watchmist-art · 5 years
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Hey it’s been a long time since I posted something here! I haven’t been drawing a lot of anime recently but I missed drawing Lucy so here she is! Hope you like it My art style had changed a lot since the last time I posted here ahaha
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watchmist-art · 6 years
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So I saw a post (here) about Aizawa’s VA buying Izuku’s VA ice cream for his birthday and @bloodredruby mentioned how funny it would be if this was drawn as Izuku and I couldn’t resist. This was done very very quickly so the quality isn’t that good (i got lazy with the background too) but I hope you like it!
This was the reference btw:
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watchmist-art · 6 years
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KPW Day 6~ Ten Years Later
The most popular hero couple posing for a magazine photoshoot. Bakugou really didn’t want to be there but he caved in for Uraraka. (If you look closely they have matchining bracelets and nails)
This is based on my still developing future au, you can find Bakugou’s full design here
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watchmist-art · 6 years
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KPW~ Day 0: First Days
First days of dating. (I imagine they would be a bit older) They were on a date and they just kissed but Uraraka was flustered and accidentally activated her quirk. They ended up floating in the air for a bit in their own little world.
I hope you guys like it! Sorry for the lower quality I had to screenshot it from my art program cause it wouldn’t let me save it. The sky was supposed to be a bit wider too but then the quality dropped even more
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watchmist-art · 6 years
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Older Bakugou
Heyy, I’m back with more drawings! I really wanted to make some older versions of bnha characters and Bakugou ended up as the first one but I’m planning on drawing the others too. Redesigning the costume was fun but I regretted all those details when is came to coloring…
Thanks to @bloodredruby for giving me the ideas about the tattos!
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watchmist-art · 6 years
Break the Ice- Chapter 6
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Co-written by @bloodredruby and @watchmist1412
BTI Fanart  // Nalu cover // Gruvia cover
Words ~ 5000
Rated K+
Summary: Figure Skating AU. After an accident Gray, a professional figure skater, has to take some time off to heal and he’s not enjoying it AT ALL. What he didn’t expect was meeting Juvia, a swimmer tired of her career, even less ending up as her coach. Lucy, an aspiring figure skater, came to realize it was a whole new experience with a pink haired weirdo and his equally weird cat by her side.
<<Previous Chapter // First Chapter
Lucy winced as she let her leg fall to the ground finishing her last cool down stretch. Her whole body was burning up and her muscles felt numb.
It turns out Aquarius was very strict with her training program, who would have thought? Lucy knew very well what she was getting into when she signed up to be coached by the woman but she never expected it to be so tiring. She did exercise and practice on her own before but this was on a whole other level! Lucy was sure it would be just a matter of time before she gets used to her new training process but still that didn’t ease her hurting muscles.
She felt like each day of training was getting harder and harder. Her lack of stamina didn’t help things at all and combined with her new part-time job she felt exhausted.
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watchmist-art · 6 years
Ahh hello people we are back and enjoy this little epilogue for this story
Advance happy valentines ❤
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watchmist-art · 6 years
Falling to Pieces - Epilogue
Co-written by @bloodredruby and @watchmist1412
Words ~ 2200
Rated T
Summary:  The first time he saw her she was lying in the cold forest ground, heavily injured with no indication of who she was and where she came from. Natsu certainly did not know his life would change from that moment on. More than he could ever imagine.
If you haven’t read the ‘Falling to Pieces’ one-shot you can find it here: Tumblr– FFN
“Uncle Natsu, Uncle Natsu!”
Natsu could barely brace himself before two blue blurs sped through the open, wooden door and collided with him in full force. He stumbled a little to the back, the extra weight throwing him off, but he managed to stabilize himself before he and his passengers fell to the ground.
“Uncle Natsu I missed you so much!” the boy tightened his arms around the older man’s neck.
“Me too! I missed you lots!” his sister was quick to add, spreading her arms wide making a point to emphasize her words.
“Wow, be careful! I’m happy to see you too!” Natsu said laughing pulling the girl back to him so she won’t fall and hugging them both tight.
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watchmist-art · 6 years
Story: Break the Ice
“You are not completely horrible but you do need some work. Training starts tomorrow, 7 am sharp. And DON’T be late.”
“I’m gonna be late, I’m gonna be late!” Lucy repeated in her mind as she sprinted across the pavement barely avoiding most of the other pedestrians minding their own business. Well, she did bump into some of them and she just may have forgotten to apologize in her hurry.
Oh she was so screwed! Aquarius was going to kill her! Her first day of practice and she’s already on the verge of being kicked out! Excellent job Lucy.
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watchmist-art · 6 years
Break the Ice- Chapter 5
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Co-written by @bloodredruby and @watchmist1412
BTI Fanart  // Nalu cover // Gruvia cover
Words ~ 2700
Rated K+
Summary: Figure Skating AU. After an accident Gray, a professional figure skater, has to take some time off to heal and he’s not enjoying it AT ALL. What he didn’t expect was meeting Juvia, a swimmer tired of her career, even less ending up as her coach. Lucy, an aspiring figure skater, came to realize it was a whole new experience with a pink haired weirdo and his equally weird cat by her side.
<<Previous Chapter // First Chapter
“You are not completely horrible but you do need some work. Training starts tomorrow, 7 am sharp. And DON’T be late.”
“I’m gonna be late, I’m gonna be late!!” Lucy repeated in her mind as she sprinted across the pavement barely avoiding most of the other pedestrians minding their own business. Well, she did bump into some of them and she just may have forgotten to apologize in her hurry.
Oh she was so screwed! Aquarius was going to kill her! Her first day of practice and she’s already on the verge of being kicked out! Excellent job Lucy.
