yunhowifeu ¡ 22 days
New Kid
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Choi San x FemReader
Word count: 3k+
Warnings: cussing and fighting
About: new kid Choi San and all the drama
“What time is it?” I say to myself, looking at my clock. “Shoot!” I say as I rush out of bed and get ready. I had woken up at 7:30 and told myself I would only sleep for 10 more minutes but well…
I rush into the school getting a tardy pass and speed walk to my class but I don’t realize and bump into a guy. “I am so sorry, I didn’t see u there” I say as the guy smiles and says “no it’s okay really” he was pretty cute honestly. I’d stare at him all day if I could but I had to get to class. I was about to walk away but before I do he says “I am a new student, would u mind showing me around? I’m kind of lost. “I’m actually heading to my class right now and I’m pretty late already” I say. “Oh ok, I’ll figure it out on my own” he smiles and walks away. I felt bad so I turned around and walked up to him again. “It’s fine I’ll show u around, honestly I don’t even like my first class that much, I just wanted to be earlier to get work done and well the teacher is pretty strict but it won’t hurt to help out a bit and miss a bit” i tell him w a smile.
I show him around the school, we get stopped by an administrator but we told him I was showing the new guy around so he let us keep walking around.
He got cuter by the minute, we made conversation while walking to each section of the school every now and then. He smiled a lot. Such an innocent soul.
I finally walk him to his first class as we face each other and he hands me his phone with his phone number on it. “Just in case I get lost again or something” he says and smiles again. I obviously saved his number. “My name is Choi San by the way” he says. “Im Y/N” We smiled at each other shook hands and then he walked into class. I decided to skip the rest of the class period. I didn’t feel like putting up with the teachers lecture on timing.
I’m not a bad student. I have decent grades. Oh well yes I do sleep in and come to school late every now and then but I mean in my defense, I’m a deep sleeper and sometimes I don’t be hearing my alarm clock. I also be staying up late at night to finish my work and that also doesn’t help the fact I wake up late. I’d also like to mention that I’m quite an extrovert and like partying as-well so sometimes I stay up late at parties…
I don’t have many friends, but that’s my choice because I’ve cut many people because of how fake they were.
Later that day I get a call from San. “Hello?” I answer. “Hey so I remember u showing me where the cafeteria is but I kind of forgot where” he says as I hear him sigh slightly. “Oh I see, I was actually on my way there, where are you right now?” I ask. “Um I can’t tell you exactly because I don’t know” he giggled. “I showed you around though, did you learn nothing?” I laugh teasing. “Sorry, well actually I think this is the science section I’m assuming because there is posters about science” he says. “Well it wouldn’t be gym class if it has science posters around” I laugh. “Ur right” he says laughing too.
I go for him and we walk together to the cafeteria. “I usually don’t eat lunch but if you want to get lunch you can get in that line over there” I point. “You should come with me” he says. “I’m not really hungry” I reply. “Well you have to eat something, eat a fruit only or something” he says. “Alright then” I say as we both get in line.
After getting lunch, I show him the way to the table I usually sit at. We sit down as I greet all my friends w a wave. I introduce him to my friends. “Jasmine, Leo , Ryan , and lili” I say as I point at each of them while I say their names. “This is San guys, he is the new student here” I say. “Nice to meet you all” San says. “Nice to meet you too” jasmine says.
We all talk for a while, getting to know Sam better. The bell rings and I stand up to throw my tray w the orange peel only on it away but San grabs it and smiles. “I’ll throw it away for you” he says while he walks over to the trash and throws mine and his trays away. Lili nudges me “I think he likes you” she whispers. “For real” jasmine agrees. “I just met him guys, calm down” I say. Leo and Ryan waved and walked away. “He is cute though, he is probably gonna become popular in no time, watch, Maddie is gonna be all over him” lili says indicating to Maddie the most popular and so called “prettiest girl in school”. San walks back over. “Shall we go to the next class now?” he asks as he smiles. Lili drags Jasmine away “bye, see guys” she waves. I know what she was doing. I had the same class as lili next and we usually went to class together but she just wanted to leave me alone with San.
I walk San to his next class then realize he has the same class as me and lili so I let him know. “Ouu exciting” he says. We sit down next to where lili was already sitting. I glance at her. She makes a kissing motion with her hands, teasing. I throw a paper ball at her. She just giggled. I look at San again and see him looking back at me smiling. We look at each other for a bit then he speaks. “You have pretty eyes” he says. I looked away shyly. Lili leans over and says “they really are, everything about her is super pretty right?”. I push her w my hand slightly. “Yeah you’re right” San says. Lili smirks as she sits up right again. “U didn’t have to agree with her, she just likes talking nonsense sometimes” I say to San. “I don’t think it was nonsense, I genuinely think you are too” he says. I look away not wanting him to see the slight blush that’s forming on my face. He giggles and says “cute”. I’m pretty sure he noticed me blushing…
After school I get a call from San again. “Well I really appreciated you helping me out today and I’d like to ask if you wanted to hang out?” He asks. “I have study, sorry” I say feeling a bit bad but he says “we can study together then?” He says. “Sure, I’m going to the school library right now, meet me there”I say. “New kid, remember?” I hear him slightly laugh. “Right, I forgot, my bad” I say. “I’ll come for you the we can walk together to the library, where you at?” I ask. “I’m still at my math class, 307” he says. “On my way” I say as I hang up and start walking to his class.
