akira-zens-babe · 3 years
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AYT BACK AGAIN WITH DUPES FROM CHALLEKUJI RED STRING GACHA. If ya hoe for any of these please message this hoe!
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akira-zens-babe · 3 years
We’ve noticed a number of people posting full CGs and Cards, extended story scenes, and gameplay videos to social media, including Tumblr, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube.
Please do not do this! In the case that we find any videos/CGs floating around, we may be forced to consider appropriate measures, which may include closing offending accounts.
We ask that you do not post CGs from any of the Ikémen Series games, regardless of the language of the game (English, Japanese, or Chinese), and we also ask that you do not share more than 10 story scenes per post. This spoils the stories for others and is unfair to those who work hard to progress in the story.
We’re glad you enjoy our games and want to share them with others! We simply ask that you follow our guidelines to keep it an enjoyable experience for everyone
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akira-zens-babe · 3 years
Thank you so much Kaze!!!! This is beyond amazing 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍 I love and support every single one of these HCs 😈 Oh and I’m living for that demon D HC!!!!! 😏😳
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Kazee! 😍💕 Hope you're doing well. From the Alphabet meme, I'd like to request F, I, L, W, X and Y for Theo (Ikevamp) or Lucifer (OM) please 👀💙 Thank you! 💕
I desperately wanted to do both but I can only manage one right now so Lucifer it is 💖
F = Favourite Position (This goes without saying.)
Doggy style or over his desk if he's actively fucking you but if he's too busy then he likes to have you on his dick, back to chest while he finishes off some paperwork.
I = Intimacy (How are they during the moment, romantic aspect…) 
He can be quite affectionate in the privacy of just the two of you - and even sometimes in front of his brother. When you get more intimate he can be quite sadistic, teasing you mercilessly and bringing you close to orgasm several times before he gives in. However, he's a warm, solid presence for cuddles during after care.
L = Location (Favourite places to do the do)
Absolutely his office. Nobody dares enter there without an invite and it's usual to hear music from the room so an easy way to stop anyone else from hearing you~
W = Wild Card (Get a random headcanon for the character of your choice)
Stringing people up for punishment is not the only kind of suspension he enjoys. He'll happily suspend you from his ceiling or a lower hanging bar you might not have noticed before. He can reach all of you whenever he chooses and have you completely under his control. You have no purchase to push back and take what you want, he can lower you to rub against his cock and raise you up so you can watch him pleasure himself. It's a very flexible kink~
Y = Yearning (How high is their sex drive?)
It's high but he's able to ignore it or even not acknowledge it for awhile. If he's neck deep in paperwork, it's not until he finishes that Lucifer realises how much he craves you and needs you. Prepare yourself for a long night~
X = X-Ray (Let’s see what’s going on in those pants, picture or words)
Ok I totally have demon dick headcanons so that's why I've popped this at the end~ Human wise, he's pretty long as he's one of the taller brothers but not super thick. A few veins, pale, almost kind of pretty? At least as far as dicks go. The hair around it is black but neatly trimmed.
Now as for his demon form....
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As you can see all black and a nice extra for some clit stimulation (if you have one)
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akira-zens-babe · 3 years
I've always like Diluc with his hair down... and his hair in a high pony too!! ok scratch that. I like all 3 of his hairstyles! xDDDD
Tap if blurry
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closeup coz y not? xD
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akira-zens-babe · 3 years
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Happy Birthday, to The Love of my Life!! ♥️😍🥰
This took me 2 days straight 😂 The things I do for him lol.
As I promised last year, here’s the wedding illustration right on his bday 😁
In another news, We hit 600+ followers!!! 🎉 How did this even happen? I have absolutely no clue. But THANK YOU ALL OF YOU for supporting me. Not sure if I’m going to do anything to celebrate this, but my askbox is open! Go ahead and ask me anything, nothing too personal of course, and I’ll answer them to my best. If you want to request a character I haven’t drawn yet and you would like to see it in my style then go ahead, I’ll try my best to draw them for you 😘💙
Happy Theo Day!! 💙
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akira-zens-babe · 3 years
Satan is my least favorite character honestly, but I saw a reference and felt compelled to draw him. 🐈💚
RIP my hand. Did this all on my phone.
