vorn-legacy · 4 years
Does anyone else remember a trippy and glitched bonus level from Lego Star Wars that had no clear objective or settings?
No video game creepypasta I’ve ever read has been even half as existentially unnerving as the actual experience of playing one of those old-school video games that have no concept of invisible walls or death barriers, randomly stumbling into a part of the level the player was never supposed to enter, and spending the next twenty minutes wandering around this eerily empty back-lot purgatory where everything’s appearance and physics are just slightly askew before realising that a. you’re not supposed to be here, and b. you can’t get back to where you were from here.
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vorn-legacy · 4 years
Reading about how to play LoL Vs Actually Playing LoL
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vorn-legacy · 4 years
If the arrows went both ways, would that make it a poly-gon?
love triangles can’t exist without at least 1 lgbt person. cishets just don’t know how shapes work
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vorn-legacy · 4 years
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vorn-legacy · 4 years
So I'm allowed to go fight my way through a supermarket crammed with people buying non-essentials to get my groceries, but we aren't allowed to have our socially-distanced wedding (with only two witnesses present), after it was already cancelled and rebooked twice due to previous lockdowns....
I know why, but still.
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vorn-legacy · 4 years
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“What is the best thing since sliced bread,” you might ask. The answer is Heroforge 2.0. It sounds like a paid ad, but it’s not. It’s just genuinely that good!!
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vorn-legacy · 4 years
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If you thought Heroforge 1.0 was really cool, just wait until you try 2.0 with colour!!
 https://www.heroforge.com/ This website/software/service is incredible. Prohibitively expensive, but incredible nevertheless. Let’s see your characters!
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vorn-legacy · 4 years
Why on earth is the best source of current affairs commentary an internet blog titled "Piss Vortex"??
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good thing there’s not a precedent for a widely-loathed centrist dem losing to donald j. trump due to overconfidence and complacency! no worries!
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vorn-legacy · 4 years
Watch "How Being The Timeless Child Ruins The Doctor (Video Essay)" on YouTube
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vorn-legacy · 4 years
Some reports make mention of notes and recordings that Heemeyer made during the preparations for his rampage that make the whole thing decidedly more chilling.
Redpill me about killdozer guy
Okay, so, basically the popular myth about this guy is that he was just a small business owner who was being bullied by the city and a big cement company. But the truth is significantly less flattering.
The cement company that supposedly cut his muffler shop off? That never happened. They were buying land from Heemeyer (Killdozer Guy), then Heemeyer started demanding a higher price for the land. They were going back and forth on this for a long time; basically if the cement company agreed to a higher price, Heemeyer would demand an even higher one, and they went in circles about it.
Killdozer Guy’s main dispute with the city was over poop. His muffler shop was not connected to the city sewer or a septic tank. Instead, Heemeyer had simply buried an old cement mixer off the back of the truck on his property and pumped his sewage into that, instead. The problem with a cement mixer instead of a septic tank is that it does not separate water from waste, it just… collects it all. This is against code, it’s unsafe, and the city ordered him to properly dispose of his poop.
Well, Heemeyer didn’t want to go through the expense of proper sewerage. He asked the city if they would let him connect to the city sewer system, and the city agreed. But they wouldn’t pay for the sewage hookup line on his property, he’d have to pay that cost himself. (This is pretty standard). Heemeyer refused unless the city paid for the whole thing, and of course did not build a proper septic tank system either. He continued pooping into a cement mixer and bragging to friends that he got away with it for the better part of a decade, until the city stopped being so lenient and started taking steps to fine him. Meanwhile, after over a decade of shitwater, the cement mixer started overflowing.
Killdozer guy’s solution? Pump his untreated, raw sewage directly into a creek behind his property.
It’s worth mentioning that Heemeyer was not financially ruined by either dispute. He was quite wealthy from having run and sold other muffler shops, and access to his current shop had never been cut off. He was basically just a rich asshole who felt that everyone was out to get him, including the Catholic church, because the local pastor had opposed his gambling legalization campaign, and the local newspaper, because they published an editorial that was unfavorable to him.
After all, you can’t afford a giant fuck-off bulldozer and the materials needed to turn it into a “killdozer,” let alone all the guns (including a Barrett M82 which usually goes for around $10,000) if you’re a poor working man ruined by small town corruption. In short, he was a self-entitled nutcase. 
