If someone says they can’t do something, the correct response is “Let’s find something you can do that can achieve a similar desired result.” not “Yes you can.”
“Yes you can” is not motivating someone. It’s denying their personal experiences.
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Academic Writing Resources
The Five-Paragraph Essay
Using Punctuation Marks
Deadly Sins Checklist
Formatting Your Paper
Writing About Literature
Basic Essay
Revision Checklist
Planning and Organization
Editing and Proofreading
Latin Terms
Essay Structure
Tips on Introducing Quotes
Academic Writing Tips
Introductory Paragraphs
Writing an Introduction
Preparing to Write an Introduction
Introduction Strategies
The Introductory Paragraph
Writing Effective Introductions
In The Beginning
Introductions and Conclusions
The Introductory Paragraph
Writing Introductory Paragraphs
How to Write an Intro
Body Paragraphs:
Paragraph Development and Topic Sentences
Four Components of an Effective Body Paragraph
Writing Paragraphs
Paragraph Development
Body Paragraphs
Body Paragraphs
Strong Body Paragraphs
Body Paragraphs
Writing Body Paragraphs
How to Write Body Paragraphs
Writing the Body
Writing Body Paragraphs
Body Paragraphs
Body Paragraphs that Defend a Thesis
How to Write Body Paragraphs
The Perfect Paragraph
Topic Sentences:
Topic Sentences
Writing Topic Sentences
Topic Sentences
Topic Sentences
The Topic Sentence
Paragraphs and Topic Sentences
The Topic Sentence
Topics, Main Ideas, and Topic Sentences
Writing a Good Topic Sentence
Good Topic Sentences
Writing Effective Conclusions
Introductions and Conclusions
Conclusion Paragraphs
Conclusion Strategies
Tips for a Strong Conclusion
The Concluding Paragraph
Ending the Essay
Types of Conclusions
Writing a Strong Conclusion
How to Write a Conclusion
Writing Conclusions
Guide to Conclusions
Thesis Statements:
The Thesis Statement
Thesis Statements
Writing a Thesis Statement
Thesis Statement
Tips and Examples
Writing a Thesis
Writing the Thesis
How to Write Your Thesis
The Thesis
Thesis Statements
Guidelines for Writing a Thesis
Thesis Statements
Thesis Statements
The Thesis
Create a Strong Thesis
How to Write a Thesis
Developing a Thesis
Guide to Writing Thesis Statements
Thesis Statements
When to Cite
APA Documentation
MLA Documentation
Suggestions for Citing Sources
Research and Citation Resources
Citation Information
MLA Guidelines for Citing Poetry
MLA Style for Poetry
How to Format Your Paper
Argumentative Essays:
Argumentative Essays
Argumentative Essays
Persuasive or Argumentative Essays
Argumentative Essay
Argumentative Essays
How to Write a Good Argument
How to Write an Argumentative Essay
Writing Conclusions to Argumentative Essays
Argumentative Essay
Persuasive Essay Writing
Writing Concluding Paragraphs
Constructing the Argumentative Essay
Writing About Poetry:
Writing About Poetry
Writing About Poetry
Writing About Poetry Q & A
Poetry Explications
Writing About Poetry
Writing About Poems
Explicating a Poem
Writing About Poetry
Writing a Thesis Paper About a Poem
How to Start a Poetry Introduction
Poetry Essay Structure
Poetry Explication
Expository Essays:
Structure of a General Expository Essay
Expository Essay Examples
Sample Expository Essay
Expository Writing
Expository Essay Model
Elements of Expository Essays
Expository Writing Information
Expository Essays
Writing Expository Essays
How to Write an Expository Essay
Tips on Writing an Expository Essay
Expository Essays
Essay Map
Writing Expository Essays
How to Create a Strong Expository Essay
Expository Essay Writing
The Expository Essay
Research Papers:
How to Write a Research Paper in Literature
Writing a Research Paper
The Research Paper
How to Write a Research Paper
Five Paragraph Research Paper
Sample Research Paper
Writing a Research Paper
Tips for a Research Paper
How to Write a Research Paper
Writing a Scientific Research Paper
Writing Research Papers
Research and Writing
Research Papers that Rock
How to Write an Effective Research Paper
College Application Essays:
Application Essay Tips
Application Essays
10 Tips
Application Essays
How to Write a College Application Essay
Tips for an Effective Essay
Do’s and Don’t’s
College Application Essay
How to Write a College Application Essay
Narrative Essays:
Narrative and Descriptive
Narrative Essay Writing
The Personal Essay
Narrative Essays
Narrative Essays
Writing Narrative Essays
Narrative Essay
Writing a Narrative Essay
Tips on Writing a Narrative Essay
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Is there a skill you’ve always wanted to master someday, but kept procrastinating on? A language you started learning – then abandoned? A topic in class you’ve never quite grasped? Or maybe you just want to expand your horizon and try something new? Distract yourself from your usual studies?
