xredaerx · 2 months
Sirius Black x fem!reader oneshot
Sirius Black has always been one for shows. He never really cared to sit still and be quiet. He always had something to say. While many might believe that it is good that he's an outspoken young man, many would disagree. Some of those people would happen to be his family: The Noble House of Black. He has always been scolded by his mother because of his need to cause trouble. He is left with hidden bruises and scars that he is forced to cover up with expensive robes and garments that he is both ashamed of but simultaneously proud.
He has never agreed with his parents on the topic of blood supremacy. While his family is associated exclusively with those they deem ‘pure’, Sirius is off galavanting around with ‘blood-traitors’, ‘half-breeds’ and ‘mudbloods’. This has infuriated his mother and father.
Naturally, at a ‘party’, so to speak, welcoming a brand new pureblood family to the area from France, Sirius decides he wants to act out. He starts to loudly defend his friends after an off-hand comment from his mother about Sirius’ habits, which led to a slap on the wrist and a promise for something much worse if he is to step even a toe out of line the rest of the night. Afterwards, his mother takes him to greet the hosts. He overheard a few adults talking about how they moved here from France. He also heard some slightly nastier comments about the woman's late husband.
“Thank you so much for coming Mrs. Black, It’s a pleasure,” The hostess greets, her french accent very prominent.
“Thank you for inviting us,” his mother responds, a hint of coldness in her tone.
“I take it you are enjoying yourselves?” She asks. Sirius doesn’t know how he feels about having another pureblood family living near him. There’s already too many of them to begin with. The two converse for a while. He tries to slip away but that just earns a tight grip around his wrist and a comment about how she wants to keep an eye on him so he doesn’t cause any trouble. 
“This is my daughter, Y/n.” Lydia, Sirius picked up from their conversation, pulls a young girl, looking to be close in age to him, over towards her. Y/n offers a polite smile and a curtsy.
“Walburga Black,” his mother introduces
“Pleasure,” she responds back, an accent similar to her mother. She stands up straight and keeps her head up, a stern look on her face, yet a small polite smile graced her lips. He is suddenly grabbed by the wrist by his mother and thrust forward so he is standing beside her instead of behind.
“This is my son,” She forces a smile. “Introduce yourself,” She scolds quietly behind gritted teeth.
“Sirius, Sirius Black,” He bows politely. When he stands up straight once more, he is met with the stern glare from the girl across from him. Her head is held high and her eyes narrowed, as if she was analysing him. While she was visibly shorter, her stare made him feel small. Sirius could already tell she was like them. She seems nasty like a lot of his family.
“Sirius,” Walburga scolds, her nails gripping his shoulder, causing him to look at her, then towards Lydia.
“I assume you also attend Hogwarts?” She repeats. His gaze flicks to Y/n, who has her brow raised.
“Yes, I’m a Gryffindor,” He says, somehow feeling ashamed to admit that in front of them. He’s never been ashamed of being a Gryffindor, but these bloody purebloods make him feel like he should be ashamed.
“Pity,” Y/n chimes in, venom lacing her voice.
“Y/n is a Slytherin,” Lydia beams. “Making prefect next year.” She says, almost a brag. She goes to Hogwarts? Sirius feels as if he would have recognized her. Apparently not. 
Walburga, Lydia and Y/n chat for a while, Sirius eventually moving back behind his mother once more, wanting to keep out of the conversation. They were talking about Y/n’s accomplishments, apparently she was a painter and made most of the paintings littered along the walls of their house. Sirius must admit it’s a lot more lively than his own. Instead of the walls being decorated with blacks and greys, the walls are painted dark green and the walls are adorned with hanging plants, pictures, paintings and all sorts of decorations and memorabilia. 
Of course, Sirius takes his mothers distraction as a ticket to walk away. He socializes with a few people, those he deems more interesting than his dear mother. Eventually, Bellatrix, his cousin, decides to spoil what little fun he was having by intentionally poking and prodding. Sirius likes to say he doesn’t have a short temper, and usually he doesn’t, but he has very little tolerance for slander about his friends of any kind.
He snaps at his cousin, and she pulls out her wand, causing a scene. After a nasty curse, he is on the ground holding his stomach in pain. Walburga is next to the scene, scolding Sirius for causing a scene.
“What seems to be the matter?” Lydia pushes through the crowd.
“I must apologize for Sirius. He isn’t the most well mannered child,” She spits through gritted teeth. Lydia looks at Sirius, a split second of pity is seen on her features before it being covered up by a hard exterior.
