whatitistobeaphan · 7 years
Wrong Date
Prompt: Phil gets asked out for (English) prom and finds a blind date for Dan, but no one is really happy with this arrangement
Genre: angst with some fluffy smut at the end
Kinks: praise kink from Dan
Warnings: um... jealousy? faking straightness.
"Hey, um, Phil, I was wondering if you wanted to go to prom with me?" Dan looked up from his algebra homework - due next period of course - just in time to see Hannah the Brunette (there were many Hannahs at his school) blushing down at Phil, who was currently sitting down letting Dan copy his homework. Both the boys' eyes widened, but for Dan it was mostly outrage; Phil looked more surprised... like a pleasant kind of surprise‽ "I'd love to." Phil replied with a smile on his face, and Dan felt his heart crack in two. He'd always known that Phil was straight and would never like him back, but he'd never had a girlfriend, or any interest in girls at all, which had made Dan feel at ease. Until now. "Great! You have my number, right?" Hannah had a massive smile on her face. Phil shook his head. "Snapchat?" Again, Phil looked apologetic. "Okay, messenger. I'll text you the colour of my dress so your tie can match! Or is that too American? English prom is funny when all the traditions are supposed to be American." "No, that's fine. Talk to you then!" Phil smiled at Hannah's retreating back for several seconds before turning in his seat to talk to his best friend with a big smile. Dan had had his eyebrows raised and there was a painful lump in his throat, but he managed to keep a straight (well, nothing could make him straight) face. "What was that about? I didn't know you liked her. I didn't even know you knew her?" Dan immediately asked. He tried his best not to sound accusatory but it was difficult when he actually felt like crying. "Well, I don't really, but I might as well give her a chance, right?" Phil replied, and Dan sighed inwardly. That was his Phil; too kind for his own good. "You sure? She could turn out to be an axe murderer or something." Phil laughed at Dan's statement. "I think I'll be fine thanks, Dan. Good to know you have my best interests at heart." "Just don't say I didn't warn you!" Of course Dan would never actually sabotage Phil's date, but it still hurt. Phil may have been his crush, but he was also Dan's best friend, and he was afraid that having a girlfriend would ruin that. The two were, and had always been, inseparable and their healthy balance of things in common and polar opposites made them the ideal pair of close friends, and all Dan could ever hope for was that it would stay that way. He went back to his homework.
The next day at the same time Dan and Phil were in exactly the same position; though Dan was copying Phil's Spanish homework this time. As Hannah was walking over to their desk, it was difficult to restrain from rolling his eyes, but somehow Dan managed. He gave himself a mental pat on the back. "Phiiil," she said, elongating the vowel. "Prom is coming up real soon, do you want to travel there together? As in walking, not like a limo or anything." "Um, I was going to go with Dan? It was sort of already arranged." Phil said, and Dan felt a burst of warmth in his chest - and maybe a bit of smugness. Hannah's eyes narrowed. "Well we could make it a double date then! Me and you, plus Dan and...?" Hannah trailed of, looking at Dan expectantly. "I haven't got a date." He explained, not ashamed but feeling like he should be. "That's fine! I can set you up with my friend Amy. You won't know her, she goes to a different school, but she's really pretty!" Hannah suggested enthusiastically. "Oh no, that's fine. I don't want to force myself on her or anything." Obviously he didn't want to go, and he would do whatever he could to get out of this. "As if, she'll be totally okay with it! You guys will definitely hit off." "You should try it, Dan. Maybe put yourself out there?" Phil said, unknowingly stabbing his best friend right in the back. Not literally, but that was how it felt. And Dan couldn't reach him telepathically at the moment, so there was no way of mentally screaming at his best friend to shut the hell up. Then again, he couldn't say no to Phil, not when he was this excited. "Okay then, sure! Let's all meet at Phil's? That would be easiest since he lives closest to the school." Dan faked a bright tone, his words running away from him faster than he could think properly as he hastily dug himself out of the hole that was already threatening to cave in on him, leaving him buried forever. And probably dead. Hannah eyed him suspiciously. "How do you know where Phil lives?" Jealous girlfriend alert. And they weren't even dating properly! "Me and Phil have known each other for years, and I've been on countless sleepovers at his house." Why was Dan having to explain himself to Phil's clingy girlfriend? "Whatever." She scoffed slightly. "Anyway, see you later Phil!" Dan's chest loosened a bit once the tension in the air had walked away. He put his head down and resumed the homework, not wanting to talk to Phil.
