accioadhdmeds · 3 years
Hermione Granger wants you to keep studying.
Harry Potter wants you know that being misunderstood is temporary.
Remus Lupin wants you to pay attention to your health.
Sirius Black wants you to value all that you have before it’s too late.
Fred and George Weasley want you to smile.
Ron Weasley wants you to eat healthy food.
Draco Malfoy wants to remind you to keep going, because your past doesn’t define you.
Moaning Myrtle wants you to know that crying is okay.
Neville Longbottom wants you to remember being scared is okay.
Luna wants you to know that being different is okay.
Fleur Delacour wants to remind you beauty is not everything.
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accioadhdmeds · 3 years
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I bought a snek a few weeks ago and definitely did not name it Nagini 💚😂
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accioadhdmeds · 3 years
Reblog if you're a Slytherin.
gryffindor | ravenclaw | hufflepuff
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accioadhdmeds · 3 years
Not me wanting to write a draco x reader story where the reader struggles with undiagnosed Adhd and he thinks she’s super annoying. Then one year she gets diagnosed and gets help/ medicated and he notices how she’s changed and yeah ( rough idea ) as I finally got diagnosed after struggling with it all my childhood.
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accioadhdmeds · 3 years
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accioadhdmeds · 3 years
draco: All I do is rotate three outfits and talk shit and have panic attacks.
y/n: Mood.
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accioadhdmeds · 3 years
draco : what if I press the brake and gas at the same time?
[y/n] : the car takes a screenshot.
tom : for the last time, get the fuck out.
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accioadhdmeds · 3 years
Okay, I freaking love this and I’m not even a drarry shipper 😍
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AU where Harry remains a parselmouth and becomes a snake breeder
he names his clingiest and rudest little snake after Draco
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accioadhdmeds · 3 years
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These are so much fun to do
another picrew these are so fun :)
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tagging: @sirius-animagus @beforeoursunsets @lxngbottom @astoria-malfcy + anyone who wants to <3 no pressure loves
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accioadhdmeds · 3 years
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okay this is gonna be fun, i’m starting a tag game.
take this test, and tell me your beauxbatons house
i got ombrelune :)
tagging: @thotbutpurple @sirius-animagus @eunoniaa @siriusmydeer @rowema-ravenclaw @velmasteas @randomoutsiders @anywherebuthere @daisyyy2516 @mullthingsoverinthehotwater + anyone else who wants to join
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accioadhdmeds · 3 years
i’m tired of quizzes where you have to pick Men so here’s one where you pick some cats and then i assign you one of my friends’ cats
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accioadhdmeds · 3 years
we’ve all heard of the NSFW alphabet, but what about a SOULMATE AU ALPHABET??
a...ging stops at 18 until you find your soulmate so the two of you can grow old together.
b...ody art (doodles that a person draws on themselves appear on their soulmate’s skin).
c...olors (aka the standard soulmate au where the world is black and white until you meet your soulmate and see colors).
d...amage done to a person also translates into their soulmate’s body (cuts, bruises and all).
e...sp (soulmates can sense one another’s presence and feel each other’s exact emotions even when miles away).
f...irst words/thoughts your soulmate says/thinks when seeing you are written on your skin.
g...uardian (it is said that the person who saves you from a near-death experience is your soulmate—drowning, car crash, etc.)
h...eartbeats (the soulmates share the same heartbeat—when one feels panicked, shocked, etc, the other can feel it too).
i...dentifier (a word or symbol which is imputed to your soulmate is somewhere on your body).
j...uxtaposition (your soulmate is the exact opposite of you, yet you find yourselves complementing one another).
k...eys and locks are randomly dispersed to soulmates on chains when they are born. when in proximity, the lock and key will act as magnets and bring the two soulmates closer together until the key is placed in the lock and a gratifying click is heard, unlocking the chain.
l...ast words your soulmate says are written on your skin, so you do not know it is them until they are gone.
m...arks or stains of the color black are somewhere on your body (palm of your hand, knuckles, knee) until you and your soulmate finally make physical contact. once the mark is touched, it fades to be consistent with the person’s skin color.
n...urse (the touch of a soulmate can heal you from affliction and vice versa).
o...pportune outfit (soulmates will eternally color coordinate, even if they have not met one another yet, and often times have similar patterns in their clothing).