We start walking towards the library but then Maddie gasps loudly making me and San both look, she comes up to us. “Hii!” She says smiling widely at San. “Are you the new guy?” She asks. “Yes” he says and smiles. “Wow you look even better in person” she says. “Huh?” San says. “Oh well some one secretly took a picture of you and they uploaded it online” she says. “Of course” I mumble annoyed. San looks at me confused. Maddie looks at me clearly judging me. “Why are you with…her..” she says to San still looking at me. “She is my close friend now, she showed me around and made me feel welcomed, and we were actually on our way to study together” he replies. “Omg let me come with” she says excitingly. “No” I say. she rolls her eyes. “Is your name san?” She asks him. “Yes” San says. “Sannie tell your friend to not be rude to me, I’m just trying to be your friend” she says trying to act innocently. “Whatever” I say. I continue “anyways, come on San let’s go” I say pulling san’s arm as I walk forward. “Don’t touch him, you didn’t ask for his consent did you.” She says raising her eyebrow as she takes my hand off him. “Can you mind your own damn business” I say. “Sannie-“ I don’t let her continue and cut her off. “Shut up will you” I say. I realize I might be making a bad impression of myself to San acting like this. “Sorry, San I’m usually not like this, i just feel good right now” I say. “So go home and rest, me and San will study, bye!” Maddie says. “You know what, sure whatever, do whatever you want” I say as I roll my eyes and walk out of the school.
The next day at school at the cafeteria I see San sitting with Maddie and laughing and giggling. I sit down annoyed. “Damn she got to him already” jasmine says looking over at them. “Mmm but let me tell you guys that San likes Y/N” lili says putting a spoon full of food in her mouth.
“We don’t wanna keep listening to your boy talks honestly” Ryan says. “He doesn’t like me, you’re making it weird” I say ignoring Ryan. “Yea he does, I’m telling you!” Lili says. “I bet he does” jasmine says. “He literally complimented her yesterday” Lili says looking at jasmine. “Omg period” jasmine says. “It was one compliment, I compliment people too but that don’t mean I have a crush on them” I say. “Whatever, you guys like each other and you know it” Lili says. “Next topic please” Leo says. “Look at Maddie touching his shoulder, ew” Jasmine says. “Go over and save him” Lili says. “If I do, there might be a fight and I don’t feel like it” I say. “Fine I’ll go for you” Lili says standing up. “Don’t” I say. She walks over to their table anyways. I see her talking but can’t hear. She then drags San over to our table. “Here he is guys” Lili says. Leo and Ryan stand up and walk away. “Maddie and her friend Zoe came up to us. “What do you guys think you’re doing?” Maddie says crossing her arms. “Right, he is our friend, so leave him alone” Zoe says grabbing san’s arm. San moves his arm away. “Well actually, Y/N was my first friend and I’d like to stick around with her” San says. “Period so fuck off” Jasmine says. “Jass calm down” I say. “No cuz they think they all that, I’m tired of it” she continues. “Ik me too but just calm down” I say. “Oh no continue talking shit, because we for a fact know we are all that, you guys are the ones that think you’re the main characters trying to steal the new kid from us” zoe says. “Steal? Girl we were the first ones to have met him, the fuck are you on?” Jasmine says pushing zoe slightly. Zoe pushes Jasmine back. “Don’t fucking touch me” she says. “I do whatever the fuck I want hoe” Jasmine says pushing zoe harder making her stumble a bit backwards. I hold Jasmine to try and calm her down but then Maddie gets a hold of jasmine’s hair and pulls it. Jasmine get out of my grasp and punches Maddie. Zoe grabs Jasmine from the back dragging her down with her arm around jasmine’s neck as Maddie start throwing punches. Lili gets involved as I try to separate all of them but the whole cafeteria starts recording and circling around. San tries separating them too. I get hit and San quickly checks up on me. “I’m fine” I say. The vice principal and the guards come up and separates them.
Leo and Ryan come back as they check up on Jasmine and Lili. The vice principal takes them all to the principal’s office as I go to my next class with San.
We stay quiet for a while but then San says “was that fight because of me? Was it my fault? Because clearly I’m wanted in both friend groups” he says. “No it’s just we have never really gotten along and well Jasmine had enough and Lili just wanted to help but it’s not your fault” I say. Lili walks in and sits down next to us not saying anything and just holding an ice pack to her face but after a while she says. “If I catch those bitches outside ima beat their asses”. “Is Jasmine okay?” I ask. “No, in the principal’s office Maddie pushed Jasmine so hard that she fell and hit her head, she started bleeding and I couldn’t even see what happen next cuz they just sent me to the nurse” she says. “Maddie so childish” I say. “Like how you gonna do that even in-front of the principal” I continued. “Maddie and Zoe getting suspended, so is Jasmine but I’m not suspended, they just gave me a warning” she says.
Few months pass and me and San got even closer, we hang out after school often as-well. Maddie hasn’t tried getting close to San again, only because she will get expelled if she gets into one more fight and we already know that if Maddie tried to get close to San again, Jasmine would get pissed all over again. About Jasmine though, she is good now.
“After school I plan on going to the club with Lili, wanna come with us?” I ask San.
“They let you guys in?” San asks. “The owner is lili’s cousin” I say. “Alright, I’ll go” he says. San later that day picks me and Lili up and takes us to the club.
Lili goes to a different part of the club. I stay with San and we dance. A guy comes up to me and asks to dance. I agree because I assume a girl will just go up to San and dance anyways eventually. The guy grabs my waist and I put my arms around his neck. After a while of dancing with him I look over and see San dancing with a girl so I continue. The guy leans in and tries kissing me but I try to push him away. “Come on don’t act hard to get princess” he says while still pulling me close trying to kiss me. I try pushing away but he grasps me tighter. “Let me go” I say already feeling very uncomfortable. He doesn’t let me go. “She said let her go” San says. The guy lets go. “And who are you exactly?” The guy asks San. “Her boyfriend” San says putting his arm around my shoulders. The guy rolls his eyes and walks away. I look at San “thanks” I say. “You’re welcome, maybe stick with dancing with me only next time” he says. “Yeah you’re right” I say. I start not feeling good a little after and we go home as-well as Lili. I did wanna dance but kissing a stranger is too far. It was a bit weird honestly.
