akayralylegacy · 4 months
I wanna know something! Pls reblog I want as many answers as possible :3
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akayralylegacy · 5 months
I also think Shadow would have more carnivore-like teeth and Sonic would have omnivorous teeth! I never thought much abt Silver tho, but your headcanon for him also makes a lot of sense!
I love these kind of stuff
thinking about tooth headcanons. sonic and amy both have normal hedgie teeth. shadow has larger, sharper teeth, with several less than the average hedgehog and a lack of effective "working" or crushing teeth. silver's are a mix of hedgehog and mink, with noticeably larger, longer, and sharper canines for easier ripping
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akayralylegacy · 5 months
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GRRRR i finally colored it
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akayralylegacy · 5 months
This is just a random idea I had out of nowhere but still- Let's see how much you know abt this fandom's history and content It basically works like this: I'll list some questions (or words/sentences) here and y'all gonna have to reblog and answer them! The more you can answer/explain, the better! - Spaghetti Bear - The fandom already existed even before the movies release. Yes or no? - "Rax City B#tch" - Nubcats - Magic Anons - "Stay stupid baby!" - Space Jam Theme - Some guys thought that Onceler wasn't his real name, so, what was their speculation for his real name? - First mentions of Oncest - "Oncelette" - Swoncest, Creamcest, Steamcest, Spookstar - Top Hat Trio - Water hose - Glovecest
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akayralylegacy · 5 months
Sowwy for not reblogging this before but, THANK YOU AKDJSNF
Srs Etsu you are also super super super awesome and sweet really ya are one of the nicest people I met through the internet!!! And also I am super happy to have met all you guys love y'all <3
Happy new year to everyone! Big, huge, gigantic thanks to everybody who made my 2023 special (no specific order):
Rory (@rorybluez)
Kers/Greenbird (@greenbirdtrash)
Sara/Kilonova (@kilonovaaaa)
Suemoon (@suemooon)
Kato (@coppycatz)
Lemon (@areallysourlemon)
Mirror (@mirror-archives)
Shakooo (@shakooo)
Akayraly (@akayralylegacy)
And more! Love you all so much <3
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akayralylegacy · 5 months
Sorry for not reblogging this when I saw but...
AW WJDJSJX THANK YOU FOR THE MENTION!!! I must say the same to you! We didn't interact much but I know you are a very cool person! Can't wait to interact more with you ^^
Happy New Year’s Eve to Everyone!
For me? This was an amazing year, nothing compared to the other ones I had before, not even in the old fandom that I was before and I was for a really long time, The Once-ler Fandom was something completely new for me, I never NEVER felt so comfortable in a fandom that has such a story and people before, this was so hard for me to even see!
How I met this fandom? Easy.
I got sick like at the beginning of May if I'm not wrong, my stomach used to hurt too much and my doctor said that it was better for me resting at home, I was feeling so bad.
In those whole 2 weeks I guess, I was consuming YouTube. I have a favourite YouTuber that I used to watch lots of his videos, but one of them I didn't watch yet was a video about Tumblr sexyman!
What the hell is that? I asked myself, so I checked it and OH. MY. GOD, it was so funny to see, until I saw him.
When I met this fandom and this little fella:
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I thought it was crazy (specially the Oncest part lol) but in a really impressive way, and when the time passed, I didn't even notice that I got super interested about it.
When I noticed….. I knew what to do, I log into my Tumblr account after 1 year (because I didn't knew what else to do with it) and I changed EVERYTHING, my nickname, my pfp, I added new pages, I finally changed my Tumblr theme, EVERYTHING, and I converted it into an Once-ler's shrine 😭
I did the same thing with my computer and my phone, I put some Once-ler's wallpapers and I changed my pfp to a Once-ler's one in every single social media I have omg
Until August I was finally uploading original content like my art.
Now, I can say that I'm glad that I found out about this fandom, I entered into it and I became an Onceling, I didn't even notice at first!!!
SPECIAL THANKS TO… (without any order)
Etsu ( @wont-stop-biggering )
Becki ( @becki-here )
Shakooo ( @shakooo )
Lemon ( @areallysourlemon )
Myself, because I wasn't THAT shy to post something in the first place anymore.
And to all the people who I interacted with and follows me! For thinking it has worth to follow me and interact with me :333 I would love to know more about you ^^
Some honourable mentions… @akayralylegacy @rorybluez (ya guys, you’re truly cool, we didn’t interact that much but I know you’re nice!)