Now, the popular narrative is that he never hurt anyone and only went after those who had wronged him. This is only partially true, and it’s entirely by accident. He fired his guns and tried to blow up transformers and propane tanks with them, he fired at the operator of the wheel tractor-scraper that tried to stop him and cops that he could see trying to stop him; and the library he rammed was full of people including a children’s class, and so on. Along the way he even tried to do favors for friends, like flattening sidewalk trees planted in front of a restaurant that the owner blamed for a downturn in business.
Oh, and this wasn’t even a kamikaze run as the viral post implies; Heemeyer had a hatch, it just took investigators forever to find it after the fact, since the thing was so thoroughly covered in rubble.
And that’s more or less how a horrible poop goblin became a libertarian folk hero.
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vorn-legacy · 4 years
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vorn-legacy · 4 years
He's strategically hiding the fact that they have mastered the use of power tools, have cut through the chain and are simply awaiting an opportune moment to seize freedom.
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vorn-legacy · 4 years
Neon Genesis Evangelion...
Not a "must watch, it's pretty good".
This thing is utterly transcendental.
I cannot recommend it highly enough. I was nearly put off by the first two episodes, but stick with it.
It's completely bizarre and quite simply a work of art!
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vorn-legacy · 4 years
Miraluka Headcanons
So my love for Miraluka is a decade old and i have a bunch of headcanons associated with my (*coughs*numerous*coughs*) Miraluka OCs or in general and I thought I’d repost some of them on this blog:
Force sensitivity:
Their ‘field of view’ isn’t limited the way physical eyes are, a Miraluka’s vision scope is 360° wide. This ability can be enhanced by training in the ways of the Force. 
Due to their natural symbiosis with the Force their level of Midi-Chlorians is higher than most species - even amongst “Non Force” sensitives Miralukas. However their abilities to use the Force to see do not automatically make them able to wield it the way Jedi or Sith do.
Inside the Jedi Order, many Miraluka were found in the Jedi Service Corps especially in bio farming or in the Halls of Healing. 
In the times of the Old Republic children Miraluka were eagerly sought out by the Jedi Order as one of the rare species using the Force innately. Nearly wiped out during the Purge by the Empire they return to seclusion shutting themselves from the rest of the Galaxy or posed as injured Humans.
Most people mistake them for blind humans but their genetics - even if a near human species - is quite different.
A Miraluka pregnancy last eleven standard months.  
Their brains chemistry evolved to compensate the disappearance of eyes, their hands and feet are more sensitive to external stimuli. Their hearing is also enhanced.
Their vestigial eye sockets are filled with skin and not empty holes like some people believe, it is however more sensitive to extreme temperatures from intense heat to frigid cold. 
The tradition of wearing an eyes covering dated from the early stage of evolution where their eyes sockets and unseen eyes would still be present. Others species - mostly others near humans would be bothered by their atypical appearances. The Miraluka therefore adopted the habit of covering either the top part of their faces or the eyes region. Along the centuries this habit became a central part of their way of life. 
The eyes coverings now have symbolism associated with a Miraluka’s age, their activities and family situation. 
Members of the Luka Sene Order wear distinct Masks according to their positions inside the Order.
When a child is taken away by the Jedi the family gives them a homemade eyes-covering they have to wear until their training as Initiates is completed. 
Traditional singing is an important part of their culture.
Due to their close bond with the Living Force they are uncomfortable living in high technology driven worlds. Droids having merely no Force signatures can confused Miraluka.
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vorn-legacy · 4 years
Ah good old RotHC days!
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As opposed to an non-suspicious corpse???
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vorn-legacy · 4 years
The original purpose of the Stanford Prison experiment has basically been nullified by information that came to light after the publication of the method and observations.
BUT those revelations do not at all change what the experiment shows about human nature. Rather that people are still willing to behave in that way, even if it is because an external motivating factor/person encouraged them to do it. Doesn't take away the fact that they still did it.
Your professor will not be happy with you if he says the Stanford Prison Experiment shows human nature and you say it shows the nature of white middle class college-aged boys.
Like he will not be happy at all.
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vorn-legacy · 4 years
Some People: "The Virus isn't real. It's a hoax and the politicians want us locked down so they can reset the economy."
The exact same People: "Politicians say it's safe to go back to work, but they must be lying and because it's not safe. I'm not going to work because I don't want to get the virus."
Some People: "it's not good enough that kids haven't gone back to school yet. Why is it taking so long? It's the politicians' that they're all missing out on education."
Yet again, the exact same People: "I'm not sending my kids back to school in 3 months time! What if they get the virus and die?? That would be the politicians' fault."
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