yiciity · 4 years
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yiciity · 4 years
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@mdzsnet happy birthday, xue yang! you can have a family for your gift!
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yiciity · 4 years
An AU Where:
Instead of Meng Yao falling down the wrong path. He spills all his fathers misdeeds to our fav baby Nie and they team up to get things done. A fix-it au.
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yiciity · 4 years
wei wuxian could’ve gone batshit and died without jiang yanli dying... like he was already losing it the only thing it did was basically make reconciliation between wei wuxian and jiang cheng not likely to happen and basically what im saying is Bring Her Back and Bring Back My Boys
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yiciity · 4 years
im curious. put in the tags if you have siblings, how many and if you’re an only child, oldest, middle, or youngest. i feel like this tells a ton about you
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yiciity · 4 years
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"Fuckin wild." 😂😂😂
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yiciity · 4 years
Anyway fix-it fic where Xue Yang stops murdering once he gets better in Yi City and like,,,,not after he make Xiao Xingchen kill a bunch of people.
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yiciity · 4 years
nobody is as legendaric as mianmian… denounces and leaves the cultivation world and her clan & marries an ex-merchant who treats her like a queen and has a daughter whom she loves… except she’s still a powerful cultivator so she still goes nighthunting and helps the common people & her doting husband follows her on her hunts and aids her as best he can… like the fact that she could keep doing what she loved without having to deal with the misogyny and overinflated egos and ridiculousness of cultivation world politics… ms. icon! she knew what was up
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yiciity · 4 years
They deserved better
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A love that never stood a chance vs A love that would never be broken. Not even death could do them apart
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yiciity · 4 years
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Happy birthday @soft-pentagon ♡
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yiciity · 4 years
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The Untamed | EP 38
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yiciity · 4 years
Baoshan Sanren, upon seeing an orphan:
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yiciity · 4 years
As someone with pretty severe rejection sensitive dysphoria and social anxiety I’ve almost completely eliminated spiraling anxious thoughts about things I can’t control while laying down for bed with this one really simple trick and seriously, I cannot sing its praises enough:
Before I lay down, I know what I’m going to think about. 
What I mean is, before I get in bed to sleep, I say to myself “what calms me down? is it big enough to hold my attention for 10 minutes to a couple hours?” once I’ve said “okay this is it for tonight” I lay down, and whenever my thoughts start going to things that make me anxious or upset or spiral my thoughts, I go “no, we’re thinking about [this one thing]”. Maybe I have to ‘realign’ every 30 seconds, but it keeps me from spiraling into anxious despair. Personally for me, low key embarrassing, but for me it’s daydreaming and “writing” in my head. I go “we’re writing this story tonight” and whenever I start the process of spiraling I start everything over again. 
Just pick something relaxing, very thought consuming, and be BRUTAL about going “no, we’re thinking about THIS” and do it over and over and over again–as soon as your thoughts go slightly somewhere else, realign, start over.
Seriously, I used to lay awake for actual hours crying with anxiety and consumed with depression. For most of my life before I learned this trick I couldn’t control my thoughts for more than a few minutes if I was having a bad anxiety day–sometimes even on good days. Don’t doubt this trick, if you have ADHD or anxiety (or anything else that makes your thoughts run wild), give it a serious try. It really, really works.
Don’t lay down until you have decided on something to think about that isn’t anxiety inducing, when your thoughts start to spiral, tell your brain “we’re not thinking about that right now, we’re thinking about [this calming thing]”. It works. It really really does!
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yiciity · 4 years
Modern AU Jiang Yanli lets her baby bros dress however they want when she takes them places, Jiang Cheng is the only toddler rockin pure Gucci and Wei Wuxian is wearing a neon orange dress and a fruit hat for a month straight and somehow, some fucking how, managed to woo toddler Lan Wangji at daycare wearing that. LWJ is absolutely enchanted.
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yiciity · 4 years
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The Untamed || Jiang Cheng & Nie Huaisang
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yiciity · 4 years
Wei wuxian: ten years ago today, I married my best friend.
