whoabo · 2 years
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hiii long time no see lmao send requests if u want :) i might post a pic soon after i proofread and edit it so look out!!
I've missed bo & you guys so ill be back
ok ily bye
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whoabo · 2 years
hello, subaru boy.
pairings: bo burnham x reader
readers pronouns: she/her
warnings: none, a fluffy story for my comeback <3
era: what (2013) — make happy (2016)
a/n: i just can’t help but think that bo drives a subaru.
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“mister bo burnham. imagine if you went by bob.”
“i’d rather be dead.”
“bob burnham.” she laughed. “might start calling you that.”
bo groaned, a hand going to cover his eyes. the two were at dinner, a friendly.. best friend dinner. he kept his eyes covered as he took a bit of his food. lemon chicken..? he wasn’t sure, actually. he had panicked and ordered the first thing he saw off the menu.
“please don’t, n/n. i’d rather be called ‘subaru boy’ for the rest of my life than.. than bob!” he chuckled, finally removing his hand away.
subaru boy came from the first time they met. or hung out, really. the two had met through a mutual friend, became a trio, and now a duo. they met at a bar and hit it off that night. and bo offered her a ride home.
[ two years earlier ]
“hey, i can give you a ride if you want.” bo spoke as he watched their friend walk out with someone else. he had caught on that they were her ride once a grimaced expression crossed her face. watching their friend leave out the door.
“uh, yeah. that would be great, thank you.” she smiled. the two quickly stood up, bo handing the bar tender a quick twenty.
they walked to his car in a quiet manner to be quite honest. the only words between the two were a quick ‘this way’ from bo.
he soon pressed the unlock button on his key, making the headlights flash.
a subaru forester, lovely.
“subaru!” she exclaimed.
bo furrowed his eyebrows, a confused smile crossing his face. “what? you gotta thing for subaru’s or somethin’?”
she rolled her eyes. “oh, yeah. big turn on.” she nodded her head. bo laughed and opened the car door for her.
he crossed to the drivers side, and hopped in. he could see her teeth chattering so he cranked up the heat.
“thank you, it’s fucking freezing.”
the drive was filled with excited talking. learning about the other, her telling him her address, laughter, him getting her number, and setting up a day to hang out again.
finally, he pulled up to her apartment. her smile faltered a bit, as did bo’s.
“well, this is me. uhm, again thank you so much.” she spoke as she opened the door.
he smiled and gave a short wave. “see you soon?”
“you got it, subaru boy.”
[ present ]
she laughed, her hand covering her mouth. “i’m only friends with you cause of that car.”
bo shook his head, “not for my good looks?” he joked taking a sip of his drink. a twenty five year old drinking lemonade. cute.
“oh yeah that too. it was your messy hair, big ass round glasses and subaru that made me fall for you.”
bo looked down, feeling a heat on his cheeks and ears. ‘fall for you’, he likes that.
“fall for me, huh?” bo asked, still looking down with a small smile.
y/n looked up and stopped smiling. her heart sank with embarrassment.
“you said all that is what made you ‘fall for me’… that’s- that’s nice.”
“i didn’t mean it like that, though—.”
“you didn’t?” bo cut her off.
her eyes widened the slightest bit as her mouth fell ajar. she tried to think of words as an awkward laugh slipped past her lips.
she looked down at her plate, as he looked up at her. he knew— without a doubt— his cheeks were slightly more colored than usual.
she laughed a little. “do you want me to mean it that way?”
bo shrugged, “perhaps. i think you’re cool.” he said a little timidly.
she laughed and bo cursed himself mentally. nice job at along it weird bo. you deserve to be called bob, just so your miserable everyday.
“i think your cool too, bo.”
okay, reel it back. maybe you don’t.
“should i just come right out and ask it?” he asked clasping his hands on the table in front of him.
she leaned forward, “ask what?”
“do you wanna be my girlfriend?”
“okay.. yeah. yes, of course.” she smiled.
bo let out a breath, he leaned over the table and pressed a short kiss against her lips.
“back to mine?” she says as the two stood up. bo was quick to grab her and lean down to press a longer and a little more harsh of a kiss to her. his smile seeped through.
“a bit quick don’t ya think? let me take you on a real date before you have your way with me, ohh!” bo replied, with an over the top flirty tone.
“shut up, subaru boy.”
“but i’m your subaru boy!”
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whoabo · 2 years
where the fuck have i been. idk idk… but i’m back!! hi!
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whoabo · 3 years
dead horse
pairings: bo burnham x reader.
readers pronouns: she/her.
warnings: angst, verbal fighting, a couple shoves but nothing too bad.
era: not specified.
a/n: hi! this is so bad like bad omg but anyway i added some other characters for this one, which was really just the generic guy friend character, aidy bryant cuz bo and her were in a movie and i like to think of them as friends and phoebe bridgers cuz i love her and her and bo are friends so yuh! okay enjoy!!
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“god, it was one time!”
“actually, it was three times and the second time.. you didn’t even remember where you were!”
the group laughed as aidy retold a story about bo. you sat in a booth all laughing— well sort of. you kinda just chuckled and hid behind your glass of water. not really feeling like drinking with the others.
you and bo had been.. quite distant lately but phoebe had begged you to come out tonight. and you can never say no to her. to your surprise, your friend since college tyler was at the table. his hair looked extra fluffed, maybe due to the fact that phoebe had ripped his beanie off when they sat down.
tyler was on your left as bo was on your right. he talked to everyone at the table, his eyes glancing your way almost every twenty seconds it seemed like.
“so, y/n how ‘ya been?” aidy asked as she took a sip from her glass, you weren’t sure what it was.
you shrugged and looked around the table. “uh, not much to be honest. been really boring lately, just working. hangin’ with the dogs.”
as aidy was about to ask another question you sharply stood, maneuvering your way around the booth. stating that you had to use the restroom.
you walked to the hallway where the bathrooms were located. you rested against the wall, a couple sweaty bodies pushed through the narrow area.
head leaned back and eyes closed your arms wrap around yourself.
“so, what was that about?”
you opened your eyes and looked over. there he stood, leaning his shoulder against the wall, peering down at you.
you shook your head and started to walk away until bo grabbed your hand.
“dude, what is going—.”
“i just wanna go home.”
“no, not until you tell me what’s wrong.”
you finally shook off his hands and walked toward the exit. the groups eyes followed you before turning to bo. he walked up to the table with an obvious fake smile.
tyler cleared his throat and sat up, “you guys good?”