Weeks later me and San watch movies on my couch and I grab some beers I have from parties left overs. “You sure we should be drinking?” He asks. “I’ve done it multiple times, we will be fine” I say. We both start drinking and before you know it we both get kind of tipsy.
I see San staring at my lips and well I’ve found him cute for a while now so why not kiss him I thought. I kissed him and he pulled me in close kissing me back. The kiss gets more intense by the second. We make out and it goes on for a while as San grabs my hips and sits me down on top of him. We keep kissing passionately but then I hear a knock at my door. I get off of San and open the door. It was Jasmine. “I need to vent” she says with tears in her eyes. I had to kick San out and even tho I was still tipsy and well kept thinking about San I still let Jasmine vent to me.
The next day at school San and I barely talk at lunch and the class after that, until I broke the silence and said “so we are just gonna act like whatever happen yesterday didn’t happen?” I ask. “I don’t know, I didn’t think you remembered since we were a bit drunk” he says. “Well I do remember” I say looking down at my desk.
We stayed quiet for the rest of the class but after school I invited him over to my house. He agreed and we sit on the couch. “I think at first I was just in denial but now I’m sure that I like you” I say. He smiles and says “I like you too”. We stay quiet for a bit but then he pulls me in for a kiss but then pulls away. “Wanna be my girlfriend?” He asks. “Well you could have asked in a more romantic way you know” I tease. “My apologies, how dare I” he plays along. “I’m just kidding, I’d love to be your girlfriend” I say. He smiles and kisses me again. We kiss for a while then we get a bit carried away, but that’s for a mother story🤫
The next day I told my friends and well…
“I KNEW IT!” Jasmine says, “I literally told you so, I knew you guys liked each other!” Lili says.
They were happy for us and well we were happy to be together as-well. Maddie wasn’t too happy about it but it’s not like we cared.
The end✨
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yunhowifeu ¡ 23 days
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Word count: 2k+
Warnings: none
About: two guys, one decision
Me and woo young have been friends for a while now, I’ve had a crush on him for a bit tho and idk wether he likes me or not because u see, woo young is flirty w everyone including me, and idk what to think of it. Yeosang has also been my friend tho and I’ve also started liking him, he is just so sweet and thoughtful but I like woo young more and well it’s a bit complicated. I have another close friend, his name is woozi, I tell him all my boy problems, it’s not like he wants me to sometimes but even then he listens to me and comforts me or gives me advice, he actually listens to me ranting abt anything. He is a really busy guy tho and it’s quite hard to find times that will work for both of us to hangout. I work at a convenient store, I work the night shift except Saturdays and Sunday’s tho so I basically have all day to hangout but well he has a lot to work on for the group and well I’m understanding of it but sometimes we go months without talking and that honestly worries me. Anyways tho back to my first topic, woozi told me to try and make a move on woo young to see if he likes me back or not but honestly I’m too scared to do that, he could either like me back but might not be able to get together cuz he is an idol or he dosent like me back and we stop being friends cuz I made it weird. Gosh why r crushes so hard for me.
One day I decide to make a move, I felt bold, so I texted woo young-
[7:05pm] me:
hey woo, wanna come over and watch a movie?
[7:20pm] woo:
I’m hanging out w a girl rn but I’ll lyk once I’m free
Ofc he was w a girl, he always is, recently I’ve barely had any time to hang out w wooyoung.
I felt upset and felt like ranting to woozi abt how upset I am at wooyoung and how excited I was to make a move but now I can’t cuz I’m not always this bold. I text woozi-
[7:23pm] me:
Jihoon, can u come over? I wanna talk
I waited for his text for an hour and still no answer. I decide to text Yeosang next. They r my only three closest friends and well Yeosang was my only hope at this point.
[8:30pm] me:
Yeo, can u come over pls? :/
[8:31pm] Yeo:
Sure, is everything okay?
[8:32pm] me:
No, but I’ll tell u once u come over.
[8:33pm] Yeo:
Got it, I’m omw
I eat chips and scroll through TikTok while I wait. I don’t have to wait long cuz he gets here pretty quick.
I open the door and pull him in by his hand, I close the door, and I hug him. He returns the hug. “So what’s up” he says. I sigh and I say,“Wooyoung situation”.
I had told yeosang abt my little crush on wooyoung before but not abt the making a move plan.“What did he do this time?”he asked. I grab yeosang’s hand and bring him to the living room. We both sit on the couch. “I was gonna make a move on him today cuz I was feeling brave and all but look”, I said as I showed him the text messages w wooyoung. ”that sucks”, he says as he rubbed my back for comfort. “It’s so unfair, it’s like he dosent get the hint, this is so annoying, he is so annoying”, I say covering my face w my hands. “Well wooyoung can be stubborn at times, don’t overthink it, he probably like u back, everything will be fine” he says. I hear a ding coming from my phone, I take my hands away from my face and reach for my phone from the table. “Wooyoung texted me” I say. “What did he say?” Yeo asks.
[8:59pm] woo:
Can’t come over, I’ll be staying over at the girl’s house tonight
[9:00pm] me:
I figured 😒
[9:01pm] woo:
[9:02pm] me:
[9:03pm] woo:
Don’t be salty y/n
[9:04pm] me:
Wtv I didn’t expect any less from u anyways, u always do this, u never have time for me anymore
[9:05pm] woo:
It’s not like ur my gf, calm down, no wonder u don’t have a bf
[9:06pm] me:
Wth do u mean by that?
