Rewatching the first few episodes of fhjy because i guess i have nothing better to do and the way you can see how kibblespilly was supposed to be a counter to riz is so fucking funny. Its all there from the very beginning- the attitude, the tactics, the way she interacts with the party and everything- this is supposed to be riz's counterpart to run against him for student body president and have a terrible battle of wits and barbs
But in a twist that is perhaps THE most befitting to her ideal story of running against the boy she chose to be her antagonist, the intrepid heroes just straight up not taking the bait resulting in her instead having to go toe to toe against her idealized perfect rival's aggressive near-flunkie unsubtle chaotic friend is SO FUNNY.
Like I know some people are disappointed we dont get the riz vs kipperlily presidential whatever, I know it doesnt make tons of sense in that specific narrative way. But the fucking hilarious meta that even this didnt go her way is so funny. Because instead of rogue sneaking and behind the shadows plays and spy vs spy shit, we have just outward schoolyard taunts and shit like kristen exploding and jumping over the school and the exact kind of play that baits kipperlily into rage every single time and its so fucking funny. Kristen runs naked through the school and does party stunts and is STILL BEATING HER. She even clearly constructed her party to mirror the bad kids perfectly and craft each of them their own nemesis/counterpart and for the most part it like kind of worked EXCEPT FOR HER.
It must drive her fucking crazy that her cute little plot of rogue vs rogue didnt pan out at fucking all despite ALL the signs pointing to that making the most sense. This was something she just couldnt predict, couldnt mastermind. She got up onto that metaphorical stage for a debate and instead was met with a clowning act. Its so funny. I love fantasy high. Nothing you could have done would have changed this, fourdogs. You never had any power at all.
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i know gods don't work like people but my brain keeps picking at Sol and Helio. like Sol as far as we've seen doesn't have a partner in the pantheon but he does have a son. helio is the god of corn and Sol is the sun. i feel like i'm red stringing but doesn't a corn god kinda make more sense as a child of a god of harvest and summer! like what if Sol stole their baby and Ankarna's domain. IDK i think i might be crazy tho, it's an interesting idea tho.
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i will say kipperlilly’s rage at riz specifically for having an unfair advantage in his dad’s tragic murder when riz has been practically killing himself all year bc they are a single parent low income household and won’t be able to afford uni without a scholarship precisely because his dad’s tragic murder isn’t accounted for is just,,,, oh boy
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Kipperlily being jealous of Riz from the jump because she wants to be a classic fantasy hero rising up from messed up circumstances is actually so fucked. If you will go back to Freshman year in your mind: Sklonda eating her cereal with water so Riz can have milk, Riz saying he can watch the palimpsest because no one is going to notice he’s gone, going from thinking his father was in a run of the mill accident to was probably murdered, finding out you’ve been unknowingly chasing after your father’s murderer the whole time… Kipperily is jealous that Riz has had a hard life. She’s jealous that he has suffered and believes that gives him an unfair advantage. That seems to be the root the rage god cultists or Jace or whatever used. Her jealousy and feelings that she’s owed tragedy instead of her picture perfect life, that it’s unfair her classmate has suffered not because he’s also a child but because it wasn’t her.
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i couldn't rest until i made something this is driving me insane. so what if i dismissed your success as because of your hardships instead of in spite of them
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Imagine hating people as much as Kipper Kettle hates the bad kids?!? Like people who have never done anything to you? Get I life girl. Riz isn't a great rogue/adventure because his dad got eaten. Like it's part of his character. But if that never happened Riz would still be great. She's blaming her own lack of success on her lack of trauma. When that's not how it works.
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something something Mazey being "interesting but not tragic" and Kipperface thinking she could be interesting because she wasn't tragic
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kipperlilly @ the bad kids
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Yes, Clippityclop, the ultimate advantage in life is being raised in a low-income single parent household after having your other loving parent ripped away from you by an evil dragon. Wow, you are so smart.
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kipperlilly being so jealous of riz for his traumatic backstory and claiming it gives him an unfair advantage when in reality riz's entire arc this season has been about how he has to be 10 times better than everyone else if he even wants a chance to go to college because he is so poor. doesn't matter that he already saved the world multiple times. lol.
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I dunno what the overlap between Fantasy High fans and people who have watched Trolls 3 is but Kipperlilly has strong, "Girl, you grew up in the suburbs, your parents were dentists," energy.
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Just imagine Kipperlilly rolling up to the new guidance counsellors office after the pervious one got killed to bring back some kids to life. And she sits there complaining about not having a tragic backstory since every rouge needs a tragic backstory, and that it’s so unfair that Riz has one. He’s got a dead dad, a mom who over works, a missing baby sitter, and he’s poor. And she’s got a pretty much perfect white picket fence life. And all the while the werewolf guidance counsellor who stays as half wolf as a from of a political statement, who less than a few weeks ago was a drug dealer and super down on his luck and life was just over all bad for him has to be like “hmm yea unfair… how about your adventuring skills?”
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kipperlily is so so so funny my girl does not want to be an npc so BADDDD. what do you MEAN you're jealous you dont have a sad tragic backstory my GIRL
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in the words of the great gorgug thistlespring, kipperlilly copperkettle is a "regular freak"
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aelwyn is the cunty neurodivergent rep we need. the look on her face when kristen is actually upset/hurt and she immediately backtracks- oh shit, i thought we were playing! we were joking! don’t friends bully each other? how else is affection expressed but through violence?
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Reblog art guys. Seriously.
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LMAO people acting like its True that the bad kids are getting special treatment. THEY SAVED THE WORLD THREE TIMES AND WERE NOT REWARDED. THE PRAISE AND POPULARITY IS THE ENTIRE EXTENT OF THEIR REWARD. They literally keep having their personal relationships and academics weakened because they're too busy trying to stop people trying to Kill Them. The ratgrinders are NOT honourable, better people. They did not "try their hardest". They give themselves power by stepping on small animals. They avoid adventuring at the ADVENTURING SCHOOL. Multiple of the bad kids are financially struggling, riz literally needs to do every extra curricular to make it into college. Kristen just got failed by her helio worshipping teacher. KIPPERLILLY is a rich girl who can afford food trucks and her father is, like, an estate agent. She might not be evil but she sure as hell isn't "oppressed by the system". Regardless of her involvement in actual mystery stuff, she absolutely is not in favour of fairness, she is in favour of ignoring "learning by experience and practice and saving a lot of peoples lives and making the world better for people" and instead just murdering rats and spiders. She might have things going on, she might be a very interesting (FLAWED) character, but she is not correct in her point of view
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