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akayralylegacy · 5 months
I AM SURE THIS IS GONNA BE AMAZING!! I can't wait for more updates!! :D
The Lorax 2012 Rewritten project log #1
The first three weeks of working on the project went just great! Here are some updates on my end:
Work between me and Suemoon has been divided organically.
Suemoon is taking care of the 'past' segment - Onceler's story that he's telling the protagonist, while I'm taking care of everything that goes on in the present day of the story.
Audrey's character has been completed.
While I'm sure I'll be making changes to the document about her in the future, I'm quite satisfied with the current result. Her life situation right before the plot of the movie happens is written out, and so is her personality which was also fully explained by her backstory. All of those things were incorporated into her new, updated design:
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Worldbuilding is being worked on.
I'm making sure Thneedville works as a believable dystopia. The government, the order and the hierarchy are being established, with Thneedville being a corporatocracy (it's also technically totalitarian, but they have democracy on paper) with O'Hare Air as the corporation in charge.
I'm taking inspiration for Thneedville & O'Hare from both works of fiction and historical events.
And that's it for the major things. I'm also working on O'Hare's character and other miscellaneous stuff just so you know.
Thank you for supporting the project! Reblogs and feedback are appreciated. Tag for the project - #lorax rewritten project Collaborating on the project with @suemooon
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akayralylegacy · 5 months
I don't really like classic oncest, but c'mon guys it isn't a problematic ship, so just let people ship it and have fun
And I also agree that these shipping wars are just completely unnecessary. Just, stop it
Man I am so tired of shipping wars
Reblog if you support self-shipping, oncest (OC/AU oncest included) and normaler and just want everyone to have fun and to be friendly to each other in this fandom
Or dont idk
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akayralylegacy · 5 months
Seriously, this is simply gorgeous! The colors, the expressions, the poses, their interections in general, it's all sooo pretty and awesome and Iove it abdnsngndng
Like, my fav is definitely the one where they're singing together with the super cute hats like they look simply adorable🥺💞
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Swag and Rocky + Christmas for @akayralylegacy , merry Thneedmas!!
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akayralylegacy · 5 months
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I mean, I'm a traditional and digital artist after all, it's just that I never got to post any of my drawings here (I always keep forgetting to post them ahdjsjf). Well, I have a lot of drawing I could post here, and this is gonna be the first one!
Thneedmas exchange gift for my secret buddy @croctus !!
I drew your robot son Greedlr for you! It was really fun drawing him! I love his design!!
Btw, maybe I should've drawn him with the black cables on his back, but I had the idea of doing this epic background on my head and I had to draw it ajdkwkdjd sorry for that XD
And also, for his pose I got inspired by one of the drawings from his askblog I hope this isn't a problem (I couldn't think of any other pose lmao)
I must say I am really proud of this drawing!!! I just loved the outcome, like, look at this! Aaaaaah
Anyways uhm, yeah, I think that's it! It was real fun to participate and to draw this fantastic character! I really hope you like it Croctus! :3
(This drawing took me 7 hours lmao-)
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akayralylegacy · 6 months
hello! this is your Thneedmas exchange partner, is there anything in particular you'd like for your gift?
Oh! Could it be a drawing of Swag and Rocky from Truffula Flu AU? Like, they are leavin (/or just left) an abandoned store with some christmas stuff?
I really don't know, I honestly can't think of anything else lmao °w°"
But if ya accept this idea thank you in advance :>
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akayralylegacy · 6 months
I'm honestly thinking I should redo my Lorax movie rewrite, there are stuff that I ain't exactly satisfied with and Idk. I'm not saying that it is horrible and I wanna change it entirely, but, meh. I think I should redo it
And I might delete the old one here from my Tumblr page. What ya think? Should I delete it or not? I can't decide :>
But the main point is, I will redo my Lorax Movie Rewrite
Expect another huge post soon lmao
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akayralylegacy · 6 months
║The Once-ler ✦✧ Character Analysis║
- — - [⏦ ⎘⎜⎚⎜⎗ ⏦] - — -
➼ So, I was feeling like making a whole ass analysis of this character that I love much
Soooo, here I am, gonna make an analysis of him as a whole, noting practically every detail about his personality, appearance, backstory, and other trivia/curiosities about him. I might also include headcanons and theories as well
◆ Section 1 – Personality
Firstly, let's have a talk about his personality (some parts also have a bit of my vision of it and a few headcanons).