Dan checked himself in a shop window for what seemed like the millionth time. His new suit looked good when he had bought the suit - alone, since Phil was probably shopping with Hannah - but now he was growing unsure. Another problem was that he didn't know if he would like Amy, or if she'd even turn up. Dan wasn't sure if he was gay or bisexual yet, for god's sake. Nothing made sense any more, and he'd give anything to be back where he belonged, in his own bedroom playing videogames with Phil - his best friend Phil, not Hannah's boyfriend Phil. Damn the bloody school for making such a big deal of events like these. Stopping outside Phil's front door, Dan took a moment to prepare himself. He had arrived early so he could actually talk to Phil before they would be interrupted, though he also braced himself in the off chance that Hannah could already be inside with Phil, doing something he'd rather not see. So, instead of even trying the door to see if it was open or using his own set of keys, Dan rung the doorbell for the first time in twelve years. Phil's surprise was apparent when he opened as he opened the door, and he didn't exactly look overjoyed. "I thought you we're Hannah or Amy. Why did you ring?" His tone was almost worried. Dan only shrugged. "Come in anyway." Phil attempted a warm smile but, for the first time, Phil's smile wasn't real, so it wasn't contagious or reassuring or (hypothetical) ovary-exploding. It wasn't... Phil. "What's up?" Dan tried but failed to sound less-cringy than he would when meeting someone new. "Nothing, 'cept I'm nervous of course. You?" Even Phil was sounding awkward now. "Same I guess. Not sure about this whole blind-date-thing. Or the thing about me leaving the house to go to a social event, with people and dancing." "Well that's something I can relate to. It's not exactly our scene, is it?" "It's never too late to back out, I guess?" Dan tried. "It kind of is, since it's not just us. We can't let Amy and Hannah down, can we? It just wouldn't be fair." Dan sighed. "If you say so." The girls were still winning Phil over, and they weren't even here yet. Just then, the doorbell rang. "Coming!" Phil yelled down the stairs. "Do I look okay?" he asked Dan, sounding nervous. Dan brushed Phil's jet black fringe into place, and then nodded. He took a step back when he remembered he was mad at Phil for valuing his prom date and her friend more than his best friend of almost thirteen years. "You should go and let them in." Phil seemed frozen to the spot, with nerves, perhaps. Once he'd gathered his senses Phil finally went downstairs to greet his girlfriend. Dan followed. Hannah was standing right in the doorway, the perfect spot to give Phil a big hug as soon as he opened the door. Amy was hidden behind her while Hannah hogged the spotlight. "Hiya Phil, do you like my dress? It took me ages to pick out." It certainly was a lovely dress, strapless, red and figure-hugging. Not too much chest or leg space were being shown, and though she was amazingly proportioned in terms of figure, it just wasn't to Dan's taste. "Oh, and Dan, this is Amy." She moved to the side slightly to present her friend. Amy seemed much more down Dan's alley. Pale skin and a slender body, she had bright blue eyes (though not as pretty as Phil's, Dan thought) and darker brown hair with hints of red dyed into it. It would have looked better dyed black. The dress she was wearing was cute though, black with a green and red comic-styled pattern on the skirt and tank, the sticking-out skirt nearly reaching her knees but enough above them to look cool. She also had opaque black tights and strappy heels. "Hi Amy," Dan smiled politely at his blind date and offered out his hand for her to shake. She took it, and he could tell she was trying to seem as confident as her bubbly friend, probably to make a good impression. "Nice to meet you." "Likewise." Amy replied, her voice soft and lacking the masculine deepness that Dan much preferred. "Let's get going then!" Hannah chirped happily, latching onto Phil's arm and somehow nudging Amy to copy at the same time. She seemed to ignore this and Dan was content with that. The four ambled along the road somewhat awkwardly - at least Dan definitely felt awkward. Hannah did all the talking for them, Phil and Amy sometimes replying, though Dan stayed completely silent. It had taken him a while to open up to Phil in the first place, all those years ago. What if things were never the same again? What if Phil decided Hannah was better company, and left Dan in the side lines? What if he and Hannah stayed together way into their old ages, and Dan never got Phil alone any more? Dan continued to shrink into the shadows until they got to the school gym. Phil and Hannah went off to go and get a drink, leaving Dan and Amy alone. "So, um, what do you like to do?" Amy asked, grabbing herself the nearest drink and taking a big gulp. Dan felt like a rabbit caught in headlights. "Um, playing video games?" Amy's blue eyes lit up. "Me too! What's your favourite?" "Um, I really like Portal." Dan named a random video game he and Phil liked playing sometimes. "Have you played Portal Co-Op?" Dan nodded. "Same, it's my favourite one. Me and Toni play it all the time." "Who's Toni?" "Oh, just a friend." Amy looked wistful for a moment. "Look, I'm really sorry but I don't think I'm really interested in guys." Dan felt as if a whole weight was being lifted off his chest. "Oh thank god. I wasn't really looking forward to telling you that I'm only interested in guys." He wasn't quite sure what prompted him to say that, he wasn't planning on deciding on his sexuality and coming out to his date on the worst night of his life. "Seriously? That is so strange! What a coincidence." Amy exclaimed happily. "Wait, why are you on a blind date with a guy then?" Dan asked. Was Hannah really that inconsiderate? Amy bit her lip. "I'm not actually out to Hannah. Or anyone, to be honest. You're the first person I've told." Dan chuckled inwardly. "Same." The two grew quiet, then Dan asked. "So, do you like, LIKE Hannah?" "Oh, no, no. She's so straight she doesn't need a ruler. She's actually, um, my step sister. Technically, at least. We don't live together or anything, but she's older so she's always trying to help me be more like her, which obviously I'm not." Amy paused for breath. "Also, there's, um, someone else I'm kinda interested in." "Spill!" Dan felt like he was talking to Phil again. "Who do you like?" "You don't even know them." Amy insisted. At Dan's crossed arms, she tried again. "I'll tell you if you tell me." Dan was aghast. "No! You can't do that to me." Amy crossed her arms, imitating Dan. "God, you're insufferable. You have to go first." Amy laughed. "I think I know anyway. Mine's my mate Toni. We've been friends for years and I've never been brave enough to ask their sexuality." "Have they ever dated someone while you knew them?" Amy shook her head sadly. "I'm in the dark. Now you have to tell me who you like." Dan's cheeks flushed pink and he looked at his hands, which were resting on his lap, as if they were the most interesting thing in the world. "It's Phil isn't it?" Dan looked up. "It's obvious. I'm surprised that even Hannah hasn't noticed yet. She'll probably figure it out sometime tonight. Then he's all yours." "But he probably doesn't even like me!" Dan burst out. Eyes were rolled at Dan. "Have you even seen the way he looks at you? Forget crushing, he's completely in love with you. And you love him, don't you?" "Okay, I do, I love him. And if you're sure -" "Which I am." Amy interrupted. "Fine then. You have to ask Toni out. At least ask their sexuality." "I can't just do that!" "Then neither can I." Dan replied stubbornly. Amy sighed. "Fiiine, I'll ask. But if the world ends, I blame you." Suddenly, Hannah came thundering into view. "Amy, get