ymefuidibujando · 7 years
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@animargh  or Anima Gaming’s  Dadsona from her Let’s Play of Dream Daddy: A Dad Dating Simulator. This game is currently the thing I’m into, it’s so funny and great, but Anima makes it even better she’s so hilarious! I’m a fan <3
I’m no Shanen Pae (HER ART IS GORGEOUS!?!?) but I really wanted to see Nooberino here in a similar style of all the other Dads. I think I did okay haha
*finger guns*
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ymefuidibujando · 7 years
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I got a little carried away here... But sometimes I wonder where NomiRandy disappeared to. I feel like as a plot device he has so much potential. I just wanted to draw him in his own Nina Outfit to differentiate from Randy but of course my brain went “why would he have his own ninja suit?” and now I have...a very messy comic.
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ymefuidibujando · 7 years
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Gotta love Debbie Kang
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ymefuidibujando · 7 years
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It’s pretty wonk we never even got a tiny glimpse of Randy’s family, so I drew this. If Norrisville started out as a small Japanese village, I figure many modern day residents still have a pretty significant amount of Japanese in them. Mrs. Cunningham, or Setsune, is one such resident. Tbh Mr. Cunningham is just Beta Randy with a couple of tweaks here and there. I just love redheads (plus red+blue= purple hehehe). His family probably moved to Norrisville more recently. He’s definitely of Scottish descent and his name is Alistair, “Ali” for short.
Something tells me Randy has younger parents, so they would totally take a toddler to a place like Whoopee World. But atm Randy is more absorbed in feeding his dad some slushy. If a baby has ever tried to feed you, you know just how delighted they get when you take that first spoonful lol And they won’t stop till you finish the thing so be ready for that haha
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ymefuidibujando · 7 years
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So my friend finally convinced me to binge Miraculous with her and I think it’s pretty cute and great! But
a part of me was reminded that I’d never get to see another new episode of Randy Cunningham: 9th Grade Ninja ever again. Tho the plots do differ significantly, the pattern each episode takes is quite similar and nostalgic

So I thought, why not draw Randy has a Miraculous Holder? I got some info below but tbh if you like Miraculous and are bored while waiting for season 2, give RC9GN a try it’s very funny and the animation is very beautiful and varied throughout each episode! And if you liked RC9GN, give Miraculous a try, it’s really cute and pretty well rounded, I love it!
Enter Tengu! The Crow Miraculous Holder!
I actually really love how this all came together so smoothly. Randy gets his powers from a magical ninja mask made of a Tengu’s feathers, which is an ancient Japanese Crow Demon. I just turned the magic mask into a magic headband, changed his outfit a little bit and boom! My favorite part of all this is the fact giving Randy a beaked mask not only makes it more obvious his suit and kwami are suppose to be birds (crows are a lot more simple in appearance than peacocks lol) but legit Tengu Masks are typically made to have long noses.
Norri is both based off of the NinjaNomicon and it’s creator, First Ninja whose familial name is known to be Norisu. I already love Norri and will probably doodle him again soon in the future hehe. Norri is very old and very wise but that doesn’t stop him from getting more than a little annoyed sometimes. I figure Norri himself would have been in a similar situation as Nooroo a long time ago, so he is very adamant in his opinion that Holders are to be chosen carefully and with some discrimination. And then he gets stuck with Randy
Creep, wth man?
14-year-old Randy is very much the opposite of wise, but he’s still a good kid. AU wise, he’s been a huge fan of Tengu and the legends that surround his town because of him ever since he and his best friend Howard were rescued by him as children. He’s both a bit of a cryptid and local celebrity at once, but Randy and Howard wanna find Tengu and personally meet him one day. But for all of Tengu’s heroism and vigilance, it’s his popularity and coolness as a hero Randy wants to replicate the most. So as a Holder, Randy enthusiastically jumps at the chance to be a super cool butt-kicking hero, but the link between responsibility and power seems to elude him as much as his disregard of Norri the first few weeks. But together through sheer determination, experience, and understanding, Norri will make a hero worthy of living up to the name Tengu out of Randy yet!
After some research I found out that actual Tengu are said to be fallen Yamabushi (mountain priests) or Samurai whose greatest flaw in their last life was arrogance. This is why they are depicted as having long noses or “beaks”, it’s a sign of vanity. There are also bad and good Tengu and humanoid and bird Tengu. Good Tengu set out to punish all who display too much arrogance as well as protect sacred mountains where Yamabushi reside in. Often they are very skilled in combat too. I would think Norri has that kind of mindset already. The Nomicon itself has smacked Randy around and even punished him rather severely once or twice on days he just needed to listen! And it’s just a book!! The beauty of Randy’s rise to heroism and wisdom, though, is his genuine desire to do good. He might come off as a people-pleaser some days and foolishly optimistic or popularity seeking on others, but the days he takes action to own up to his mistakes are the days Norri knows he in fact was given a good one this time around.
imma probably draw more of this later ᕕ(ᐛ)ᕗ)
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ymefuidibujando · 7 years
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DirkJohn Moodboard: You survived the Apocalypse. Now what?
