zenzerodomina · 2 months
When you want to know more about a character but at the same time you don't want them to be elaborate further by the creator because it would ruin your fanon
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zenzerodomina · 2 months
Im so inbetween "a Frozen Heart" Hans and "he's the most spoiled brat ever" Hans
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zenzerodomina · 3 months
Shere khan *staring lovingly at Scar*: You are the most delusional person i've ever met
Scar: I'm the most delusional person that I'VE ever met
Scar: And it has never disappointed me
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zenzerodomina · 3 months
Peter, with his hands cupped over each other: I found a cool spider!
Jamie: Oh? Lemme see!
Peter, opening his hands to see nothing there: …hm.
Jamie: …where’s the spider.
Peter: *stares at his hands*
Peter: Oh no.
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zenzerodomina · 3 months
Ariel: having 6 older sisters is exhausting, you can only immagine what it's like
Hans: ahah yes... i can only immagine
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zenzerodomina · 3 months
Scar: "Mufasa, my dear brother, I've been thinking. Maybe it's time we turn this kingdom into a more... fabulous place."
Mufasa: "Fabulous? Scar, this is the Pride Lands, not a fashion show. What are you scheming?"
Scar: "Oh, nothing much. Just considering a new dress code for the hyenas, maybe a touch of leopard print for the rocks. Spice things up a bit!"
Mufasa: "Scar, we can't have a kingdom ruled by fashion whims. We have responsibilities."
Scar: "Responsibilities, responsibilities. Why not mix a little drama into our royal affairs? Think of it as a kingdom makeover!"
Mufasa: "I'd rather focus on keeping the Circle of Life intact, not turning it into a theatrical production. Leave the fashion to the vultures, Scar."
Scar: "Mufasa, my esteemed brother, I've been contemplating a change in leadership. How about a more democratic approach to ruling the Pride Lands?"
Mufasa: "Democratic? Scar, this is a monarchy. It's been that way for generations. Why change now?"
Scar: "Well, Mufasa, everyone deserves a voice, don't they? A lion for the people, that's what I'm thinking."
Mufasa: "Scar, the Circle of Life has served us well. We can't just replace it with a Circle of Voting."
Scar: "Ah, but think of the possibilities! No more hierarchy, just a pride where every lion has an equal say. It's the roar of the majority!
Mufasa: "We'll stick to the traditional roar, Scar. Democracy might work elsewhere, but the Pride Lands thrive on the wisdom of the monarchy."
Scar: ok ok *whispering* bitch
Scar: "Mufasa, my illustrious brother, have you ever considered the benefits of a monarchy rebranding? A Scar-tastic makeover, if you will."
Mufasa: "A rebranding? Scar, we have a legacy, a tradition. We can't just toss it aside for your... eccentric ideas."
Scar: "Eccentric? Mufasa, picture this: instead of the Circle of Life, we could have the Triangle of Fabulosity. Hyenas in high heels, lions in bowties—think of the spectacle!"
Mufasa: "The Circle of Life has worked for generations. Why fix what isn't broken? Besides, I don't see how high heels would benefit the hyenas in their hunting endeavors."
Scar: "Ah, but Mufasa, it's all about making a statement! We'll be the most stylish ruling duo the Pride Lands have ever seen!"
Mufasa: "I think I'll stick to the timeless elegance of the Circle of Life, Scar. No offense, but your fashion-forward kingdom might be a bit much for the savanna."
Scar: "Mufasa, my naive brother, I've been considering a change in leadership. How about I take over the Pride Lands for a more progressive approach?"
Mufasa: "Progressive? Scar, this is a delicate ecosystem. We need balance and tradition, not your schemes."
Scar: "Tradition, Mufasa, tradition. It's holding us back! I propose a constitutional monarchy with a council of hyenas. Equal opportunity rule!"
Mufasa: "Hyenas? Scar, they're scavengers, not fit to govern. The Circle of Life should remain unchanged."
Scar: "Ah, but imagine the Pride Lands with a modern twist. A Pride Rock democracy where even the smallest insect has a say in our kingdom's affairs!"
Mufasa: "We've been entrusted with the balance of nature. Let's not turn the Pride Lands into a political experiment. Stick to the Circle of Life, Scar."
Scar: "Mufasa, my noble brother, have you ever considered the benefits of a constitutional monarchy? Less roar, more votes!"
Mufasa: "Constitutional monarchy? Scar, the Circle of Life has worked for generations. Why fix something that isn't broken?"
Scar: "Ah, but imagine the hyenas having a say in our royal decisions. Equal opportunities for all, even the ones with a penchant for laughter!"
Mufasa: "Hyenas making decisions? That's a disaster waiting to happen. Our traditions and leadership have kept the Pride Lands thriving."
Scar: "Traditions, Mufasa, are so last century. Embrace change! Besides, think of the catchy campaign slogans we could come up with."
Mufasa: "Scar, this is not a political campaign. It's about maintaining balance and preserving our heritage. No hyena parliaments, thank you."
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zenzerodomina · 4 months
*Scar to shenzi at the end of the movie*: I’d love to be sorry for that, but we all know I’ve done much, much worse.
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zenzerodomina · 5 months
Scar *watching Shere Khan*: i could take him
Zazu: no you couldn't. You can't take down anything. Look at you!
Scar: never said in a fight
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zenzerodomina · 6 months
Scar: im not worried about silly things like labels
Scar: people can call me whatever they like!
Scar: they can even call me Taka
*Scar shouting from distance*: NEVER CALL ME TAKA
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zenzerodomina · 6 months
Simba: I sort of did something and I need some advice, but I don't want a lot of judgment and criticism.
Scar: And you came to me?
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zenzerodomina · 7 months
I have to be honest: for most of the film I really liked him as a character, but from the villain's monologue I really started to doubt the writing of the film. I mean: that speech makes no sense and creates a lot of holes in the plot, it's look like as if at a certain point in the film all the ideas on how to continue the story were lost and someone said "yes, we should definitely make Hans the bad guy "I don't like him as a villain simply because he doesn't objectively make sense and I also find it very useless in the story in general, it could have easily ended without a villain and it would still have been a good movie, but despite this I really like the theories about it
Who is your Hans?
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zenzerodomina · 8 months
Scar: Some people say that I have a god complex. I’d like to think that I’m a complex god.
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zenzerodomina · 9 months
Scar in the afterlife: Come on, Mufasa! How many times do I have to apologize?
Mufasa: Once!
Scar: ...No.
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zenzerodomina · 9 months
Gaston: Every zoo is a petting zoo unless you’re a coward.
Clayton: I’m worried about you.
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zenzerodomina · 9 months
Jafar: Ladies, gentlemen, I want to show you the greatest thing your eyes have ever beheld!
Kronk: A llama?
Jafar: No?
Facilier: A baby llama?
Jafar: No.
Cruella: A baby llama with a little hat on?
Jafar: No!
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zenzerodomina · 9 months
Facilier: Gaston has no survival skills, his need to win has replaced them.
Hook: That can't be true!
Facilier: Watch this.
Facilier: Hey Gaston! race you to the bottom of the stairs!
Gaston: *Throws himself out a window*
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zenzerodomina · 10 months
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