[9:07pm] woo:
I mean ur so clingy, u always want me around, I have my own life too yk and I don’t appreciate u sticking on me like a bug
[9:08pm] me:
So I’m just a bug to u now? What abt our friendship? Does that mean nothing to u? Friends give friends attention
[9:09pm] woo:
I’m literally giving u attention rn, ur wasting my time tho, I could be getting closer w this girl yet I’m here texting u while ur acting childish
“I can’t believe him! That jerk!” I put my phone back on the table, leaning back on the couch, forgetting yeosang was even there cuz of how into the convo I was w wooyoung, I felt like crying. “What happen?” He asks. I look at yeosang. “Read the messages” i say and I lean my head back again. Yeosang picks up my phone and checks the messages. Yeosang has my password since we r close anyways and I don’t make passwords a big deal w people I consider close. “Wow” he was putting my phone back and opens his arms indicating for a hug so I hug him tight. “Let’s watch a movie and eat snacks? Yeah? How does that sound?” Yeosang offered, he was always so comforting and caring, and that day I just fell for yeosang more. We get comfortable on the couch eating some popcorn and chips watching some movies. After a while I fall asleep and so does yeosang, we wake up in the morning to loud knocking at the door. I open the door and see wooyoung. He slightly pushes me without saying anything, walking in the house. He goes up to yeosang. “Get up, hongjoong wants us Al back in the dorm by 10 for a meeting” he tells him. Yeosang gets up and shuffles his hair a bit and fixes his clothing as he stands up. I go up to wooyoung. “A may I come in would have been nice yk” I say. Wooyoung and yeosang don’t say anything as they just walk towards the door then yeosang turns around and smiles “see u” he says waving. Wooyoung turns around and says, “Oh btw, tysm for yesterday, ur such an amazing friend” sarcastically. “What r u talking abt? Ur literally the one who ruined my night”I say. “The girl I was w saw me texting u abt that nonsense and thought u were my gf” he says slightly raising his voice. “How is that my fault?” I raise my voice too. “Would u just quit being so clingy, I expected the conversation to end after I told u not to be salty, grow up, ur just ruining my chances w actual good women” he says raising his voice more. “U Moran, I liked u! I just realized tho, that u have always been so selfish, u never actually cared abt me, u never actually took my feelings into consideration” I say
“How was I supposed to know u liked me?” He asks. “I was so obvious abt it!” I say madly. “Ok guys let’s not do this rn please” yeosang says slightly moving between me and wooyoung. “Respectfully yeosang this is none of ur business” says wooyoung. “Come on it’s almost ten anyways, we gotta go” yeosang says dragging wooyoung out the door. Wooyoung let’s yeosang drag him out but then turns around again and says “we aren’t friends anymore, don’t contact me ever again, and don’t even think to come over to the dorms cuz I don’t feel like even seeing ur face around”. I slam my door and I sit on the ground crying.
[10:07am] woozi:
Sorry I was busy and forgot to respond
[10:08am] me:
It’s fine
[10:09am] woozi:
I have time rn tho, want me to come over?
Typically I would say yes but honestly I wanted space at the moment.
[10:10am] me:
Sorry, not today
[10:11am] woozi:
Oh alr that’s fine, and I’m sorry again
I ghosted people for a while cuz wooyoung’s words got to me and made me think I was too clingy to everyone. After some weeks I hear a knock at my door so I opened it and see hongjoong. “hey, I heard what happened and I’d like to apologize from wooyoung’s behalf”he says.”but also, we don’t want drama so I come to ask for u to not be seen around any of the members atleast until the scandals from the fans calm down” he says. “Oh I get it” I say.
Days later I hear another knock at the door but this time it’s wooyoung. “What”I say. “I’m sorry for everything I said and did”he says. “Did hongjoong send u here to say that or smth?”I ask. “No, I’m genuinely sorry” he says. He continues,”and well I actually liked u too”. “What r u talking abt, u literally broke my heart that night and we weren’t even together, yk how hurt I was” I say. “Look ik u might not believe me but trust me I did like u, hongjoong forced me to act like that, the manager saw how people online were already shipping us and everything but they didn’t want any scandals so the manager told hongjoong and we’ll hongjoong told me to act like I wasn’t interested in u and everything, I wasn’t even w a girl that night, it was all made up, u can ask yeosang tho, he didn’t know at first but after leaving ur house I cried and I told yeosang the whole thing, that’s why I started distancing myself aswell but it hurt me to do it”. He said. I was in disbelief.”but if u really liked me u would have broken the rules a little bit or smth” I say. “Y/n, look, I’m an idol, it’s not that simple”he said. “Well is that all u wanted to tell me?u can be on ur way now if that’s all” I say. “No, wait, abt rule breaking” he pauses then continues”I’m willing to bend the rules a bit if it means being w u”. “What do u mean?” I ask, “I mean will u be my girlfriend?” He says. My eyes widen. I been thinking abt getting even closer to yeosang after a while but now wooyoung is asking me out. I didn’t know what to do. “Idk woo, can I have time to think abt it?” I ask. “Alright, but lmk please” he says as there is an awkward silence and I nod then he leaves. I had started liking yeosang more lately but wooyoung confessed and I used to like him more, what if I got w wooyoung? Would I like him again?would I be happy?but yeosang is so caring but idk if he would be willing to even date. Gosh idk
I call yeosang and ask him to come over. He gets here a few minutes later. “Hongjoong would be mad if he saw me here rn” he says. “I’m sorry but I just need to talk to u abt smth that’s been on my mind lately” I say.
We sit together on the couch. I sigh and say “ok yeosang, well, wooyoung confessed and asked me to be his gf even if it meant breaking the rules”. “Oh well what did u say?” He asks. “I said I would think abt it but actually I’ve liked someone else for a while and I think I like them more now but idk if he likes me back and if he is willing to break the rules too” I say. “Is he a K-pop idol?” He asks. “Yes” I answer. “Well who is it?” He asks. I hesitate but then say it “you”. “Really?” He asks looking surprised. “Yea, it’s been a while that I moved on from wooyoung and I just couldn’t stop thinking abt u” I say. “Well r u suggesting we date?” He asks. “Yes” I say scared what he would say next but instead he didn’t say anything, he just pulled me in for a kiss. I had my answer right there. I was so happy. I hugged him tightly. He giggled and hugged me back tight. “Yk, I’ve actually liked u since a few years ago when we had first met” he says. I look up and smile. I was really happy but now I had to figure out a way to tell wooyoung no.