“oh yeah, she just.. wasn’t feeling all that well and wanted to go home. i’m gonna go with her, sorry to cut the night short, guys.”
he chuckled weakly, he grabbed his coat and walked out the door. her car was gone, luckily the two didn’t come together. he sighed as he walked to his car while sighing.
he knows the two had been distant, but he doesn’t understand why. sure, he’s not around twenty four seven. he has tour, and shows, and interviews, he can’t exactly control when those happen.
he pulled into your driveway, locking his car and sulking towards your front door. he raised his hands and knocked twice.
he let out a breath he didn’t even know he was holding as she opened the door. her eyes were red, as well as her nose. his heart dropped.
she looked him in the eye for less than five seconds before trying to shit the door on him. he blocked it and pushed his way into her house.
she rolled her eyes and turned around. “get out of my house bo.” her voice sounded weak, and tired.
“not until you tell me what’s wrong.”
“i don’t need to—.”
“uhm, as your boyfriend i think i have the right to know.” he scoffed, running a hand through his hair.
she groaned looking at him, “maybe i don’t you as my boyfriend anymore.”
he looked at her, his brows squinted, mouth ajar. “what?”
she let out a stuttered breath. holding her hands in front of her in an awkward motion.
“i can’t handle it anymore, bo. i’m sorry i cant.”
“what the fuck do you mean? are- are you breaking up with me?” he stood up.
his full height didn’t intimidate her as much as he’d like to believe. his eyes fought their way to make contact. his mind racing.
she was really leaving him.
she turned around and opened her door. “i think you should leave, bo.”
“no, tell me. are you breaking up with me?” he asked— demanded. her eyes started to sting as she held in her tears.
“bo, just leave, please.”
“just tell me what is going on—!”
“i’m done with you!”
his eyes widened as his arms dropped to his side.
“i can’t do this anymore, robert. i’m sorry, i cant. it’s just.. you’re never around and you’re too tired to do anything with me. but you’re wide awake to go out with anybody else.” she spoke, her eyes finally letting the tears fall. she wiped them as fast as she could.
she turned around once more and placed her hand on the doorknob. she motioned him to leave but he stood his ground.
“i can— i can be better. please, y/n.”
“why now? why after i call you out do you want to be better? you didn’t seem to care a few weeks ago when you flat out ignored me in front everyone. i mean come on! j-just leave bo!”
she exclaimed shoving him in the chest. he stumbled back, a small grunt leaving his mouth. he held her arms as she continued to try and shove him.
“leave!” she cried. she managed to turn them around and gave a final shove. the two starred at each other as he stood outside.
“goodbye, bo.” she slammed the door, locking it without a second thought.
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whoabo · 3 years
ew nvm i cant post the breakup fic it’s just so bad… idk how to end it and it’s so bad .. like. anyway…
lmk what else i should write ..
update, i posted it: dead horse
ok ily bye
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whoabo · 3 years
bout to go write a break up angst fic lol
ok ily bye
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whoabo · 3 years
Guuuurl I just want to say I love you, you write Bo fics and name them based on Paramore/Taylor Swift songs? 😭❤️ Could you be more perfect? 🥺
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AHHHHH I DIDNT THINK ANYONE WOULD NOTICE !! tysm tho that’s the nicest thing ever, fuck it i love you too!!
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whoabo · 3 years
crystal clear
pairings: bo burnham x reader.
readers pronouns: she/her
part one: hate to see your heart break.
part two: daydreaming.
warnings: a couple time jumps :/, angst if you squint, fluff, a little spicy scene, also not proof read but eh.
era: i’m bo yo, (2009) inside (2021)
a/n: okay!! this is the last part/epilogue of this mini series. and i feel like i should say that the era thing, it’s bo in those years and between, if that makes sense. so anyway,, please enjoy! ok bye ily.
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( promising young woman set, 2019 )
“alright, take ten. when we come back we’ll be starting the scene in the pharmacy.” y/n spoke as she and emerald walked off set.
“y/n, can we talk?”
she turned around and saw bo, his glasses perched on his nose. his hands rested on his hips in an awkward stance.
she turned to look at her co director— who shrugged. she nodded and followed him to his trailer. she held her clipboard close to her chest as they walked.
bo practically skipped to his trailer door, holding it open for the woman. she was wearing a simple black t shirt and some baggy jeans with converse, but she looks perfect.
bo closed the the door behind as she walked in. it was as soon as the door closed, the two were on each other. bo cradled her head in his hands all while leaning down to kiss her. her hands reached up into his hair — as best as she could.
slowly the two made their way to the couch, not breaking the kiss. the dirty blonde boy soon pulled her onto his lap and pulled away.
“too much?” he whispered.
she shook her head and leaned forward to rest on his shoulder. she felt his hand start rubbing down her back. she could feel the coolness and firm metal—from his watch— through her shirt.
“we have to be back in like five minutes. most of our time was taken up by walking here.” her voice wasn’t whisper, but rather right above it. she moved her head where it was resting between his neck and shoulder.
bo groaned dramatically and shook his head. “are you coming over tonight at least?” he asked the two stood up. she helped him fix his shirt and hair as she thought it over.
she shrugged, “i don’t know,” she spoke almost taunting him. “i was thinking of just relaxing tonight and take a bath or something.”
bo made a noise, one that could only be described as a whine. his hands circled her waist as he leaned down closer to her.
she smiled at him and left her hands resting flat against his chest.
“you can do all that with me, honey. i would love to relax in the bath with my pretty girl.”
she laughed as she looked away from him. she said she’ll think about it and they need to get to set. bo rolled his eyes lightheartedly and opened the door for her.
after a day of nonstop filming and constant teasing from bo, the day finally came to an end. y/n and emerald were talking over the upcoming scenes when carey and bo walked over to them.
the four made casual conversation before carey stated she had to leave, wanting to get a good nights rest for the next day.
emerald packed up her bag and turned to the other two smiling at them. “alright, i’m off. y/n, if you do any rewrites or alternatives, text me, okay?”
she nodded, and gave her friend a hug.
“okay then, see you two tomorrow. love you, y/n. you too, bo.. i guess.” emerald laughed as she hugged bo, he patted her on the back before sending her off.
was she was out ear shot bo turned to look down at y/n. “so.. did you make up your mind? can you come with me tonight?”
she laughed as she reached up to brush some of his hair back. “you know, you’re awfully clingy recently.”
his brows furrowed, as his lips turn into a frown. “i’m just trying to make up for lost time. i was an idiot for how i handled things back then, and i’m so fucking sorry.” he spoke almost whispering, he leaned down to press a kiss to her forehead.
she wrapped her arms around his torso, her head resting on his chest. his arms circled around her shoulders and pulled her as close to her as possible.