“No mind him,” she waves it off before turning her attention towards his cousin. “No hexing in my house,” She says sternly. Some other commotion goes on and the crowd dissipates as people whisper to one another, before returning to their conversations. 
Y/n walks over to him, standing in front of the spot he was still on the floor, his hand clinging to his stomach.
“Can you walk?” She asks harshly. He stands up quickly, regretting the decision and wincing at the pain. He composes himself, looking down at her.
“Im fine, thank you,” She nodded politely, just wanting to continue going about his business of conversing with anyone he could to make it through the night. He turns around to leave before Y/n pipes up once again.
“That was a nasty curse she threw at you,” He turns around at her words. He looks at her face, which bears no emotion, “You're not fine.”
“Just a scratch is all,” He waves it off.
“Come with me,” She demands, walking past him and towards an empty hallway. Sirius debates following her or not. After a moment, he makes his way through a crowd of people, many of whom scoff or jump out of his way as he passes through. He wanders down the hallway and up the stairs. He isn’t quite sure where she has gone, but he has to eventually find her. He notices an open door with the lights on, slicking out like a sore thumb in the dim hallway. He leans the doorway, watching Y/n standing on her toes, looking for something in the tall cupboard.
“Need a hand?” He offers, which makes Y/n turn her head to the side, before looking right back at the cupboard. She pulls down a glass bottle.
“Sit down,” She uses her foot to pull out a stand before pouring a small cup from the bottle. She shoves it into his hands. “Drink up,” She says as he sits down.
“What exactly is it?” He quirked an eyebrow. 
“Healing Drought,” she nodded. “It’ll help,” Y/n simply explained. Sirius looks down at the drink before chugging it down. He winces at the taste, but gets it all down. “You know you could just pretend.”
“Excuse me?” Sirius asks, looking up at her. She's leaning back against the counter.
“You could pretend,” She shrugs, seeming less stern than before. As if she dropped her mask.
“Pretend to do what?” She quirks an eyebrow, noticing the pain on his stomach slowly starts to dissipate. 
“Pretend you're like them. Stay quiet when they say things you don’t like. It’s not hard.” She furrowed her eyebrows, as if it's obvious. “Keeps you out of trouble and then when the hags are dead, you get all their money,” She shrugs. Her accent is thick and noticeable. Sirius has always liked French accents.
“It's not exactly that simple,” he raises an eyebrow. Curious why she's saying all of this.
“How so?”
“My mother and father will see right through any act I put on,” He says carefully, not knowing how much he should give away.
“Your mother found me charming,” She smirks, pushing herself up onto the counter, swinging her legs back and forth. Sirius furrows his brows in confusion. Y/n sighs.
“Mum and I pretend to get on good with the other purebloods to get information. All of these families are into some shady shit,” She shrugs. She really opened up to him. That could have easily been a horrible mistake on her part. If anyone else had heard that, and had told, Y/n and her mother could be in serious danger. He knew what his family was capable of, and getting rid of the L/n’s would be a simple task for the lot of them.
“You don’t even know who I am,” Sirius asks, concerned about his features.
“I know enough about you. Everyone knows who you are.” She shrugs. He forgot for a moment that she is also a student at Hogwarts.
“I’ve never noticed you before.”
“I keep to myself mostly, converse with people in my own house, keep out of trouble. Basically the opposite of everything you do,” She smirks.
“Hm, what would you do if I talked to you at school then,” he smirks in return.
“I think it could be good for your image to have a friend that your mother approves of,”
“You did say my mother found you charming,” She sits up from the counter and comes over to him. She moves her hand towards his stomach, but stops, glancing up as if she was asking if it was okay. He moves his arms away from his stomach, silently letting her inspect. She finds the torn fabric that he never had even noticed, and grabs her wand, muttering a spell under her breath and his blouse sews itself up on its own.
“Thank you, by the way,” he looks down at her, finally getting a good look at her face. She is quite beautiful. The way her hair frames on her face, and the slight imperfections on her skin. Maybe she really did have a point. If he held out a little longer then he could get everything. It would also be a lot easier if he had someone like her in his corner. Someone who was charming and well mannered in front of his mother, yet kind and open around him. He wants to get to know everything about her. Something about her is quite intriguing.