I invited wooyoung over. He came over and sat down to yeosang and I. “I have the answer” I say. “Well I’m sorry, I just don’t like u as much as I used to, and well I’m dating someone now” I say. “Who?” He asks. I hold yeosang hand and hold it up to show wooyoung. “Oh” he says seeming disappointed.
Time passes and word got around but I convinced the manager to let us stay together and the fans actually liked the fact that we were dating quite a lot except there was one scandal abt how me and wooyoung should have been the ones ending up together and well yeosang got a bit insecure but I comforted him and we have been happy together ever since.
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yunhowifeu ¡ 1 year
About me
literally nobody asked but yet here I am telling the world🤷🏻‍♀️🦒
Capricorn dec 22 (16) Female
Height: 5’5 weight: 110
Absolutely love kpop and thai dramas
fav colors: lavender and royal blue
I love music because their is always a song for every type of emotion I feel at the moment and basically have my headphones on 24/7
photography<3 and will soon be traveling :] (I am 🇲🇽/🇺🇸)
I love making new friends
I can be picky and brutally honest when I need to be but most of the time I’m friendly I promise =)
(I’m yunho’s wife btw) jk, but like I’m OBSESSED 💀🦕
(how can you not fall in love with this perfect human being LIKE HOW??)
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8 notes ¡ View notes
yunhowifeu ¡ 1 year
MTL to be fwb in Ateez
fwb (friends with benefits)
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Something about him just makes me believe he would literally be the one to bring it up randomly one day.
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You will probably be the one to bring it up but he won’t hesitate to say yes.
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Again, you are the one to bring it up and he will say something like “umm” “I guess” or “ uh” “sure”
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I feel like you guys would have to sit down and have a conversation but not long after he agrees.
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His response would probably be “uh ok” then he walks away.
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He works a lot and he agrees that he wouldn’t have much time for a relationship so he just hums in agreement.
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you will probably have to really try and convince him but at one point, it’ll be random and he’ll come up to you and say ok, smiles, then leave again.
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I’m not saying he wouldn’t but I just feel like he would want something more serious.
these were my opinions so don’t take them too seriously if you don’t agree and lmk if you guys wanna see more mtl’s :)
17 notes ¡ View notes
yunhowifeu ¡ 2 years
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The8 x fem!reader
Word count: 660+
Warnings: None
About: A normal day with friends outside until y/n meets a guy in an embarrassing situation.
I'm y/n and it’s snowing outside, so I decided to go out with my friends today and play in the snow. My friend group consists of 2boys and 1 other girl. 
Ryan: we’re waiting!
Y/n: I know I know, almost done!
I get done getting ready.
We’re outside walking to a near park and there’s a few shops around still open.
May: let’s go get some coffee!
Leo: come on, why? Let’s get hot chocolate
Y/n: why are we drinking hot beverages if we are gonna be outside the whole night anyways?
Ryan: that’s what I’m saying
May: oh come on, what’s wrong with craving something warm when it’s cold outside?
Y/n: I guess you’re right
We decided to get coffee and went to the park to sit on a bench.
I was about to sit down when I felt someone throw a snowball at me.
I turned around quickly and they were all running away.
I put my coffee down on a little table next to the bench where everyone else put their coffees before running away.
I ran behind them and started throwing snowballs.
It became a snowball fight between girls vs boys.
May and I ran back to our bench giggling and crouched.
I saw them carefully coming our way so I threw a big snowball.
Turns out I don’t have the best aim.
I was having too much fun that I didn’t realize there were people in the bench next to ours and accidentally hit the back of one of the guys head.
There were 4 guys and I hit a tall guy with dark brown hair.
When he turned around I was too concentrated on his face that I forgot what I had just done.
Wow he was handsome.
I then saw from the corner of my eye, Ryan and Leo covering their mouths laughing. Then I get nudged by May.
Y/n: I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to hit you
I said while standing up and bowing
?: just be more careful next time
Y/n: yea
Wow he was gorgeous, drop dead gorgeous indeed.
I saw him smirk
and his friends looking my way
They all stood up
?: are you trying to have a staring contest with me or what?
Y/n: oh no I’m sorry
He grabbed my hands before I could turn around, then shook them.
?: I’m Xu Minghao, you should stop saying sorry about everything, it’s fine, now if you’ll excuse us, we need to get going.
I just stood there trying to process what just happened while he starts walking away.
May: Wait!
Y/n: what are you doing, you better not say anything dumb
She smiled 
They looked back
May: She would like your number!
They walked back to us
Minghao: who’s?
Y/n: haha funny May, so funny, don’t listen to her
I forced a smile and dragged her the opposite way until I felt a hand grab my wrist.
Minghao: here
He showed me his phone number on his phone.
I just stood there again, not moving an inch.
Minghao: I usually don’t give people my number but you seem quite adorable.
He smiled
Minghao: unless you’re rejecting me right now, you don’t have to save my number, I’d just like to get to know you better
Omg what is wrong with me!? Snap out of it.
Y/n: oh yeah of course I’d like that too
I took my phone out of my purse and we exchanged phone numbers
He smiled again.
Y/n: UGH stop smiling! You’re killing me!
No no no, I said that out loud!! 
I covered my mouth quickly.
The other guys giggled and he gave a small laugh and smirked
Minghao: I’m sorry, can’t help it
I think I might scream and cry right then and there.
Minghao: text me later
He smiled, waved and walked away
May: you’re welcome
She walked towards Ryan and Leo proudly
Y/n: you’re so annoying!
