Did I really think I was going to lose weight over break? A time where I'm at home. With junk food. And don't have an excuse to take my medication. Am I that dense?
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Bless step aerobics for being an in home, easy access, high burning exercise that I can actively study whilst engaging in. Only reason I only gained 3 pounds during my binge instead of 10
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Fuck. I’ve been binging for a week. I think I’ve regained everything I lost. I’m so scared to weigh in.
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As complex of feelings I have towards my own body, at least I was given distribution that means I'll still gave some ass when I'm uw
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I have anxiety dreams about counting calories now
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Should I be losing weight out of only one breast?
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I forgot how good feeling nothing is
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Ma fucking eye twitch it back, dammit. This is what low calcium does to me
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This isn’t mine but I saw this on Reddit and it is so funny :,)
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the guilt of wasting food when you grew up in poverty is strong but unfortunately this ed is stronger
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Absolutely fucked my stomach by dropping from 1,300+ to 600~ in a week. Now I’m cramping and forced to drink watery hot chocolate to stop myself wretching
Worst of all, the second I made it my cramps stopped, so now I have to drink it out of pure fear of waste
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If Diet Coke is the ana girls drink, can Pepsi Max be the ano boys drink?
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S4m M0nroe is my current goalspo. He's bmi 18.7 here, which isn't my ugw but it is my gw2. I know this because there's a weird amount of detail about how the actor lost 25 pounds (which is almost the exact amount I need to lose for my ugw) by only eating salad, taking vitamins and drinking water. If I don't hit my ugw by this coming Autumn, I will be trying that d1et.
I made a d1et themed around him, based on how much I need to lose and my schedule. (I can share it if anyone wants, I made a sheet for it). Debating making my account Sam themed
(I can't explain it but this film is like the boy version of Th1rteen. Sibling films, if you will)
In the mean time, M0nroesp0
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His c0llarbones, his r1bs, his th1n arms...
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What are people's plans when they hit their ugw? Are you going to try drop more if you can, or actively focus on maintaining? Do you want to try go into recovery after? Something better? Something worse? Have you even thought about it or is that something you don't really want to consider yet?
Just wondering because I weirdly feel this immense fear about hitting my ugw because I just think... what then? What's left?
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Ended up doing 70 minutes at about 6.4 kmph, going a little faster for the last 10 minutes, so I did manage to burn at least 300 calories. And I never needed to break, which is cool. Don't even feel that tired (Probably my meds tbh, I'm gonna feel this later)
Gym to myself. Going to try and bout straight on the treadmill at a 'very brisk' walking pace. Hopefully burn about 300 cal, but likely be more like 200 as I've only had a few rice cakes today and will likely need breaks and slow downs
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Gym to myself. Going to try and bout straight on the treadmill at a 'very brisk' walking pace. Hopefully burn about 300 cal, but likely be more like 200 as I've only had a few rice cakes today and will likely need breaks and slow downs
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Trying to keep myself on a cal restriction by planning meals and eating at specific times, but because of my meds, at those specific times I have no appetite.
I know if I don't eat at these specific times I'm going to binge when the meds wear off but GOD eating when not hungry feels so disgusting
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