“It's nothing,” She stands up, once the spell is complete, and goes back to her spot on the counter adjacent to him. “Really,” She offered him a kind smile. They sit in a comfortable silence for a minute before she gets up and offers him a hand off of the stool. He takes it and they return back to the foyer. He walks behind her, and he can almost see her mask go up and she readjusts herself to look more proper the moment they return from the staircase. She goes over to a counter and grabs two glasses of red wine, handing one to Sirius.
“As long as your mother won't mind,” she sips from her glass, her posh accent returning once again.
“My mother doesn’t quite care,” he takes a sip from his as well. The two of them stand in the corner, just getting to know each other. While no one was looking, she still kept up her upright posture and polite mannerisms, but her voice was dripping with humour. They discussed their favourite books, music (Sirius was pleasantly surprised to hear she has a collection of muggle records), events that have happened at Hogwarts. Sirius comes to learn she sat behind him in potions back in fourth year. She talked about her paintings, her cats, and France. Sirius got to learn quite a lot about her in the span of two hours at the party. While the music playing was quite dry, and the conversations they overheard were the same, they kept themselves entertained, while keeping up manners, mostly to leave a good impression on Walburga.
“Sirius, we must get going!” Walburga approaches. Only then do the two of them notice the Witches and Wizards slowly dissipating. 
“Yes mother,” Sirius looks towards his mother, then back towards Y/n. She offers him her hand and he takes it, bowing down and planting a kiss to her knuckles. “It’s been a pleasure Ms. L/n,” He offered her a smirk and a wink, both of which were out of sight of his mothers watchful eyes.
“The pleasure is all mine Mr. Black,” She curtseys politely. She walks them to their front and bids them goodbye, as well as the rest of the guests. Once everyone had officially gone, both Y/n and her mother had dropped their masks. Lydia falls back dramatically onto the sofa, while y/n sprawls out on the loveseat.
“Posh purebloods are such a bore!” Her mother complains.
“At least they’re neat,” Y/n shrugs, unable to hide the ear to ear smile that she had to suppress during the party.
“I don’t feel like cleaning up right now, Help me in the morning will you,” Her mother yawned.
“Yeah, I'll help,” She sighs.
“What are you smiling about?” Her mother sits up and furrows her eyebrows.
“I made a friend,” Y/n smirks.
“That why I barely saw you all night?” She raises an eyebrow. “Who exactly?”
“Sirius, Walburga's son,”
“The one who got cursed?” Y/n nods.
“Thought you said you wouldn’t want to make friends?”
“He’s different,” She says simply, shrugging.
“How is he different?”
“He’s like us,” Y/n references her and her mothers views on, well, most of the things those pureblood families agree on. Clearly her mother gets it because she nods, as if she's in thought, before standing up.
“I’m going to bed now,” she says and Y/n stands up, giving her mom a big hug. “I’m glad you made friends today darling. It’ll make these bloody parties a little less miserable for you.” She smiles and heads up to bed. “I love you darling!” She yells from the staircase. Y/n peaks her head around the corner.
“Love you too mummy!” She says dramatically before sitting back down on the loveseat, picking up her book and reading by the fireplace until she hears the clock chime twelve. She stands up, yawning, ready to go to bed, when an owl suddenly appears at the window.
She goes over to the window, opens it and the owl leaves a black envelope before immediately flying away. The h/c haired girl shuts the window and looks at the letter. She can make out the shiny black lettering addressed to her on its matching matte black paper. 
“Who puts black on black?” She mutters to herself tiredly. She takes the letter upstairs and enters her room. The room is adorned with hanging plants and expensive wood furniture, along with an easel and painting supplies on a shelf on the opposite side of her canopy bed. She changes into her pajamas, which is pretty much just a Queen band shirt. She flops down onto her bed, ripping open the letter. She pulls out a (thankfully light) piece of parchment.
Dearest Y/n,
It was quite the pleasure to be graced with your company this evening. You seemed to have left a good impression on mother, she's been raving about how she wishes she had a daughter all night. Thinks I would have turned out differently if I were born the opposite sex. I definitely wouldn't have been, mind you. Anyways, I really enjoyed myself, and I hope to see you again before the beginning of September. I do not think my mother will take issue with me visiting or you visiting my house, as long as you want to, that is. I would also like to mention that when we return to Hogwarts, I would love it if you would accompany me to Hogsmeade one evening. I know I have a reputation as a Casanova, of sorts, but that does not mean I treat any woman with even a small bit less respect than they deserve.
Anyways, I am looking forward to seeing you again.