“i love you, y/n.”
“i love you too, bo.”
he pulled away and looked at her. he leaned down and pressed a kiss to her lips, smiling as he does so.
“i’ll never not love doing that.” he laughed.
( may 2021, los angeles )
“i’m gonna vomit.”
“babe, you’ll be fine. you did amazing.”
he shook his head as he fell onto the couch, bruce immediately cuddling up to him. bo pat his stomach as he felt y/n sit down next to him. he leaned up to rest his head on her thigh.
today was the day bo’s latest special is being released, to say he’s nervous is an understatement. all he wanted to do was hide in the bedroom for the rest of the day.
“you don’t even know, you haven’t seen the finished product.” he frowned. he sat back up, pulling his legs up with him.
she turned towards him, “well, can i see the finished product?”
bo reluctantly said yes and grabbed the remote. as he scrolled through netflix, he handed the remote back to y/n. stating he couldn’t bring himself to press play.
she laughed and found the special under new releases. she pressed play and smiled as bo his his face in her neck.
“this is worse than you came with me for my first show.”
about an hour of laughs, tears and even at one point pausing the special to talk about something. the credits started. she smiled as she heard bo’s ‘socko’ voice singing. she was about to turn it off before something popped up on screen.
‘for y/n, for everything.’
she smiled as she looked over at bo. he didn’t make eye contact as he hid his face from her.
“oh my god, you love me!” she joked.
he rolled his eyes as he combed back his hair with his fingers. he looked over at her and leaned to press a kiss to her lips.
“yeah, yeah. don’t let it get to your head.”
“that was amazing, bo. truly something spectacular, incredible, beautiful, adjectives!”
he laughed at her and stood up. he grabbed the remote and turned the tv off. he pulled her up and over his shoulder. she laughed as he walked to their bedroom and tossed her on the bed.
he climbed in after her, bruce joining the couple. he held her close as they laid in a comfortable silence.
“love you y/n. thanks for putting up with my shit.”
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whoabo · 3 years
brb gonna rewrite my latest imagine “tear in my heart.” cuz i messed up and just feel like if i redo the whole thing it’ll be better in the long run !! so wish me luck <3
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whoabo · 3 years
paper rings.
pairings: bo burnham x reader
readers pronouns: she/her
warnings: none. just fluff <3 there is one time jump from like the what. era to eighth grade era. also an elsie cameo !!
era: directorial debut / eighth grade (2018-2019)
a/n: this is loosely based off paper rings by taylor swift. i also might write something like similar this but with zach stone cuz it’s just cute <3 also the ending sucks so sorry lmao anyways.. ily ok bye.
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(november, 2013. los angles)
he didn’t tell her he was coming home earlier than expected. he wanted to surprise her, after all he was gone for about three months. the only form of contact was shitty facetime chats.
he dragged his suitcase behind him as he walked up the path to their front door. the lights shined through the windows, no doubt from the living room.
he could only imagine she was laying down on the couch, the throw blanket sprawled out against her and some random movie playing.
his heart started to hammer as he walked closer to the door. his hand dug around in his pocket searching for his house key.
as his hand reached for the doorknob, the door swung open.
before he knew it, she practically launched herself onto him. he laughed as he wrapped his arms around her, lifting her up a tad for a small spin.
“oh my god, i missed you so much.” he spoke, his words sounded the smallest bit muffled by him resting his head on top of hers.
her grip tightened as he set her down. his back hunched as they hugged for a few more moments.
she pulled away and smiled at him. she grabbed his suitcase and walked into the house with him. he made a beeline for the couch.
he was right, the throw blanket was moved as if it was being used. and on the tv showcased some movie she must’ve played on netflix.
she rolled his suitcase by the door and walked over to the couch. he wrapped his arms around her and pulled her onto his chest.
“missed you so much, it’s gross.” he stated, his small laugh breaking the sentence a little. she chuckled and pressed a kiss to his cheek.
a pleasant silence fell upon them as they watched tv. occasionally talking about the scene, a joke bo thought of, or when the other would move to get more comfortable.
after about an hour after the movie playing, and pressing on another. the two slowly moved toward the bedroom.
planning on doing the same thing in the living room, but in the comfort of their bed.
“oh shit, almost forgot.” bo spoke as he walked away from the dresser. he grabbed her hands and guided her to sit on the edge of the bed with him.
“i uh, i made you something while i was on tour. i was in a mood where i was really missing you and felt like i was dying from ennui. so while on the—.”
“sorry, hold on. what the fuck is ‘ennui’?” she interrupted.
bo laughed, “it basically means bored or boredom. i learned it while on tour and it’s fun to say, so yeah. but uhm, anyways. while i was on the tour bus, i made you this.”
he reached into his back pocket and pulled out his wallet. sitting in one of the credit card slots laid a little paper ring, a folded heart right in the middle. almost like it was mimicking a diamond.
he held it out on his palm. it was a soft green color, but white spots were scattered around. most likely from him coloring it with a marker he found.
“it’s not much, but.. uhm. okay, this is gonna sound really weird, so tell me if it makes you uncomfortable at all.” he spoke as one of his hands ran through his hair as the other held out the paper ring.
“i know i don’t have a lot of money right now, but i wanted to give you something that shows how much i love you. but i didn’t have enough money to buy a promise ring, so the only thing i could think of was making this. i had to look up a tutorial on youtube and it took like ten tries, but you know..” he trailed off looking at his feet when she took the ring from his hand.
she smiled looking at it. “which finger do i put it on?”
relief washed through bo’s body, as a feeling of shivers ran through his spine.
he grabbed her hand as he began to speak again. “i think you put it on your left ring finger, and then we replace it with an engagement ring and then wedding ring.” he slid the paper ring onto her finger and linked their hands together. he had to be gentle considering it is a ring made out of paper.
“so, you’ve thought about marrying me?” she laughed softly, her head resting on his shoulder.
he nodded as he laid his head on top of hers shortly after. “all the time. i like to think about what kinda dress you’d wear, our first dance, our cake, and eventually our honeymoon.”
he spoke the last word in a jokingly over the top sexual tone, making her laugh.
she looked at her hand and sighed contently. bo placed a kiss on her temple and her cheek.
she looked at him and took off the ring. “i think it would be safer to put this on a chain, like a necklace.”
he nodded as he watched her place it on the nightstand. she looked back at him before jumping on him, sending them back into the bed.