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watchmist-art · 7 years
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Break the Ice- Nalu cover
lineart: @bloodredruby coloring: @watchmist-art
This is the second cover of Ruby and I’s collab fic “Break the Ice”. You can read the nalu part of the story in Tumblr and FFN
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watchmist-art · 7 years
Should she just leave and come back another day? No, she wasn’t a coward, she wouldn’t just give up! Besides Lucy had come all this way she should at least go inside.
Determined Lucy took one step forward. But what if the woman wasn’t there? She hadn’t made a previous appointment maybe she couldn’t go in like that.
However, before the same traitorous thoughts get the chance to cloud her mind once again.
“Hey! Sorry to interrupt your inner turmoil but you know you’re blocking the way, right?”
Lucy lost in her thoughts hadn’t realized another person had shown up. She quickly turned around to face the source of the voice. The first thing she noticed about the man in front of her was his vibrant pink hair. It wasn’t uncommon to find people with various colored hair on the streets but the particular shade was a little unusual. It strangely suited the man who was now cheerfully grinning at her. He seemed about her age and he wore a white scaled scarf around his neck.
aaaaaaaaaannnnnnddddd we have finally posted the nalu part of the story!! Enjoy i really love this chap
I also made a comic for my fave scene right here. you can check out other fan arts for this fic in our blogs: @watchmist1412 and @bloodredrubymoon under break the ice tag
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watchmist-art · 7 years
Break the Ice- Chapter 4
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Co-written by @bloodredruby and @watchmist1412
 BTI Fanart
Words ~ 3300
Rated K+
Summary: Figure Skating AU. After an accident Gray, a professional figure skater, has to take some time off to heal and he’s not enjoying it AT ALL. What he didn’t expect was meeting Juvia, a swimmer tired of her career, even less ending up as her coach. Lucy, an aspiring figure skater, came to realize it was a whole new experience with a pink haired weirdo and his equally weird cat by her side.
<<Previous Chapter // First Chapter
IMPORTANT NOTE! If you’re not interested in reading the gruvia part of the story you can start reading right from this chapter where the nalu part starts. You won’t be missing anything from the nalu side of the story.
“Are you absolutely sure you know the way?”
“Yes, we’ve already established this Levy!”
“I know… but are you sure you don’t want me to come with you?”
Lucy sighed. She was having the same conversation again and again since the day before. She loved her friend but sometimes she was a bit overprotective.
“Lev I’m sure. I’ve been in Magnolia for a few days now I think I can find my way. Besides you’ve made me memorize the map by heart, I’m not going to forget everything when I leave the house.”
“Fine! Promise me you’ll call if something’s wrong?” She was almost pleading.
“Of course I’ll call you, don’t worry. I need to do this on my own.”
“Call me when you finish too!”
“We live right next to each other. Once I get back I’ll tell you everything, okay?” Lucy reassured her.
Levy pouted. “Okay, I guess you’re right. Sorry, I’m just a little worried for you. Ah, not that I don’t think you will succeed!”
Lucy playfully nudged her friend in the shoulder. “Hey, it’s alright. I’m the one who should be anxious not you.”
“I know that… leave all your worries to me and you go blow their minds with your awesomeness!”
Lucy let out a laugh. “Well I’ll leave that to you then! I really should be going now.”
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watchmist-art · 7 years
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Kacchako in the rain
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watchmist-art · 7 years
Falling to Pieces
Nalu Fluff Week day 7 - Fairy tales- Mythology
Co-written by @bloodredruby and @watchmist1412
Words ~ 6600
Rated T
Genres: Fluff with some angst
Summary:  The first time he saw her she was lying in the cold forest ground, heavily injured with no indication of who she was and where she came from. Natsu certainly did not know his life would change from that moment on. More than he could ever imagine.
The first time Natsu saw her she was lying bloodied and unconscious on the ground and he didn’t know who or what did it.
Natsu was going for his usual morning stroll around the edge of the forest. Not too far away from his house but not too deep in the dark woods either. He wouldn’t go inside the forest on his own, he wasn’t that stupid -even if his friends suggested otherwise. In fact, Natsu was pretty careful when it came to the forest. It was very dangerous to go alone without backup or the appropriate equipment.
The forest was pretty much a mystery to the citizens of Magnolia. It was said that mythical creatures run around at night that wanted to eat your soul and leave you for dead. Creatures that made you lose your way, making you run around in circles until you were tired enough for them to attack. They said that if you stayed long enough you could see glowing gold eyes watching you from the dark shadows and following your every move. Natsu didn’t believe any of these stuff. They were just stories to scare the children away from playing in the forest. Though he could admit, it did give out a pretty ominous vibe.
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watchmist-art · 7 years
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Nalu fluff week Day 3 - Vacation
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watchmist-art · 7 years
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Nalu fluff week- Rain
This is a scene from @bloodredruby and I’s fanfic “Break the Ice”. The scene belongs to a future chapter and the nalu hasn’t begun yet in the chapters we have published but it’s coming soon and there’s gonna be a lot of it! You can find the fic here
Under the cut there’s an extract from a future chapter!
“Oh, is that how it’s gonna be?” Natsu had a mischievous look on his face. That couldn’t mean anything good. Lucy couldn’t do anything as she felt a wet hand tighten around her ankle and she was brought down to the muddy ground with a muffled scream.
“You little!!” She quickly got up wiping out the mud on her cheeks but only succeeded at making it worse.
Now it was Natsu’s turn to erupt into laughter “Oh man, you should have seen your face!”
However he was soon cut off by a mud ball landing straight in his face. Lucy was very proud of her aim.
Natsu grinned as he wiped it off his cheek “You’re on.”
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