weburnindreams · 12 years
Natasha stared at the Wii remote before her. Coulson had undoubtably set all this up; the games in the common room. And it left her on the couch with a powered down television and a wii remote at her side. She wasn't even slightly incapable when it came to electronics, more adept than anything, but that in no way meant she spent any time on gaming consoles. She heard a few of the guys setting up a game of battleship not far from her, something she would have been able to handle, but she had seen the inane commercials for the system set up before her and was fairly positive she wanted nothing to do with it. 
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weburnindreams · 12 years
(8) The Spider Rests
((Just wrote up a drabble for Nat! I was waiting to see if you’d wanted a back and forth or not, but I really had an urge to write >-<))
So many good people have died in his arms. Always his, always in front of his eyes. Kayla, Mariko, Jean…
Now Natasha.
He cradled her. She was still with him, but not for long. Her eyes were flitting, but hardly a tear was shed. Natasha wold brave even this with the composure she held so well through life. She looked up at him, a fleeting concious. She smiled up at him. “Leave it to you to coddle the dying” she said, “The ass with a heart.” He couldn’t tell, but he thought he saw her lips curl a bit.
“Yeah,” he said, trying so hard to keep his voice stable, sweeping her hair from her face, “But who said you were dying?” He knew it was inevitable. Help wasn’t coming. Even if it did, the wounds were too much. He had stopped trying to stifle the bleeding some time ago now. Even he knew there was no hope.
“No one said it,” she said, “I’m just falling asleep in your arms is all.” She said this not for herself, but for him. He needed it more than her, the denial. She closed her eyes. Her breathing was so shallow, he wasn’t sure if she had slipped away yet. But she spoke once more. “Just hold me while I drift” Again, for him, more than anyone else.
And so he did. He held her while she slept, crying over her, no longer afraid to release everything he felt. And he sat there for hours, cradling her, until finally someone found him and took her away.
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weburnindreams · 12 years
The look on Darcy's face didn't go unnoticed by the woman. She didn't mention her time in the war often, but when she did, it was small things like that. And it always amused her the reactions she would get. Russia during the war was a long stretch from modern day New York. She didn't think about it often but presented with the contrast, she found it humorous.
Instead of sitting she went to one of the opposite cabinets and found a bowl before bringing it over to Darcy and clearing her throat for attention. She had an amused grin on her face and was stifling a snicker, a far cry from the usually stern look she held on to. "Not sure where you got the idea I was perfect, but I manage."
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Kitchen misadventures
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Uh, ew. Darcy did her best to keep a straight face. “I can imagine,” she said dryly. She shooed Natasha to a seat and rummaged through one of the lower cabinets, coming up, a few moments later, with two small containers of canned chicken. 
“Here we go! This’ll be easy. Quick,” she added, because the woman looked like she needed food yesterday. “Just… a bowl…”
Darcy turned away from her to search for a bowl big enough for the food. “I wouldn’t have guessed it, you know,” she said, voice echoing strangely out from the cupboards. “Miss Perfect, unequipped to handle the every day trials of a kitchen…” 
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weburnindreams · 12 years
Upcoming group event for anyone available
We’re thinking something small like a team game night. Need feedback from group members to know when you’ll be available. I (Natasha) try to be in the Mibbit every night so you can catch me there, send us a message here or what have you but this is the plan for right now, just need to solidify it. 
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weburnindreams · 12 years
Natasha turned to Darcy with an indignant face. For a moment she considered being stubborn but considering how incredibly hungry she was in that moment she knew it wouldn't be worth it. With one last hopeless look at the food before her she nodded. 
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"If you don't mind? The most I know how to do as far as cooking goes is throw everything together in a pot with water it hope it comes out edible. Soldiers don't complain but I've learned that other's aren't quite as fond of that form of cuisine as they are."
Kitchen misadventures
Darcy did her best not to laugh. 
There was a woman in the kitchen, staring down at bits and pieces of ingredients and spices, hands on her hips. She looked absolutely lost. 
“Need a little help?” she offered, walking in. “I can’t say I’m a great cook, but I could probably put something together.”
To be honest, she wasn’t even much of a good cook— on one memorable occasion, she’d set the spaghetti pot itself on fire— but, hey. Experimentation is fun. Jane did it in her lab; Darcy liked to do it near a sink, because water did wonders for sparks that shouldn’t be there in the first place. 
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weburnindreams · 12 years
Kitchen misadventures
Natasha was skilled at a lot of things. Cooking was not one of them and often ended with her getting extremely frustrated and eating burnt food out of spite. As she rummaged through the kitchen she quickly realized this occasion may turn out to be one of those times. She was hoping there would be something easy. Cereal, pizza, something. It appeared, however, that with all the people she now shared a kitchen with, these items were the first to go. She looked among all the ingredients laid about before her with disdain, hoping some brilliant idea would come to her the longer she stared.
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weburnindreams · 12 years
((I don't! But I would like it if you don't mind pming it to me))
OOC: Everyone line up for hugs!
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weburnindreams · 12 years
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OOC: Everyone line up for hugs!