“i love you, y/n.”
“i love you too, bo.”
(august, 2018. los angles)
the two stood holding drinks at the wrap party for eighth grade. they were really the only ones with drinks, considering the majority of the cast are teenagers. the crew was there, yeah, but not many people were drinking.
“i feel weird.” bo said as he set down his beer bottle. y/n looked over at him with her eyebrows furrowed.
her hand rested on his shoulder, “what’s wrong? like, do you feel sick or something?” she asked as she kept seeing him fidget with his fingers.
he shook his head as his eyes landed on her necklace. the green paper ring hung from the chain, resting between her collarbones. his fingers reached out and started playing with the paper. his heart swelled as he remembered when he gave it to her.
he looked over at the people, all of them mingling talking with on another. he saw elsie— who’s become his little sister during this production. he saw a couple camera men, other cast members.
he looked back towards y/n. “ can we go outside, real quick?” he spoke softly, leaning over to so she can hear him. she nodded and grabbed his hand.
as the two made it outside, bo felt like he could finally breathe. there was maybe one or two people outside but pretty far away from them.
he stuffed his hands into his dress pants’ pockets. he leaned faints the building, closing his eyes as he leaned his head back.
y/n walked over to him, wrapping herself around his torso. his arms— almost absentmindedly— circled around her shoulders.
“do you remember when i came home from tour one year, and i gave you that promise paper ring?” he asked, his eyes remaining closed.
she nodded her head and smiled. “yeah, you looked so nervous. it was cute.” her hand moved to play with the chain of the necklace. the ring being to fragile over the years to fiddle with exactly.
he cleared his throat when he continued. “so, do you remember when i told you that i used to think about our future wedding all the time?”
her eyebrows furrowed as she looked up at him. all most like he could feel her gaze, he opened his eyes and looked down at her.
he stepped away from the wall and grabbed her hands. he looked into her eyes, as his felt like they were burning.
he dug his hand into the inside pocket of his blazer, pulling out something small and cool around his palm. her eyes widened as she saw it.
“i love you so much, y/n. more- more than anything in the entire world. you’ve helped me through so much and didn’t throw me to the curb even after the countless times i said you could. and i’m so glad you didn’t.” he spoke full heartedly.
“i feel like i should be on one knee—.”
“bo, you don’t have to get on—.”
“it would make it more romantic—.”
“i’m gonna laugh when you split your pants.”
“i am proposing to you, and you insult me?” he chuckled as he fell to one knee. “anyway.. i love you. so fucking much, it hurts. when i’m away from you, i.. i’m a miserable bitch, to be blunt. i wanna give you my last name. it’ll make me the happiest man on earth knowing that you’ll be mine for the rest of our lives. so, y/n l/n; will you please marry me?”
his eyes teared up as she nodded, “yes, holy shit! yes!” she spoke as she bent down the slightest bit to kiss him. they both smiled during the kiss. tears streamed down their cheeks as they pulled apart.
he slid the ring onto her finger before fully standing up. “are my pants ripped?”
“no, you’re good, babe.”
“okay, good.” he spoke as he held her hand looking at the ring. over the years he had finally been able to buy her an actual ring, one that she adores.
“and as for the last name thing, i’m so sorry that it’s gonna be burnham. fucking burnt ham, jesus.” he joked as he pressed a kiss to her temple.
after about fifteen minutes of the two basking in the glory of being newly engaged, they decided to walk back into the party.
as they reached their table, elsie ran with a big smile on her face.
“did you do it, please tell me you did it!” she gushed.
bo laughed and nodded. elsie gasped and looked at her ring.
“hold on, you knew he was gonna propose?” y/n asked looking at elsie with a smile on her face.
she nodded and continued to look at the ring. “and you didn’t tell me?”
“i told her not to, marriage proposals should be a surprise, honey.” bo stated as he held her hands again.
elsie had walked away going back to talking to other people. bo and y/n sat at their table just in pure bliss.
“fuck, we’re getting married.” bo said.
“can we make bruce the ring barrier?”
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whoabo · 3 years
hear me out!!
i kinda wanna do a chipp mccapp fic but i literally know nothing about him besides that he’s a country singer and an asshole but i love country!bo <3 so idk lmk
i’m thinking enemies to lovers trope but ya know idk
also i’m gonna do a zach x reader soon once i found an actual plot so yeah ok ily bye
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whoabo · 3 years
pairings: bo burnham x reader.
part one: hate to see your heart break.
part three: crystal clear.
warnings: angst, swears, breakdown,
era: i’m bo yo, (2009) present, (2021)
a/n: hi!! this is part two of ‘hate to see your heart break’. there will be a part three which is gonna be the epilogue. i really hope you enjoy this, idk how to really end fics sometimes so i hope this (and eventually the epilogue) will do justice. so please enjoy. ok ily bye.
special tags: @naniky & @libsybum <3
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it had been about three days since y/n and bo reunited. well, can’t really call it that.
(three days ago)
her eyes widened as she quickly grabbed the orange juice bottle and walked away. she could hear his footsteps following behind.
“y/n, wait. please, just stop for a second.” he pleaded from right behind her, not wanting to make a scene in the middle of set.
she shook her head as she continued walking to her trailer. as she closed the door behind her, she could hear him knocking on the door. the sound of his voice asking to let him in.
soon enough he stopped, and a gentle british voice spoke.
“y/n, hun. can i come in?”
carey. the leading woman of the movie, who y/n had become very close with since the start of production. y/n was actually the one who had carey in mind while writing the movie alongside emerald fennell.
she had told carey all about what had happened between her and bo over a glass a wine at dinner. carey herself, remained pretty neutral about the situation, considering she did have to work with the man in question.
when emerald gave the thumbs up for bo to play the leading man, y/n had no clue. she wasn’t really in charge of casting as she had no real clue as to how. she only gave her word on who should play the leading woman. when she was told the finalized cast, she did get a little winded. but she’s professional, she can’t put her own problems aside for the sake of her job.
or so she thought.
y/n stood up and walked to the door, opening it slightly. there stood carey with a soft expression on her face. she opened the door a bit wider letting the woman in. as she widened the door, she saw bo standing with his hands over his face talking to emerald.
“are you okay, sweetie?” carey asked as she sat on couch. she moved over a bit making room for y/n. as she sat down carey wrapped an arm around her shoulder.
“i thought i was strong enough, and over it. i told myself i’d be professional, and not let our past get in the way, but all that went out the window when i actually saw him.” she rambled.
carey rubbed a soothing hand done her back.
