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being the lady, who lives in the castle, has a large library and a cellar with lots of bottles of wine, reads books, while sitting in the cosy chair, always wears lace dresses, settles vintage parties and mysteriously smiles at strangers
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reblog if you are a witch! doesnt matter what type of witchcraft you practice! i need more mutuals/more active accounts to follow!
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Simple salt lamp guide.
- lighter ones is for People that like Light colors and preferably have some Air or water in their birth charts.
- darker ones for People that have fire or earth.
- smoke: white sage or rosemary
- water: sprinkle full moon water on the lamp, then Light it. The heat will dissolve it.
I also like sometimes to charge my lamp with full moon Light.
- depends on your preference. I have really weirdly shaped candle salt lamp stand and nicely rounded salt lamp.
Warning! Salt lamp could be dangerous to animals! Prevent! Dont let them lick it!
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reblog and make a wish! this was removed from tumbrl due to “violating one or more of Tumblr’s Community Guidelines”, but since my wish came true the first time, I’m putting it back. :)
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First Spell:Strawberry Luck
Hi I’m spider and this will be my first spell attempt and experience!! This spell is based off strawberry leaves giving good luck and mint giving money and prosperity. Going with a strawberry theme I use hybrid mint called Strawberry mint (smells amazing). Ingredients for this spell includes: strawberry leaves, strawberry mint (or any mint), strawberry flower petals (optional), tarot cards (optional), flint and steal (or fire any way to cleanse) and a locket.
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Tarot cards are not necessary but I just like to start my day off by pulling a card out of my deck (really need to get a new one because this one is from indigo and not very well designed)
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I am always surprised on how accurate these things are for my life somethings haha. Remember to cleanse the deck before and after. (Still pretty new to Tarot cards too).
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These are my ingredients ^^^^ very simple as I am broke and pretty much using old for new. Place all the ingredients within the locket. Before closing you can also add a sigil (your own or another) I made a sigil for love.
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After adding everything to the locket, close it. Using flint and steel (or fire) I sprayed sparks over it, praying to the deities of luck and fortune to bless the locket. Honestly I wished it out to the world and not to any specific deities.
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Time to wear!!! I recharge it by sparking flint and steel over it again or just replacing the ingredients within the locket. Sorry again I am super new to this so if I got anything wrong please please help me haha! Thanks so much for reading💙💙💙💙
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Magickal Uses for Kisses
A kiss is a very powerful thing, even in fairytales and lore of the past the power of kisses are told of (true love’s kiss, siren/mermaid kiss, first kiss, etc). a kiss can be a powerful tool for any witch. Here are a few suggestions for using kisses and the power they hold.
Use a kiss to charge objects: crystals, tarot cards, charms, amulets, etc etc. Use it to send your emotions and energy into the object. Love is a good emotion, but any positive energies you wish to charge the object with can be transferred this way. Adding your love to something can really give it a boost as well! Especially if it is for another to use. (Note: do not kiss toxic stones please! Be safe and smart)
Spell Sealing: Use a kiss to magically seal spells such as jar and bottle spells or use it to strengthen a (cooled!) wax seal. Imagine placing the kiss its like placing an invisible seal upon it, stamping in energy to lock th spell inside. 
For Air and Wind spells: For all of my fellow witches who use air and wind spells, blowing a kiss after a chant or spell to summon a wind in the direction you wish it to blow is a good way to guide the wind but also show it positive reinforcement. Use it to show your gratitude for the wind’s cooperation. It is best for gentler wind spells.
Glamour and Beauty spells: Kiss the mirror after a beauty or glamour spell. Thank the mirror for its aid and seal any negativity into it. It also a wonderful way to reflect love back at yourself!
Love Spells: Kisses are great for powering up love spells! Kiss a candle before lighting it (careful if you are using essential oils be sure not to kiss where they are), kiss the written name of the one you desire, kiss a charm or amulet to help bring love into your life, and finally blow a kiss when finishing the the spell to close it.
Kitchen Magic: blow a kiss to finish a dish (don’t be too close though, don’t want to spread germs) to put a final charge of love into it before serving it to others. Good for with tea and coffee spells too!
Public Magic: Want to remain discrete while casting a spell in public? Blow a kiss! Its much subtler than pointing or hand motions, especially if it is a positive spell you are casting on another or a friend but it is also good for curses, either way its a wonderful way to send your intentions. Whisper the words or chant needed for the spell (if any) under your breath, imagine them them gathering in an orb of energy at your lips as you do so. Then do a subtle kiss motion on your lips (no hands and no ‘fish lips’, you are trying to be subtle). Then release the energy and words towards the target with a gentle blow of breath, sending the ball of energy in that direction.
Mourning/Remembrance Rituals: Ending such a ritual with a blown kiss to close it can help release your feelings in a positive manner and close the ritual with love and sincerity. 
Thanking tools: As someone who uses tarot cards and many other divination tools, I like to place gentle kisses to the sides of the decks after using them to help bond with them. To show them my gratitude for assisting me in not only readings but also in my spell work. I also before days where I know i will be doing a lot of divination work, I will kiss them to help charge them up (as said above). It is an excellent way to bond with your tools!
