Bills
in 2025 a huge bottomless hole will appear in the middle of times square and people will be confused about how it got there and then eventually people will invent and spread the belief that they have to throw a live human in the hole once every day or else something bad will happen. and they will come up with this superstition completely without any kind of evidence and in reality nothing at all out of the ordinary would happen if they were to stop throwing people in the hole but nevertheless the people of new york will be very adamant that the hole needs a daily sacrifice and if you try to tell them otherwise then they'll throw you in the hole next. eventually there will be celebrities and world leaders touring the hole until eventually one day some politician or something gets assassinated by being pushed into the hole and then the government decides ok this has gone on long enough and they will cover up the hole completely. and then eventually after a couple of weeks everyone just completely forgets about the hole and goes about their business as usual like there was never any hole there at all. and all of this will happen within about the span of one or two months
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anxiousorcus · 4 months
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one of the best academic paper titles
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anxiousorcus · 5 months
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anxiousorcus · 5 months
i was explaining my sexuality to my coworkers abt how im both asexual and into kink culture, and after a minute my coworker said "Oh! It's like, you don't play the FNaF games, but you like the lore!" and i haven't recovered
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anxiousorcus · 5 months
And the worst part is that there were ready-made Star Wars stories to adapt.
The first thing the new regime did was explicitly decanonize ALL OF IT.
I can't stress enough that the destruction of the expanded universe and its consequences have been disasterous for Star Wars.
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has it ever been more over
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anxiousorcus · 5 months
How to read comic
Pick character
Read every comic with that character
Ignore other comics
If you don’t like the way the character was written in a series ignore that too
Get into fights online
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anxiousorcus · 5 months
So apparently the pro-Tetris scene is exploding right now because a 13 year old nerd just reached the game's true killscreen for the first time ever
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