your stuff. We're going." "Why? What's wrong?" Dan asked. "None of your business, jerk." "Hannah, seriously, what's up?" Amy jumped in before Dan could reply. Hannah huffed. "You're beloved Phil was leading me on. He refused to kiss me, then told me he 'wasn't really into me'. What an asshole!" Amy flashed a sneaky grin at Phil. "I'm sorry Hannah, you're right. Can you get my coat from the classroom?" She nodded, and stomped out of the gym. "Dan, here. Write your number in my phone, and let's keep in touch." Dan did as he was told and when he gave Amy her phone back, she hugged him. "Thank you for being such a great date." "See ya." He smiled as she left to find Hannah. Minutes later he found Phil, not looking particularly bothered about this whole situation. "Oh hey Dan." Phil smiled. "Having a good time?" Dan nodded. "Where's Hannah?" "I think you were right." Phil looked sheepish. "She's an axe murderer?" Phil laughed at that. "No, but well, I didn't really like her. I was just being nice. But then she tried to kiss me, and I realised there was someone... something wrong." Phil looked embarrassed. "How's it going with Amy?" Smiling, Dan said, "Great, actually. We've exchanged numbers and everything. Shame she doesn't actually date guys." "What?" Phil looked like he was surprised, ashamed and hopeful all at the same time. That look gave Dan courage. "Yeah. I guess opposites attract though, cos I'm gay." He hadn't meant to be that blunt, but it seemed to do the trick as something snapped in Phil, and he grabbed Dan by his tie to pull him in and press their lips together. Dan gasped into the kiss, then wrapped his arms around Phil's neck. Luckily, the two both always seemed to end up in corners away from everyone else, so Phil pushed Dan up against a wall, wrapping his arms around his waist and biting his bottom lip gently. Dan gasped again, this time granting access for Phil's tongue to collide with Dan. The intrusion was unfamiliar, but much better than had ever imagined before. Also, Dan was trying very hard not to grind up against Phil, constantly reminding himself that this was not a dream. When Phil finally pulled away for breath, Dan actually whined at the loss of contact. "Shit." He whispered breathily. Phil laughed nervously. "I probably should have asked to do that." Dan pecked Phil's lips then rested their foreheads together. A few people nearby were giggling, so Dan closed his eyes and blocked them out. Phil was the one and only important thing in his life right now. "You can do that whenever you like." Dan grinned. "Good then." Phil wrapped his arms around Dan again, this time for a hug. A big, bone-crunching, full of love hug later, and Phil was grabbing Dan's hand and leading him outside. Once the cold night air had replaced their blushes for goosebumps, Dan and Phil made their way back to Phil's house. Dan used his own set of keys to open the door, and the two of them were very happy to find themselves in an empty house. Grinning, Dan initiated their next snog the very second they got into Phil's room, pushing him back onto the bed and straddling him. They kissed passionately and desperately, both needing to release all the pent-up frustration they had kept for all those years. Phil grinded up on Dan, and they moaned together. "Do you want to go all the way?" Dan asked. He wasn't entirely sure he was ready. Phil pulled away from Dan so that he could think straigh- properly. "Not yet. Maybe we could just use our hands for now?" When Dan nodded, Phil busied him with his lips once more, followed with groping of Dan's ass. He moaned at the feeling, grinding into Phil's thigh. "You're so beautiful Dan." Phil whispered in Dan's ear. He became weak at his knees and felt a big rush of arousal spread through his whole body. Phil must have noticed this, and connected some dots, climbing on top of Dan and praising him again. "Are you going to be a good boy for me baby? Will you come for me?" Dan moaned so loud the people still in the gym could have heard it, and came abruptly after that. "Was that good for you, sweetheart?" Phil panted. He was still hard, and Dan noticed, rolling on to again and shoving his hand down Phil's dress pants. Phil's mouth gaped open at the feeling and Dan almost became hard again, but all too soon Phil was coming, the white liquid all over Dan's hand. Both boys had sticky underwear, but neither minded. Instead, they curled up together on the bed, peeling off their trousers gingerly. Phil left the embrace to get each of them a clean pair of underwear, and they averted their eyes politely when they changed. But then, long overdue, Dan and Phil wrapped themselves in each others arms and fell asleep, together.
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whatitistobeaphan · 7 years
Phil’s Hoodie
Prompt: Dan steal Phil’s hoodie (2009 Phan to present AU)
Genre: fluffy plot-less drabble
It all started with the little things, a long time ago. Think back to 2009 Phan; their friendship still kindling and feelings still in the oven. It was chilly in Phil's flat, just a bit colder than Dan had prepared for, so he borrowed Phil's hoodie. Only for the weekend! The hoodie was bright yellow with a cute cartoon that was just so... Phil - and it smelled like him him too. How could Dan resist? Phil smiled when he saw Dan wearing it and said no more, seemingly fine with it. Dan then proceeded to join Phil on the small sofa, the two of them cuddling slightly as buffy started playing. Sometimes the hoodie would be in Phil's wardrobe... other times in Dan's backpack. The home of the hoodie changed over a period of months, until Phil himself finally piped up and told Dan he could keep it. Dan did so happily, smiling widely everytime he smelled it when he was back at home. It definately helped when he was back home and missing his best friend, or when he was stressing out about what he's supposed to do after school. He didn't tell Phil about any of that, though Phil probably knew anyway. Therafter, Phil started borrowing Dan's t-shirts. It was fair enough; they were preparing to move in together, and Dan had some really cool band shirts anyway - plus for most of the time he didn't even notice. And when he did, it was fine since they always came back smelling like Phil. The two of them agreed living together would greatly benefit their friendship, as both of them hated it when Dan went back home after a blissful weekend of making videos together or just cuddling up in front of the TV. They never really did much more, in either sense, but they were content on the state of their relationship. For now. For now, they would share moments together that made their hearts flip over and their cheeks flush. For now, they would look away sheepishly and pretend they don't feel the way they do. For now, they would gaze at each others lips and crave the comfort of the other's cuddles. For now. As their longing increased and their love grew ever stronger they got closer, slowly and almost unnoticeably. A good metaphor for this would be that they started in opposite parts of England and talking only over the internet, to sleeping in bedrooms only a wall apart and eating cereal every morning together, to sleeping next to each other under Phil's brightly coloured mattress. It was just because it was chilly in the flat, and body warmth was the only working solution. Even with Phil's hoodie, pyjama pants and mismatched socks, it was too cold. They needed each other. Each of them always got a better night's sleep when they slept together. Soon, as Dan found, it was even better when they held each other close during the night then woke up tangled up together like necklaces in a jewellery box. And when Phil; beautiful, sleepy-eyed Phil kissed him good morning, Dan's heart flew away up to the clouds and the stars and the rainbows as he kissed him back.