Before Greedler Era // Regular Onceler (aka Oncie):
★ – mental attributes
Onceler seems to be a persistent, strong-willed guy who has a great sense of optimism. Despite his mother's toxicity and disapproval towards her son, he shows that he tries hard to keep his head up, and he doesn't stop to believe in his dreams and that one day they will come true. He searches for success, but not only because he wants to fulfill his wishes and not feel superior or anything like that; he wants to be successful for his family, to somehow gain their affection and approval, his success would bring him their respect and maybe even their love. I won't say he didn't want fame, but he didn't want all of that attention just because he was selfish or full of himself – it's quite the opposite.
He is far from being full of himself and showy. He is just somewhat hungry for attention, but not in a toxic manner. His hunger for attention comes from the harsh reality he lived, he never received enough attention throughout his whole life, so he has this need, to feel better about himself, as his self-esteem is a bit low, since his mother never worked hard to keep it in a good level – she did the opposite of that, judging his interests and saying he was a failure.
Although, just like I said, despite his mother's toxicity and negative presence, he somehow never became like her even with her influence. He is a kind guy. He is lighthearted, positive, and optimistic. Sweet and charismatic. Sometimes, he acts like a carefree person. However, he is very attentive to details and is very caring to others he loves and admires.
He is a man of great ideas, creative and smart. Great imagination and a passion for dreaming high and for arts. He is also dedicated to his work and will try anything to better the quality of what he creates. He is indeed hardworking! As we can see in the movie, even with everyone's disapproval and disrespect towards him, he still tries hard to sell his thneed and he always tries to keep a smile on his face, as an attempt to show that he is both friendly and tough (not shaken easily by other's words and opinions). He tries not to let all the unfortunate things that happen affect him, so no matter how down he might indeed feel deep inside, he doesn't like to show all his insecurities and his negative emotions.
But just like I said, he is strong-willed and a bit stubborn. Before promising he wouldn't chop down the trees. He refused to get out and stop, even if Lorax insisted on saying that he was a "violent" intruder who had to leave. He is also naive and rather easy to manipulate, falling into his mother's ideas quickly. He is also a bit blind about his bad actions. He either does that trying to ignore his guilt over the consequences or because he doesn't realize that what he is doing is bad. Nonetheless, he attempts to hide the consequences of his actions, putting on that fake confident smile on his face, to seem charismatic and innocent.
Even if his attempts at selling his thneed failed, he still put a smile on his face. Selling a thneed was a lifelong dream of his, and his dream just got mocked, judged, and offended. However, he kept his head up, showing to be cheerful and optimistic. Of course, after failing to sell him he got frustrated and threw it away angrily, but the first thing he does after returning to his cottage is cook. He cooks those pancakes with such enthusiasm and so spontaneously. Regardless of the results, he tries to not be shaken up so easily
★ – expressiveness through body language
Clumsy, very clumsy, and exaggerated. He is often seen falling, tripping, throwing himself around, and bending down. He is a very expressive individual, he shows a lot about his personality and emotions through his voice, those strange noises he makes (like those grunts and screams of his that always make me laugh a bit XD), his facial expressions, and mostly, through his body. He often makes weird poses and movements. He shakes his arms and quickly jumps back aggressively when he gets jumpscared. He uses his hands a lot, too, gesticulating and making a lot of gestures in a very energetic way. He shows to be someone very active, full of energy, and very spontaneous.
He also has a silly and goofy way of moving and gesturing, which makes people not take him seriously. He is very funny and can get laughs out of you only through his manner of motioning around. His body and gestures show a lot that he is easygoing and sympathetic, but he still has some sort of awkwardness deep within. Furthermore, he also wiggles and dances with so much excitement and in such a lively and bouncy way, hopping and shaking vibrantly.
He's an enthusiastic and energetic guy, and he shows off a lot of this physically – mostly through body language (especially with his arms and legs).
Greedler // Greedy Era:
Now, when we're talking about the Onceler who ran a whole giant business, things change.
★ – mental attributes
Once, a guy with somewhat low self-esteem and insecurity now leveled up to be a cocky, arrogant, and showy dude. He has a new high level of confidence, and he likes to display it. He likes to be noticed. He enjoys the crowd, he enjoys the applause, he enjoys those people taking pictures of him, he enjoys all the respect and recognition, and he loves the popularity and attention, it only feeds his pride and ego. Just like I stated before, he is hungry for attention, and the more he gains it, the more his ego rises and levels up. Full of himself, which is something that differentiates him now from his past self a lot. Greedy – this being the main reason why he is called Greedler, duh – he is never satisfied with what he already has, always wanting more. Wanting more money, wanting more popularity, wanting more attention. He needs a bigger office, a bigger chair, a bigger desk, a bigger staff, a bigger hat to wear – because I'm BIGGERIINNNG-
(sorry, I had to do that XP)
Anyways, uh, he is a greedy person. Greed has taken over him more and more as time goes by.