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akira-zens-babe · 3 years
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That’s it!! And now I go die 😍🥰😘😝
Aaadhfjfjfjgfhdhfjdhdhjfhfhdhdhjfgjghhfhj Why is he so hot?!?!?!?!?! Halp!!! hondje down 👻
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akira-zens-babe · 3 years
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Commissions are open💜
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akira-zens-babe · 3 years
Aaaaaaaaahhhhhhhh omg it’s coming so soon 😭😭💕😭🥰♥️
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Yes yesssssss I love this story so much 💕😭💕
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akira-zens-babe · 3 years
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akira-zens-babe · 3 years
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Happy birthday to our favourite otaku man!!💜
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akira-zens-babe · 3 years
For the fic prompt, Belphegor and Fem! MC
8) "If you're going to act like a little brat then I'm going to treat you like a little brat." ; 2) "You look so good with my hand wrapped around your throat." ; 45) "When we get home I'm cuffing you to the bed and going down on you all night until my jaw is sore." ; 93) "It's okay, honey, you can pull my hair as hard as you want while I'm between your legs." (Please use brat instead of honey 👀)
Thank you so much!😶 and you'll never know who I am 😳🙈☻👀
Hi Nonni! Here’s your fic!! And you are very welcome!! Enjoy~
Don’t think I don’t know who you are.
Warning: THIS IS SMUT! There’s not really other warnings, some teasing and oral I guess.
A Teasing Brat
You can not, for the life of you, remember how you managed to get in your current situation, but here you are. Writhing in pure pleasure under his tongue, hand in his soft, navy hair, bucking into his mouth. "It's okay, Brat, you can pull my hair as hard as you want while I'm between your legs." Belphegor pulls back for a moment, beautiful purple and red eyes sparkling mischievously. His fingers continue to pump his fingers, hitting just the right spot making you moan out. “Ahh, Bel…” You continue to squirm. He chuckles, “Now, be a good little brat and cum for me.” He dips back down, sucking, hard, on your bundle of nerves, sending you right over the edge. He helps you through your climax and then pulls away before you become too over stimulated. He moves to lay down next to you, pulling you into his arms.
As you come down from your high, flashes of your earlier conversation come back to you: You were sitting in a council meeting, listening to Lucifer drone on about who knows what. Belphie, who was sitting next to you, and you were quietly joking, trying to pass the time, and you had made a spicy joke. Do you remember it? No. Not anymore you don’t. Do you remember what happens after? How could you forget? You walk out of the council room and over to your locker. You switch out some books and you notice two arms on either side of you, capturing you in place. He leans forward and growls into your ear, "When we get home, I'm cuffing you to the bed and going down on you all night until my jaw is sore." Your entire body ignites. You turn around, standing nose to nose with him, “Now now, Belphie, don’t make promises you can’t keep.” He smirks, “That wasn’t a promise.” He grabs your hand and pulls you towards the house, barely giving you time to shut your locker. And that leads you where you currently are.
He tries to push you on your back but you resist, “No.” You can just tell the look he’s giving you. You snuggle further into his chest as he tries again, “I said no.” He growls playfully, "If you're going to act like a little brat then I'm going to treat you like a little brat." You feel a surge of magic, he’s in his demon form now. Before you know it, you’re on your back, squirming beneath him, “Belphieeee, I said no.” You whine, pouting a little. His tail whips above you, “I don’t care. You obviously wanted this when we were in that council meeting, so now you’re getting it.” He pins your hands above your head with one of his, His eyes soften for a moment, “We don’t have too if you really don’t want too.” You smile, “I’m just being annoying, of course I want you. All of you.” You lean up and lick his nose. He looks at you for a second, blinking, “Did you really just do that?” You smile up at him, “Did I?” All softness leaves his eyes and a playful sparkle takes its place, “Well, now you’re getting it, Brat.” He grinds into you causing you to moan out. He lines up with your core and jams into you, already knowing you were more than prepared for him. Having sheathed himself in one smooth motion, both of you moan. He pulls back and thrusts into you again, setting a brutal pace. Between his thrusts, you keep making comments about various thing about how he’s fucking you. “Enough!” He growls loudly, letting go of your hands, his demon form appearing before your eyes, “I am no longer dealing with that bratty mouth of yours.” He takes his tail and wraps it snugly around your neck. His chuckle turns into a moan as he continues to pound into you, “You like that huh? You tightened around me when I started choking you.” You just moan in response, giving him the answer he already knew.