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whatitistobeaphan · 7 years
Just sayin', my Dab x Evan blog is @pancake-howlter
Dab x Evan
I’m starting to think that Dan and Phil keep talking about shipping the two when they grow up in attempt to get us to stop writing Phanfic and replace it with Devan Fics. Well ha, it won’t work, they’ll just be more of both!
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whatitistobeaphan · 7 years
Should probably mention...
My main blog is @sweetleilaniheavanlyflower and my ao3 is also SweetHeavenlyFlower
0 notes
whatitistobeaphan · 7 years
7:30 Every Morning
Prompt: teenagers au
Genre: fluff
Warnings: swearing, very little homophobia
Shit, Dan was late. He was really late. He hadn't realised how fast the time flew when he was listening to music, but the time was 8:24 and school started at 8:30. Being late was okay, it never really mattered - unless you were on your last strike of in-punctuality. Like Dan was. That meant meetings-with-your-parents serious, and detentions. Loads of them. So he did something he never thought he'd do. Dan Howell ran for it. The school was in sight, but he couldn't even see students milling around the front gate. Maybe he was even later than he thought? Out of breath, he stopped for a minute to check his phone. 8:29. He had made it, but... where was everyone? There was only one boy sitting on the steps in front of the locked gate. Raven black hair covered his face and Dan could see he was listening to music on his phone, using red earphones the same brand as Dan. Then he looked up, revealing piercing blue eyes and a defined, pale face. Dan recognised him as a really cute boy from a few years above, Phil. They had never spoken, but Dan definitely used to have a bit of a crush on him back when he had first come to terms with his sexuality. Holding back a blush, he tapped Phil on the shoulder, asking him for the time. Phil frowned at Dan's phone in his hand, but unlocked his own to pause his music and display the time, as well as the album cover for 'Welcome To The Black Parade' by My Chemical Romance. Dan grinned, until he noticed the numbers at the top. "Seven thirty!? My phone is an hour late!" Dan was outraged. He knew it had to be his brother messing with the time zones on his phone. Sometimes, the average sibling rivalry was a lot more than he bargained for. Phil looked confused, but when Dan didn't elaborate, he unpaused the song and locked his phone again. Silence fell upon the two boys as Dan considered his next move. He didn't particularly want to go back home and see Adrian's gloating smirk at his fiftieth successful prank, and there was nowhere else to go since he didn't have many good friends that would let him come over at this early hour. Listening to music was the best option, so he sat down next to Phil, pulling his phone out again and searching his pockets for his earphones. They weren't there. Dan briefly remembered throwing them on the floor of his messy bedroom in a hurry to quickly get dressed and leave for school. He had even skipped breakfast! But, as always, the most important thing was his music, and, without annoying Phil, he couldn't really listen to any. So that sucked. Just then Phil nudged him, seemingly getting what was going on. Dan looked at him questioningly, and as a reply, Phil offered on earbud of his earphones, which Dan happily accepted. Phil still hadn't uttered a word, but he was very expressive through his eyes and actions - like right now he had a very kind face and and was doing a very kind act. Music is sacred, and there's always that constant fear that people will judge you based on your music tastes and how loud you listen to it and so on. But it just so happened that Dan very much agreed with Phil that Muse was the best ever, that you could never go wrong with TOP, and that MCR, FOB and Panic! were the holy trinity. So when Phil smiled in appreciation, Dan did too - unknowingly, though Phil noticed out of the corner of his eye. It was funny how the hour passed to easily after that. It was interrupted half-way by a teacher unlocking the gates at 8:00, but Phil wordlessly paused his music, picked up his bag and sat down on a wall, this time inside the gates, beckoning Dan to join him. And despite the homework he really should have been doing, and the test in the afternoon he really should have been revising for, Dan sat down with no hesitation at all. That's how it started. Dan woke up an hour earlier every morning - because who doesn't need the extra half hour of their daily routine to straighten hobbit hair? His family was asleep, so he had the whole house to himself while he made breakfast and showered. It was peaceful, silence echoing around the deserted kitchen, and Dan was relaxed while he ate his cereal. Instead of listening to music while getting ready (to escape the noise of the people usually around him), he saved his eardrums for Phil, as they would always meet up at the same time and share music. With his own splitter and headphones, Dan would always be happy sharing Phil's phone, since the music was no different to his own, and when Phil showed him something new, it was always something he liked - completely truthfully, their music tastes just... fit. And when their knees brushed together, Dan blushed and looked away, the warm feeling spreading through his body making his cheeks fuchsia. He looked back, hopefully the colour gone from his cheeks, and Phil was smiling to himself, then to Dan when he noticed the brunette's eyes on him. They locked eyes for a moment, Phil staring unbashfully while Dan doing the opposite. When a teacher came out - thankfully interrupting Dan's mini heart attack - Phil stood up as always, pausing his music and taking his earphones out. This time, however, he offered his hand out for Dan. All Dan did was stare disbelievingly; Phil was standing and Dan was sitting on the steps, earphones in hand. He accepted Phil's help, and was pulled to his feet by muscular arms. Not that he noticed. They went inside the school gates, sitting down on the wall again. As it was the norm for them, Dan sat close to Phil in order to share his phone, but Phil made no move to play the music again. "Dan, I feel like we haven't talked at all and - well, I've always been here alone, but now you sit with me and I think I'm wasting an opportunity to get to know you." Phil spoke, breaking the comfortable barrier of silence between them. Not that Dan minded at all, he liked Phil a lot and was somewhat excited to start a proper friendship with him - actual talking included. "Yeah, you're right." Dan said, but Phil didn't seem to expect Dan to agree, so he just looked surprised. "Anyway, why do you come here so early?" Phil bit his lip, and Dan tried to ignore just how sexy that was. "My brother's an asshole." When Phil didn't elaborate, Dan prompted