He is powerful and has everything in the palm of his hand, which gives him even more confidence and makes him even more blind and uncaring of the consequences of his actions. He can do everything he wants now, and he has his lawyers to defend him and say he is innocent. Why would he care that much anyway?
He is proud of his achievements, but pride is a nasty little worm that you always need to feed, and it is never satisfied. So, no matter how much he already has, he wants more. He needs more.
He seems to be a tough person who doesn't let anything bring him down. Differently from before, where he only tried to act like this as a way to hide his insecurities, now he means it, he is tough and doesn't care about what others think of him. Well, in reality, he only cares about what his family thinks, especially his mother.
His mother's approval and affection for him is still something he fears that might be gone again someday. So he tries his best to keep her proud of him.
He can be cold to most people, but with his fans, he tries his best to seem welcoming, polite, and cheerful.
Despite all of this, he deep within is still the Onceler he once was, his old self is just being strangled and kept hidden within his heart, while his new self takes control of him.
• ● – a little peek at HBCIB, and how it also contributes to his analyze his change of personality – ● •
How about we take a look at "How Bad Can I Be" as well? I mean, this song showcases a bit of his personality as Greedler, too, if you're delulu enough like me to notice this. Some of the lyrics and visuals of this song match some of the things I stated earlier, so they kinda prove my points here.
From what we can see in this song, he always tries to catch your attention to him, trying to hide what is happening, using his catchy and enthusiastic vibe. The song has a very busy atmosphere, with a lot of bright colors and a lot of details here and there, hiding the darkness behind what he is doing.
And as we can see, he indeed tries to ignore the truth – there's a scene where Lorax tries to warn him about what is happening to the animals, but Onceler just pushes him away and walks off, not even looking at him. This shows how big he thinks he is towards the animals and how his ego leveled up so drastically. The creatures he once wholeheartedly cared about are just mere insects for him now, just mere distractions that he tries not to pay any attention to. The animals (and nature in general) are nothing to him now. The trees are rather than just the source of his monetary gain, and that's the only thing he gives some "importance" to, but aside from that, everything else is nothing to him. He's too big to care.
He is always making attempts to get your attention off of the truth about his actions, trying to make you pay more attention to the benefits his biggering business is bringing to him and the customers. He never indeed answers his question of "How bad could this possibly be?"
He also pretends to be a nice person to everyone, making you believe he cares, even tho he doesn't.
It's like he's saying: aw come on, I'm not that bad, look! I can make magic tricks, and I'm nice to the animals – "Just look at me petting this puppy."
Nevertheless, even if he superficially doesn't care, very deep within, he still feels guilty for all of this. But what can he do? He's just trying to survive. After all, his business is trying to survive. If he didn't do this, someone else would. It's just the law of business.
"There is a principle of business"
"There is a principle of nature that almost every creature knows, it's called survival of the fittest"
"I'm just doing what comes naturally!"
"I'm just following my destiny."
He keeps asking himself the same question, and he uses any excuse he can to prove you otherwise. And he never really answers his question at the very end of the song. This shows even more how he attempts to prove that he isn't doing anything that bad at all.
So, from what we can see, Greedler actually has a lot of layers in his personality:
[Superficial layers]
◇ He has a huge ego that is hungry for attention
◇ He thinks he can do whatever he wants without real bad consequences, and he doesn't care at all
◇ He acts all cheerful and proud, so full of himself
[Deeper/hidden layers, the ones from his old personality]
◇ His true self in reality cares about what is happening
◇ He is doing a lot of these things to keep his mother proud of him, for her approval and love
◇ He feels guilty for not being able to stop
– Just as a curiosity tho, but, to finally finish this, I'm gonna answer a popular question, that you might also have:
"Oh, but if he was smart, how could he be so dumb and not replant the trees?"
Well, he is far from dumb just because of that. Of course, he was an irresponsible entrepreneur, but he wasn't an idiot.
He didn't replant the trees because they take 20 years to grow up entirely again. It was confirmed in the Lorax animated special of 1972!
The customers wouldn't be patient enough to wait freaking 20 years hellooooo. So he just didn't replant the seeds. And the more money and popularity he gained, the more desperate he became to bigger his company, making him cut down the trees faster and faster, ending up on what we already know.