After a few more thrust, each one throwing you further into a head spinning bliss, you hear him chuckle. You open your eyes and give him a quizzical look, “What?” You huff. He bends down capturing your lips for a moment, "You look so good with my tail wrapped around your throat." Before you can respond he snaps his hips in just the right way, causing you to see stars.
Another few minutes go by and his thrusts become sloppy and his tail loosens and falls away, “Cum with me.” He grunts out. He reaches a hand in between you and starts rubbing on your bundle of nerves, causing you to crash into your climax with a scream of pleasure. He follows suit soon with a loud grunt.
It takes a minute before the two of you calms down enough to shift. Belphie pulls out and rolls onto his side, letting his demon form fall away, “I like you, Brat.” He pulls you to him. You chuckle, knowing exactly what he means, “I like you too.” You snuggle up to him and the two of you fall asleep.
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akira-zens-babe · 3 years
This made me cry 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 my poor baby 😭😭😭😭😭😭😢🥺😢🥺🥺😢🥺😢😢🥺
Can i have an espresso and shot glass for theo , please ?
The espresso will be posted in another post.❤ Thank you for requesting.
Words: 474
Warnings: angst
Character(s): Theo, you
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Theo’s head was held between his palms. Tears tumbled down his cheeks as silent sobs left his opened mouth, his fangs slipping from his gums at the distress racking through his limbs- his body’s own twisted way of seeking relief. The image of Arthur slipping a ring on your finger, your skin radiant against the white of your dress, still ingrained itself in his mind. Your ecstatic smile burned the back of his lids every time he closed his eyes, and it drove him mad.
He had done this. This was his fault. He had pushed you away, called you names, ignored the way you had stared at him when you thought he wasn’t looking.
He felt utterly and completely alone.
A voice startled him, making him flinch and cave in on himself in defense. “Theo?”
Of course, it had to be you, Theo thought. He brushed his tears roughly away with the back of his hand as you stepped closer to his seated form. Your concerned words wove a knot deep within him; it settled like a heavy ball of lead in his gut.
“Why are you here alone? Everyone is looking for you.”
“Go back to the party,” Theo mumbled angrily, twisting his body further so you only saw his bent, tense back.
You were taken back, shocked even at the frigidness of his reply. Ignoring his demand, you step in front of him, bending down to see the scowl etched into his skin.
His face was splotchy, dried tear tracks stuck to his flesh in sticky patterns, his eyes were swollen and squinted as he avoided your line of sight. Theo’s shoulder jerked at the warmth of your hand and gentle squeeze.
“Look at me please,” you started, tone soft, pleading. He glanced at you with a lifeless gaze; the white of his eyes red and glazed over. “What’s wrong?”
He bit his lip, his mouth dry and saliva thick. Tears began to well again, clumping his lashes together. Theo felt his heart break when the diamond of your wedding ring sparkled under the light.
He shuddered a breath, a crumpled copy of a smile tugging at his lips. Theo shakily answered a blunt, “I’m fine.”
A painful flutter in his chest forced a grimace from the art dealer when you just looked at him- truly looked at him as if he was the only thing in your tiny world. Why did his heart hurt so?
He sighed, not believing his own words. “Just leave me alone, please. It hurts-.”
