adhd-autistic-demi · 4 months
You've heard of boy math, girl math, and dog math. Now get ready for: AuDHD math!
There is one road on the way home. It's three halves. Not three thirds.
You have an appointment at 3pm that takes you fifteen minutes to get to, so you need to leave at 2:30. You're up at 10am. You do not have time to do anything.
You have a work day from 9-6. You have a break from 2-3. The work day is two equal halves.
You have a task due in two weeks. It's supposed to take two weeks to do. It takes one day to do and will be done the day it's due.
You have a task that only takes five minutes. It takes five hours.
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adhd-autistic-demi · 1 year
Me, thinking of Ross's pro-con list in Friends: Y'know, as an autistic person, I can see where a pro-con list would help, but as a human being with feelings, I side with Rachel.
Me: Did I. . .did I just-what. Brain, get yourself together!
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adhd-autistic-demi · 1 year
*buys $120 worth of groceries*
*gets hungry*
*wants none of what I bought*
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adhd-autistic-demi · 1 year
This is beyond delayed-but blame ADHD brain forgetting that this blog exists. When Barnes & Noble has a 50% off hardbacks sale and you have $75 in gift cards, impulse control does not exist.
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adhd-autistic-demi · 1 year
Dental Experts: Don't rinse after brushing your teeth!
Me, with sensory issues: Mmhmm, I hear you, but-
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adhd-autistic-demi · 2 years
I found out that executive function and nonverbal communication are essential in learning to read effectively, my response was "but that's the part of my brain that's broken!"
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adhd-autistic-demi · 2 years
Most people with their pets: Baby bean, I love you, darling.
Me with my pets: You butt.
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adhd-autistic-demi · 2 years
Update: she never even got close to finishing it
My mom: I need to finish this book by next Wednesday.
Me: Well how many pages do you have left?
My mom: About 400.
Me: *sits and stares at her* That's all?
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adhd-autistic-demi · 2 years
Most of my friends: *are some kind of non-cis*
Me: *is cis* Am I the weird one?
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adhd-autistic-demi · 2 years
Got a manicure yesterday.
Nail tech: Don't mess them up, I won't fix it.
Me: Okay. *proceeds to immediately mess the polish on my thumb up*
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adhd-autistic-demi · 2 years
Anyone else get along better with animals or small children than adults your own age? They love me. Hence why I'm training to be a teacher. I used to want to be a vet!
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adhd-autistic-demi · 2 years
If anyone ever wants to ask me anything, go right ahead! I'll try my best to answer it.
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adhd-autistic-demi · 2 years
Impulse Control Normally: No. You don't need it. No.
Impulse Control with Food: Get it. Eat it. It's only a little bit!
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adhd-autistic-demi · 2 years
My mom: I need to finish this book by next Wednesday.
Me: Well how many pages do you have left?
My mom: About 400.
Me: *sits and stares at her* That's all?
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adhd-autistic-demi · 2 years
Does anyone else get unreasonably angry when people move or mess with your stuff without asking? My towel got moved and I got really mad when I couldn't find it. Sometimes I wonder if this is cause I feel emotions super intensely and it messes with my routine.
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adhd-autistic-demi · 2 years
Hi everyone!
You can all call me Demi. I'm a 21-year-old, cisgender bisexual woman. I'm currently studying to be a teacher while working on my own stuff as an author! My chosen genre is YA fantasy adventure, given that's what I primarily read. I'm making this blog to share my own experiences as an Autistic adult with ADHD. I hope you guys can relate and find someone who understands what often feels like a very isolating struggle.
A little bit of background! I was diagnosed with ADHD when I was six and, after many years of medication struggles, found an anti-stimulant that works for me. I never really had any friends growing up and got bullied a lot. When I was eleven, I was diagnosed with Aspergers, which is now known as high-functioning Autism. I still struggled with friends and didn't really make any until high school, but I hit my stride with friends at college. I have a whole group now that I am the Mom for.
Since I had no friends, I read a lot and tended to do pretty good in school. My biggest special interest for a long time was a tie between Harry Potter and Percy Jackson. Now, I'm a big anime fan who does a pretty cool genderbent Todoroki cosplay for cons. I still love to read! I am always up for recommendations, so feel free to send me some! And Rowling's coming out as transphobic hurt me in a lot of ways, it felt like my escape from childhood had been tainted. I no longer purchase any official Harry Potter material, including movie tickets, merch, and books.
Anyways, if you made it this far, congrats! Thank you for reading my whole ramble. I hope you enjoy this blog. Some posts will be serious, but I'm gonna try and keep all of them lighthearted. Whatever you're looking for in this blog, I hope you find it.
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