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Moody Judy Potion
A blend for those days when you just feel awful, annoyed, irritated or just any negative emotion overall.
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2 cups Moon Water
**Orange Slice
Lime Slice
2 cups Lime Juice
1 cup Sugar
1 tsp Thyme
1 Bay Leaf
Boil the moon water then steep the herbs for 7-10 minutes, then add the sugar, stir until the sugar is dissolved.
Add the lime juice into a glass or container then pour in the boiled water. Mix it all together **add more sugar if needed. After add the orange and lime slices and enjoy!
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With Valentine’s Day approaching, I am doing a special spread for the occasion! From now until February 14th, this spread is only $10!   
Want a reading? Message me today!
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Witch tip:
Sprinkle a mix of basil, cinnamon, and mint onto your front step to attract money to your home and family
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My candle went crazy today.
I am kind of scared even read the flames...
Was it violently dancing or just being crazy?
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Sun in Astrology: Work your light
🌞 Your Sun Sign (Starsign) and house placement in your natal chart shows what, how, why, and where you shine the brightest.
🌷 It shows what kinds of things make you feel confident, energised and where you express your highest creative potential.
🌟 It shows what lights you up and where you gain confidence, self esteem and where and how you express yourself.
🌼 Your identity is your core, and your Sun shows the prominent personality characteristics you identify with. This shows how your personality developed as a child, particularly in relation to the father figure.
🌸Your sun shows how and what you want to be recognised. For the things you do and for the energy you put out. We feel lit up when others see these qualities in us!
🌟Our Sun also indicates how healthy our self esteem is, and what we can do to give ourselves a boost.
💫 Our Sun sign, house and aspects of one factor showing our natural gifts and talents we bring to the world.
✨ The Sun is your guiding light ✨
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Hi, my name is Ruby (not really but i like it) and i am a lazy witch. After buying a nevv calendar, i circled full moon s and realised that on Monday it s FULL MOON.  so... get ready!
BEFORE: sorry for not vriting double v, my keyboard broke :(
* collect ALL. OF. YOUR. Crystals ! ALL. Tubmled, Raw, pendulum, necklaces, bracelets, rings.... everything that has crystal in it. 
* prepare your vindovsill - clean it and bring yourself a plate for crystals.
* MOON water - find some glass bottles or mason jars
* H-e-r-b-s - if you like to call yourself a green vitch, then also place seedlings bags to charge 
* others - maybe i am veird for putting svarovski crystals earrings to the moonlight vith other crystals but i sort of feel like they are just prettier. I just act that svarovski are also vitchy crystals.and guess vhat - IT´s HELPING! Also i like to charge my Rose vater, “altar blanket”, “magical” paintings, talismans, essential oils aaand also my diary and notebook for my book of shadovs.
* BEAUTY RITUAL - just go on youtube, vatch stargirl the practical vitch - full moon ritual. Needed: vater, pot, himalayan salt, red rose - boil it, charge under full moon and then bathe yourself in it. Also make moon vater and drink it vhole month after to keep the spell going.
- turn on alarm - dont let your crystals soak in the sun energy (rembember, you focused on full moon just fev hours back, dont sabotage yourself)
- hide your moon vater 
- dont forget to drink moon vater
- turn your vitch on! Be yourself, love yourself, love everyone around you because you dont need negative energy ♥
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Vearing vhole black outfit is not my style anymore so dress yourself according to the full moon. Use black, dark blue, silver and dont forget to star and/or moon accesories. Day before, in and after full moon i like to have star earrings and pentacle necklace or my charged pendulum as necklace. I also have this necklace to represent myself. Fun Fact: People read it as a bitch :D
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Luscious Locks
You will need the following items for this spell:
1 cup Olive oil
1 egg
2 tsp lavender water
1 lemon
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First put the Lavender water in a small bowl , then add the olive oil and egg , mix together these ingredients. Next cut the lemon in half . Squeeze both half’s into the bowl , as you squeeze the lemons chant the following 
This hair of mine is poor, not fine I make it glow with beauty divine  This hair of mine will dance and shine
Once you are finished carefully massage what is in the bowl over your head still repeating the spell, keep it on for about a half hour and let the magic do its work. Wash it off with warm water.
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✨ concentration tea ✨
inspired by the little rosemary plant on my windowsill that helps me study 🌿
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time: this spell can be performed at any time!
gather: dried rosemary leaves, dried lemon balm leaves, dried peppermint leaves, fresh ginger, honey (optional)
🌱 steep 4 parts rosemary, 2 parts lemon balm + 1 part peppermint for 5 - 7 minutes
🌱 grate a little fresh ginger into the cup
🌱 strain the tea
🌱 add a little honey!
to make the tea more potent, add more rosemary or write a concentration sigil in honey on the bottom of the cup before you steep!
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My babies are ready for the new moon ♡♡
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Reblog this sigil to attract love into your life
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