I heard there was a rising demand for moodboards. So I took a crack at it.
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ymefuidibujando · 7 years
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You aren’t entirely sure how to go about all of this just yet, but you definitely don’t want to see him go. You don’t feel lonely anymore, but you are starting to miss him when he’s not around.
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ymefuidibujando · 7 years
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I drew Android 18 for my friend. I always thought she was the coolest of the DBZ ladies as a kid. Ah childhood.
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ymefuidibujando · 7 years
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Your shoulders are barely even touching relax Dirk geez. Everyone else left already but John insisted he’d watch the last half hour of the movie ‘til the end. What a waste of good movie.
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ymefuidibujando · 8 years
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I like to think John is all around built bigger than Dirk, but jumps onto him anyway when really worked up. He’s ruthless in his ass-kicking and Dirk can’t win haha.
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ymefuidibujando · 8 years
DirkJohn AU where Dirk is a technical director for a theater but also doubles weekly as a performer with a Vaudeville revue he does starring Lil’ Cal. One night he decides to pick a not-so-random member of the audience, and invites him up on stage. Dude is a regular and Dirk decides to treat him to a little something extra for the loyalty (also he’s kinda hot). Turns out John here came prepared, and practically steals the show the second he pulls a deck of cards from his pocket. Dirk plays along but he’s humiliated, pissed, and regrets having him up stage. His boss however LOVED what the amateur pulled and offers him a job the same night! He pairs John and Dirk as a duo indefinitely. Dirk can’t believe he helped this jerk and his nice ass get a job.
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ymefuidibujando · 8 years
DirkJohn where Dirk gets jealous of his little bro Dave’s new school friend John for taking up all of Dave’s time
DirkJohn where petty jealousy meets cunning revenge
DirkJohn where after years of tit for tat pranking shit escalates to a point where no one can know this happened
DirkJohn where it all eventually stops because Dirk graduates High School ‘cause he’s like three years older or both did, idk
DirkJohn where years later Dirk almost doesn’t recognize John at the New Year’s Eve party being celebrated at Dave and Karkat’s new apartment.
DirkJohn where Dirk sees John struggling with this new development in Dave and Karkat’s relationship
DirkJohn where John denies everything. He is happy for his friends, fuck you Dirk
DirkJohn where after some arm twisting John admits he just misses his best friend but doesn’t wanna be THAT GUY who shits on his best bro’s relationship
DirkJohn where Dirk tells John he once felt the same way and John learns the origin of the Teenaged Prank War.
DirkJohn where Dirk and John end up talking and reminiscing and “wow we’re both pretty horrible.” “I can drink to that.”
DirkJohn where they keep reminiscing, now also drunk and louder. Everyone is horrified by the stories that weren’t shared or known before and the fact that they’re both laughing and giggling about this unreal shit.
DirkJohn that takes place after a fresh start.
DirkJohn because Dirk and John both care about Dave and Dave probably suffers because of it.
DirkJohn when they’re mature adults old rivalries die hard but damn careful who you mess with in high school
DirkJohn from Rivals to Friends to Lovers is. My. SHIT.
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ymefuidibujando · 8 years
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tfw you show your bro that awesome cosplay outfit you made from scratch with your sewing skills for Halloween and he’s suddenly very offended.
Everyone puts Dirk in Kamina cosplay, but consider: Josh Redgrove from Nickelodean’s “Mr. Meaty”. Because puppets.
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ymefuidibujando · 8 years
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A doodle that went out of control haha. I want Derse Father Daughter Bonding .-.
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ymefuidibujando · 8 years
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I had said I should draw Nadene and never did, but now my blog is seriously lacking in ladies. So here she is, with that sweet smile.
Smiles are one of my favorite things about people, they’re great <3
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ymefuidibujando · 8 years
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I did a thing for John, because I think about this stuff a lot more than I probably should and drawing God Tier Outfits seemed fun! You don’t have to agree, but I have some comments in captions if y’all are interested. John’s a strictly passive player, I realized.
Sometimes I see people on here try to identify their “one and only true” Homestuck Player Type. But surely everyone has a little bit of everything? If these Aspects create a whole universe, then we all have some of everything in us. We just have to figure out exactly how we deal with each thing, and which is our most defining, keeping inversions and effects Player Types might have on each other in mind. Maybe find a good classpect blog, but also this specific test really helped me out??
I’ll probably do the rest of the Beta Kids at least. Rose up next!
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ymefuidibujando · 8 years
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@dirkjohnweek Day 3: Anime Club
I’m sure they have those kinds of conversations when they don’t try to kill each other. Anyone remember that one Korn episode of South Park?
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