p...assionflower (a type of flower soulmates have planted somewhere beneath their skin. Upon meeting their soulmate it will sprout through the skinand fully blossom as they reach the furthest point of their relationship. when a soulmate passes, the flower blooming from the other person does also).
q...uizzes revolving around one’s personal aspects, skills and ambitions are given to every person once they turn 18, and the results read who your soulmate is based off of your collective answers.
r...ed string bonds two soulmates together for a lifetime and all come in varying lengths—imagine the trouble of only being able to walk certain distances or having to sleep on the edge of your bed.
s...ongbird (any songs a person sings will get stuck in their soulmate’s head for the duration they decide to sing it).
t...imers are set on the wrist of every person once they are a certain age, slowly counting down until the day they meet their soulmate.
u...ndying (you and your soulmate must meet in order to end life—die—together. as long as you have not met them, you will continue aging yet remain immortal).
v...eiled (you and your soulmate must walk through life blind until running into one another by fate and finally gaining sight—those with no soulmate act as guides and help those in search of theirs).
w...riter’s choice (author can pick any au from the list to write).
x...FREE SPACE, the person who sent the prompt has the choice to make up an au or choose one from the list!
y...ellow fellow (colors of your vision changes depending on your soulmates mood. yellow is optimistic, green is envious, blue is upset, etc. and natural colors become present once the soulmates meet).
z...zz (in which soulmates first meet each other and share memories in their dreams before meeting each other in person—sometimes difficult to accomplish as dreams are hard to remember).
any writers on tumblr feel free to reblog so followers can send a certain letter to your inbox :) or just for ideas!
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accioadhdmeds · 3 years
Draco: Since it’s impossible to know which part of my life is the middle, I’ve decided to have an ongoing crisis.
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accioadhdmeds · 3 years
Does anybody else get legitimately worried when a fanfic author who was updating regularly just suddenly disappears with no warning? Like, is it a serious case of writers block or are they in a coma? Did they just up and quit? Was it me? Were my reviews not good enough?! Did they die 😳?! Were they kidnapped? Do I need to file a missing persons report? Excuse me officer, there’s been 13 weekly updates and now nothing for months! Find them! What’s their name?! Name!? I don’t know their name but they write 3k+ chapters and I need them safe and back in my life!
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accioadhdmeds · 3 years
sometimes i just get obsessed with how lonely humans are, as a species. we see faces everywhere. we have stories about beings living in the things of our world that go back as long as we’ve been telling stories. we’ve been sending our songs and dances up to the sky for millennia, and when we figured out there was something beyond our sky, we started sending songs out there too. we tell each other about fairies and bigfoots and worlds lying under the skin of our own. we name robots and look for personality in code. we tamed dogs to have friends to hang out with and we dream about aliens. we see life everywhere. what is it, exactly, that we’re trying to replace? what left us alone in the first place?
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accioadhdmeds · 3 years
Hello lovelies, my name is Kristy and I’m pretty new to actually posting on tumblr( just loved lurking as a kid/teen)
1. I’ve been riding horses for 12 years!
2. I literally can not function without coffee/ tea.
3. And I’m I’m an engineer ⚙️
( I don’t have any other mutuals that I talk to to tag since I just started posting)
hi everyone ~
I’m super bad with names but I always want to try and call people by their first names if I can!! 
I thought I’d do a quick lil tag game to make sure I’m getting to know all the lovely people I interact with on here. so, if you’re comfortable, post your first name and three facts about yourself.
I’ll start - I’m Alex, and three fun facts about me are I love to collect pens/stationary, Dunkin’ iced coffee basically flows through my veins, and the musician I’ve recently become obsessed with is maggie miles.
tagging @leahclearwaterdefensesquad @ohyoudosmellgood @notquitetwilight @carllisle @jasperwhitcock @edworm-cullen @rosalielesbianhale and literally EVERYONE who wants to jump in because I want to meet you if I haven’t already!!!!
