znvade · 7 days
My favorite character from the LIS series is one literally no one else cares about because tell me why Taylor "Taylor is a slave" Christensen takes up half of my brain at all times?
Yeah, like, Chloe Price is so real and Victoria is the certified mean girl and Kate is the loveliest person ever
But. Taylor Christensen.
I tried finding fanart of her on twitter and I got REAL PEOPLE named Taylor Christensen. I watched my friend play the game so I might've missed hella stuff about her specifically, but she has anxiety??? And her mom is in the hospital??? Obviously she's the bestest ever!!!
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znvade · 7 days
I wasn't even raised on this and yet my brain chemistry has been changed in the process
You wouldn’t last an hour in the asylum where they raised me
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znvade · 17 days
When I was still HUGE on making videos, I made this one series called Essence of Hope where the plot was pretty much that v3 were recruits for HPA students but never ended ip being able to attend because of the Tragedy
The character cast would’ve been survivors of DR1, the DR2 cast as despairs, and ofc v3
Thinking of revisiting it because it was genuinely very fun to center a plot around but it’s also highly self-indulgent so I’d have to see lol
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znvade · 23 days
If I had a nickel for each game I thoroughly enjoyed dissecting characters of that had us collect underwear, I’d have 2 nickels… which isn’t a lot but it’s weird it happened twice
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znvade · 1 month
Okay DRV3 Fans Let's Talk about Canon Ages.
Because I woke up and my brain connected the dots, and because some of you are fucking weird about High-school students. So let's clear the air here--and let's just say they're probably over 18 years old.
In my Gonta rant (which yes I'm linking here, go read it) I call him a young adult. Some people are under the impression (like that anon I got last night) that the V3 cast is canonly 16 or younger due to... whatever the fuck reason. But! I am here to argue a counter point--that the V3 Cast is actually much older and are more college age than young highschoolers.
First of all, let's remember the fact that in all DR games, the cast has gone to high school for some amount of years before their memories are wiped. V3 Also has this feature, and it is within the canon story that these kids remember attending HPA.
Now whether or not you believe this to be true is irrelevant right now because I need you to remember that the backstory for these characters was that they were being hunted down by the Ultimate Hunt, which means they were Ultimate Students at HPA first. Then they had their memories wiped to go into hiding. Yada yada.
The important part actually comes from Kirumi, however. Kirumi is the character that proves that the V3 cast is older than 18 years old.
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Remember this tidbit--where Kirumi was the maid of the Prime Minister? Well, when do you think she became the maid for the Prime Minister, do you think?
I have an answer for you.
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This is the dialogue from Kaito's "My Future" cutscene from DR:S. The "My Future" Cutscenes take place at the end of the run with the character chosen, and DR:S takes place right at the end of their 3rd year of attending HPA.
Kirumi doesn't specify who she will be working for, but considering that this person is such a big deal what she felt the need to consult Kaito about it, to help her sort out her feelings, I think we can all agree this is heavily referencing V3's plot where she is the Prime Minister's Maid.
This means that Kirumi only took the job as the Prime Minister's Maid at the very end of high school.
That means that by the time V3 runs around, she's well out of high school.
Now you can argue that V3 and DR:S aren't in the same canon--and you'd be right! I would never consider them to be canon to one another. However, this scene shows that in DRV3 and in DR:S, the intention for Kirumi to have been the Prime Minister's maid started at the very tail end of her time in high school. Same character, same backstory, different situation.
Meaning by that logic, Kirumi--as well as her other classmates--are over 18 years old in V3.
They are young adults.
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znvade · 1 month
Kaemaki is literally one of the Danganronpa ships I will defend with my life because of just. Everything. This ship works in SO SO SO many alternates and variations and it isn’t even funny.
Canon? Kaede is the optimistic protagonist with a final goal which aligns with what Maki has done.
Post-Game (Simulation)? All the glory of their understanding of each other but now they get to discuss their actions as lovers who did similar things for vastly different situations.
Protag swap w/ Kaede as the protagonist? She proves herself as willing to kill people for the greater good and shows a selflessness that would stand out to Maki because it proves she’s more than just “let’s hope for the best” which also shows Maki that Kaede can be realistic
Non-Despair? Refer to UTDP AND the fact that Kaede offers to play the piano for Maki’s sad little orphans and how absolutely stunned Maki would be, and how Maki would be the dumbass that calls Kaede out for forgetting to eat the whole day since she was on the piano.
Post-Game (Both survivors)? The amount of MUTUAL survivors guilt is so much to be explored.
I refuse to believe they would not be the cutest couple literally ever. If only Kaede was the protag <3
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znvade · 1 month
Planning on updating a fanfic I last updated in 2022, but the writing isn't terrible so hopefully it isn't complete shit
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znvade · 1 month
Thinking about how V3 wouldn’t fold to the canon tragedy if they were to be a part of Hopes Peak
Like, seriously, I might (definitely) have some bias but Makoto syndrome would probably get 3 separate members of the cast not to fall to despair— those being Kaede, Kaito, and Kiibo— but even if not, there’s like Angie and Kokichi who are both very concrete in their beliefs that would make them less susceptible, considering how Angie’s religious perspective counters the killing game on it’s own and Kokichi who strictly has a ‘no killing’ policy.
The no killing policy also applies to Tenko to an extent but we don’t know exactly how strong that would be so…
100% there would be people who are way more prone to the despair thing, but like… Ryoma’s canonically had it happen to him already (and Maki to a lesser extent) and somehow he’s still out here living— no matter how much he doesn’t want to be— so it’s a fresh perspective that isn’t managed in the anime.
I used to explore this concept but GOD does it give me chills every time because of chaos theory, I mean come on!
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znvade · 1 month
Hello! My name is Z/Zync
I like writing and have brainrot about Danganronpa frequently. I probably will NOT post frequently so don't count on that.
You can find me at "Znvade" on pretty much anything.
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znvade · 1 month
Help i have no idea how tumblr works this blog is def not advertisement for my other blog that i co-own
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