Wei wuxian: lan zhan and jiang cheng are still really angry about it, but nie huaisang and I were drunk and thought it was funny.
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yiciity · 4 years
we were absolutely ROBBED of the passive aggressive i-dislike-him-deeply-and-will-be-obvious-about-it-but-he’s-technically-family-and-i-guess-i-trust-him-implicitly-or-whatever in-laws relationship between jin zixuan and wei wuxian that we deserved
wei wuxian at a discussion conference: he may be an arrogant, vain, and unappreciative jerk, but jin zixuan is also slightly less awful than the rest of his sect and he has my full support! wwx: *turns and gives jzx an unsubtle grin and thumbs up* jin zixuan: ………………………………………………. thanks, wei wuxian.
wwx and jzx competing over jiang yanli’s attention, or rather:
jzx does something nice for jiang yanli because he loves her and wants to make her happy. to his intense annoyance, as soon as wwx finds out, he makes a big show of getting her something thematically similar but technically grander or more impressive, and then smugly smirking at jzx over jyl’s shoulder.
wwx does something nice for jiang yanli because he loves her and wants to make her happy. when jzx walks into the room, wwx remembers he exists and smirks smugly at him over jyl’s shoulder as if one-upping him was his plan all along.
the first time wwx holds jin ling he bursts into tears and sinks to the floor. jiang cheng walks out of the room immediately, jiang yanli laughs, and jin zixuan stands there surprised and kind of horrified. he reaches out to comfort him until wei wuxian bawls, “a-ling … please don’t grow up as spoiled as your dad ….”
it’s actually wwx who spoils jin ling rotten the most in the end
jin zixuan calls wei wuxian “brother” as a sarcastic jab at one point. he regrets it immediately, when wei wuxian’s head snaps around so fast he’s shocked it didn’t fly off, gives him a maniacal grin, and from that forth on proceeds to loudly and publicly address jin zixuan as his brother at every opportunity. jin zixuan doesn’t hate it.
jiang yanli: i think hanguang-jun may be … fond, of a-xian. jin zixuan: *choking on his tea* oh?? jyl: it would be nice to see a-xian settled down, but we’re all already so busy with our current responsibilities, and i would hate to lose his company further to marriage. jzx: … oh?
thus begins jzx’s plotting to set wei wuxian up with lan wangji that eventually culminates in:
wei wuxian: i noticed you’ve been inviting lan zhan to lanling pretty often lately jin zixuan: *has been carefully arranging lwj’s visits so they coincide with wwx’s* … yes …? wei wuxian: well, i don’t care how handsome you think he is! you can’t have him! for god’s sake, you’re married already to the most incredible woman in the entire world, when will you be sated? isn’t she already enough? jzx:
the thing is: jzx logically knows that wwx is only really saying this shit to rile him up. knowing does not make it any less annoying.
things are a little awkward between jin zixuan and jiang cheng, who has grudgingly accepted his sister’s marriage but still side-eyes jzx occasionally in a way that makes it clear that he believes jzx as undeserving of jyl only slightly less than wwx does. however, jiang cheng quickly becomes the more tolerable of jin zixuan’s in-laws when his habit of immediately trying to throttle wei wuxian whenever he opens his mouth comes to light.
when lwj and wwx finally start getting their shit together, jin zixuan is relieved and gratified to discover jiang cheng and - to his surprise - jiang yanli turning testing gazes onto lwj instead. finally, he will no longer be the only oppressed brother-in-law of the jiang family!
this relief lasts right up until the day jin zixuan insinuates to lwj politely over tea that the swords of lanling jin would be quite willing to avenge wei wuxian’s tears if he ever has them, and jzs realizes with abrupt and sudden horror that - oh no. he’s become the overprotective sibling.
wwx: that stupid peacock of a brother of mine is so annoying! always getting in my business and sending me tired looks at discussion conferences and saying “could you please be a little less obnoxious wei wuxian, or for the love of all that is good i will lock myself in my room and scream into my pillow for thirty minutes straight”! who does he think he is, jiang cheng? lwj: you like him wwx: *angrily* maybe so!
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