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accioadhdmeds · 3 years
hiii ! your writing is amazing and i was wondering if you could do a draco x fem!reader fluff where she slowly steals all of his clothes and he finds her stash ?
thief | draco malfoy
pairing: draco x reader
word count: 927
summary: where y/n steals all of draco's clothes
a/n: i wanted to post this sooner in the week but there was just so much going on, uff
warnings: none
universe: harry potter
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Making yourself cozy under your fluffy blanket, you reach for you bedside table and take the warm cup filled with delicious tea in your hand, its warmth shooting through your body immediately. As soon as you have found a comfortable position, you pick up your already opened book and immerse into a world full of fantasy, very different from the world in which you currently live in.
Line by line, word for word, you dive more into its universe and let it surround you within a few seconds.
At least until you are suddenly pulled back into reality by the knock on your door. The door opens a few moments later and platinum hair peeks around the corner. Putting your book to the side, you sit up and lean back against the headboard. At the sight of your boyfriend, you can’t help but gently smile.
“Are you alone?”, he asks in a low voice, in fear of getting caught by your roommates.
“They went to Hogsmeade”, you clarify and notice how his posture relaxes right away, fully stepping into the room.
“You would not even believe me when I tell you how difficult it was for me to get here”, Draco sighs and throws himself next to you on the bed, causing it to squeak and creak loudly. Giving you a quick kiss on the lips, he snuggles up to you and picks up your book, studying its cover with interest.
“Do you feel sick or why are you lying in bed?”, he worriedly asks you, the concern clear in his voice after discovering the cup of tea in your hand.
“No, I just wanted to rest today”, you explain while running your hand through his soft hair.
“Hopefully, you have rested enough by now, because we are going to the lake!”, Draco announces excitedly, and his immense euphoria made the bed shake again. He was never the one to openly show his emotions, except if it was in front of you. Then he transforms into a huge softie. Rising from the bed, he tries pulling you out of your bed.
“No, Draco. Please do not do this to me, it is so cozy right now”, you grumble and to your surprise, he actually lets go of you, but only to head straight for your closet to pick out a suitable outfit for you, as you realize in the next moment. Your current outfit, consisting of a loose pair of sweatpants and a sweater by Draco that is much too big, is definitely not meant to be shown outside. You love this look and Draco’s sweater is incredibly soft and cozy. Oh, and Draco does not know that it is yours now.
Realizing this, you quickly grab the duvet and cover your entire upper body with it, only your head peeking out from underneath as you lay flat on the mattress. Talking to himself, he rummages through your dresser with his back facing you until he suddenly pauses before slowly turning around.
“Wait a minute.. Is that mine?”, he asks, irritated, holding a dark green sweater into the air.
“Maybe”, you answer as quietly as possible and play with your hands under the covers, embarrassed. Ever since the two of you got together, you have gotten into the habit of stealing almost every piece of clothing he has. But what can you do about it when they are this incredibly comfortable and also when they smell like him?
Draco frowns and throws the sweater on the end of your bed before continuing to rummage through your clothes while you can only watch.
“And what about this one here?”
“Well, maybe I accidentally took it when we stayed at your home last summer..”
Far from believing your excuse, he continues to toss all of the clothes you stole on your bed until he stand in front of it with his arms crossed and an indefinable expression on his face.
“No wonder I thought I have nothing to wear anymore”, he shakes his head, but for a second you think you saw a small smile on his lips before he suddenly picks up all the clothes. Immediately, you grab his arm to stop him.
“Do not take them away from me, Draco baby!”, you pout, but his gaze lands on your upper body now, which reveals another of his sweaters after you moved forward too quickly.
“Is that not my sweater too?”
“Is it?”
“I even asked you about this one weeks ago when I was searching for it!”
“Oh, did you?”
“Seriously?”, Draco huffs out in disbelief.
“Okay, okay! Maybe I stole one or two of your sweaters..”, you reluctantly admit, still clinging onto him.
“One or two?”
“Well, maybe a few more than two. But Draco, listen. You do not even believe how cozy they are. And they smell so good, just like you, which makes it easier for me to not miss you too much. If I put on one of them in the morning, I am always happy right away”, you tell him without breathing, the smile on his face becoming wider and brighter each second you keep talking.
“You really are unbelievable”, he softly laughs, puts the pile of his clothes back on your bed and tackles you down onto the mattress, his arms catching your body between them. “I allow you to keep them, but only on the condition that I can borrow them from time to time.”
“Deal!”, you giggle happily before he catches your lips in his in a loving kiss.
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