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weburnindreams · 12 years
Not to beat on a dead horse
But we’d really like to see more activity from the group. I (Natasha) understand it’s midterms time and everyone’s busy, but if you know you aren’t going to be around to participate please shoot us a message. I’m going to write a series of starters over the next few days to try to get people interacting and we won’t be dropping anyone at this point unless they flat out tell us they’d like to be removed for the next couple of weeks. I just really don’t want to see this group abandoned like groups I’ve been in in the past. 
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weburnindreams · 12 years
The tower was eerily silent. Far too much so for Natasha's tastes. Realistically she knew, "Earth's Mightiest Heroes," they were bound to be busy but it left her alone in the spacious rooms by herself. Alone with her thoughts. That wasn't a problem most times but today the past didn't prove to be so kind. She had made peace and accepted what she had done. The lives she had taken and ruined, the blood on her hands, but the more gruesome moments still haunted her when she preferred they didn't. 
She made her way down to the kitchen and began steeping tea in an attempt to distract herself from the silence of the tower and the roaring of her thoughts. She had hoped that eventually someone would stroll in and join her but she wasn't holding her breath. If it kept up she would be forced to drive down to the base to use the shooting range or lock herself into the training room to practice ballet. The more she waited the sooner she would fall into her old habits to clear her mind. 
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weburnindreams · 12 years
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natasha romanoff → iron man 2 [2/?]
“what’s on the docket?”
“you have a 9.30 dinner.”
“perfect. i’ll be there at 11.”
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weburnindreams · 12 years
In the end, what makes a man? His drive? His perseverance? His ability to have the shiniest toys? These thoughts swirled around Tony Stark’s head as he paced the room. It wasn’t much to allow his thoughts to wander, but it was enough to get his mind off of waiting for the woman he loved to wake up.
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weburnindreams · 12 years
She kissed him back, pressing her lips to his intensely for how quick it was. She nodded at his suggestion with a playfulness in her eyes. "We should. And I'm looking forward to it." 
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"Yes, you go be host. We'll get back to this later." Natasha finally pulled out of his grasp, watching him as she moved away before eventually turning. Her thoughts were still with him, and the dance, as she walked.
She figured now would be as good a time as any to speak with James, but when she looked, he seemed more or less caught up with Steve. 
“You’ll have to fill me in at some point.” He noticed her grip on him tighten, pulling with it another smile from the billionaire. The song came to a close, causing Tony to lean out a bit from her. His pointer finger curled into his hand, allowing him to gently lift her chin up, so that their gazes were locked.
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“I have to go play host, but we should do this again. Sooner is better.” He kissed her, quickly, but not without missing the point. They’d be continuing this, one way or another.
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weburnindreams · 12 years
Her eyes fell shut as he kissed her, her smile growing further. When he finally pulled away she followed his gaze, looking over to see James at the bar. "James? There's a... rather long history there. I could go into it, but I'm not entirely sure you want to hear it all right now. I'll talk to him later though. No need to worry about it now." She held onto him a bit tighter as the music swelled around the two.
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“Well, as long as we’re in agreement.” The made their way through the others on the dance floor, lost in their own world. Tony looked down over her, lips placing themselves on her forehead. He held the kiss for a few moments, before pulling back, and giving a quick one over of the room. “So, since this is all about official, is there anything I should know?”
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“Past flings, maybe? Your friend’s been side eyeing me the entire night.”
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weburnindreams · 12 years
Their bodies touched as the moved along with the music. It was fluid and natural and not in the least bit forced. Natasha rested her cheek against his shoulder as they swayed, a soft smile playing at her lips. Throughout her lifetime there had been more than a few dances that had held weight, but this one felt important and she made particular note to remember it. 
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"Not at all, but as far as I'm concerned, the same could be said for you."
“I was wondering when you’d ask.” Tony took her hand, lacing his fingers with hers, and leading the two to the dance floor. He was no stranger to slow dancing, but rarely did it hold much weight. Not like this dance, with this woman. His hands found their usual spots, letting the familiarity take over. Tony pulled her into him, before swaying gently to the music.
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“Would it be wrong of me to say you’re the best looking one here?”
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weburnindreams · 12 years
Natasha held out her hand, offering it to him. It occurred to her that this was entirely backwards; the woman approaching the man and asking to dance, but she was never one for conventions. The way he smiled at her caused a smirk to grow on her face, leading to the woman biting her lip to stifle it. She didn't want to seem to eager. But this man... she thought to herself. He was different and great in a way that maybe drove her a bit crazy. "Care to dance with me?"
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Tony spun the stool to face her, a smile crossing his face. He set his glass on the bar top, before answering the red head, “Yes, Agent Romanoff?” Tony couldn’t help himself, eyes traveling from her feet, up to meeting her gaze. She looked beautiful in the white dress that conformed to perfectly to her figure. He stood up from the seat, adjusting his  jacket. He had a feeling he knew what was coming next.
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weburnindreams · 12 years
Natasha watched Peter run off and before anyone grabbed his attention again she made a beeline for Tony, hoping to take him out to the dance floor before he was too drunk to handle himself. She approached him from behind, standing there with a subtle smile as she cleared her throat to get his attention. Her eyes traveled the length of his suit. It wasn't necessarily unusual for the man to be dressed to the nines, but in that moment Natasha was utterly impressed by how he looked. For the time being however, she'd keep that to herself.
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"Mr. Stark?"
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