You watched his fists clench, nails digging into his skin while his jaw snapped shut to stop himself from finishing his sentence.
“What hurts, Theo? Tell me how I can help.”
He inhaled, his body shaking harder with each passing second. “You can’t help. Not now. Not now that you’re his.”
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akira-zens-babe · 3 years
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Red strings of fate THEO!!!!!!! And I’ve drawn him LAST YEAR!!!! The open shirt!!! And the ribbon placement!!!! Dude!!! I’m so happy right now I can’t explain 🥺🥺🥺🥺😭😭😭😭😭😭😭❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Aaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh I LOVE IT SM 😍😍😍🥰🥰😘❤️❤️🥰😍
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akira-zens-babe · 3 years
Another fic from a friend in DMs.
This one is Lucifer with a f!MC and prompt 38: “I need you. Now!”
Warning: THIS IS SMUT. He is in heat and gets rough with the reader.
Your D.D.D. Rings, it’s lucifer. You pick up and are immediately met with a needy moan, “Y/n, I need your help with a little...” he grunts, “Something.” His voice is husky with lust, “Please...” Could this be the heat cycle he had told you about? You’ve never heard him like this. So desperate, so needy. “I don’t know...” you say hesitantly. He starts begging, “Please, Y/n.” He starts begging, “I need you, now. Please.” You sigh, “Okay, hold on. I’m on my way.” He moans a thank you before hanging up.
You make your way to Lucifer’s room. You knock on the door and hear a muffled, “Come in.” His room is dark with the musk of sex thick, just the light of the fireplace illuminating the other side of the room. All you can see is a silhouette of Lucifer laying on the bed in his demon form, his length standing up, rock hard, and his entire body shuttering as he hits a climax. “Thank you for coming.” He says breathlessly after a moment. “I suggest you take your clothes off before coming closer, I will rip them off of you otherwise.” He nearly growls. You nod and shead your clothing near the door, watching him carefully. You see his glowing red eyes watching your every move hungrily, casually stroking is still hard length. When you’ve gotten rid of your clothes he beckons you to him, “Come, Beloved. I promise I won’t hurt you.” As soon as you get within arm’s length of him, you’re flipping on your back on the bed with him hovering over you. He leans in and takes a deep breath, “You smell so good.” He purrs, and kisses down your body until he gets to your core, “And already wet, just for me.” He licks slowly up your folds with a hum, pulling a loud moan from you. He then dives in and has you pushed over the edge for the first time in minutes. He laps up your essence eagerly. “And you taste good.” His eyes seem to glow possessively, “I wonder how you feel.” He doesn’t give you more of a warning before slamming into you, you nearly scream. He growls that quickly turns into a moan as he starts moving. He sets an inhuman pace, chasing after his own release. So unlike the other times you two have enjoyed each other, instead of making sure you were enjoying yourself, this was about him and his pleasure and you’re just the toy he’s using to get it. Your climax hits again and again as he uses your body to reach his. His orgasm finally crashes over him with a roar of pleasure. After a moment, he flips you over on your hands and knees, a hand. “And you feel absolutely divine.” He growls into your ear, “Now, I’m going to fuck you until you pass out.” He starts pounding into you relentlessly, chasing climax after climax.
You can’t even tell how many times you hit your climax before you pass out. The next thing you remember is being cuddled up to Lucifer, still nude, his wings wrapped around you protectively. You shift trying to gage how sore you are, when you do that he pulls you closer to his chest, “You did so well, Beloved.” He mumbles sleepily, “Sleep now. You need it. We both do.” That was enough to lull you back into the warm embrace of unconsciousness.
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akira-zens-babe · 3 years
I got this request from my DMs I got from a dear friend of mine.
So this one is f!MC with Solomon, with 1: “You know, you always look so much better when I mark you up” and 88: “mmm, good morning to you too”
Warning: THIS IS SMUT! There is also orgasm denial in this one.
