anthrotulip · 1 day
Alright raise your hand if feel like the TBB series finale did not resolve significant amount plot points (and not in an oh, sure they just setting up the series way)?
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anthrotulip · 2 days
Ventress’ final test is foreshadowing Omega doing something in the Finale with zillo beast that is going to be awesome with a build up stressful enough to take decent time off our lives isn’t it?
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anthrotulip · 8 days
Hold up kriffing minute.So all this time Echo could have used reasonably common droid part as at least a cover for for his socket? Which means it could likely be easily functionally integrated as well. And what no one thought (besides maybe him) and/or could be bothered about it how much easier/better that could make his life. Because as a chronically ill/disabled person I actually don't know which is worse...
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anthrotulip · 8 days
Live footage of me whenever Rampart was on screen in 3.14:
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I'm aware he is probably going to useful (somehow) the Grand Tantiss Liberation Plan™ and this is a technically (pun intended) a kid show but it is past time for is timely demise
Also I swear to the force if he gets out of this all somehow, but Tech isn't alive my screams will Echo forever.
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anthrotulip · 15 days
I require this clothing item
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Tech's goggles always made me hc him as dyslexic, so here he is in the new shirt Phee got him
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anthrotulip · 29 days
The way Wrecker grabbed Goonky and yeeted them both away from the exploding domicile after he threatened to leave them a minutes earlier is peak big fam vibes and lives rent free in my mind.
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anthrotulip · 2 months
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May the Force be with us all.
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anthrotulip · 4 months
Y'all I just finished Episode 5 if this the tension we are already at for Percy and Annabeth's from fatal flaws how we going to make through this season let alone what we alll know comes after
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anthrotulip · 5 months
There are four types of people in the world
Lin: Quick! There are four guests and only three chairs. What do I do?
Lao: Make only the best three take a seat.
Suyin: Have them taking turns sitting down.
Poppy: Go and find another chair.
Toph: Kill one.
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anthrotulip · 5 months
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anthrotulip · 7 months
Yeah sometimes it’s the first off world training mission my squad had we all almost died of dehydration because we ran out water but then I found the native Cacti that held water so decide to call myself Cactus to never forget to keep trying and other times it’s “How get the name Blue?” “It is my favorite color.” Both are completely valid.
why do clone names always need a 'complex backstory' and 'connotative words' like there's at least one clone named Bitch and you'll ask their batchmates why and they'll be like 'well we didn't like him lol'
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anthrotulip · 7 months
Y’all seriously just ship Shin x Sabine if you want to you. You don’t have to justify. Not my yum but I’m not going to ick it. Reva was a decently fleshed out character 8 episodes in. A lot of this has to do with the writing quality Ashoka has its moments but Kenobi by far more consistently engaging. I say this someone who waited months to watch Kenobi because I was sure wouldn’t be as good all the hype. And who has rather disappointed after looking forward to Ashoka. Additionally, even if you don’t like the character if you can’t acknowledge Moses Ingram gave a nuanced and interesting performance then in my view you have deeper issues/biases you need to check. Also before people come for me I’m not trying to compare Moses Ingram and Ivanna Sakhno against one another. They both have different strengths and for room improvement it’s unproductive particularly in this case when production quality to me is on notably different levels.
"Shin is simply a better character than Reva"
She has barely any characterization!
8 episodes and we know nothing about her!
And don't give me that "well 2nd season" crap! She's apparently a major character, we shouldn't have to wait 2-3 years for a second season to learn anything about her!
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anthrotulip · 7 months
First, to be clear I’m happy that Ezra is found and well. He deserves all the worlds. However, I’m also frustrated with Sabine because if there is one thing people in that galaxy should understand is when faced with ensuring someone doesn't cause or at least delay potential untold suffering/evil or your own personal agenda/needs recent history should show what a gamble it is to chose the latter. Then I remembered though that Sabine Wren is now part of the disaster lineage so…
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anthrotulip · 8 months
As we in the US begin to reach what is traditionally the start of TV seasons and the strike continues. I am imploring people to remember who they actually should be angry with and it’s not the writers or actors. The production entrainment corporations and studios are pretty much flat out refusing to negotiate. They are trying to wait this out so they give can as little as and public opinion is factor in that. They want you to think the writers and actors are being petty and greedy. They aren’t; they trying to ensure that we still have a professional entrainment industry in 10 years where making a living is feasible.
I get that we all want to know that cliffhanger gets resolved, if that character is actually dead, new content cannon content, etc. but without an equitable agreement mitigating on current issues there is a lot to lose. If the corporations and studios win writers’and actors’ control and influence on will erode more and the industry will continue to make decisions that often come down when it comes to renewals, representation, and story based on primarily on profit over quality.
The demands overall have been more than reasonable. However, the executives and owners have not only refused to negotiate in good faith they have mostly refused to negotiate at all. The narrative that there will be no new show or work until the writers/actors decide to call off the strike is a false one. Studios and owners can stop this anytime they want by agreeing to pay members appropriately and treat them basic respect instead of excoriating their labor for every profit they can. Stay angry but know/remember who you should actually be angry with.
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anthrotulip · 9 months
This scene lives rent free in my mind. The reverence in his voice speaks Quinalin’s name and says the mantra. How he gently rubs it’s carving into the wall. Here is a man that has seen burned to embers his home, his purpose, his family, his culture but still keeps going. He still trusts that the force will provide a way. For ten years he has believed himself alone in this, but now he understands just how much others protect their sparks of hope as well.
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anthrotulip · 10 months
Alright, which one of you fellow denigrates put “serious cybersecurity threat to popular media site” on your 2023 Bingo Card? Confess and I will consider not enacting one of my Eldritch Horror contingency plans on you.
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anthrotulip · 11 months
Cody *to Luke and Leia years later*: And that ner adike is how brotherhood and aggressive negotiations saved the galaxy
Fox, bone-tired and slightly delirious: Sorry I missed my appointment. I've just been losing a lot of time lately, it's hard keeping the days straight.
Grim, eyebrow twitching: ...give me like five minutes.
Somewhere else in the galaxy:
*Epi's comm beeps*
Epi: Hello?
Grim: Can I assassinate the Chancellor on the grounds of patient safety and wellbeing?
Epi: uhhh idk, I'll have to ask Helix.
Epi: Helix says yes.
Grim: Excellent.
Back on Coruscant:
Palpatine: Why do I hear boss music?
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