★ – expressiveness through body language
He is no longer the clumsy guy who falls and trips around. He carries himself with poise and elegance. He is imposing, he is powerful, he has a lot of pride, and he lets that clear through his body language. He doesn't make those silly, somewhat "childish" and awkward gestures anymore. His gestures are elegant, his gestures are sophisticated, and he moves himself with grace and smoothness. He doesn't bend down to talk to Lorax and the animals. He stands for himself, towering above all the other individuals. He doesn't wiggle and hop around with a goofy energy. He walks straight with dignity.
He’s now doing what his own business does - he stands up straighter than he ever did, he wants the surroundings and everyone on them to conform to him, bow down to him like he was a king - well, he technically is the ruler after all.
◆ Section 2 — skills/abilities/other qualities
Come on, you can't tell me he isn't a very skilled man. He can do a lot of things!
◇ he can cook
◇ he can sing
◇ he can play guitar
◇ he can build – he built his cottage all alone
◇ he is creative and has great ideas – I already said this before, but I'm just noting it again
◇ he can knit
◇ he can draw
◇ he is strong
– he carries both an axe AND a tree at the same time and ALL BY HIMSELF HELLO?
◇ he can dance
— his lil dances are so cute
◇ he can do magic tricks – he makes things appear from nowhere like WHAAA-
◇ he probably has some knowledge of clothes and fashion and has great taste in it
– come on, you can't disagree with me, I mean, how could he know the perfect material for his thneeds? And also his clothes slay, next
◇ he probably has some knowledge of traveling and exploring
– he traveled all on his own and found the Truffula Valley eventually, and you can't convince me otherwise
Onceler is a man of many abilities/talents, and he seems to be a guy with knowledge! He's skilled. You can't deny that.
◆ Section 3 – appearance/design
Letting my fangirling aside-
He still is a very good-looking character, both in terms of physical and on his clothing as well.
To start the appearance section, he has some noticeable characteristics that differ him from the other characters:
– this differs him from all the other male characters. He is the only man with eyelashes in the movie X3
– he's one of the only characters that have freckles, the other one being Audrey, and aside from them, I didn't see any other having freckles. And come on, let's all agree. Freckles are just blessing
[eletric/vibrant blue eyes]
– he is the only main character with blue eyes - I say main because, of course, there are background characters with blue eyes, but they are BACKGROUND characters, after all. And Oncie is the only main character with blue eyes, and they are really pretty, and their color is so vivid!
★ – other appearance features:
• [His HAIR] •
Onceler's hair seems to be a less straight (1B) or even soft wave (2B) type. It looks slightly wavy. It also seems that he takes care of that hair – I'd like to ask about the products he uses XD. Seriously tho, his hair is marvelous, and it appears to be so healthy. It looks so soft and fluffy and somewhat shines in the light as well.
His hair is so beautiful. I just wanted to caress it and play with it- I MEAN
• [His FACE] •
The cute adorable face <3
His face shape is roundy, and his cheeks seem so tender and good to squeeze-
His nose is very cute as well, and it is very roundy, just like his face. His ears are kinda smaller compared to other characters' ears from what I've seen. They're so adorable, and guess what? Roundy again. Oh, and his eyebrows are thin, AND ALSO ENDEARING X3
(I literally find every trait about him so cute, like, please send help)
I'm pretty sure they made him this endearing intentionally for us to sympathize with him, as he has such different features compared to other characters, and just like I said, he is adorable. If we compare him to his family, for example, we can see that the other members are rather ugly. We humans tend to sympathize more with what's pleasing to our eyes, ya know, and I'm pretty sure that's what happens with Onceler here. Yeah, I know he technically is the "villain" of the movie, but he's not completely evil (and he was pushed into this by his mother), so, I'm sure they made him this pretty intentionally, you can't convince me otherwise.
• [His BODY] •
It was confirmed that he is 6'4 (1,93m) tall. He towers above everyone. His legs are like 70% of his body.
And he is lean, skinny as hell. I mean, that dude be so thin.
– By the way, I'm sure he is around 154lbs (70kgs) of weight. Anyone who says that he is 40lbs, don't talk to me.
I am pretty sure he is 154lbs, you won't change my mind.
Okay, now, talking more seriously – because I've been acting a little too silly here :>
If you are delulu enough to notice every tiny detail about a character and analyze it wisely, you'll notice that his appearance/design is overall very well thought out.
I already stated his height, but now, why don't we look further into its meaning?
Yes, it has way more meaning than you think.
