aidanhiggs ¡ 4 years
“Wait,” Aidan interject holding up a finger as something came to mind, shaking his head almost seconds after. “Oh no, my apologies, her name was Anne, not Anna. Great writer, though. Have you had a chance to read it yet, Interview with the Vampire, I mean?” Aidan had spent a lot of time reading while in the hospital wing, but few books stood out quite like that one. Despite it being written by a supposed muggle, it intrigued him.  “Perhaps, it is quite a common name, so it wouldn’t be that out of this world to think I’d become acquainted with someone named Anna, even if it is someone other than yourself.” He pointed out. “I mean, I suppose given it’s been a while, it might be wise to have someone follow me. This castle can get confusing, even after so many years.”
Anna’s breath caught in her throat as he told her to wait, watching to see if any sort of recognition was in his eyes. Any hint that he might have a inkling of who she was, but as he kept talking, her spirits and face fell. “Oh… No, I haven’t. Maybe I’ll check it out.” She wasn’t much of a reader, sure, but anything to connect with this new Aidan couldn’t be bad. She could force her way through a book if it meant having something in common with him now. Taking a small breath, she steeled herself to the idea that he didn’t know her… for a moment. She’d just have to try harder and keep up with him. But, for now, she’d be a little brave. Forcing a small smile, she motioned with her head to follow her. “C’mon. Let’s get you back to your room, Aidan. I’m sure you’re tired.” As she led the way, she realized that she, too, was exceptionally exhausted.
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aidanhiggs ¡ 4 years
Aidan wasn’t sure what it was, but something about cooking had always drawn him in. This, despite everything hadn’t changed. He’d waited until the castle seemed deserted however before wandering down to the kitchens, having purchased bags of groceries earlier in the day. He was excited to get back to it, allow himself to get lost in the world of food for the first time in what felt like ages. So, after getting everything laid out, he’d popped open a bottle of stout, sipping on it as he went. If anyone were to walk in and knew his father, they’d see him as the spitting image of him. Not that he had recollection of the times spent in the kitchen with his father or any of the Higgs, but still the place brought on a sense of welcomed tranquility. 
He stood, chopping away, taking a sip from his stout every so often before returning to chopping, the base of the stew already having begun to boil and filling the kitchens with a wonderous aroma. Suddenly in the midst of it all, without realizing, he began humming along to Auld Lang Syne, eventually starting on the words. 
“We'll tak a cup o' kindness yet.”
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aidanhiggs ¡ 4 years
closed starter in response to this meme for @phinparkinson​
After his return, bits and pieces of Aidan's memories had been foggy and though he'd stubbornly gone out of his way to deny this to anyone that said otherwise, he was unable to escape the dreadful thoughts as they slid into his mind in slumber. Some more vivid than others, such as the ones of him cooking, spending time in a kitchen, one different from the one at Hogwarts.
With Phineas, however, there was a different sort of familiarity, something that made him feel safe, whether it was because he'd spent so much time helping in the hospital wing or more, he wasn't sure. Clearly, he'd seen the Slytherin around the castle, but beyond that? Regardless, Aidan enjoyed being near him and the occasional conversation, no matter how brief they seemed to be. He was one of the few that seemed to genuinely be concerned with how Aidan was feeling. 
“So, are you going home over -” Is all Aidan managed to say before the world around him came to a halt. It happened so quickly, he hadn’t registered why or how, only the feel of an all-too-familiar pair of lips against his, despite the how escaping him. He returned the kiss for a few moments too long, eyes closing until memories of CORBAN flashed through his mind and he quickly pushed himself back, shaking his head. “I can’t, I’m with someone.” Even if he wanted to. 
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aidanhiggs ¡ 4 years
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"I never quite understood the whole deal with the holidays, what’s the point in buying or making someone a gift, just to have them give a shitty one in return?” Aidan spoke to whoever had the joy of sitting next to him. “Why can’t I just go out and get myself what I want and leave it at that? Skip all the middle man nonsense.” 
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aidanhiggs ¡ 4 years
fi was sitting on the side of the ice rink, watching people skate about. “oh no no.” she said, shaking her head. “i might be graceful on a broom but i am nowhere near as elegant on my feet. i’d rather not make a fool out of myself and try skating.” she said, shaking her head slightly. 