You roll over in a bed that isn’t yours but you are very familiar with. As you start to wake up, his scent and the fleeting memories of last night wash over you. You try to find a second body in the bed, but you don’t feel anyone else. You finally open your eyes and see that the room is empty. You huff, sitting up, the sheets falling off of the top of your body. The aroma of coffee wafts from the other side of the door, of course he made coffee for you. You slip out of the silky sheets, still nude. You grab the first piece of clothing you can find, it just happens to be his shirt, and put it on.
You walk through the hall and down to the kitchen. Even though the sight is one you see often, you can’t help but take a moment to admire Solomon, who is currently making coffee and only has pants on. He finally notices as you walk over to him and smiles sleepily, “Good Morn...mmph” You wrap your arms around his waist and kiss him before he finishes his sentence. After he recovers from your surprise attack, he chuckles into the kiss and draping his arms over your shoulders, pulling you close, “Mmm, Good morning to you too.” He says between kisses, his voice still husky with sleep. After another few kisses, Solomon pulls back, “You look ridiculously cute in my shirt.” He smiles lazily and kisses your forehead. You both fully pull away, a tinge of blush on your cheeks, and he finishes getting the coffee going. He pulls you back into another kiss, you trace your finger over the tapestry of pact marks over his chest, ones that you’ve memorized over the short time you’ve been down here. He licks your bottom lip, silently asking for entrance. You give him permission and he takes over. He scoops you up and you wrap your legs around his waist and tangle your hands in his hair, “Wait,” you pull away and he starts kissing down your jaw, “What if Simeon or Luke find us?” He chuckles, nipping at your neck and walks over and sets you down on the kitchen table , “They are in the Celestial Realm today. Something about Micheal needing them.” He slides his hand up your legs and underneath your shirt, “So it’s just us here.” He takes your shirt off, and you let him, and makes a mark on your neck, drawing a gasp from you, “Why do you keep leaving marks on me like that?” He laughs, “I gotta mark my territory around those demon brothers,” He licks up your neck and pulls your closer, “and, you know, you always look so much better when I mark you up.” He crashes his lips onto yours, pushing you back onto the table. He fusses with his pants before you feel him poke at your wet folds. You moan into his kiss, “Sol… please...” He smirks, kissing up your jaw, “Please what?” You huff as he nibbles on your ear and grinds against your hips, “Please, I need you.” You tug lightly on his hair. He nips down your neck, “I’m gonna need more than that, my dear.” You let out a frustrated groan and try and buck into his hips, earning another chuckle from Solomon, “I need you to stick that magic wand of yours into me and fuck me senseless with it.” He pulls back, “Well then, if you so insist.” He slips inside of you, giving you a moment to adjust to the intrusion, but nothing more than that before he starts a very steady pace. You grip onto him, trying to ground yourself somehow. His pace causes you to climb quickly towards your climax.
Right before you’re pushed over, the coffee maker goes off and you are all of the sudden empty, with Solomon zipping up his pants, “Looks like the coffee’s ready” you can see his teasing smirk as he turns away from you and starts getting two mugs from the cabinet. You hit the table and yell at him, “You asshole!” He laughs, handing you a cup of coffee, “Just as you like it.” You take a sip, and it is the perfect cup of coffee, “I’m still mad at you.” He wraps an arm around you, laughing, “You won’t be for long.” He says kissing your temple.
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akira-zens-babe · 3 years
For the prompt thing..... fem! MC and Satan 😳😊☺️🙈
32) "Kitten, don't make me tell you twice." and/or 71) "I'm gonna fuck you in front of the mirror, I want you to see how pretty you look when you're spreading your legs for me."
Thank you for doing this Abby 💜😘🥺
Hi my love! Here’s the story based off of your prompt. Enjoy! 😘
Warning: THIS IS SMUT! There is also rough sex.