Just as I affirmed earlier, he is very tall. It might seem a very simple trait. Nevertheless, they made a lot out of a simple trait like this. He towers above every other character that interacts with him, people and animals alike. Something very ironic is that he somewhat resembles the Truffula trees: his legs seemingly are around 70% of his body, and the stripes on his gray pants are similar to the stripes on the trees' trunks.
I'm sure it's quite obvious why it is ironic, right? He resembles a tree, but he cut them all down, and for me, it adds more to the character. Furthermore, his overall lanky, pliable, and tall body reminds us of the iconic wonky and twisty buildings from the original Seuss’s style, associating the new him with the old one.
Something else to add is that, maybe that's one the reasons why he somewhat never fitted in with his family, and perhaps, with other people in general. His body is too big, too slender, too flexible, and too weird in other's eyes, including his family's. He often gets into weird positions and moves those elongated limbs of his in such strange ways, making others see him just as a ridiculously silly and strange guy whom people mock and don't have sympathy for. The sheer height of his points in the direction of someone who never fitted in. His body isn't something that others take seriously, in the same way as his huge ambition to be successful.
Nonetheless, once the green suit comes in, his height's meaning reverses itself to the opposite of before.
As said before, now he moves, gestures, and walks with poise, elegance, and dignity. He quit making those weird, silly, and "childish" gestures. He behaves like a true businessman now, showing self-confidence and self-respect. He has manners and knows how to behave like a man of high class the he is right now.
And his body is far from being worth for laughs as it was before. Tall people are models, tall people are imposing, and their height automatically brings them the respect and admiration of their spectators. People with such height have a big body to show off, a body that towers above any other. Tall people can bring the sensation of strength and power, making others think they are stronger and deserve more respect.
Furthermore, for him, everything has to be bigger now - enormous hallways that you almost can't see the top of, gigantic doors, a bigger office, a bigger hat...everything has to be just as big as he is, as his popularity is, as his monetary gain is.
That huge hat he wears adds even more height to him, making him seem even taller, turning him even more imposing and deserving of respect and admiration. It accentuates something that now wants and has to be noticed.
At the end of HBCIB, his size is emphasized to the point where he’s shown towering above literally everything, including the trees. The people and especially the animals that are being affected negatively by his actions, are just too small to matter to him now. Just as I said before in the personality section, everyone around him is like mere insects that he might step over if he wants or needs to. They have no worth for him anymore. It's not only that he's uncaring. He’s gotten so immense, so great that he isn't even able to see those things the way he used to see and care about them.
He’s far from being a poor, awkward wanderer. He is the ruler, the owner of the city, the owner of a colossal company. But once his company closes, the fall is as huge as the size it had before failing. And he falls together, being as tall as he is, the fall will leave massive wounds (this is metaphorical, by the way, just to clarify in case it's needed).
What makes all of these statements even more interesting and even more meaningful is the fact that he never changes in body size. It's still the same body and the same person. What makes the big difference is the way he uses this height and this body, how he chooses to carry himself. And for me, this is just brilliant and amazing.
★ – clothes/outfits
Now, changing into his outfits. As you might've thought already, they also have a lot of meaning.
• [Complexity/details] •
This might be pretty obvious already, but I still want to state this.
His outfit before the greed era is bland and plain. It is devoid of too many details, and it looks casual. And that resembles the person he is.
He is kind. He doesn't have much, and he lives in a simple, comfy environment. Although he searches for success in his career, he isn't showy. He's a lighthearted and caring guy. And his outfit shows that.
His pj's are just goofy, showing how much he has that silly and some sort of childish nature :3
Now, we go to Greedler's outfit.
I bet that if you've read everything up to here, you already know that Onceler and Greedler are practically opposites in many aspects. And on the outfit, it isn't different.
Greedler's outfit looks from someone of high class, someone who is higher on the hierarchy. His outfit shows that he is someone of money of great power. The amount of detail it has (golden features, lighter green stripes, etc.) is difficult to pass unnoticed. That's because he wants to be noticed. He wants to bring attention to himself. The detailed, bright, and classy clothing he wears catches people's attention.
That displays how showy he is now that his company has become a success. He loves the popularity and admiration. The complexity of his clothing can also mean how complex his personality actually is. Just as I said, Greedler has many personality layers.
The bright and vivid color displays how he tries to seem cheerful, charming, and welcoming to everyone, as an attempt to distract the others from the dark truth behind his actions.
• [The colors] •
Onceler's outfit is not only (almost) devoid of detail, it is devoid of color. And that is a clever design choice if we consider the environment he's in.
