voltronrubinaito · 24 days
“Curtashi this” and “Adashi that” what about a third option, because Shiro has two hands…
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voltronrubinaito · 25 days
this au is the only thing on my mind these days
anyways have a rendering of a scene in the upcoming fic
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(Not sure what I want to name it so for now I'm using a placeholder that might change but it might stick idk)
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voltronrubinaito · 25 days
Whoever wrote Lotor betraying Allura is officially dead to me.
That was a joke.
Jokes aside, I really liked Lollura. I didn’t like setting up this new Altean colony thing. I hated it. I remember watching Atla, and it cemented Aang’s culture being completely wiped out. Allura’s character in S1-2 was about overcoming the loss of her people. To me, that was the best part of her character. She had a thing to overcome, but now, that thing, that integral thing, is now missing.
I hate Lotor being not redeemed. I feel like Lotor deserves a redemption arc. He could have been this interesting anti-hero turned into true hero. I like the idea of Lotor being a new Black Paladin to somewhat replace Shiro. By doing so, he can redeem the Galra Empire, which should be his goal. Zarkon started the War so Lotor can fix it. It’s like a Sozin-Zuko thing. Sozin and Roku started as friends then ended as enemies. Alfor and Zarkon started as friends then ended as enemies. Allura and Lotor started as enemies to something closer than that and united both races together in peace.
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voltronrubinaito · 25 days
Something that crossed my mind was how long Kuron’s hair was compared to the time he would’ve hypothetically been created, or hell, compared to the time Shiro went ‘poof.’ Like that is unnaturally long for human hair, even if it grows fast it wouldn’t have reached that length for a good few years. And on top of that he had like, maybe a couple weeks worth of unshaven scruff on his face so it’s just totally imbalanced. None of the other clones we saw had the hair length, stubble, or even the white streak so we can safely assume the Druids and Honerva made some edits themselves.
It really just gives me the mental image of the Druids and Honerva just kinda guessing as they’re prepping Kuron. They don’t know how human hair works. Is it like Altean hair? Other alien species? Until eventually they’re just like “fuck it” and they just haphazardly try to make him look like he’s all scruffy. It’s good enough.
And like NOBODY questions it because this is space and weird shit happens in space.
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voltronrubinaito · 25 days
Keith's outfit analysis
I support all the fanon Keith fashion but I feel like his canon casual clothes say a lot more about him than people realize and I wanted to bring attention to that for a sec.
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Also it's kind of funny nobody seems to comment on how he's wearing athleisure. These are not jeans or trousers. The belt isn't attached to his pants. He's wearing leggings. And a fitted top and cropped light weight jacket. He's dressed like he's ready to do cardio at any moment
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The above screenshots are from Lulu Lemon. Fingerless gloves arent even a fashion statement for him, he drives a hoverbike. Boots are practical too.
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If you look at Shiro (who’s wearing Keith’s dad’s clothes) and Keith next to the other humans you can see their clothes are really focused on practicality compared to the others. They’re pretty simple and mostly black, easy to put on quickly and perfect for hiding dirt or blood. They're made for movement.
I think people focus a bit too much on how edgy he looks and miss that at it's core his outfit prioritizes comfort, simplicity, and practicality. Which isn't to say that I dislike when people lean into punk and emo aesthetics with him, I'm just interested in what's already there.
Also I think the "I'm Keith and I'm so emo" line did irreversible damage to Keith character analysis if I'm being honest.
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voltronrubinaito · 25 days
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I was going to shade it but then I was like "nah" cause I already spent like two days on what was supposed to be a quick drawing
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voltronrubinaito · 25 days
★ Blog Masterpost ★
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Hey, I'm Rubin (he/him). This is a side-blog dedicated to any Voltron content I've made; my main blog can be found at @rubinaitoart. I'm currently planning out an AU/Rewrite of the series, which is mostly what I'll be talking about here.
Here's a quick look at what you can find on this blog:
Lance McClain (he's pretty much my favorite character atp)
Klance is my main ship
Lollura might show up from time to time
Trans/Gender Fluid/GNC Pidge
AU Content
Meta Analysis, probably.
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Important Tags
#voltronrubinaito - All of my non-reblogged posts. #cosmic tides au - Posts relating to the Cosmic Tides AU. #rubin rambles - Text posts. #rubin's writing - Creative writing. #my art - Self explanatory lol
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Nothing to see here (yet...)
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Klance - Injured
Cosmic Tides - Lance Returns (Screenshot Edit)
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