“you are strong enough. look at how far you made it, you’re directing a movie, who cares about bo! you are amazing, babes. plus, if you’re in here crying we’ll never get the movie done and not get paid.” she joked at the end.
y/n laughed rolling her eyes as a tear rolled down her cheek. carey wiped it away and stood up, pulling y/n up with her.
she smiled, “now come on. i need my good luck charm for this next scene!”
y/n and carey stood in the middle of the fake coffee shop set, discussing her lines and alternatives she could possibly say.
“okay, so when he comes in, look almost.. disinterested. remember, cassie doesn’t really care about the costumers.” she spoke, what she was saying almost sounded obvious for the scene.
carey nodded and fixed her hair as y/n walked behind the camera next to emerald. emerald placed a hand on y/n knee, giving it a quick squeeze. she mouthed a few words that y/n couldn’t make out.
something along the lines of, ‘you’ll be alright.’
as the scene started, she was doing fine. it wasn’t until he came out, she looked away at her clipboard. the sound of his voice made her almost wince.
why? why now was he making her life a living hell? she was doing so good for the past eight or nine years, but seeing him again made her want to spiral.
“cut!” someone yelled snapping her out of her thoughts.
she looked up and saw carey and bo looking over at her. she couldn’t sputter out a word before emerald stepped in.
she stood up walking towards them. “i feel like the scene wasn’t enough. how about, when cassie says ‘do you want milk?’ instead of saying yes and then some banter. bo, i want you to say no but you can spit in it or something like that. y/n?”
she raised her eyebrows. a hand resting under her chin as her fingers cover her mouth.
“thoughts on spitting in the coffee.”
she tilted her head as she made brief eye contact with the leading man. “uhm, yeah. seems like.. like something cassie would do.”
“should i actually drink it, or we gonna cut before?” bo asked desperately trying to make eye contact with her.
she didn’t dare meet his eyes, she continued to look at her co director. “uhm, if you’re okay with that, yeah. or ya know, pretend to sip it.”
he nodded, defeated. emerald walked back behind the camera and smiled at her partner. y/n nodded and gave a small smile back.
the scene restarted and the part where cassie spots in his coffee came up.
“uh, no no. but you can spit in my coffee. i deserve that, uh.” his character stammered.
she watched as carey picked up the cup and spat. bo picked up the cup, squinting his eyes. she covered her mouth as to muffle her laugh as he drank from the cup.
her and carey looked at each other and laughed as bo was handed a water bottle. he gargled the water before spitting it out into a paper cup.
“oh my god! you actually drank it!” carey exclaimed as she ran behind the camera to y/n.
he shook his head as he watched the girls laugh. “hey, i take my work seriously!”
“i have you the option to fake it, my god!” y/n laughed. bo’s eyes widened as she actually responded to him.
bo watched as she try to calm herself down, hiding her face behind her clipboard. his heart started to ache as he started to sweat the slightest bit.
the two made eye contact as emerald called for a twenty minute break. she shook her head as she walked alongside one of the camera men to talk about placements.
he hung his head low as he walked out to his trailer. he hated himself for losing touch with her. he just couldn’t handle upcoming fame and deals along with a relationship and never being with each other. so he decided to an asshole and completely ghost her.
(seven years ago)
y/n held the phone to her ear the second time that week. no answer.
“god damnit, bo.” she exclaimed.
her graduation is in two days, all she wants is for bo to be there for her and watch her on her big day.
but he wasn’t answering or calling, not even a text.
she sat down on her bed, tears started to swell in her eyes. it burned but she didn’t care at this point.
meanwhile; bo watched as the phone rang and rang, before eventually shutting off again. he sat in his tour bus, curled up in the corner of the couch, tears streaming down.
he can’t handle it. he can’t handle this.
he’s ruining her by not being there. he can’t even bring himself to fake it anymore. he cant— no, he won’t even tell her how much of a toll this is taking on him. he knows she would be worried and force to take a break.
he won’t do that, he can’t do that. his craft means to much to him.
“fuck.” he sobbed as he bit down on his fist.
the next few weeks passed and less and less bo tried to keep up with y/n. eventually, it all stopped.
she must’ve gotten tired of trying. must’ve gotten tired of bo.
(present/two weeks later)
as bo was changing into his costume for the day there was a knock at his trailer door.
he sighed as he walked over and opened it. his eyes widened as he saw y/n standing there.
“uh, hey. uhm was i needed on set?” he asked as he let her in.
she shook her head and sat on his couch. he closed the door behind him and sat on one of the few chairs. he pushed the rim of glasses up his nose a bit as he stared at her.
she played with her fingers, trying to figure out what to say. “i think,” she started looking up towards the ceiling.
“i think we should put our.. whatever it is.. behind us. we’re both professionals, this is our job. i know i’m not gonna put my job on the line cause of some guy i had a falling out with is back.”
bo leaned in his seat at the statement. sure, he was most to blame for how things ended, but it’s not like it didn’t hurt him either. he wasn’t listening to his heart or whatever the corny line is.
“some guy? good to know.”
she looked at him with her eyebrows furrowed.
with her body turned to him, an angry expression of her face. “yeah, some guy. a guy who promised me things that he couldn’t make. no matter how easy those things were.”
“maybe the guy was under a lot of stress and had no clue what to do. ever think of that? no, cause you only think of yourself.”
“i only think of myself?” she stood up. “how do i only think of myself, bo? tell me? cause i sure as hell don’t know. i called you everyday for weeks trying to check up on you and you never answered. and when you did you seemed so uninterested in me that i cried after every call. not that you give a shit, you fucking ghosted me!” tears threatened to fall from her eyes, but she held them back— even though it made her vision incredibly blurry.
he shook his head. “i’m sorry, okay? i had no clue as to what i was doing. going out on the road was not at all what imagined. and it was taking such a toll on me, i didn’t want you to see that— hear that.” he breathed slowly, trying to keep himself at bay.
his head fell as he clasped his hands together. “i would curl up in a ball and cry so hard— i would shake. i-i.. i didn’t want you to know that. fuck, i loved you too much to let her see that side of me.”
she stared at him watching the man crumble in front of her. his cries were quiet but he was shaking. he was obviously trying to be as silent as possible but the sniffling and hiccuping was a dead give away.
as much as she wanted to keep a stone cold face on, seeing the man she once loved break, it hurts. she knelt down and placed a hand on his back. he looked up, his eyebrows slightly raised. his bottom lip in between his teeth as he held in any more tears.
she placed her other hand behind his head, guiding him to her shoulder. as soon as his head fell in between the crook of her neck, he could no longer hold them back. the feeling of her holding him again was almost too much. it burned, it felt hot against his skin.
he felt like he was dreaming.
she began to rock the two of them slightly, a hand soothingly rubbing his back. his cries soon turned into hiccups, which soon turned into sniffles, which then turned to uneven breaths. he didn’t want to move. he wanted her to hold for eternity. he wanted her to never let go.
