wolfhoarder-blog · 7 years
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I don't remember where I found this, but it's morbidly fascinating. Is it real? If so, who are they? What happened to them? Maybe one day I'll know the answer. Till then, I'm just gonna move along and read some more creepy stories 😉
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wolfhoarder-blog · 7 years
Lazy, thy name is thee
Sooo, it might be awhile before I post another article. I'm not a pro at this but I am very passionate about stuff like this, mysteries, cold cases, cryptids, aliens and monsters. The list goes on.
Until the next article I'm gonna post pics I find that I think are creepy, scary, weird or mysterious.
Remember any pics I post aren't mine unless stated so.
Until then, Ciao mi amores!
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wolfhoarder-blog · 7 years
The Curious Case of Orion Williamson
Whenever I read lists or watch videos about topics such as "The Most Mysterious Disappearances", I'm always confused as to why they never mentioned this guy. Don't get me wrong, the mysteries in the videos and lists are very compelling, but they usually spew out the same subjects over and over again. At times I don't mind rereading a good mystery, but I always hunger for more. I know, I'm morbid, but it fascinates me. It stirs up my huge and wild imagination; What happened to these people? Where did they go? Will we ever find them? Anyways, back to the subject. Orion Williamson, what a cool name right? Especially for a farmer back in the mid 1800's. The event took place sometime in July of 1854, near Selma, Alabama. Orion was sitting on the porch with his family that morning, his wife and young child, when he decided to get up saying, "I think I'll bring the horses in." His wife watched as he moseyed his way across their yard and into the field, picking up a small stick on his way and swishing it idly through the ankle deep grass he walked through. At the same moment, a horse drawn buggy made it's way down the road on the other side of the Williamson's field carrying Armour Wren and his son James home from the nearby town of Selma. When they noticed Orion walking in their direction they stopped their carriage to wave at him, since they were in no particular hurry and had time to visit a neighbor. It was in that moment that it happened. While the Wrens watched on from their buggy and his family watching from the porch, Orion vanished. One second he was walking through the field, the next second the field was empty. Not believing what they had seen, the Wrens jumped from their buggy and ran across the field to meet Williamson's family on the spot where they last saw him. There was no trace of Orion, even the stick he had been holding disappeared with him, along with the grass that had been growing on that spot. Armour Wren had dropped to his knees, running his hands over the barren earth while repeatedly saying "Impossible!" He had been hoping to feel something, anything to clue him in on what happened to his friend, but there was nothing. The ground wasn't disturbed and there was no sign of struggle. Even then they couldn't believe that he was simply gone, so all four witnesses to the event spent the next two hours scouring the field with growing disbelief, confusion and then panic when they came up with nothing. No clues, ideas or anything to link with Orion. At that conclusion, Mrs. Williamson broke down. The Wrens took her to the hospital in Selma, and when they explained what caused her breakdown, the news spread like wildfire in town, bringing around three hundred men from their everyday jobs to a new one - searching for a man who had suddenly and mysteriously vanished. The men gathered at the field, forming three rows of men an arm's length apart, then moved across the field. They searched long and hard, closely examining the ground, running their fingers through the grass to overturn each stone. The search continued on all afternoon, until it seemed as though that they had examined every inch of land, but to no avail. But that didn't stop them. They continued on into the night, using torches to light their way, and even bringing bloodhounds to aid in their search. By morning, the news of Orion's disappearance spread further from Selma, and soon the local searchers had company. Hundreds of curious onlookers came, some feeling alarmed at the situation while others had their own explanations on what happened. A hidden well, a cave in and even sinkholes were suggested. But no evidence was found of those suggestions. After several weeks the search was officially given up, though that didn't stop curious onlookers from sticking around. Those people had spotted something new about the field, on the spot where Orion had vanished was a circle of dead grass about fifteen feet across. Upon questioning, Mrs. Williamson claimed that her husband was invisible, and that his voice had stayed behind. For two weeks she heard him calling out for help from the circle of dead grass. The voice grew weaker each day until it stopped completely. Many people were still drawn to the mysterious event, even after years have passed. Those people included scientists that studied the event and came up with their own theories, none of which have been proven. The theories I've looked up were pretty interesting, which include UFO's and magnetic fields. The magnetic field one being particularly interesting because apparently walking into one can throw you into another dimension. I mean how cool would that be? Well, except for the family and friends he left behind. Especially the process of it, that upon walking into one would disintegrate a person. Sound familiar? To me it sounds like an alternate version of the original 'The Fly' movie. You know, where the scientist uses his son's pet cat as a test subject and accidentally scatters the poor pussycats molecules? Yeah, poor poor Dandelo... Now you may be thinking, how did they know it wasn't some sort of sinkhole or hidden well? I'll relay to you what I have read and leave you to ponder that. There was a geologist report stating that there was no way of Williamson could of wound up being buried beneath that field. They had even dug up the field at one point, but all they found was solid rock a few feet below the surface. There were no holes, crevices or cave-ins to explain the mysterious event. There was not a lot I could find on the original story, at least anything solid, but I still find it compelling because things like this have happened before, but we still can't explain it. Hopefully one day humans will find the answer to these sorts of questions, and not hold back on them either like the government does. I mean seriously, all the things they keep from us is probably staggering, and I can't wait till someone leaks them all out like Black Widow did with Shield. Anyways, that concludes my first Obscure Mystery post. What do you think happened to Orion Williamson? Feedback is appreciated and questions welcome. My main sources for this article include random google searches and a book I own called "Lost... and Never Found" by Anita Gustafson. Ciao Amores!
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wolfhoarder-blog · 7 years
Tune In
I'll be making my first mystery post next week, Monday hopefully. This will be my first time doing something like this so don't expect it to be absolutely perfect. But nonetheless I'll do my best.
Ciao, mi amores!
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