I threw a snowball at her
And there we go again with the snowball fight
I hope you guys enjoyed it! My inbox is empty so be free to request or ask for anything <3
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yunhowifeu ¡ 2 years
Christmas blues
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Yoongi x fem!reader
Word Count: 780+
Warnings: murder and depression
About: Y/N spending Christmas alone at a coffee shop and yoongi working a shift that exact day.
Yoongi’s pov:
My cousin owns a coffee shop but he is spending it with his wife, so he asked me if I could work until 7pm at least. I agreed even tho I’m supposed to meet with bts at 7:10pm. We agreed we were going to spend our Christmas together.
I started at 8am. I already know how to work everything because I come to help my cousin every now and then. Around 5pm, a girl comes in and sighs before ordering her coffee. I made her coffee and she paid. She sat down on a table in a corner, sat her coffee down and laid her head down.
It’s been a while since she has been sitting there. She would look up to take a sip of her coffee every now and then but that’s it. How could someone spend their Christmas all alone in a coffee shop, Christmas is for family and friends.
It’s 6:57pm and I need to start cleaning up. The girl didn’t seem like she was going to move any time soon. She was done with her coffee half a hour ago and didn’t even bother standing to throw the cup away, she just laid her head back down. 
I’m done cleaning up and it’s 7pm. I didn’t want to be rude and kick her out but I had to go. I tapped her shoulder. I noticed she hesitated on lifting her head but still did. I saw her tear stained face. What happened for her to be crying here and right now? I felt bad, I can’t just leave her. I just sat down next to her.
Yoongi: you shouldn’t be crying by yourself on Christmas and go be happy with friends or family
Y/N: What if I don’t have any family or friends?
Yoongi; Are you joking or serious?
She sighed which indicated me that she was serious
Yoongi: i’m sorry
Y/N: don't be
Yoongi: i'm here if you want to talk about it
Y/N: earlier you said I should be with family and friends right?
Yoongi: mhm
Y/N: I don't want to keep you here just so you can hear a strangers problems
Yoongi: I was going out with my group but i'm fine with staying here with you if you need to vent because I know it can be hard keeping it all in but if you don't want to, you don't need to
Y/N: I do
Yoogi: i'm listening
She sighed once again
Y/N: I usually don't tell people but you seem trustworthy, when I was 7 I watched as my mom beat my older brother to death, I tried pushing her away or yelling but I was little and didn't know I could have called the police and he was the sweetest most caring brother ever so I felt guilty. My mom said “I never wanted you guys in this world and your dad is a pathetic brainless and careless man, I'm leaving for good, I would kill you too but Your father is on his way”, then pushed me to the ground and ran out the door with her purse and phone. The police were never able to find her somehow and didn't care much about the case either. When my dad came home he almost fainted. We went to the hospital but it was no use, they just told us we lost him. A few years later and I'm a teenager, my dad was driving us to a light show on christmas when I saw my mom in a car with a different man and saw they had a gun. I tried telling my dad but he was busy on the phone and he got shot. Then they sped out of there. I took the wheel quickly and parked. I called the cops and they came with an ambulance. They still haven't found her and she is definitely coming for me next. 
Yoongi: Wow, I'm so sorry, that's a lot. Would you like to spend these next Christmas hours with me? We can go anywhere you'd like.
Y/N: yes please
Yoongi: if needed I can contact my group’s company ask them to give my friend a bodyguard
Y/N: I don't think it's necessary but if you'd like to do that then i'm up for it
I've gone through alot myself but I felt bad so I texted bts and told them I couldn't make it to the hangout. I would have told her to join us but she has gone through enough and I don't want her stressing over meeting 6 more new people in one day. I also contacted our manager and requested a bodyguard. Later on she met bts. We became really close really quick
 I hope you guys enjoyed it! My inbox is empty so be free to request or ask for anything <3
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yunhowifeu ¡ 2 years
34+35 lyric prank on ateez Wooyoung 
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yunhowifeu ¡ 2 years
listing of who I write for
I mostly will be posting MTL, fan fictions, imagines, reactions, headcanons etc.
I will be accepting requests and answering questions, so be free to do so.=)
main boy groups I write for: 
Stray kids
And will try more if requested!🙂
main girl groups I write for:
Black pink 
And will try more if requested!🙂
Soloists I write for: 
Jackson wang
Amber Liu
And will try more if requested!🙂
 will also do actors and different celebrity’s 💖
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yunhowifeu ¡ 2 years
So this is love?
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Sorry for the typos,
Also  this is my first blog, hope y’all like it.
Word count: 3k+ Warnings: slight smut towards the end Yunho x reader
 I woke up in the morning to a sticky note on the bed next to me it said “good morning, I had to go to work early and I nudged you for you to wake up but you didn’t =( anyways, I’m coming back at 6 so we can go somewhere =), love, your roomy”
How cute
Yunho always left sticky notes when he left early and even if he didn’t. When I wake up there’s always a note, when I walk to the kitchen there’s a note, when I walk to the living room there’s a note, there’s even notes I haven’t discovered yet and I know it. They are usually either, reminders, wether they are “there’s no more milk” or “remember to get ready for when I get back to go for ice cream” or even “always remember to keep your head up and most importantly remember that I’m always going to be by your side =)” sometimes they are just doodles or little drawing like a dog, a emoji, a person and more, or sometimes it’s just random like “hiii!” or “Hope your day is amazing” every time I found one I would put it in a small box I have on my nightstand, it’s getting filled quick. Yunho is my roommate and my best friend. I met him in high school and we became pretty close pretty quick but we lost contact for a while, I needed to find a house or atleast a apartment and I didn’t mind sharing as long as they aren’t rude or mean (I got quite the opposite actually) so I went on a website and found a small cute little house and it said there was an extra room and that they could use some company. I thought the house was so comfy and cute so I messaged the owner and signed some papers, next thing you know I’m at the door with a tall man giving me a warm welcoming smile in front of me welcoming me in with a hand gesture. I didn’t really recognize him since he had dyed hair, a different hairstyle, contact lenses with blue, different style, but when he looked me in the eyes after we talked for a while on the couch I remembered that one person who would look into my eyes with such admiration while I talked and that was yunho so I gasped and hugged him.”I thought you would never notice” yunho said with a little giggle. He decided not to say anything because he wanted to see how long it would take me. we got more closer every day. We have been living together for 9 months. 3 months ago we started sleeping in the same bed because we thought we were comfortable enough to do so and sometimes we just wanted to cuddle, some friends have teased us both about it but we don’t really pay much attention and since as long as we are happy we don’t listen to other people’s opinions as harsh as it might sound, but well it’s not like we do other than cuddling, so what can be so wrong with that?
