xiatarot · 2 months
pick a pile: how do they feel about you?
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for entertainment purposes only.
take what resonates, leave what doesn't. ♡
your person sees you as someone that changed them for the better. communication with you for them has always been very introspective and your words and way of doing things always pushed them to become the best version of themselves. they see you as someone very kind and sweet, someone nurturing and full of love who likes to take care of the people in their life and make them happy. you make them feel very calm, i’m hearing ‘like coming back home after a long day at work’. they hold so much respect and admiration towards you. a lot of affection as well.
i’d be surprised if you and this person were in communication right now, because it seems like there’s distance between you two and a lot has been left unsaid. i don’t think this person has ever told you how they feel about you, i feel like they want to keep this hidden, so if they’re acting really distant and not communicating, that’s why.
they have a lot of anxiety towards this situation, because they want to come forward and open up their heart to you, but they might fear rejection or a situation that won’t go anywhere. i think that if they want to have something with you, they want it to be secure and long lasting. despite their fears, i do think they’re gonna come forward and very soon as well. they have a lot they want to say to you but as of now they’re still just daydreaming about it.
when they do come forward, they’re going to do it in a very lighthearted way, they might crack some jokes here and there or just act like they don’t care much, but they’ll be freaking out on the inside. they will want to test the waters first and then they might drop a bomb on you very unexpectedly, telling you how they truly feel. you might be caught off guard.
zodiac signs: taurus, leo, sagittarius
channeled song:
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your person definitely has romantic feelings for you, however i don’t think they’re ready to tell you that. you might be in the same friend group or have just known each other for a very long time, i’m hearing childhood friends. it seems like they’re scared to open up because they’re not really sure about how you feel and if they told you and you didn’t accept their feelings, things between you two would become awkward and they don’t want to lose the connection you two already have. if they want to come forward, they want to make sure that they’re not risking losing your friendship in the midst of it all.
they might’ve tried to open up to you in the past, maybe in a social setting, because i’m seeing them regretting not doing it and wondering how things would be now if they did. you’re really a dream come true to this person and inside of them they’re very determined to make your friendship more than just that but i think that when they see you all of their courage turns into weakness, and they let their insecurities and fears take over.
they might be putting a facade on, in order not to let you know how they truly feel, and that is hurting them deeply. they’re giving me a very frustrating energy.
you and this person could have had past lives together.
they might ask you indirect questions sometimes in order to understand if there’s a possibility of you reciprocating their feelings. i think the universe is kinda pushing them towards you so that you two can finally be together.
zodiac signs: aquarius, taurus, leo
channeled song:
get your personal reading here: ♡
this person is fighting with their feelings right now. i feel like they do have strong romantic feelings for you but they’re just not ready to acknowledge them at the moment, so they’re trying to convince themselves that they don’t feel anything, but, big spoiler, they do, and it’s a lot. i feel a very very strong sexual energy, so if you were intimate with this person i feel like they just can’t get it out of their head. maybe they expected this to just be a physical thing, but it turned out they want more with you. this could be someone that’s not used to genuine romantic relationships and just prefers to keep things physical. could be a bit of a control freak too, and that’s why this situation is very frustrating for them.
they do want to open up and tell you about this but i feel like their ego is way too strong right now and they’re letting it lead them. they could be making up excuses as to why they can’t tell you about this or how things could go terribly wrong if they did. this person will have to figure out some stuff, do some shadow work and understand the reason why they act the way they do before they can commit to someone and have a healthy relationship.
they might be acting cold towards you and i wouldn’t be surprised if they ghosted you even. there’s a lot going on internally for them and i feel like you unconsciously triggered some stuff that they’ve been trying to suppress for a very long time.
as of now i don’t see them coming towards you in the near future because they need to work on themselves, and my advice for you would be to detach and just let things flow. focus on yourself and your needs and if this person is destined to be in your life, they will be when the time is right.
zodiac signs: leo, aquarius, gemini, libra
channeled song:
get your personal reading here: ♡
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xiatarot · 3 months
♡ personal readings ♡
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xiatarot · 3 months
pick a pile: what's next in love?
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for entertainment purposes only.
take what resonates, leave what doesn't. ♡
♡. one
there's someone that's been on your mind for sometime and they're coming through in this reading. i think you and them are destined to have a connection but the cards are also warning you. you and this person could be in separation right now and you might already know that they're going to come back in your life pretty soon, however, you're focusing way too much on it and you might be putting other areas of your life on hold while you wait for this person to catch up. it's important that you ground yourself and bring all of your energy back to yourself in this moment, as obsessing over this situation could potentially fuel even more distance between the two of you. if you have doubts, insecurities and fears regarding this situation, it's important that you work on them now so that you can enjoy the connection with your partner when the time comes. you might've doubted this person's feelings for you in the past but they're coming in very strongly to assure that what you feel for them is reciprocated. they feel very protective over you and might want to spoil you a bit. i wouldn't be surprised if they came back with some kind of a gift. this person could be the one you will marry and have a family with, or it might be what this person hopes to have with you. they definitely see a long term future with you and they're going to communicate that to you very soon, it could be via text.
zodiac signs: aries, capricorn, cancer
channeled song:
♡get your personal reading here
♡. two
i see you stuck in a situation you no longer want to be a part of. this could be a relationship or situationship that's really not fulfilling you emotionally and you're dreaming of something better. this situation could involve a toxic partner, i feel a lot of anger and frustration. the universe is trying to guide you towards a better place. there's someone in your future that's much healthier for you, they could be your soulmate. once you step out of toxic energies and focus on yourself, this new love will come to you very naturally, you won't have to go and search for it. at this time you should focus on nurturing yourself the best you can and doing things in favor of your well being. meditate and listen to yourself more. you know what's best for you and you should not ignore it.
zodiac signs: aquarius, virgo, pisces
channeled song:
♡get your personal reading here
♡. three
what's next in love for you is you taking action towards someone. you've had feelings for this person for quite some time now and you've kept them hidden, could be because of insecurities or just emotional unavailability. i see you've done a lot of inner work which is why now is the right time for you to take action. your baggage isn't so heavy anymore and you know you now have what it takes in order to partake in a healthy romantic connection. this is someone you haven't seen in a while so taking action towards them could feel a bit risky but i don't see that holding you back. this person will reciprocate your feelings and i see you two having a very long heart to heart conversation. this will mark a new beginning in your love life and it could be very long lasting.
zodiac signs: gemini, aries, sagittarius
channeled song:
♡get your personal reading here
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