“i’m sorry, i’m so fucking sorry. i am the biggest piece of shit.” he whispered. she squeezed her eyes at his words. her hand made its way to his hair, slightly scratching his scalp.
after a few more moments, bo felt her loosen his grip. “no, please. don’t let go, please.”
she chuckled. “we have to get to set. you’re on in ten, bo.” she said as she let her arms fall back to her sides.
he sat back— his arms wrapping themselves around him. he closed his eyes, slightly wincing at the burn from crying.
“does.. does that mean we’re gonna go all.. not talking to each other again. cause this is the most you’ve talked to me in four months.”
“well, actually more like.. eight years.”
he smiled not having enough in him to laugh.
“you know what i mean. i don’t want to go back to that. i mean, it’s not like we’re together again.. or something. but i still wanna be friends.”
“can we be friends?” she asked.
he looked up with a confused face. he nodded his head. his hands rested in his lap as he asked her what she meant.
“what if i don’t want to be friends.” she spoke softly.
bo’s glasses slipped as he’s head slumped down.
she shook her head. “shit, that’s not what i meant. i meant.. i wanna go back to how we used to be. seeing you again after all these years brought back feelings i thought i was over. i thought i was finally over you years ago but when i saw you grabbing a coffee a few months back, it just. i- i don’t know. i just can’t—.”
before she could say anything else, bo stood up grabbing her face and bringing it up to his. their lips met and for the first time in a while the two felt content again.
memories of college, watching his first special, asking for notes, even that one eventful night years back.
she was the first to pull away, resting her head on his chest. he wrapped his arms around her while resting his head atop of hers.
“as much as i’d like to do that all the time. uhm, i wanna take this slow.” she spoke as she pulled away again.
he nodded placing his hands on her waist. “of course, of course, honey.— oh shit sorry. can i— can i call you that? if not that’s fine, i can wait. i mean i’ve waited how long now? i’ll be fine—.”
“bo, shut up.” she laughed. he laughed as well looking down at her. “you can call me that, just when we’re alone.”
he nodded, pulling her the slightest bit closer to him. “can i kiss you one more time before we go on set.”
she nodded and wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling him down so she can reach.
“this feels like a daydream.”
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whoabo · 3 years
hate to see your heart break.
pairings: bo burnham x reader.
readers pronouns: she/her.
part two: daydreaming
part three: crystal clear.
warnings: swears, tad bit angst, a little spicy scene,
era: i’m bo yo, (2009) current, (2021).
a/n: i know the timeline is a little off but just go with it for the story lmao i just didn’t want to write him while in high school idk but yeah. this is a little long and has a lot of time jumps beware!! and ur a directing major!!! there will be a part two dw and sorry for the rushed ending.. but i hope you like it ily <3.
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“so sorry to bother you but, do you have the notes for yesterday’s class?”
bo looks up and sees a girl, probably the same age as him, same year. he stared at her for at least a second too long, eventually nodding and pulled out his notebook.
she sat down next to him, smiling and thanking him a bunch. she hastily scribbled the notes, changing a word or two.
he watched as she wrote down, he glasses slipping to the tip of his nose, looking down at her.
he cleared his throat, “uhm, what’s your.. what’s your name?” he asked pushing his glasses.
she looked up and smiled, briefly stopping her writing. “it’s y/n, you?”
“robert, but uh.. i go by bo. family nickname.” he stated taking in a shaky breath. he didn’t understand why he was so nervous.
she squinted her eyes and her head tilted a bit tot he right. “hm, you know, you don’t look like a robert.”
he smiles, “what do i look like then?”
“i don’t know but robert just doesn’t suit you.. maybe a charlie— no! tyler? ‘prolly.. ryan? i don’t know, maybe some basic white guy name.”
he laughed as she finished writing down his notes. the two chatted until class started, the two finding out that they have three courses together. finding out their majors. bo’s being theatre and hers being directing. when class ended the two exchanged phone number.
“see you tomorrow, y/n.” he smiled and waved as he walked away. he heard her small goodbye as she walked the opposite direction. when he made it to his dorm he spent no time in rushing into new material.
he had filmed a video yesterday and has decided to take a break from posting and hopefully move up a bit. but with college it’s taking a lot longer than he expected.
as he finished writing his rough draft of new jokes and lyrics his phone buzzed against his desk.
unknown: hey its y/n :p
bo: i hate that face
y/n: deal with it robert :p
(three months later.)
“okay, okay! just hurry up, i got the email and i’m not opening it until your here. so hurry the fuck up!”
“bo, i am on the other side of the dorms. what, do you expect me to fuckin’ fly over there?”
he laughed and apologized. he fingers squeezed his phone in his hand while the other tapped against his desk. over the last couple months the two had gotten closer and became best friends. it was like the two just instantly clicked and were attached at the hip.
recently however, bo had hired an agent for him. the agent had been able to get in contact with comedy central and talk to them about getting bo.. really anything on the channel. and luckily for him comedy central offered him a potential comedy central.
“alright,” she stopped to take a breath. “i’m in your building, i’ll be up in five minutes.”
the two bid their goodbyes, even though they were pretty unnecessary. as the two were about to see each other in mere moments. he turned to his computer screen and just stared. this could be his big break, no more posting on youtube, and letting people see what he’s made of.
he felt a pair of arms wrap around his shoulders and he leaned back. “okay, open it! i didn’t jog all the way over here for nothing.”
he let out a breath and clicked on the email. he felt y/n chin rest on his shoulder, trying to get a better look at the screen.