I get in the shower and there’s a note that said “sorry I finished the yellow shampoo you use, yes I used it because the smell reminds me of you and it’s nice” oh umm, at least there was other shampoos, I kept thinking of the fact that he said it would remind him of me and it was nice?? Does he think about me a lot?
After I showered I dry my hair and put some makeup on, then I choose my clothing. I go to the kitchen and saw another note “no more cheese or bread, but don’t worry I’ll bring some when I get back”   “aww I wanted to make a sandwich” I said to myself. I decide to just make a small salad, I watched tv for a while, talked on the phone, ate some snacks, then I got bored. All my friends worked today and I usually go for walks or to the gym but today I want it to be a lazy day and what better to wear than an oversized hoodie and some shorts. My skinny jeans and crop top were just uncomfortable. I forgot I didn’t have any oversized hoodies just regular ones. Living with a tall male is always good. Not to mention I can barely reach the cabinets from the kitchen. Not the point. I went to yunho’s room, yes he slept in my room but his clothing were in his room, it’s been a while since I’ve been in his room, nothing has really changed tho, I go to the closet and see a gray hoodie so I try it on and it fits perfect and by perfect I mean it ends a little lower than my bum. I go to my room and change. I then went back to the kitchen to get myself some more coffee, so far I’ve had 4 cups of coffee today. I sat on the couch and got some cookies to go with my coffee and went on social media. I didn’t realize what time it was but a couple of minutes later the door opens and my eyes get wide, I run to my room and take his hoodie off, he didn’t see me because he was trying to get the key out of the key hole which was a little messed up recently. I put on one of my hoodies and secretly trying to put his back where it was he saw me. He giggles at my posture trying to hide from him. “What you got there?” He knew exactly what I had but of course him being the tease he is, he asked while walking towards me. Once he is in front of me he bent to my height, tilted his head and gave me a wide smile, grabbing his hoodie from my hands while his eyes are glued on mine. He straightened up and went to his room, putting the hoodie back. He then patted my head while passing my frozen body. “No hug for me today?” Should I return the energy he is giving off, sure why not?. “No cuz I wanted to wear your hoodie and you took it from me” I said, crossing my arms, walking to the kitchen where he is. I sat on one of the counter stools with him sitting on the other side, right in front of me. “Fine I’ll let you borrow it if you give me a hug that is worth my hoodie” he said with a playful smile. I rolled my eyes jokingly and he said “I guess not” raising his eyebrows. He didn’t notice I got up and stood behind him. I hugged him tight with my arms wrapped around his torso and my head laying on his way bigger back. He didn’t move and we stayed like that for a bit. I tip toed to see over his shoulder and he was blushing  and I wanted a closer look because from his big shoulders I barely saw his face, facing down looking at his food. So I walk to where I was previously sitting and once I sat down he got up without saying anything, his face with no expression but a blushing mess. I thought it was adorable. He washed the plate he was previously eating from and I had and idea. Why not back hug him again? How evil of me right? And so I did. This time he just put the plate away and started walking away but I cling on to his back, it felt comfortable after all. We entered his room and without saying anything he just gives me his hoodie, I take it with one hand and with the other still on him, I then wrap my other hand with the hoodie around him. He walked to the couch. “You should let go or I’ll have to sit on you and we both know I’m going to crush your ant body” he said. I quickly let go while he sits and I sit on his lap. “Why so clingy today?” He asked. “You told me to” I answered. “ I said a hug worth not multiple and I didn’t ask you to keep going” he said with a blank face. “You didn’t tell me to stop- I’m sorry, I just- nvm” I said standing up quickly and went to my room. “I didn’t mean it like that!” I heard him say loudly. I knew he didn’t but, what if he was uncomfortable? I just really enjoyed it while he didn’t? How selfish of me. I really shouldn’t make this a big deal and overthink it. I get my hoodie off and put his on appreciating his scent. I lay in bed looking at the blank wall and after a while I feel a pair of hands wrapping it’s way around my torso. “Cutie” he whispered in my ear. I got goosebumps all around my body. He is so close and it’s so warm and comfy. I turn around and looked at him closing his eyes with a smile on his face. I got closer and whispered “I thought we would go somewhere once you got home”. There was no response. I sighed thinking he fell asleep. “Let’s stay like this a little longer please” he said. “No I wanna go now!” I demanded playfully while trying to wiggle out of his hold but he just kept tightening it. I sighed and gave up. “Fine” I said with defeat. Next thing I knew, I see a tall figure...changing!? I sat up quickly without knowing it. He turned around. “Oh you’re awake now” he said, still putting his shirt on. I couldn’t help but stare at his defined abs, and fare skin. “Done staring yet? Come on get ready” he said giggling. His shirt was fully on now but the picture of him with no shirt on is still in my head so I keep staring without noticing it. I didn’t notice when he walked towards me so when I stopped my daydreaming he was right in front of my face almost touching noses. “What are you thinking of?” tilting his head. “You and the fantasies I have about us” wait what- DID I JUST SAY THAT OUT LOUD!? He looked at me with wide eyes. He touched my face and said “I suppose you didn’t mean to say that out loud princess did you?” He knew me so well and the fact that he called me princess- I think I might faint right then and there. “Come on pumpkin, get ready” he smiled. Gosh why did he make me feel this way?? I sighed and got up. He just stood there looking at me. “So are you just going to watch me change?” I asked while slowly lifting his hoodie up revealing my fading abs. He froze still looking at me. “ well well well, look who was teasing me a few seconds ago and now they are doing the exact same thing they teased me about” I raised an eyebrow walking towards him, arms free from the hoodie, revealing my arms and part of my bra. He swallowed and left.