him. "Older or younger?" "Older. His name is Martyn, and he doesn't go to this school anymore. He still lives with me though, and ever since I... since some stuff happened, he's been really horrible to me, so I avoid him now." Phil didn't look at Dan once when he admitted this. "What about you anyway?" It was a feeble attempt to change the subject, and Dan noticed this. "Dunno, the idea of not being late anymore and listening to quality music without having to waste my own phone battery kinda appealed to me." He said vaguely. There wasn't really any importance to his story, Phil's sounded a lot more troubling. "Ever since you what, though?" The nervousness was catching, as Dan swallowed in anticipation. He wasn't sure why, but he felt like if Phil was to say what was on his mind, it would be some massive confession that he'd only told his family. Phil cleared his throat. "Um, ever since, I, told them, um, I'm... uh, I'm gay?" He phrased it as a question, quickly broke eye contact with Dan. Though when he looked up, Dan was frowning. "I can't believe you have a homophobic brother! It's not the Stone Age anymore, gay marriage is even legal in America! I'm so sorry you had to go through that Phil." Dan was honestly extremely upset for Phil. He was bisexual anyway, and even though he hadn't explicitly told anyone other than himself in front of the mirror, he didn't really think anyone would be particularly bothered by it. Phil peaked at Dan from behind his fringe. "You mean you don't mind?" He asked. "Of course! I'm not a complete dick. Nor a hypocrite." Dan said, coming out as nonchalantly as he could. Phil eyes just widened, showing off that beautiful ocean blue.   "You mean you're...?" "Bisexual, yeah." Phi looked clueless, so Dan filled him in. "It means I like girls and boys. There are loads of different sexualities, you have no idea! The internet hobos - including myself - are extremely up to date with these things. Tumblr is a wonderful place, my friend!" Phil laughed at that, so Dan guessed he knew what he meant. Conversation trailed off after that, but Dan didn't mind. Phil turned on his music again, and as 'Sarah Smiles' (P!ATD) played, he couldn't help the happy, loved-up theme of the music get to his brain. Was Phil... glowing? Yes, his eyes were always bright and skin pale enough to be a vampire, but there was a new, happy glow about him that made Dan erupt into a grin. "What?" Phil asked. Dan didn't realise he had been staring. He could kiss him right now. Dan could kiss Phil and Phil would kiss back, then they'd rest their foreheads together and sigh happily. But he didn't. "Nothing." The next day, Dan was late. He had stayed up late last night, going through Tumblr and Wikipedia and searching up different sexualities and how to come out and taking surveys to see which Disney princess he was (the result was Belle). This made him forget to set his alarm for 6:30, and due to his messed up body clock, he slept until eight and had to do the whole panic thing where he runs around finding clothes and grabbing books. Unfortunately for him, Dan had to skip straightening his hair, since he at least wanted to speak to Phil before school started. Of course, it was a bit weird that he was only late to be early and meet Phil, so technically Dan was on time, but he didn't see it that way. And neither, apparently, did Phil, as he definitely shot Dan a surly look his way. Dan wanted to go and talk to him, but the bell had rung and the two were in different years, forcing him to wait until break to look for him. However, he couldn't find Phil anywhere; it was like he had disappeared. What he didn't know was that Phil left school during both break and lunch to eat, as he didn't have many friends and wasn't really social enough to care. The annoying situation meant that, unless Dan was to stalk him, he wouldn't get to see Phil until that next morning - if he wasn't avoiding Dan. Luckily enough, Phil's brother was enough of a dick for him to not be able to bear his company at all, so Phil arrived at his usual time of 7:20 and put his earphones in. Dan, this time waking up at the correct time, joined him ten minutes later, sitting down besides Phil and hoping he wasn't mad. To his surprise, Phil took out his earphones from the phone and held his hand out to him. Dan handed over his splitters. Moments later they were nodding their heads along to My Chemical Romance's 'It's Not a Fashion Statement It's Death'. Everything was going as normal, but Dan couldn't help but to feel some... tension around the two. Phil clearly had something on his mind, but he didn't look like he'd be updating Dan about it anytime soon. The brunette boy decided to break the newly-found uneasy silence around them, nudging the other with his elbow. Phil paused his music, watching Dan with curiosity and waiting for him to say something. "Sorry I was late yesterday, I overslept. Wikipedia tangents are so unpredictable sometimes." Phil chuckled a little a that, albeit possibly a little forced, but Dan smiled, happy he was getting through to him. "How boring was yesterday, without my company and all? Miss me much?" Dan asked cheekily. Phil rolled his eyes, though he was smiling. "Meh, same old, same old. Me and the caretaker, though - I think we really hit it off yesterday. You were nowhere to be seen, and be is just such great company - you're not really needed anymore." Dan couldn't tell he was joking until he broke into a grin, draping his arms around Dan's waist in a friendly, laid back manner, drawing him close as one would squeeze another's hand. There was nothing amorous or suggestive about it at all, Dan reminded himself over and over again as he leaned into Phil's touch. Peacefully, the boys stayed that way for what seemed like a very long time. Neither pulled away, nor did Dan or Phil turn the music back on at any point. Dan liked it like that. He wasn't quite sure what was going on in his head, or Phil's for that matter, but that moment of mindfulness was extremely welcome. Of course, the one thing that may have been definitely far better would have been for Phil to lean in, looking down at Dan's mouth with lust and desire, then suddenly Phil's lips on his, softly, sweetly kissing him with loving and tender care. But that didn't happen. Soon, another week passed, and Dan felt like something wasn't right. It was the weekend again, but this one was lonelier than most. He only saw Phil on schooldays early in the morning, and was almost... craving more. Phil was all that was on his mind, whenever he had a moment to his self, or just a bit of time where he could let his mind wander, it always returned to Phil's crystal blue eyes and jet black fringe. Of course, it didn't come with the baggage it came with before; Dan was no longer questioning his sexuality, and had fully accepted it. But before he could even think to make any