“dear, bo burnham blah, blah.” bo started reading/murmuring most of the email that he didn’t really care about. “we’d love to have you perform a half hour comedy special on comedy central! yes oh my god!”
he stood up and turned around, hugging his friend close. the obvious height difference between the two making it a little weird. her arms wrapped around his waist as her head rested on his chest. while bo hugged her shoulders, smiling as wide as ever.
y/n pulled away first grabbing his hands and started jumping. bo laughed as he started jumping with her.
she smiled as she looked up at him. “oh my god my best friend is gonna be on tv! ahh, i’m so proud of you!”
the two stopped jumping and sat on his bed. they chatted about what he was gonna sing, how’d he tell his parents.
bo looked over at y/n, “you know, i’m really happy we’re friends. it feels good to have someone to share my material with, and have someone to be with.”
she looked back at him, noticing how close they were. their noses almost touching. she saw his eyes flicker down to her lips before looking back at her. slowly, he leaned in, tilting his head to the side slightly.
she pulled away, “i’m sorry, i—.. i’m sorry.” she stuttered standing up and leaning against the wall next to the bed.
bo stood up as well, walking closer to her. “no no, y-you don’t need to apologize! i totally misread that. i should be the sorry one.” he rambled grabbing her hands.
she shook her head and pulled away again, “i should get going. i’m sorry, i’ll see you later. congrats bo.”
“y/n wait, just—.” he tried to speak but she was already out the door. it clicked softly behind her while he continued to stare. he shook his head and walked back to his computer and typed out an email and forwarding it to his agent.
he rested his chin in his palm as he stared at his screen, that has now faded to black. he stood up and grabbed his keys, deciding to go out and grab food and stay in for the night.
(two weeks later)
“i think i’m gonna leave. maybe for just a year— gap year? i don’t know.”
“well, i wish you the best of luck. just promise to keep me in touch and give me free tickets to your shows.”
bo laughed as he rested his head on his arms. he nodded as he looked back at y/n. luckily the two had gotten over the cringy feeling.
he went to her dorm a couple days later and apologized nonstop. they both felt bad about the situation, thinking they were at fault for making the other uncomfortable.
“my show is in two days.” he whispered.
she looked over at him and smiled, “i better have a front row seat.”
“i can give you side stage. you can hang out in my green room till i go on.”
she nodded and looked down at her paper, some weird quiz she has to study for. she doesn’t want him to leave, but she knows that he can do great things.
well, maybe. making kinda offensive jokes has its own perks but.. she knows he can have an incredible career.
she stood up and started packing her stuff, which made bo stand up as well.
“you okay?” he asked.
“yeah, just tired. do you.. wanna sleep over?” she asked looking up at him. he craned his neck downwards and smiled, nodding. he followed her to her dorm, even though he knew is way pretty well.
as the two make it into her dorm, it’s about nine pm. she heads to her closet as bo goes to her dresser. he made her make a drawer for his own clothes whenever he came to sleep over. he did the same for her. normally, he would sleep on the couch, even though his legs were far out on top of arm rest.
a sight that makes y/n laugh when she would wake up. the two trust each other enough to change in the same room. their backs face each other until they say they’re dressed.
for some reason, they both had a feeling in their stomachs. it felt weird. it wasn’t like they ate something bad or something like that, just a feeling that sits in their gut.
when they turned around bo stared at her as she fixed her shirt. she looked up at him, that feeling becoming more and more present the longer they stared.
soon enough, y/n and bo took at least three steps to reach each other. y/n wrapped her arms around his neck— bending him down to her height. his arms wrapping around her waist, as their lips met, almost angry-like.
“i-i’m sorry, shit.” bo whispered in between their kiss(es).
“shut up.” she whispered back. she pulled him to her bed where they both fell.
when bo awoke, there was a dull light peeking through the window. he could hear the rain from outside as he fluffed his hair. he sat up carefully and stretched his arms out. his shirt was thrown by the end of the bed, along with other articles of clothing.
he looked to his right and saw her asleep, the sheets bundled around her as her was sprawled against her pillow. he smiled and laid back down, wrapping an arm around her waist.
a few hours later the two of them were awake, still in bed, in each other’s arms. his head rested on her chest as her arms wrapped around his shoulders, playing with his hair.
“will you watch me tomorrow night?” he asked.
“of course.”
(the next night)
bo stood in his green room messing with the sleeves of his tie-dye sweatshirt. y/n walked behind him, wrapping her arms around his waist. her cheek rested on his back as he placed his hands over hers.
“you’re gonna be great.”
he turned around in her arms and leaned down pressing a kiss to her lips. his hand cupped her cheek.
only a few moments later he went on stage. she stood off to the side, smiling and laughing along with the crowd. she cheered— only when the crowd cheered as to not bring attention to her backstage.
“thank you, guys. thank you.” he spoke before he did a small bow and walked off stage.
his agent came up to him before y/n had a chance. they talked about how he did, stuff like that.
“they loved you, bo! you were amazing. listen, we want you to go on tour, just around america, little spots for a couple months. four tops! what do ya’ say?”
he looked over at y/n and she nodded. he looked back at his agent and smiled telling he’d do it.
he walked over to y/n and smiled hugging her, picking her up a little to spin.
“you were amazing! and now a tour, jesus christ!”
“yeah, oh my god. this is really happening.” he gushed as they walked out and into the van. comedy central have him his very own transportation, to and from. his hand wrapped tightly around hers.
“was i any good? i feel like there was some jokes that were—.”
“you were amazing.” she smiled, pressing a kiss to his lips. he smiled during as they started driving towards the college campus.
(one month later)
both of their eyes were a little teary as they stood outside her door. his bags were behind him. he had dropped out a few weeks before but now he was leaving for tour.
y/n sadly, couldn’t come along. no matter how much bo— and herself— wanted her to. but, bo said she should stay and graduate. do it for the both of them, such a hopeless romantic.
he hunched over to press his forehead against hers. a soft kiss pressed against her lips. he smiled sadly as he pulled away.
she looked up at him, a smile on her face. “don’t forget about when your famous and all.”
he shook his head, “i won’t.” he laughed and hugged her again. hugging for a few minutes the two pulled away once more.
he said a short goodbye as she waved and watched as he walked away. dragging his bags behind him. before he turned down the hallway, out of her sight, he turned around and cupped his hands around his mouth.
“love you! i’ll keep in touch!”
she nodded, her heart swelling. she said i love you back, the same way he did.
sucks that he didn’t stay true to his word. as time went on, the two slowly lost touch. he barely called, sent a text.
she understands, he’s busy but she’s a full time college student who made time to call him.
as time went on she seemed to have forgotten about him. she graduated and slowly got jobs directing.
starting with small music videos, short films, eventually moving up the chain to major motion pictures.
a few years later, she had a befriended a girl who was also a director who had been writing film based off a book of the same name. she asked for help and y/n had no choice but to help write it.
as the film got picked up she became the co director along side her friend.
in her first day on set, she laid eyes on someone familiar. she was walking through lunch area, when she reached the drink table someone stumbled next to her reaching for a coffee as she reached for an orange juice. she glanced up and her eyes widened.
the figure looked to the side, his eyes widened as well. “holy shit.”
