alonelystudent · 2 years
Being someone who is a Little Older and involved in the social side of the environmental sciences, it is absolutely wild how different the state of the climate movement is compared to where it was 15 years ago... And not in a good way. There is so much more awareness, yet so much less hope. Climate nihilism has taken hold (which is exactly what the Powers That Be wanted btw), and it is the single greatest obstacle preventing us from effectively fighting back.
If even a quarter of the people who throw up their hands and say "there's nothing we can do" actually worked to make sustainable changes in their own lives as well as pressuring their governments to actually Do Something about polluting corporations via meaningful protest, we would be so much further down the road to healing.
Fuck, we're not even on the road at all yet. Nothing is getting better, and I'm sorry, but at a certain point you have to realize that yes, this is because of corporations, but they are getting away with it because we are letting them get away with it.
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alonelystudent · 2 years
Thought of the day
No one is going to come to your rescue. You are going to have to save yourself.
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alonelystudent · 2 years
aromantics deserve to have their own spaces and be more than just a footnote on the asexual community
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alonelystudent · 2 years
I could write 20 pages against exclusionist arguments but nothing I could say would be as efficient as this
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[ID: a reddit comment by @/tomohawk12345 that reads:
"this sexual minority isn't part of the sexual minority group" 🤓🤓
/end ID]
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alonelystudent · 2 years
Demisexuality is the experience of having little to no sexual attraction to anyone, UNLESS a close bond is formed. The experience of the bond does not guarantee the experience of sexual attraction. This is different from abstinence in that it separates attraction from action. The term originated on AVEN discussion boards in the early 2000s as a way to describe persons living a mostly asexual experience with an exception.
ANYONE CAN CHOOSE ABSTINENCE. ANYONE CAN CHOOSE CELIBACY. Abstinence and celibacy are not sexual orientations; they are choices concerning sexual behavior. Sexual orientations are not choices— though they can absolutely influence sexual behavior.
When people hear “no sexual attraction until a bond is formed”, they hear “I don’t have sex until the relationship is serious”. While this can be the case in regards to how a demisexual may approach sex, it is confusing the formation of attraction with the choice of abstinence.
Unlike other sexualities, demisexuality does not focus on who a person is attracted to, but instead how and if the attraction is present and how it formed.
Demisexuality fits under asexuality because it describes an experience of little sexual attraction, and is under the spectrum of little to no sexual attraction. I like to think of it as asexuality with an asterisk. I am living a mostly asexual life — with small exceptions.
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alonelystudent · 2 years
Thought of the day
Do I listen to music to make me feel better, or do I listen to drown the thought sin my head?
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alonelystudent · 2 years
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alonelystudent · 2 years
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alonelystudent · 2 years
Thought of the day
Does having friends make life less lonely or does it make you forget the fact that you are lonely?
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alonelystudent · 2 years
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alonelystudent · 2 years
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alonelystudent · 2 years
“Just because you don’t say much doesn’t mean people don’t notice you. It’s actually the quiet ones who often draw the most attention.”
— Amy Efaw
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alonelystudent · 2 years
When people say to asexuals &/or aromantics ‘aren’t you worried you’re gonna be alone forever’ like mate, that’s exactly what I want, do not worry about that
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alonelystudent · 2 years
"Genderqueer" as a label is so fucking cool because it's really for everybody
Know that your gender is Not Cis, but you don't really know how to quantify it with conventional labels? Genderqueer!
Know that you are cis, but your gender and/or expression feels more complex than the cisheteronormative views a lot of society has? Genderqueer!
You're a binary trans person who likes the label? Genderqueer!
You don't want to spend a ton of time explaining your complex gender to anybody who asks? Genderqueer!
You just want a quick, convenient label? Genderqueer!
You don't want a specific label at all? Genderqueer!
Just like the queer counterpart, genderqueer can mean a lot of things! It is meant to be inclusive and encompassing to many experiences. There are no rules to queerness, just be happy and be authentically you
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alonelystudent · 2 years
How I feel as a college student about to start the fall semester have a summer break.
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alonelystudent · 2 years
Hippidy hoppidy my gender and sexuality is not your property
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alonelystudent · 2 years
Note: this was written before the SCOTUS Dobbs decision.
"New York-based privacy group Surveillance Technology Oversight Project (S.T.O.P.) released a chilling report last month detailing the digital surveillance threats facing pregnant women who seek abortion information and services, and how these threats could escalate dramatically if the Supreme Court repeals abortion rights and states criminalize abortion.
“Police, prosecutors and private anti-abortion litigants will weaponize existing American surveillance infrastructure to target pregnant people and use their health data against them in a court of law,” according to the report, titled “Pregnancy Panopticon: Abortion Surveillance After Roe.” “This isn’t speculation—it’s already happening.”
The report explains how anti-abortion governments and private entities are already using cutting-edge digital technologies to surveil women’s search history, location data, messages, online purchases and social media activities by using geofencing, keyword warrants, big data and more.
“Every aspect of pregnant people’s digital lives will be put under the microscope, examined for any hints that they sought (successfully or otherwise) to end their pregnancy,” states the report."
Read the full piece here: https://msmagazine.com/2022/06/07/police-abortion-bans-roe-v-wade-surveillance
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