sort of move on Phil, it was best to be certain of the reaction of his parents. Dan had never been afraid of what people thought of him - at least, never before. It never really bothered him. And now... it was about his family: mum, dad, Adrian. Thinking about Phil reminded him that coming out wasn't always so easy. When Monday rolled around, Dan decided on going to Phil for advice. He had already had previous experience with the exact situation Dan was dealing with, so it seemed the obvious choice. Phil was already sitting on his steps, nodding his head along to the music, though when he noticed Dan he took out his earphones. "Hey." He smiled, lighting up both his face and Dan's. Dan swallowed nervously. "I was wondering if I could talk to you about something?" He asked. Phil nodded, patting the space on the ground beside him and setting aside his phone. "Whatever you need, Dan." Phil smiled again, making Dan feel far more comfortable and reassured as he smiled back. "I want to ask you about... coming out." Dan looked at Phil nervously, and Phil stared at his lap somewhat guiltily for a few minutes before looking up and replying. "I'm sorry, I probably scared you you about coming out by telling you about my brother. It doesn't always go like that, Dan, and not everyone is a homophobe. Sometimes you have to take risks so you don't hold back who you are and what you want; it's better than pretending to be someone you're not." Phil cupped Dan's cheek in the palm of his hand and Dan nuzzled into it ever so slightly. "If your parents love you, they will accept you." As he said this, Phil removed his hand. "Thank you Phil, really. I think... I may be actually ready to do this." Phil smiled at Dan, a proud expression on his face. "Good. And if you need any help, I'm here for you." Dan chewed his lip. He wanted to ask for one more thing but was unsure whether Phil would find it strange or not. "Maybe, um, you could help?" Phil's response was to look at him quizzically. "I mean, you could, well-" "Pretend to be your boyfriend?" Phil guessed. He had been thinking the exact same thing, though he wasn't sure exactly how he had found the courage to say anything. Dan nodded sheepishly. "I'd be happy to do that, anything to help! I know how hard it is, when you're so nervous of their reactions. And I'll be there for you no matter what." He took Dan's hand and smiled. "Would you, maybe, come over after school? My parents wont be home until a bit later, so we could just hang out and get our story straight?" Dan suggested, taking another risky leap into the unknown. "Sure." Phil smiled again. The rest of the school day was just plainly irrelevant. Dan didn't care about the area of a triangle using sine, he didn't care what Shakespeare symbolised though his repeated use of verse, he didn't care about the direction of blood flow through the heart. All that mattered was that Phil freaking Lester was coming over to his house. As if that wasn't nerve-wrecking enough, they would be discussing their (fake) relationship. And coming out. Dan wasn't the loneliest kid in school -  that was probably Phil, at least before he met Dan -  he had a few mutual friends though seating arrangements and groups in classes. As long as he kept on good terms with them, Dan was fine with it. But now he really needed someone he was close to, that wasn't Phil, so he could talk about Phil. And after school, Dan started panicking. Where would they meet? When? What would they talk about? Should they walk or take the bus? What should they eat? Should Dan change out of his uniform? How should he introduce Phil to his parents? Is the fake boyfriend thing a bad idea? However, he saw Phil already waiting by the gate. He was staring off into the distance, so Dan jokingly waved a hand in front of his eyes, announcing his presence. Phil grinned, lighting up his whole face, and offered his hand out to Dan, who had to remind himself that it was all an act, and not a sign that Phil liked him. The two made their way to Dan's empty house, walking the whole way and talking about the many mutual interests they had. Once they started on their similar music tastes, the conversation found it's way to video games and movies, as well as tumblr and youtube. Dan led Phil up to his room, untidied and covered in band posters. The first thing Phil commented on was the piano, sitting on the stool and lightly brushing the keys. "Do you play?" He asked, and Dan replied in affirmative. "Will you play for me?" Phil smiled cheekily. Dan hesitated, but then grinned back and pushed Phil off the stool playfully to sit on it himself. Taking a deep breath, he placed his fingers on the piano and began to play 'Inguene', letting the music wash over him. When he looked up again, Phil had his eyes closed and was leaning against the wall. The music stopped playing, and Phil opened his eyes, blushing at Dan's amused stare. "Shall we discuss details?" Phil changed the subject hastily. "That was beautiful by the way." He added. Dan's blush was darker than Phil's, but he stuttered "Thank you" and sat down on his bed, inviting the other boy next to him. "So, how long have we been dating? My mum'll want the story of how we met." Phil giggled, and Dan almost died in shock at how cute that was. "Well, my mum always said that the best way to lie is to stay as close as possible to the truth. So why not just tell the real story of how we met, about a month ago, adding that we started dating then as well. That'll also clear up where you've been disappearing early in the morning every day. Then everything's sorted!" "Sounds airtight to me." Dan smiled. "Now I can focus my mind on worrying about how they'll react." Seeing how forlorn and nervous Dan looked, Phil scooted closer to Dan and wrapped an arm around him. Dan found himself leaning into his touch, unsurprised at his urge but very surprised at his confidence. Phil rubbed his hand up and down Dan's arms, comforting him, and though he made Dan's heart beat faster, it also calmed him down and made him feel more at ease. "Don't worry," Phil murmured quietly, his breath hot on the top of Dan's hair. "Everything will be fine. And if we don't get the preferred outcome, I'll stay by your side and help you through it." Dan looked up at Phil with eyes so full of innocence and worry and trust. "Promise?" Placing a kiss to Dan's forehead, Phil smiled. "Promise." But Dan didn't really have the time to silently scream about the deep blush flooding his face from the tingling spot on his forehead that the hottest boy in the world had kissed so softly but so lovingly, since from downstairs, he could hear his mother entering through the door while talking on the phone to his father. "Oh shit, she's early." Dan whispered, looking at Phil while his stomach lurched. "Do we have to do this now?" "It's now or never Dan. We can wait for your father to