This challenge is the perfect opportunity to achieve that! Pick a skill and see how much you can improve and grow in 30 days – or really start working on your to-read list (I know those books have been piling up), your portfolio for that dream job in Illustration you want, or your blog you’ve been meaning to post more original content on.
Self-growth and development are so, so important, which is the main reason why I created this challenge.
The idea of this challenge is that people from all communities come together to gain knowledge, add skills and just have fun with the amazing amount of resources out there. This way, we can all support and motivate each other, whatever field you might be interested in.
Post an introduction with the hashtag #30dol with your goals and expectations for the month (starting June 1st), and what your current level is. (Of course, you can join in later as well, but it’s fun to start a the same time!) In the end, you’ll be able to compare and see how much has changed!
choose a topic or field you want to concentrate on
post an introduction to #30dol 
define your goals or aspirations
update daily or weekly, we want to hear from you! ♥
post a picture, a sketch, or audio, whatever you deem fitting to show us all your progress for the day/week
Here are some ideas for you:
bullet journaling (read about it here on @emmastudies, here’s an amazing online course on it) 
books/reading (if you don’t have a personal to-read list, here is one with the best books of the 20th century, best series with a gay plot/subplot, and books everyone should have read at least once)
coding (here are some sites to learn html, css, data science, python 3, java, etc.: x x x x)
design/illustration ( stickers and illustration, character illustration, Ink Illustration, 45 best adobe illustrator tutorials, 
business/freelance/open your own shop (tips on how to open your own sticker shop, digital skills: web analytics and marketing)
languages (apps like lingodeer, duolingo, lingvist, busuu, blogs like @lovelybluepanda. there are also so many pdfs and amazing websites out there depending on your target language!)
online mass education courses (edx, coursera, skillshare, futurelearn where universities and professionals teach you about their subject - be that astronomy, engineering, ancient greek history, artificial intelligence or medicine!)
social media (learn to take iphone photos for your tumblr or instagram, and here’s a great post by @studyquill on how to start and maintain a studyblr!)
photography (travel street photography, find photographers you admire like annie leibovitz or henri cartier bresson and read about their path, or browse youtube channels like negative feedback which specialize on photography)
creative writing (there are tons of workshops online - you could also try to set yourself a piece or word limit similar to nanowrimo) 
culinary (check recipe websites, or challenge yourself to try one new recipe a day, or dedicate the month to a specific cuisine)
music (learn music production, andrew huang has also made a video on how to start making music here)
film and filmmaking (karsten runquist’s channel is wonderful for film analysis,  learn about cinematography basics here and film history here)
painting (acrylic painting, sketchbook illustration. you could challenge yourself to fill an entire sketchbook/create a piece every day or week, or to improve a specific technique) 
Every resource linked is free (if you click on the links you can get Skillshare for free for two months and cancel anytime), so all you need is some free time and lots of motivation!!
I’m very happy to be announcing this to you all, and will be working on my Japanese for this challenge – so excited to see what you all and I will do and how far we can come!
Use #30dol as the general tag, and add your field (your specific subject, or writing, painting, lang(uages), pho(tography), film, book, design) to find people doing something similar! Though honestly one of the things I’m most excited about is the multidisciplinary aspect - we are such a brilliant and colorful community :)
Have fun guys!!
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Graduated ❤
The real journey of life is comingg. I've been through ups and downs these past three years, didnt think that the day would come really fast. Especially thank to my parents and my friends that really support me no matter what happened. It was really tough but i could passing those troubles because of people around me.🌛🌛
I can't waiting for other amazing journeys on college!
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Tuna salad.. cause why not?
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Been obsessed with chicken piccata that i ordered on tamani cafe.❤🌙
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This is me on every exams :)
and dont forget every tears i've dropped on my paper.