The Truffula Valley is just too colorful and bright, full of green, yellow, pink, orange, and red. To contrast the colorful surroundings he is, his outfit is a monochrome of white and gray, even his hair contributes to this, since it is black. He is the contrast of white-gray-black in the middle of a sea of colors that is the forest.
The only color he has on his outfit is the green gloves, which could mean something: what will bring him fortune is his hard work, this hard work being done by his hands. The color green reminds us of money, and money is wealth and fortune. So, green gloves!
Once he polluted and destroyed the environment around him, the colors of the valley vanish away from the terrain, and they go to him. He steals the wealth from nature to bring it to himself. The fortune is not in nature anymore, it is on him, he stole all the green from the forest to drape it over himself.
He wasn't allowed to wear those colors until he ripped it off of nature first. The valley's dead and monochrome now, and he is wearing his flashy emerald suit. The high quantity of green on his suit resembles how rich he is now.
• [Others] •
These are just some other details/curiosities about his outfits :>
◇ have you ever thought why Greedler's glasses are blue? Well, his mother uses blue glasses as well, so that could mean he wears them as an honor to her (since he wants to make her proud)
◇ his golden chain is actually a pocket watch! – he takes it out of his pocket in the scene where he is walking to his office
◇ Onceler's outfits' buttons are on the left-hand side, while Greedler's outfit buttons are on the right-hand side!
"Why are you saying this?" you might ask. Well, they say that men's clothes have buttons on the left-hand side because they usually dress themselves. While women's clothes have buttons on the right-hand side since they usually had the help of a maid (the place of the buttons was switched since most people are right-handed).
SO, if you think about it, Greedler's outfit buttons might be on the right-hand side because he perhaps has servants (he is a famous millionaire after all, so that makes sense).
◇ You might think that his suit's proportions are silly, but they can actually be very clever!
You know, his big white shirt collar, it can, in reality, resemble the "white collar crime"!
"Crime of deceit to obtain or avoid losing money or to gain a business advantage"
Cool huh?
◆ Section 4 – Backstory
Backstory-wise, we don't have much information about it. So let me feed you with some theories based on some small hints the movie might've given us.
◇ Being a successful entrepreneur was a life-long dream of him, despite it always being mocked by his family. The thneed was something "too ahead of its time", and being as weird and uncommon as it was, his mother was always "reminding" him that if his invention was a failure instead of a success, it wouldn't be a surprise to her at all. He had this idea since his childhood, and she never approved it. This might have affected his self-esteem, but not his hope and optimism.
◇ Isabella has always been "the mind" of the family, both for being manipulative and an influence that everyone follows. From what we can see when Onceler gives his family an overly joyous goodbye, she is the first to laugh at him, but the others just start laughing too when she looks at them. I'm not saying that the rest of the family isn't greedy and they're just there for the money, but I think that she might have had an influence on them and that their disapproval it's not entirely from them.
◇ Brett and Chet might act mean with Onceler just to get their mother's approval as well.
Yes, I know, that if we use the deleted scenes as a base, this theory can be broken up, but I'm not using the deleted scenes as a base for these theories here, I'm just using the final product (the movie).
As we can see in the moment Oncie's family leaves him alone when the last tree is cut down, when his mother says that Brett is her favorite son, he doesn't seem to be actually happy with that. They do feel a bit bad for Onceler deep down, and they never really hated their brother, they were just influenced by Isabella, and they tried to make her proud of them as well.
◇ Onceler's father is still a mystery 'til these days, but, we might have a little hint about what was his job, and this might bring even more possible answers.
There is a poster on the outside of the family's house that says: "GREG'S MOTOR OIL"
Perhaps Greg is Onceler's father's name, and he could be a mechanic (or something similar).
And now, let's dive into some hypotheses (also I'll be using Greg to refer to him):
– Greg didn't have a lot of money, he wasn't paid that much for his job, which is the reason why the family lives distant from the city, in a rather rustic house.
– Greg either died or left the family (none of us are completely sure, but these two are the best "answers" for why he never showed up in the movie).
Also, this is more of a headcanon, but I think that his father wasn't as mean as Isabella, I kinda think he might've been kind and sweet to his sons. And, judging by the time they were young, maybe their wedding was chosen by their parents, they might've never even really liked each other, but their marriage was forced.
Furthermore, Onceler looks nothing like his brothers (and he isn't that similar to his mother as well), so we can imagine that he might look similar to his father (this perhaps being one of the reasons Isabella doesn't like him at all).