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“I’m sure if you ask around, they have lessons for toddlers and they’ll equip you with all forms of protection.” Aidan pointed out, coming to a halt as he overheard the familiar voice of Ophelia. “But if not, on the bright side, being that you’re a child, you don’t have to worry about having a long fall to the ground.” 
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aidanhiggs ¡ 4 years
“Okay, question, do you usually begin conversations this way?” Lucinda questioned, brow raised, “Because in my experience, a polite ‘hello’ usually works better if you want something from the other person.”
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“No, I don’t usually start conversations at all. But since you’ve interrupted my train of thought. Hi, hello, how are you? Can I interest you in eavesdropping on someone, ANYONE else?” 
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aidanhiggs ¡ 4 years
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Tell Me A Story | Paul Wesley Wallpaper Season 2 (2019)
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aidanhiggs ¡ 4 years
“i’d like to remind you that i am not twelve years old and you are not my babysitter, though if you want to be go ahead.” she said, looking at him and shaking her head. “yes. more for you.” she said, a small smile on her face. “oh wow! you’re truly treating me like a princess. sure. i’ll take the cranberry juice with lime. thank you.” she said, before moving to sit down. “how have you been?” she asked. 
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"Thirteen, then?" He teased, "Never said I was, but I don't have to be to know not to give a child alcohol. Unless someone plans on paying me, I'll pass. I'm not great with kids." Aidan took another sip from his glass and set it on the table, raising two fingers in a v-shape to their eye and then gesturing at her. “I’m watching you, I know how much is there.” He then turned away to make her a glass, throwing in a few ice cubes as well. “Here you are, I was going to add a mint leaf as well, but wasn’t sure if you were a fan.” He held out the glass, shrugging. “Good, now. How are you?” 
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aidanhiggs ¡ 4 years
“you might not remember me, but we’re in the same house so i can assure you we knew each other.” she said simply. it was annoying that he had no memory but they could eventually fix that. there had to be a healing spell or potion. “maybe i did hit my head. maybe this is all a dream and you’re make-believe.” she said, rolling her eyes. “tell them to shut up and if they don’t, make them shut up.” she said. “it’s really not that difficult.” 
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"Perhaps you just dreamt up us knowing one another, it's quite common to admire those that are older than you. I too had a crush on an older student at one point, nothing to embarrass yourself over.” He simply mused, voicing his thoughts aloud. “That sounds far more likely,” he nodded. “Unfortunately the expression shut up doesn’t seem to always do the trick.” 
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aidanhiggs ¡ 4 years
“oh. i’d be more than happy to teach you.” she said, taking the glass. “that’s when i just threaten to hex them if they don’t leave.” she said simply, taking a sip from the glass. “and then if they don’t i follow through with my threat. i don’t have time for people who aren’t on the same brain wave as me.”
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“ Name a time and a place, and I’ll be there,” Aidan nodded with a slight smirk. "Any hex in particular that works better over others? Or do you just tend to wing it?” He asked, genuinely interested in what the other used. “Seems like you’re one after my own heart.” 
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aidanhiggs ¡ 4 years
She accepted the glass with both hands and took a small sip. “This is good. Thank you,” Rae replied graciously, taking a seat beside him. “How have you been since coming back? I mean, obviously you’re making fantastic drinks. But otherwise? I hope no one is giving you too hard of a time.”
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Aidan took a sip of his own as he nodded, “There’s plenty more where this came from, I’ve got quite the collection up in my dorm.” He’d always enjoyed the art of making cocktails, and being able to bring a sliver of happiness to someone’s day through them. “I’ve been good though, it’s been a bit odd re-adjusting to school, but I think I’m finally back in the swing of things. People are nosy, it’d seem, I don’t think that’ll ever change though, unfortunately. How about you, though? Everyone is always so concerned about me, surely you have something worth sharing.” 
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aidanhiggs ¡ 4 years
❝ no matter what happens, don’t forget about me. ❞ { rae & aidan }
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Aidan had lost track of the days, the hours, everything seemed to blur together and mesh into one. It had gotten to the point where he started begging for it to be over, for someone to show him a shred of mercy and put an end to his suffering. But there was one single face that did seem to care, though they only visited when no one else was around, it was the only thing Aidan had to look forward to in the midst of everything. That person was Aurelia, a constant person in his life. Always there. 
