animelittlefan · 3 years
~ When Haikyuu boys kiss you for the first time ~ //pt.1//
~ Characters: Iwaizumi Hajime, Miya Osamu.
You and Iwaizumi were together for a while, well, for 1 month exactly, and yet neither one of you decided to make the first move and have your first kiss together.
It was starting to snow outside, and you couldn't help but look at those fluffy, little snow flakes falling from the sky. You were currently in you room, enjoying Iwaizumi's lovely company while watching a cooking show on the TV.
It was one of those typical days of where he would randomly come over to your house with the excuse you became so familiar with, "I missed you". He wasn't a big PDA fan, but when you two were alone or texting, he'd be the neediest man you've ever met.
When he noticed that something else caught your attention, he slowly turned his head towards the window, then he stared at the back of your head and couldn't help but think he is the luckiest man ever. He truly loved you with his whole heart and if he were honest, his mind sometimes drifted to the thought of kissing your lips. He wanted to know how your lips would feel on top of his. Now it became some kind of habit to think about it, and the more he thought about it, the more he wanted to see what it felt like
- "Y/n" you heard your boyfriend's voice from behind you. You turned around to look at him, but you didn't even have a chance to ask him what happened before he closed the gap between you two. His lips found themselves brushing against yours in a soft and heart-melting kiss.
Even though you loved it as much as you loved Iwaizumi, you were the one who broke the kiss, your whole face red as a rose and your stomach filled with butterflies.
- "I-iwa!!" You say flustered, making Hajime smirk.
- "I should have done that a long time ago." He says with a confident tone in his voice.
You were in your chemistry class, doodling in your chemistry notebook, knowing very well that Osamu, who was your seatmate and crush for over a year now, would give you his notes after class. It's not like you knew for sure that he was going to give them to you, but everytime you had asked him to before, he always complied, so you weren't really worried about it.
You had just finished a doodle of one of your favourite characters from a book you have recently read, when you heard the bell ringing loudly, signaling the end of class. The teacher said her goodbyes slowly and walked out the door, leaving you the opportunity to turn towards Osamu.
- "Osamuuu, can ya pretty please give me yer chemistry notes?? 🥺"
He looked at you with his usual emotionless face and then said a simple:
- "No."
You stand there shocked, eyes wide at his answer. He had never refused this request before. You started to get pissed at him and told him:
- "What do ya mean 'no'?!"
- "It means that I won't give ya ma notes-"
At this point, you could already feel the smoke coming out of your nose and ears, and imagine yourself transforming into some kind of dragon.
- "I know what it means!! It was a rhetorical question!! 'm just askin' why ya won't give me yer notes!" You said angrily.
- "Oh well.. I always give 'em to ya, but ya never do anythin' fer me in exchange."
- "Really?.. R-E-A-L-L-Y?"
- "Uh, yea? Really-"
- "Then, what do ya want me to do? Give ya the maths homework? Buy ya lunch?"
- "Give me a kiss on the lips and my notes are all yers." He smirked and held his notebook in his hand, waving it in front of your face.
You wanted those notes so bad, but kissing him for them wouldn't be a bit too much? You were in deep thought, considering your options.
- "Uhh.. Can't ya accept the maths homework instead-?"
- "Nope."
You sighed to yourself mentally and thought: well, I really need those notes-
Blushing slightly, you pushed the hand with the notebook in it to the side and cupped his cheeks while pressing your lips against his.
His eyes widened in shock. He never thought you'd do something like this for some notes. He dropped the notebook he was holding onto the desk and started processing what was happening.
Before he could react, you pulled away, grabbed the notebook and ran outside flustered, leaving Osamu a blushing mess.
(P.S.: he had a virgin panic all day.)
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