come home first, but I think we should get it out of the way first. Okay?" Dan nodded. "So how do you want me to act? Should I call you by your name or a pet name? How should I address them? Do you want me to be touchy or not?" It then occurred to Dan just how nervous Phil was. "You really don't have to do this, you're not actually my boyfriend. These strings aren't yet attached to you." He joked. "No, I want to." Phil argued. Dan thought for a bit. "Well, in that case, just act as if you were really my boyfriend." "But if you were really my boyfriend and I was being introduced to your parents, I would have no idea how to act, so I'd ask you!" Dan chuckled at that. Downstairs, his mother was finishing her phone call. "Dan, I'm home!" She called up the stairs. "I'm going to have to go down now. And it doesn't really matter what they think about you, this is all fake, and we're going to have to 'break up' at some point too." Phil looked down, playing with his hands. "What?" Dan asked. "It's just... I do care what they think of me because... well, I want to be your real boyfriend someday, if you'd say yes of course." Dan gaped at him. "You... you really mean that?" When Phil nodded, Dan couldn't contain his happiness. He flung his arms around Phil and embraced him tightly. "Yes. Of course I will be your boyfriend." He didn't want to ever let go, but from downstairs his mum was calling him again. "Coming mum!" He reluctantly untangled himself from his BOYFRIEND and called down to his mum. "At least I'm not lying to her any more. And to answer your question, be yourself and be comfortable with that. I've never brought anyone home before, let alone a boy, so I don't really know how you should act, but that seems like the safest bet." Phil held out his arm as Dan opened the door, beckoning for Dan to hold on. "What a gentleman." Dan commented, leaving the room with his boyfriend. "Mum?" He called out. "I've got someone here. Someone special." Dan smiled at Phil, who only blushed. The two went down the stairs, letting go of each other when they met Dan's mum in the kitchen. "Mum, this is Phil." His mum gave him a quizzical look. "He's my boyfriend?" Dan's voice got higher at the end of the phrase, making it sound like a question. Mrs Howell stayed silent for a minute, then raised the phone to her ear. "Didn't I tell you, Howard? I knew Dan was going to come out, I said so! You just heard it with your own ears. I'm going to go now, come home soon! Love you." She put the phone down. "Sorry, Sweetie. Your dad and I were having a disagreement on when you were going to come out to us. Phil, was it? Welcome to the family." Phil, who was shifting uncomfortably before this, grinned slightly and and blushed. "Thanks, Mrs Howell." "Just call me Katherine." Phil's smile grew. "You treating my son well?" "Muum." Dan moaned. "Um, we haven't really been going out very long... but yeah, I'd never do anything to hurt him at all." Phil looked at Dan when he said this, giving him a sweet smile. "Well that's good. Do you go to school together? Is that why Dan keeps sneaking off early every morning?" Phil looked sheepish. "Um, we don't... we're not in the same year, but we meet up every morning." "Aww, that's so sweet you two. I expect to be seeing a lot more of you, Phil, but you can go upstairs now. Stay safe!" She joked. The two boys went back upstairs, both blushing furiously. "I think that went quite well." Dan said. Phil bit his lip. "There is just one more think I want to do." Phil said quietly, edging closer to Dan. Dan closed his eyes, easily guessing what was happening. Phil was taller, so Dan tilted his head slightly upwards, and their lips connected.
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whatitistobeaphan · 7 years
Dab x Evan
I'm starting to think that Dan and Phil keep talking about shipping the two when they grow up in attempt to get us to stop writing Phanfic and replace it with Devan Fics. Well ha, it won't work, they'll just be more of both!
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whatitistobeaphan · 7 years
I think I've finally figured out why we like phanfiction so much; we are all nerdy, introverted internet hobos and whether it's Dan, Phil or both, there's always going to be someone we relate to.
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whatitistobeaphan · 7 years
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whatitistobeaphan · 7 years
Dan's Farfetch'd Quest in Hong Kong
Prompt: behind the scenes of the third episode of Dan and Phil's Pokémon Go series Genre: FLUFF NO WARNINGS
“Phil, it was a complete flop- you’re dressed!” Dan interrupted himself when he noticed Phil had gotten up from his state of lying in bed from the illness he was suffering from. “I figured if I got dressed it would make me feel better.” Phil explained to his boyfriend. “And how did that work?” Phil hesitated. “Kind of not really.” He pulled a face and Dan felt such a rush of love for that boy that he put the camera down next to his abandoned phone, climbing into the unmade single bed with him. “Dan, no, you’ll catch my cold!” Phil protested, but Dan ignored him, instead wrapping his arms around Phil’s waist, subtlety forcing him to rest his head at the crook of Dan’s neck. “Shut up, I’m looking after you.” Dan said stubbornly, making it obvious nothing could stop him. Phil rolled his eyes. “You don’t need to get sick to look after me.” He informed him, still leaning into Dan’s touch just a little bit. Phil was usually the big spoon, and preferred it that way, but at a moment of vulnerability like this he was happy to reverse the roles for a bit. It made him feel safe and cared for. Dan was closing his eyes too, which was just making Phil all sleepy again. "Don’t you have a video to finish too?” Phil asked, refusing to give up on the topic. Dan just grunted, and said, “Seriously Phil, just shut up and let me cuddle you. I’ve been OUTSIDE all day, sweating and hair curling and WALKING, and the only thing I got out of it was your dumb medicine! Let me relax for a sec, we have all the time in the day to continue the vlog. That’s the magic of jumpcuts, you know. We could finish it tomorrow if we wanted!” “Alright, alright.” Phil backed down, definitely not because the drowsiness was returning, and being curled up to Dan on a bed that physically made them need to cling on to each other so not to fall off was surprisingly comforting. It was purely the illness and some medicine sounded quite nice round about now, but Dan’s breathing was slowing and Phil really didn’t want to disturb such a beautiful person from sleeping, so the only choice for Phil was to stay put and maybe, just maybe close his eyes for a bit and listen to Dan as he inhales and exhales, until his own breath matched the rhythm and the annoying voice in his head keeping him conscious died down as he fell asleep.