“Kitten,” Satan’s deep voice is almost too calm, “Do not make me tell you twice.” His green eyes glow angrily and his tail whips, almost hitting you. You had just disobeyed him, and he is not having any of that today. “You know what my punishments entail, are you sure you want another one?” He circles you like a predator does its prey. He facepalms and mumbles, “What am I saying? Of course you do. You’re almost more of a masochist than Mammon is.” Even though you always get nervous when he gets like this, you know he will never purposely hurt you more than you’ve already agreed upon, and it makes you extremely wet. The way his voice hits your body nearly makes you shutter. “Make me,” You mumble under your breath, knowing that it will have consequences. He levels his gaze, stopping his stalking in front of you, “Excuse me?” He growls. He takes a few steps to close the gap between you, “What was that, Y/n?” He is now nose to nose with you, his glowing, emerald eyes keep you in place. You clear your throat, “I said, make me.” You meet his gaze, fully knowing you are fucked, both literally and figuratively. The silence in the room is deafening, the tension between you and him is palpable. He smirks, “Oh, well, that’s how you’re gonna be today.” He starts to turn away, but before you know it he’s pulling your hair and focing you onto your knees, “I warned you to not make me tell you twice.” He starts to unzip his pants, “When I tell you to get on your knees, you better fucking do it.” He barks at you. “I was going to be gentle with you today, but you don’t deserve it. So now, you will just have to be my little cock sleeve.” He sneers, shoving his pants down over his hips and pulling out his very hard length, he obviously is enjoying this just as much as you are. You salivate at the sight. “Open your mouth.” he demands. You do so, now knowing he really isn’t playing anymore. He jams his dick almost completely into your mouth, “Fuck.” He grunts, his hips buck, “You’re so pretty with my dick in your mouth.” He pulls back and starts a brutal pace of thrusting into you. You close your eyes, just enjoying the feeling of him using you so roughly. His voice pulls you from your lusty haze, “You will swallow every last drop, understood?” You make an affirmative moan. After a few more very strong thrusts into the back of your throat, he empties his seed into you with a loud grunt.
After he finishes and you clean him off, Satan pulls you up by your hair, “I am nowhere close to being with you.” He pulls you up his staircase and into his bathroom. He rips your clothes off of you and shoves you face first onto the counter, “I’m gonna fuck you in front of the mirror now.” He growls right in your ear, you feel him encourage your legs open and poke at your core “I want to see how pretty you look spreading your legs for me.” He pushes into you, causing a string of blessing disguised as curses to pour out of both of your mouths. You glance through the mirror at Satan. His hair is a mess, he’s glistening with sweat, and, at the moment, his eyes are closed and a look of pure bliss is on his face. After a moment, he starts moving, his free hand wraps around your throat, “I want you to watch as I fuck you.” His deep voice, husky, so you do. Only the sounds of skin slapping skin, moans, curses, and the filthy things he is growling into your ear echo around the bathroom. Soon enough, his tail replaces his hand and he grabs your waist to pound into you. He notices how close you are to climaxing before you do, “You will not cum until I tell you too.” He snaps. You whine and wiggle as much as you can, not sure how much longer you can hold out from this assault. He spanks you, tightening his tail slightly, “I said wait.” His growl turns into a moan, as he snaps his hips into yours again, “Not much longer, Kitten, I promise” His thrusts become irregular as he says that. He shifts slightly to nail just the right spot, causing you to scream out. He reaches around and starts rubbing your bundle of nerves, “Cum with me, Kitten.” He husks into your ear, “Just let go, now.” That was all you needed. You cum, hard, screaming his name. He releases a second time into you as soon you clench around him. He helps you through the rest of your climax and then stops.
The only sound heard is panting. After a few minutes, he pulls out of you. You stand up, turning around, “Fuck, Satan.” You laugh, still breathless. He chuckles, pulling you into a hug, “That good huh?” You wrap your arms around his neck, taking in his scent, “You could say that.” He hums contently, “I’m glad you thought so too.” He picks you up and you wrap your legs around his waist, “Before anything else, we are taking a nap.” He kisses your shoulder. You nod, yawning, “No complaints from me.” He carries you to his bed, sets you down, and crawls in next to you. You both fall asleep wrapped up in each other’s arms.
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