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whoabo · 3 years
send requests my loves <3
angst, fluff blah ya know?
i’m in a bit of a stump and hopefully some requests will help me out as weird as that sounds idk anyway…
ok by ily.
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whoabo · 3 years
still into you
pairing: bo burnham x reader.
readers pronouns: she/her.
warnings: none, just fluff and a little shy/bashful bo<3
era: what. (2013)
a/n: i am back !! i was gone for awhile, even though i didn’t mean too.. but i am back with a new imagine. i posted about it with a quick synopsis and all that. i feel like there is a few things to know before u read the whole thing. the reader (you ;3) are in a band (paramore) and you have two other members taylor and zac. and yeah that’s all.. oh and ur the lead singer. and be warned it’s incredibly unrealistic and cheesy, my favorite. so. in the words of tatianna— thank you. <3
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(two years earlier.)
“are you sure?”
“honey, i’m sure. i mean think about it, when people find out that y/n l/n of paramore wrote a song about bo burnham, they’re gonna lose their shit.”
he chuckled as he leaned down and pressed a kiss to the top of her head. he smiled at her as they sat on the couch. the two had recently moved in with each other.
she tilted her head, “why would people lose their shit?” she asked.
he ran a hand through his hair— while thinking he really needs to get a haircut, his fringe is getting a bit too long, for his liking. “cause people are gonna be like ‘what the fuck? the paramore chick is dating this loser?’ so, they’ll be in for a surprise.” he laughed.
she laughed as she gave him a playful shove. “stop, don’t say that!”
(two months ago.)
“you wanna put it on the album?”
“yeah, why not? i think.. i don’t know.”
she sat on the couch of the studio. she had a small smile on her face.
“does he know you’re gonna put it on the album?” their drummer zac spoke. she shook her head as she busied herself looking at her notes. taylor and zac shared a look. they’ve never seen her this happy before, who knew she’d be the type to write a love song.
she looked up and smiled, “i wanna perform it at the upcoming festival. maybe even a lead single?”
the three started coming up with melodies, alternative lyrics, and whatever else they saw fit. by the end of the day, they had gotten more than sixty percent of the song finished.
as they left the studio, y/n couldn’t help but smile on her way back to her house— well, her and bo’s shared house.
when she arrived, bo welcomed her with a small kiss and a movie in bed.
her head rested on his chest. the mere thought of the song made her all giddy.
bo looked down, “why are you smiling so much? i know this movie isn’t the reason.” he cocked his head to the side with a sly smile on his face. his glasses were perched on his nose. she always like his circle rimmed glasses.
they’re cute.
she moved to lay her chin on his chest to look at him. she bit her lip in a way to contain her smile. it wasn’t helping very much.
“i wrote a new song today, and i think it has potential.”
“i wanna thank all of you for coming out tonight! i also wanna say thank you for having us, we’re having a blast and we hope you are too.”
her hair flowed with the wind of the late night. she stared out into the crowd, holding the mic stand close to her. her smile was wide as she looked over to her left.
there stood bo smiling right back at her. he gave a small wave and a joking wink.
she looked to taylor and zac— and their backing band. taylor held his guitar close to him as he walked up to his mic.
“this next song, our lovely y/n wrote.” the crowd cheered and taylor looked over to y/n. “you wanna take it from here?” he asked.
she fiddled with her fingers as she nodded. bo watched with his eyebrows raised. he’s never really seen her nervous while on stage. while the crowd continued to cheer, bo joined in cupping his hands around his mouth and yelling a string of words.
(yeah, y/n!, that’s my girlfriend, whoo!, i’m dating her!)
she laughed as she pushed her hair back. “right, so this next song— you’ve might’a heard it, if you listened to the album. but, the person it’s about hasn’t heard it or even the album, i didn’t let them.”
she looked over at bo, as subtly as she could. he was starting to piece things together, slowly but he was catching on. his eyes widened the tiniest bit as he pointed to himself and mouthed, ‘me?’
she looked out to the crowd as the music started, “this next song is called ‘still into you’!”
she jumped around as the instrumental started.
“can’t count the years on one hand that we’ve been together. need the other one to hold you, make you feel, make you feel better!”
she held the mic in one hand as she sang, she didn’t dare make eye contact with bo. however, he was ecstatic, the smile on his face was starting to hurt from hearing the first line alone.
as the song continued the two couldn’t stop smiling. y/n continued to jump around when the song reached the chorus.
“cause after all this time, i’m still into you.” she sang and for the first time during the song made eye contact. he laughed as he could feel the heat on his cheeks.
when the song came to an end, the lights darkened as deafening cheers came from the crowd. she placed a hand over her chest as they walked off stage. they have about five minutes before their encore, and she will be spending that time with bo.
when she reached him, he pulled her into a— somewhat harsh— kiss and held onto their waist. he pulled away and hugged her.
“oh my god, i love you. that was incredible.” he gushed, the redness on his cheeks was still evident.
she looked up at him, “are you sure, was it okay? did any of the lyrics bother you?” she rambled a small bit. he shook his head as they walked to her dressing room.
“honey, i loved it.”
she nodded and placed a kiss on his cheek as they sat down. the two sat in a comfortable silence for a few moments. bo grabbed her hand and entangled their fingers together.
corny, cheesy, cute couple shit.
“so,” he began. “do you think anyone will be surprised the song is about me?” he asked.
“it shouldn’t. i only talk about you all the time.”
he smiled as he looked at their hands. “another question, do you still get butterfly’s around me?”
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whoabo · 3 years
i’m back from my ( unannounced ) hiatus. and while i was gone i came up with a— what i consider— cute imagine!
so basically bo is dating the reader who is a singer (think hayley williams from paramore) and it’s during the what. era and the reader writes him a song kinda being like “hey i love you” (still into you by paramore) and she doesn’t tell him about, but she knows he’s okay cause he’s mentioned it before — is the form of a joke probably. but it’s not till her band perform at some concert and he attends it and is standing in the crowd when they start singing!!
idk i think it’s cute, if i write it i am gonna make the reader based off hayley from paramore. in a way, like the reader is the lead singer of paramore and writes all the songs blah blah .. an au basically. idk but tell me what u think.
ok ily bye.
!!update: it’s posted <3
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whoabo · 3 years
hello loves/whores.
requests are back open! so remember when requesting pls tell me the era/year, the pronouns, and any special detail(s) you want. :)
okay, ily bye.
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