So, as whispers seemed to spread around the building of what to do with the boy, arguments happened. It would seem there was a mixture of opinion on how to handle him. But at this point, Aidan was just looking forward to the end of his suffering. His body was weakening, no longer trying to put up a fight.
Before the final decision was rolled out, Aurelia visited him once more, his eyes barely open as she spoke, his hand and fingers twitching against the constraints. “Don’t, please. I won’t. Just please take care of her, I need her to be safe, for you to be safe. I’ve earned whatever is coming my way.” 
And with that, everything around him went pitch black. 
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aidanhiggs ¡ 4 years
Alecto music thingy
Send a 🎵 for a song/lyric that defines our characters’ dynamic
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AIDAN & ALECTO - don’t threaten me with a good time by fall out boy 
This night is heating upRaise hell and turn it upSaying “If you go out you might pass out in a drain pipe“Oh yeah, don’t threaten me with a good time
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aidanhiggs ¡ 4 years
No, it doesn’t ring a bell to me. Anna swallowed, looking down at her feet for a moment. She was sure those words were going to haunt her well into the next week, and she wasn’t sure she could handle it. He didn’t know her. The nurses weren’t sure when he would, again. “No matter, then. Maybe it will one day.” She forced a little optimism into her voice, hoping that she was right. That, one day, he’d look at her and see his little sister again, instead of a meddling child. “Anyways, I’m still going to walk with you to Ravenclaw tower. Just let me do that? I won’t talk, if you don’t want.”
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"Wait," Aidan interject holding up a finger as something came to mind, shaking his head almost seconds after. “Oh no, my apologies, her name was Anne, not Anna. Great writer, though. Have you had a chance to read it yet, Interview with the Vampire, I mean?” Aidan had spent a lot of time reading while in the hospital wing, but few books stood out quite like that one. Despite it being written by a supposed muggle, it intrigued him.  “Perhaps, it is quite a common name, so it wouldn’t be that out of this world to think I’d become acquainted with someone named Anna, even if it is someone other than yourself.” He pointed out. “I mean, I suppose given it’s been a while, it might be wise to have someone follow me. This castle can get confusing, even after so many years.”
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aidanhiggs ¡ 4 years
“It was me… I broke it.” He apologized instantly when the other walked in, standing right by a broken vial - thankfully, it had been empty when it fell to the floor. “But it’s nothing that can’t be fixed.” Gilderoy added as he pulled out his wand, ready to cast a Reparo. He was actually hoping he could’ve fixed it in time before the other came back, but he did spend more time making sure none of the broken pieces scratched him before getting it fixed. “Or if you want, I can get you a new one. Or a brand new set, I’m sure I could get a sweet deal at Slug and Jigger’s Apothecary, the owner are quite fond of me.” He said with a smile, although it was definitely an exaggeration.
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( @aidanhiggs​ )
Aidan wasn’t a sentimental person, he had few items he cared for but those he didn’t leave just sitting out for anyone to find. Especially not his roommate, whom he had little interest in. Sure, he was attractive, but he had yet to notice anything else about the male. “It’s just a vial, it’s nothing of great value. There’s no need to get so worked up over it.” Aidan pointed out, but didn’t make an effort to stop him from repairing it, he had broken it after all. “But if you’re so desperate to buy me a new set, I won’t say no.” 
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aidanhiggs ¡ 4 years
“i never stress about others.” dolores said, looking at the other. he was gorgeous, but she wasn’t in the game of messing with people who came back to life from the dead. “why would someone as pretty as you need to stress over the likes of people so not worth your time?” she asked, eying him over. “but i always accept bribes of alcohol. of course i’ll join you.” 
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"Then I shall have to have you teach me your ways,” Aidan smirked, holding out the glass for her to take. “Because unfortunately there’s a fair few that can’t seem to take the hint when it comes to me wanting them to leave me alone. But good, I have plenty more where this came from.” 
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aidanhiggs ¡ 4 years
      ᴅᴏᴄᴛᴏʀ look into my eyes
            I’ve been breathing ᴀɪʀ but there’s no sign of life
       ᴅᴏᴄᴛᴏʀ the problem’s in my chest
              My heart feels cold as ɪᴄᴇ but it’s anybody’s guess
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