I got out of the room when I was done getting ready and he was on the couch on his phone. I decided to give him a back hug, cuz like-why not? I wrapped my arms around his collar bone and he held my hands in place with his. Still holding my hand he stood up and we walked to the door. He opened the car door for me and let go of my hand then closing the door. He got in and we drove off. There was no actual destination. “Do you wanna just have a late night drive or actually go somewhere?” He broke the silence with the question which I didn’t know what to answer to it. He then grabbed my hand and held it. “Let’s go order a drink and then we can have a drive around the city, yeah?” He asked. I hummed in agreement. We ordered 2 lemonades at a drive thru then left once we paid. Most of the car ride was silent, still holding hands, looking out the window. We made small talk every now and then. I enjoyed it, it was relaxing. “Y/n” he said with his deep voice. When I tell you I was scared I mean it. More like worried but still. The thing is yunho never really called me by my name, he would just say what he needed to say or would call me pet names, but when he did it was serious. Oh gosh. “I think you need to know that I have grown to care for you, deeply” he said gently making the hold on my hand tighter. I didn’t really get what he said, I mean like, what does it mean? I didn’t wanna ask tho since it was a serious moment and I don’t wanna look dumb. I just hummed in agreement. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable” he said slowly letting go of my hand but I caught it in time and held it tight. “It’s the opposite, you make me so comfortable whenever I’m around you, I can be myself, and you like me for who I am even tho sometimes I’m dumb and ugly and annoying and weird but you have always been there for me no matter what, even when I push you away, I can go on with a long list of how you make me comfortable but all you need to know is, I’m not this comfortable not even with my own family” I explained. His eyes sparkled with the night light poles while he looked at me. He turned his attention back to the road. He suddenly parked on the side. “I mean- I just can’t stop thinking about you, I can’t bare the thought anymore of being apart from you, everyday I leave to work I leave you a note so you can remember me and smile with that beautiful smile of yours, all my dreams, my desires, it all involves you, and as wrong as it may sound, it’s true, you are everything to me, my heart ached every time you talked with your other guy best friend on the phone, always giggling, bickering and flirting to each other and even worse in person, when we go out in public and you even stare a little too long or even ask a question to a guy, I go nuts inside my head, I can’t bare the thought of you cuddling or even being close with any other guy that isn't me, I’m not so good with my words and words can’t describe everything I want to say, you are quite hyper and energetic sometimes that it gets to the point where it’s annoying but I still love that side of you, your cute laughs, your teasing giggles, it’s too much for me to handle, I don’t know what to do with all these feelings for you, if you don’t feel the same way tho, it’s fine, you know what, just forget everything I just said, let’s just go home and sleep” I was in shock. No way my dream guy, my best friend, my comfort, my warmth, my joy, out of billions of girls, he likes me!?.. Before he started to drive off I grabbed his head and turned it towards me again. I kissed him with no hesitation. He kissed me back, holding my face with his large hands.
From that day on, we started dating, it’s been about a month now. He makes me so happy. He is so much more touchy and clingy now, and I love it so much. He started missing work because “I’ll be crying if I can’t kiss you every 5 minutes and you don’t want me to cry do you now?” Is his excuse every time. Or he will make any ridiculous excuse for us two to stick together like at the mall once I told him “I wanna go to that jewelry store really quick, go buy us a drink while?”
Then he told me he had no money when we clearly bought things previously that day but I gave him my card anyways. He then said “oh funny I actually have mine right here but I think we should go together” I was surprised. “Uhm you might get robbed or somebody might assault you” I would just laugh but agree. Yunho became a blushing mess whenever our friends would point out any hickeys, he would try acting cool most of the time but when he remembers the fact that he was the one who did it or you were the one who did it, he gets so shy, it’s adorable, I usually just giggle and he covers his face awkwardly laughing which makes all of us laugh jokingly. now that I have talked a little about yunhos soft side let’s talk about his “not so soft” side. He once pinned me to a wall started kissing and it turned into bitting lips, tongue dominance war, etc,. I slightly moan because well it felt good and you know what he says? “Ohh you like that baby girl?” I’m sorry what- did I hear that right? Is what I was thinking at the moment but it didn’t stop us from going farther than kissing but anyways, yunho isint so soft and can also get possessive and jealous as hell. He is scary when he gets mad, which isn't often but still is very scary. I do anything possible not to make him mad or disappointed. Back to the soft side, he will get flustered easily with me, touch his hand or rub against his arm, he will blush, lay my hand on his chest, lap or shoulder he will become as red as a tomato it’s unlike when we get intimate, he will become so dominant and won’t blush or feel bad, this boy is the opposite of shy in bed, if you know what I mean. My turn ons are his cherry lips, I would just stare at them all day if I could, his defined abs, his fluffy dyed hair, his length, in everything, ;) he was just so tall and so big compared to me, it turns me on so much, his goofy smile, his glowy sparkly eyes, he is perfect in every shape or form in my eyes. His turn ons are usually whenever I touch him, like anywhere, anytime. He says he really likes my smile. He says he also likes the height difference, he thinks it’s adorable. We get along so well and rarely fight, when we do fight tho we always fix it right away. I’ve never felt this loved and vise bursa.
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