Sirius Black
She holds the letter in her hands, her cheeks glowing pink as she falls backwards into her bed, placing the letter back into its envelope and neatly onto her bedside table. While the letter was short and sweet, it still was able to make her blush. She imagined seeing him again and she got all giddy, kicking her feet a little. She’s never really had a boy been interested in her. She’s been on dates, but none of them seemed to take any real interest outside of the hard exterior she puts up. 
She’s also had experience with other elements to romance, like kissing, and other such activities. She might not get out much, but that doesn’t mean she doesn’t get out at all. It was quite awkward her first time, she wasn’t quite sure what to do. Her partner at the time did not make it much easier for that matter.
Eventually, she stops swooning over a man she had just met that evening and shut off her light and went to sleep. In the morning she wrote back, and the two of them decided to meet the next weekend, constantly lettering each other throughout the day. The two met up several times throughout the rest of the summer, usually him going to hers, and watching him fawn over her record collection. They had spent an entire day once just listening to all of the records that Sirius didn’t have. He only gets his from his cousin Andromeda, who he doesn’t really see that often. The few times she went off to his place, she had to put up her mask, which Sirius found a bit upsetting, but at least this way his mother would continue to approve of their friendship.
The two had planned to meet each other at the station on their way to Hogwarts come September, the station was quite crowded, and Sirius had quickly been drawn in by seeing his friends once again. 
“Oh Prongs, she’s absolutely unbelievable!” Sirius fawns, sitting next to James in the train compartment.
“Oh yeah, I imagine she is,” James jokes, seemingly not believing Sirius met a girl who they’ve never heard of before who is secretly trying to infiltrate the sacred twenty eight, and happens to be Sirius’ perfect girl.
“I’m serious! Moony please believe me!” He turns to his other friend.
“I dunno Padfoot, seems a little too good to be true,” At this point, Sirius believes his friends are just trying to get under his skin.
“I believe you Sirius!” Peter responds enthusiastically. While Peter usually agrees with anything he or James said, Sirius still takes it as a win.
“Thank you Peter!” Sirius beams.
Sirius kept his eye out for her familiar face when the train stopped and students started to head towards the carriages. Even at the feast in the great hall, Sirius wasn’t able to find her. There are quite a lot of students here at Hogwarts so Sirius isn’t too surprised, but it's still annoying that they haven’t seen each other. Only when he and his friends are heading back towards the Gryffindor common room does he recognize her voice booming throughout the almost empty halls.
“Sirius!” She spots him up ahead. She had noticed him leaving the great hall and quickly finished her pudding before rushing to catch up to him, wanting to see him before he retreated to the Gryffindor common room for the night. He whips around. So do his friends and a few other people in the nearly empty halls, but the big smile on his face is all she cares about at the moment.
“Hey!” he greets excitedly as she runs up to him, a little out of breath.
“Missed you at the station,” She teases.
“You saw how busy it was,” he laughs. “Still upset I didn’t get to see you earlier though,”
“What classes do you have?” She asks and and they pull out the schedule, beginning to converse about some of the classes they have together. The sound of someone clearing their throat draws the both of them towards the rest of the Marauders.
“Oh! Yes.” Sirius puts his schedule away, and Y/n follows suit. “This is Y/n,” He gestures towards the girl whose face is adorned with a large friendly smile.
“Pleasure to officially meet the lot of you,” She greets. On the surface, she had admitted to herself that she acts more like she should be in Hufflepuff, or even Gryffindor, with her seemingly bubbly personality and kind face. She wasn’t surprised when she was sorted into Slytherin all those years ago, and is constantly reminded of why when she spends a lot of her life hidden away behind a mask. A mask she quite likes. Makes her a better liar and a thief. She has a knack for mischief, but unlike some Gryffindors, she leaves the scene of the crime without anyone even knowing there was any mischief being committed.
She truly lives up to the conventional Slytherin cunningness.
“To be perfectly honest, we thought Sirius was making you up,” Remus says, being brutally honest, which earns a subtle shove from James.
“Well I’m glad I could help Sirius prove you wrong… Anyways,” She turns back to Sirius, adjusting her prefect’s badge. “I must get going, I don't want to leave Charles waiting.” She bids goodbye. She’s about to take off once more before Sirius catches her wrist.
“Not even going to let me say goodbye?” he smirks.
“I really do have to get going,” she smiles warmly.