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whatitistobeaphan · 7 years
Gay Party
Prompt: Dan and Phil are going to a party but Phil has other ideas Genre: smut Kinks: voyeurism, exhibitionism Warnings: smut, swearing
“Hey, Dan, glad you could make it! This is Phil, right?” One of Dan’s friends greeted him. Dan nodded the affirmative and put his arm around me for proof. We were at a party that a few people Dan knew were throwing, and he invited me as it was kind of like a gay party; a bunch of gay people socialising at a party with absolutely no homophobia, though it was mostly just because pretty much all of Dan’s friends were gay aside from a few. I didn’t really know anyone here but I was Dan’s boyfriend, so a welcome guest.
The party looked like fun, plenty of drinks on the coffee table and likely much more in the kitchen, by the looks of it mostly couples, and so far no broken furniture. I didn’t doubt that something was probably going to happen after everyone had drunk their fair share of alcohol.
Neither me or Dan were driving, and the outcome of the party was probably for all of us to sleep over so that’s what we were planning to do, and if we didn’t, we’d get an uber - so drinking was fine. I personally didn’t like getting drunk, so I figured I’d have a bit to drink so I could loosen up, but not enough for me to do something stupid. Alcohol and clumsiness did not mix.
I looked over to Dan, seeing he’d already hit the drinks table. Well, one couldn’t really hurt, could it?
A bit later we were playing truth or dare. No, we were not all fifteen, we just ran out of things to do after we painted each other’s nails (which was surprisingly quite fun). The most interesting part was that it had gotten quite heated, from daring people to kiss others and truths about school days to dares involving strip teases and truths on sex experiences. I had taken part in more of the truths than the dares but Dan was a little braver, and was now sitting in only his boxers. It’s safe to say I was more than a little hard. “Truth or dare, Phil?” Someone asked me, breaking me out of my thoughts on what I could do with Dan once we got home. “Truth.” I said, not quite ready to risk my hard on being spotted. “What kinks do you have?” He asked, and I blushed. “Um, I like, uh, pleasing others? And I guess, doing stuff in public?“ Dan’s eyes widened. I’d never told him about my slight exhibitionism kink. There was a gleam in one guy, Darren’s eyes. The game moved on, but Darren was making me nervous. When it was his turn, he looked at Dan. "Truth or dare?” He asked. I closed my eyes, silently willing Dan to choose truth. I still had a hard on. “Dare.” Dan told him, and I opened my eyes, mostly dreading what was coming next but also… excited? “Palm your boyfriend.” Darren ordered, and my face reddened as Dan immediately grinned. He leant over to kiss me, biting my lip to allow his tongue inside. I obliged, enjoying this new-found dominance. He swung his legs over my lap, straddling me and immediately found my crotch with his hands, not breaking the kiss. I gasped as Dan made contact with my semi, squeezing lightly through my tight skinny jeans. Rolling my pelvis into his hands, I moaned into the kiss, my dick definitely now fully hard. Everyone’s eyes were on us and I could feel their voyeuristic stares burning into my skin, right where Dan’s hands were. I was close already. Suddenly Dan’s hand left its position, and he pulled out of the kiss. I whimpered, rutting my hips up, begging for friction, begging for release. He just grinned at Darren, who grinned right back, his hands in his unbuttoned jeans and pumping his visibly hard member. I needed Dan, and he turned back to me, getting off my lap. “Please, Dan.” I said quietly, knowing he liked it when I begged. “I can’t hear you, what did you say?” Dan asked, an evil, playful look on his face. “Please, Dan, I need you!” I said louder, and it came out as a moan as Dan brushed against my clothed cock, moving to pull down my jeans and boxers. I didn’t stop him; I was finally getting what I wanted. Once my dick was available for everyone to see, Dan bent down, licking the tip. I gasped at the sudden stimulation. He wrapped his lips around me, taking a little at a time, making my moan and arch my back. My movements allowed me to see what was going on, most people were touching themselves like Darren, although Darren himself now had his member out and was pumping as he watched me and Dan. When he noticed I was watching, Darren gave me a sexy wink that brought me even closer. “Dan!” I cried as I hit the back of his throat. All of my attention was brought right back to him. The knot in my stomach was tightening so I mumbled a feeble “Close” before I came in his mouth, harder than I’d ever came before. Dan swallowed it all, then pulled off with a ‘pop’ and I leaned against the foot of the sofa, absolutely spent. My jeans and boxers were put back on by Dan, while I tried to catch my breath. I gathered all of my remaining strength so I was able to, I sat up and looked directly at Darren, who was covered in cum and looked like he’d had a great time. “We should do that again sometime.” I smirked, looking at Dan to find his expression mirroring mine.
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whatitistobeaphan · 7 years
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