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📠 Monday Message:: LET’S TALK HABITS, FAM. How do we change habits that are difficult to break? ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Here’s my process in four steps: ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ 1. Habit that I want to change — what’s no longer serving me? What have I outgrown? 2. What it gives me — what benefit do I get from this habit? How does it make me FEEL? 3. What I can replace it with — what do I enjoy and value just as much, or even more? 4. So, I will — what small step can I realistically commit to? How can I make it easy for me to execute on? ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ The most important realization I had in the process of shifting hard-to-break habits is realizing that everything I do is to feel a certain way. Once I could unpack WHY I was doing it and the BENEFIT it gave me, I could replace it with something I enjoyed and valued more. - @heyamberrae (process + gfx) ✍️🏾✍️🏾 What habits are you targeting this week?👇🏽👇🏾👇🏿 #MotivtionMonday #MondayMood #BlackGirlFly — view on Instagram http://bit.ly/2PneObg
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ways to study for exams that are actually productive
use actual note cards for vocab. yes, apps like quizlet are dandy when you’re on the go, but actually physically writing out each note card helps put the information into memory faster than typing them.
visual learner? make charts and diagrams. they don’t have to be pretty. the lines don’t have to be perfectly straight. it doesn’t have to be photogenic. but if it helps you learn, do it.
after you take notes (in class or at home/from your text book), write down possible quiz questions about the material on the next page while it’s still fresh in your mind. later on when you’re studying for the test, use these questions to gauge what specifics out of that chapter you need to work on the most.
start sooner rather than later. i know, you’ve heard this a million times from every teacher ever. but it’s legit. especially as you get into harder level classes and college courses because there is literally so much material that the tests cover that you simply can not accurately learn all of it over night. instead, start about 10 days in advance (but of coarse, the sooner the better).
studying doesn’t have to be a big giant study session that takes hours. if you start far enough in advance, study sessions can be around an hour, hell even 45 minutes is a good. if you go too long in one study session your brain will be fried and studying will be pointless because your brain won’t be processing any of it. that’s why it’s important to take breaks and not just cram for 5 hours the night before an exam.
actually study. hold yourself accountable and make your education a priority. if you have homework and studying to do, make it a priority over going partying or watching tv. there will be another party. you can dvr your show. you can’t take your test on a later day because you don’t feel ready. so be ready.
be careful with study groups. if you have a study group with all of your best friends, lets face it, you’re going to end up spending more time talking about harry styles and supernatural than actually studying. it’s better to have a study group with people who are your friends, but not best friends. and it’s better to keep it between 5-7 people so that everyone can be involved.
if the material is just super confusing and you can’t seem to understand it no matter how hard you study, it’s not you. it’s the way you were taught it. each teacher teaches a bit differently, and maybe their style of teaching just isn’t for you. if this happens, find a way that explains it the best for you. for example, if chemistry is just super confusing for you, try watching the Crash Course chemistry videos on youtube or have a friend explain it to you. this will give you a completely different perspective on the material and will help you understand it better.
at the end of the day, remember that everything will be okay. studying can be stressful, especially if it’s in a class that you struggle in. but i promise you that you are not the only one who struggles sometimes in school, it’s a part of being human. as long as you actually put in an effort and try your best, be proud of yourself. take a deep breath. and remember: you got this.
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So if you guys curious about how harmione from harry potter movie could be that clever among her friends, im here to share harmione's best tips on study. So prepare to be the next harmione! Here we go.
•Be prepared and start early
Hermione is not the kind who would venture to a lecture without having read the required class material. In fact, she always read the class manuals and learn everything she can during her holydays, before classes even start! You could do the same by doing the required work your teachers give you. If you don’t get any, look up what you’ll study and learn more about it. Don’t ever come to class unprepared.
•Read a lot and broadly
The brightest witch of her age likes to read. In fact, it’s one of her favourite distraction all throughout the saga. She seems to always have a book under her nose. She reads broadly: from boring history books, to children’s tales. She is the kind to read extra books for class, not just the required one. By doing this, she sure gets a broad culture and knowledge.
•Get organised
Hermione knows her to success depends on good organisation. She is shown to have a study plan for her exams, weeks before they happen. A good organisation helps her to always be prepared for what’s coming and to get spare time to do extra work. She would never be the kind to pull an all-nighter in order to finish a project the night before it’s due because she had forgotten about it.
•Teach others
Ron and Harry always need her and Hermione kindly help them in many situations. Teaching other (without doing all the work for them) is a great way to make sure you understand everything about a subject. It forces you to simplify and visualise clearly what you’re talking about. So, don’t think helping others is a waste of time, it helps you as well.
•Pay attention in class and participate
Even though she is mocked for this trait, Hermione can’t help but paying attention and be active in class. She always has her hand in the air when a question is asked. She knowns paying attention in class is the most important way to understand and learn about a subject. Don’t be afraid to answer your teacher’s questions, just like Hermione does.
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Reasons why I should get up today:
1. Have to water my plants and give them love
2. Have to prepare my presentation
3. Have to write a little bit for my paper
4. Have to/should visit my best friend, because that would cheer me up immensely
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My current activity is preparing for my next project bussiness🐥
just struggle choosing which formula that i could possibly make 🤔🤔
Can anyone guess what's my next project? ☝️☝️
Using my orange midliner, orange and black sarasa pens, and also my mono correction tape. Messy handwriting, cause why not? Haha.. im also using my cute pura girl book with flowers on it. 🌛❤
Happy May everyone!!