“I know, I know, you’re a prefect after all.” She moved right up in front of him, before standing on her toes and leaving a kiss on his cheek. She slips her wrist from his grasp before running off in the direction she came from.
“Bye Sirius!” She turns around for a moment, before heading towards the dungeons, knowing full well she left Sirius a blushing mess.
Over the next week, the two are so busy with school and Y/n’s prefect duties to speak to each other outside of the class they shared. After potions class one day, he tried to talk to her, but she was quickly swept away by a group of first years who needed help finding one of their classes. Finally, that Friday night, he ‘borrowed’ James’ cloak and snuck out, trying to find her on patrol. He eventually spotted her patrolling around the Defence Against the Dark Arts classroom. He decided to give her a scare, and revealed himself suddenly from under the cloak. 
She let out a loud yelp, and covered her mouth. “What are you doing here!?” She scolds.
“I wanted to see you,” She says, smugly. The sound of quick approaching footsteps forces Sirius to hide under the cloak as the other Slytherin prefect runs around the corner.
“What's the matter?!” He asks worriedly, his eyes darting around the corridor. Y/n whips around to where Sirius had been, relieved to find him ‘gone’, turns back around.
“Nothing, was just Mrs. Norris sneaking up on me,” She waves it off.
“I don’t see Mrs. Norris,” he looks around. Y/n panics for a moment trying to think up an excuse.
“Must have spooked her when I yelled,” she shrugs. Charles just waves her off, annoyed, and heads back into his area. Once the coast is clear, Sirius laughs become audible as he removes the cloak once again. She punches his arm.
“You're lucky I like you or else I would give you detention with Filch!” She scolds quietly. He suppresses a laugh at her anger, finding it quite amusing.
“It's a good thing you like me then,” She says with a cocky smirk, taking a step towards Y/n.
“If I get caught with you I could get in serious trouble,” She crosses her arms. “And that will ruin my reputation of being Mummy's perfect little girl,” She rolls her eyes at her own comment.
“Oh why of course your excellency,” He bows down in front of her, planting a kiss gently on her knuckles. “Your reputation truly does proceed you,” he jokes in a posh accent.
“So what exactly is it that you want?” She crosses her arms sternly.
“Are you busy tomorrow?” He asks, and she quirks an eyebrow.
“No,” She says simply.
“Then would you be so kind as to accompany me to Hogsmeade tomorrow evening?” He asks and her stern expression fades into a playful smile.
“Are you finally making an attempt to court me?” She smirks. A red blush crosses his face at her directness. A thought nagging at him.
“Have you been expecting me to court you?”
“Then I’m attempting to court you,”
“And I would be more than happy to accompany you.”
Like a gentleman, he picks her up from outside the Slytherin common room, drawing in the attention of many Slytherins around there. The sound of Sirius and Y/n’s laughter as they leave the dungeon drowns out the sound of scowls and whispering amongst many of the Slytherins. By the time they reach the small village, it's already five. They wander up and down the streets, dragging each other around when they see something interesting on the display case of a shop. 
“Oh my!” She moans, taken aback by the taste of a cupcake from a bakery. “This is wonderful!” She takes another small bite.
“I’m starting to think you might like that cupcake more than me,” Sirius jokes. Y/n takes a step closer to him, a seductive hint in her eye.
“You're cute,” She says, staring at his face, taking it all in, before dipping her finger in the icing of her cupcake and quickly dapping it onto his nose. She laughs as he takes a startled step back. He used his finger to wipe it off his nose, before sucking the icing from the side of his finger.
“Well that’s not very nice, now is it?” She teases, a mischievous glint in his eyes. They have already had dinner and the sun has set, so the village is beautifully lit by lanterns in the streets.
“Well I shared some of my icing with you, I would call that nice,” She says, before taking the last bite of cupcake.
“I suppose you're right.” He plays along. She turns around, wanting to admire the castle and how the lights from the windows light it up during the night time. Sirius slowly comes up beside her, placing his hand on her back. She looks over, and then decides to lean her head on his shoulder. They stare up at the castle for a while longer, before Y/n turns towards him, grabbing his face in her hands. She stares at his face, her gaze flicking down to his lips. Sirius brings his hand up to brush a stray hair back into place before she pulls his face towards hers.
His arms wrap around her waist, while her hands remain on the side of his head. When they break apart, Y/n leans her head on his shoulder, with her hands moving down to his shoulders as well.
“I really had a lot of fun tonight,” She says softly.
“So did I,”
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