Yeah, I know that all of this might be just some crazy hypotheses/headcanons but I thought I could share it here! Since the backstory sections are made purely for theories after all (of course, kinda based on what the movie shows to us, but who said I can't share some headcanons as well?)
◇ Either his mother or his great aunt/uncle works to get the family some money - (headcanon)
◆ Section 5 – Trivia/curiosities
Now, onto the trivia and fun facts!
★ – Onceler's last name is still a mystery, but many people say that his last name is Baxley. From what I've heard, people say it was revealed during an interview with the people who worked on the movie, but no one is entirely sure if that's true or not.
Being true or not, Baxley is a name of English origin :>
★ – The artists made countless designs/concept art of him before the final one that we know. In many of these concepts he wasn't even a human and he looked more like those creatures from Seuss’s style. There's even a discarded design that kinda looks like Grinch.
★ – Judging by many aspects, items, and the environment, Onceler's arrival to Greenville (future Thneedville) was around the 1960s, especially around 1963-1967.
★ – His birthday date was actually something the fandom came up with, but regardless, his bday date is April 22nd, Earth Day. Which is ironic, considering he destroyed an entire ecosystem.
★ – His age during the flashbacks (since his arrival to Greenville until his company's downfall) is 20-25. He was 20 years old when he arrived at the Truffula Valley, and 25 when his company closed. So, his company worked for 5 years!
★ – His MBTI is ENFP, definitely — I'm ENFP TOO! YAY
★ – I think this one might be obvious but the name "Onceler" resembles the "Once upon a time" thingy. I'm pretty sure this is obvious but I wanted to say this anyway.
★ – Judging by his personality the sign that fits him is Taurus! (Also if we count that he was born on April 22nd, he would be a Taurus)
But seriously tho, I really enjoyed writing this! It was real fun to write this whole thing out, I was a joyous experience :3
I hope y'all like this just as I did! And I hope this whole thing is good lmao
Anyways uh, SEE YA GUYS!! :D
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akayralylegacy · 6 months
OFFICIAL SIGNUP POST: Thneedmas Exchange 2023!
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Read fully before liking/reblogging!
This event is being run by @miru667
Makeup gift volunteers fill in when a participant is unable to get a gift from their assigned partner; these things happen sometimes! If you’d like to volunteer to fill in for this role, please message @miru667, and we’ll be sure to add you to the list. Thanks again!
This blog itself is meant to organize the lorax fandom’s various “Secret Santa” styled events, and to share the works created by our participants once each exchange has ended. Participants do not have to follow, but if you’d like to keep tabs, feel free to follow our tag: #unitetheloraxfandom
Here are the rules!
1) To sign up you must LIKE AND REBLOG the official post for the current exchange. That would be this one! We will try to message people once they’ve been added to the participants list, so look out for that!
2) We will be contacting you via Tumblr Direct Messaging to send you the name of your buddy. But if it is unavailable we will be sending it to your askbox. Make sure you have your askbox open please! You don’t need to have anon on. If we can’t contact you, you will be taken OFF of the list without warning.
3) If you change your URL after signing up, you MUST tell us.
4) Signup starts TODAY (December 1st) and will be CLOSED on December 7th 23:59 PST.
5) After the 7th of December, you will be messaged the name of your secret buddy. They must be unaware that you are their Thneedmas Exchange partner until after the period of posting (December 23rd - January 5th) or longer depending on issues with post limit.
6) If you sign up after the cutoff date, your url will be put on a waiting list for the next exchange. There will be no room for late sign ups.
7) Gifts can be fanart, fanfiction, fan video, etc. If you have any other ideas for your gift, feel free to get creative. Also, please try to keep them related to The Lorax unless you know your buddy would appreciate something non-Lorax related more.
8) If you have had drama in the past with another tumblr user then please let us know ahead of time so we can make certain that neither of you are assigned to each other.
9) Buddies will be assigned by the mods, and you will be buddied up randomly. If you don’t receive a buddy after the sign-up period is over, then MESSAGE US IMMEDIATELY! DON’T WAIT UNTIL THE DAY BEFORE THE EXCHANGE OR THE LAST DAY OF THE EXCHANGE OR 2 DAYS AFTER THE EXCHANGE.
10) If you have not received your gift in time, you MAY make a request for a makeup one created by one of the mods or makeup gift volunteers; this offer is only valid if you’ve come through with your own partner’s gift, it’s only fair.
Thank you for reading!
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akayralylegacy · 6 months
‘You’re always in your headphones, what are you listening to?’
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akayralylegacy · 6 months
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akayralylegacy · 6 months
Okay uhm let me reblog this too :3
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