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Active studyblrs reblog 4 a follow
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Moods of productivity or lack of it:
1# inspired by @coffeeandpies :The thick layer of smog is hiding the towering buildings and you are starting off your morning at the downtown café with a cup of hot soybean milk. It is the early morning but the subway is almost empty. The almost identical appearance of the architecture and the inadequate city planning is making everyone pull their hair out, even the locals are sharing the same experience. An intense school day is rewarded with some boba tea and the study cafes are inviting people to stay long into the nights. As you are heading home late in the night, the amazing smell of street food is filling the air and once in a while you can hear someone having enjoying themselves with a karaoke session.
2# northern europe: You are late as per usual. With a takeaway coffee in your hand, you are trying to rush among all the others who are late. The cold weather hits your right in the face as you step outside of the busstation and start making your way towards class. Trams and cars are honking like crazy as some are crossing the roads when the lights are red. The humongous group of asian tourists are standing in the way of all the locals, trying to capture the grey atmosphere with their selfie sticks. After class you realise you haven’t done anything productive but still decide to skip studying to go for a lunch with your friends. As hours go by you decide it is time to go home and in the bus you fall asleep with the textbook in your hands.
3# high school: At 5.30 am you groan out loud as the alarm goes off. You end up snoozing until 6 am and realise you are going to be late for the bus. By 7 am you are sitting in class with the look of a zombie, but you are not only one. At lunch you are heading to Starbucks and order yourself an iced almond latte. The afternoon is spent at the school library with your friends and even though you were supposed to finish the three assignments, you are gossiping and looking through memes.
4# the mess: Once the alarm goes off you lay in bed contemplating your life: to go or not to go? As the warmth of the bed is inviting you decide to opt for the second option and text your friend to add your name on the attendance list. At 1 pm you decide it is time to get your shit together and you gather your stuff to the kitchen table. Two essays, a lab report, three exams and plenty of small assignments are waiting for you. Exhausted you pour yourself a huge mug of black coffee and get to work. By 12 am you realise you haven’t eaten all day but you decide it is just time to go to bed.
5# holly gabrielle: It is 6 am and you are making yourself a hot lemon water. A few yoga stretches later you sit by your desk to write the to do list for the day. When it is done you get right in to work and start your research for a paper. At 11 am you have a long lecture which you, surprisingly enough, enjoy a lot. When you get back to your dorm room your start rewriting and adding additional information to your lecture notes and at 7 pm you find yourself at your gym. By 10 pm you have finished everything on your list and happy, but tired you head to bed hoping for tomorrow to be just as productive.
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10 unusual language learning tips !
i see a lot of the same (sometimes unhelpful) tips being thrown around, so here’s my two cents:
1. write shopping lists/to do lists in your target language - often you don’t learn this vocab but it’s conversational & v useful! also writing yourself notes (lil pep talks on the bathroom mirror, for example) can work.
2. buy a small whiteboard and practice verb conjugation (esp. romantic languages) or script writing 
3. talk to pets in target language if possible!
4. look for quotes in your target language - often the turns of phrase are  more colloquial, and is a good opportunity to see how things are translated from your native language 
5. find a fairly easy news headline (in target lang) and try to re-write it w/ vocab you already have. you’ll quickly find gaps - this is a good thing! (if you’re feeling extra spicy, try writing a small subheading or description about the article).
6. create an imaginary friend who you speak with on the shower, or on the train, doing the laundry etc. talk w/ them in your target lang (in your head, obvs) about your day, future plans, etc etc.
~for more advanced learners~
7. when you’re more advanced, and have some grasp of past/future tenses, buy a children’s/tween’s/YA book that you’ve already read. highlight and annotate the shit out of it. you’ll know the general gist already, which makes context clues easier to find.
8. change wikipedia settings into target language - same goes for any social media site. this can be a mega challenge, but is so good for vocab, plus you’re more likely to remember the info since you worked so hard for it.
9. write a review for a book/film/record/whatever you’ve most recently consumed. maybe start a diary of them, or just have an ongoing word doc.
10. find a bilingual edition of poetry/literature if possible. you might find you can spot translation differences, but you’re sure to find some new vocab.
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stressed. — lemon balm tea. bloated. — peppermint tea. slow metabolism. — green tea. nauseous. — ginger tea. sleepless nights. — chamomile tea. common cold. — elderflower tea.
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