tremder · 5 years
New Admins and more!
Good morning pack!
It's been a very busy morning behind the scenes and we are working diligently to flesh out unfinished ideas and items in the ideas documents that are not all the way where they need to be. In talking with a very experienced coder today who we are looking to hire (since yet again the last one didn't work out quite as planned) He has pointed out that my handbook was woefully incomplete. So he is helping me streamline the module process to help coders more in what they need from the developer. So the last 2 days have been a very good learning experience for me to say the least.
We are back again looking for another coder but I have a line on 2 very qualified ones so we're talking and getting to know what the site needs and what we have to offer. It's a tedious process for sure.
CedearWolf is fully on board at this point, and is waiting for the kickstarter funds to start work. Each adult gender wolf is going to be 800$ in his very lovely style, with all the breaking up of the style into the individual files we need is going to be a lot, and I mean a lot of work. So 1600$ for the best looking wolves on a game (in my very tilted opinion.) and we are looking at offering mutations as a stretch goal but those are going to be expensive as well.
We have New admins to the team now. Moving up from Moderator to Moderator Admin is Juke. He has been with us plugging away as a moderator since November of 2017, and yesterday, thanks to his dedication, perseverance, and loyalty has earned him a rank among the Administrators.
Also moving up to the rand of Administrator is Airwave (was Neroelysium) and stepping into the role of Scribe Admin. Joining us in October of 2017, he has been a powerhouse of ideas and spell checking that I could never do myself. Always eager to correct my grammar he has become a close confidant and friend to the staff and players of the game.
Lastly New to the crew and the game as a whole, but not new to the duties of running an online community as an Administrator is Comet Aura. Comet Aura hails from the oldest Flight Rising all flights discord  Server where he has served as an administrator for many years. Patient, Kind thoughtful and reflecting. He is stepping into the General Administrative role to help out other admins and owners  in giving them feedback, a sounding board for tough choices, and will also moderate the community by helping us set standards on forums and chat rooms alike.
We are still looking for responses for the kickstarter survey going on! So please meander over to the survey and take a few minutes to give us your opinions! https://goo.gl/forms/bx69DS6MSPjd21VF2
and don’t forget to play with out demo! Http://tremder.com/demo
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tremder · 5 years
Account sales have stopped.
We have stopped selling accounts as of this morning. We are working on and planning phase of the Kickstarter and we are waiting to see what the end of march will bring in the survey. head on over and fill it out if you haven't yet. If you have a payment plan set up with us for your current account, those may still be paid on as you can get us payments. If you wish to upgrade your current account level please message us.
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tremder · 5 years
Our Kickstarter Survey is LIVE!
Going Live with our Kickstarter Questionnaire. Players, and future players alike. Please get this out to as many people as you possibly can. Share/like this post. With this Survey we will be giving away 2 early Basic account access emails for new players to join the fray of watching us develop. Just fill out the survey, and at the end fill out the last question with the email you want to use to register (if you win.) Anything on here that is a well thought of idea, mostly suggested and mostly voted for, will be going into the live kickstarter! So your Opinions matter on this one! MortainSite Owner https://goo.gl/forms/H88Y2lGAr6WKs4Nk2
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tremder · 5 years
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The time has come..... to announce our (tentative) artist.
I have been following CedarWolf on FA for a long long time, and was one I reached out too months ago to see if he would be willing to help us out. As with any artist, he want paid. We've done a lot of back and forth. And with CedarWolf, art is is sole means of income.
I welcome you to see his speed paint background he did for us in about 35 minutes, new and uploaded on our demo. http://tremder.com/demo
We are currently haggling over prices for the wolf redo for the wolves on the game. His style is MUCH different than Rixons, i think you will all be very pleased. We're trying to figure out also how to get his style translated across into the files we need for the demo to keep his rich and lush realistic style of wolves. The image uploaded with this post, is his 10 minute or so speed paint trying to figure out his art style in the layers we need for the Photoshop file, to be able to generate wolves on site. Each shading layer, each marking, each highlight, all has to be on their own layer. then theirs markings and bases to concern with.
So with this, I am very sorry I've been quiet for a while. That is going to change. Current goal is plotting for the kickstarter. A survey will be going out to see what you guys want as perks and stretch Goals
Until next time Pack! Mortain
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tremder · 5 years
New Kickstarter Survey
Hey Tremderites. We are coming up to a new year and we're getting ready to refocus and get things rolling. We have a new coder on board, however as with anything, they want to get paid (as they should). I also have a tentative artist watching us to see if we can pull ourselves out of this rut and get ourselves rolling.
So with that, I want to propose a survey. It is concerning kickstarters and such. If you can, please take the time to fill this out, and we'll look them over as they roll in.
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tremder · 6 years
End of November update
Good morning Tremderites, What exciting stuff we have for you this morning. It's just news right now. But it's long awaited news we've been looking forward to giving you. Code: In talking with the coder, we have decided that it is best to scrap everything we have and start over. Instead of having him crawl through 3 people's code work, trying to figure it out (since not all of it is notated at all) we thought it best to have just one persons' code behind the scenes. What does this mean for the existing site? Until we are ready to roll out the new bare bones framework (demo, user profiles, that sort of thing, and fully functioning staff tools, along with a working forum) you won't see what we're working on. Once that is all ready to rock and roll, we'll roll out the skeleton, for users to tinker with, play with, find bugs, and errors) like spelling stuff, it's going to look like there's no work being done. Artwork: We're fully replacing artwork. In talking with the team, and getting feedback from the community, we are going to replace the artwork on the site. We don't want a future conflicts that may arise from Rixon, and we want to make sure everything is pretty standard across the board. This means new pets, new default pet background, scrapping 100% of Rixon's work (including the art she did for us.) WE are looking and have feelers out to artist we feed would be a good style fit for what we're looking for. And have offered a couple of them the opportunity to work for us. However we are giving them time to consider this offer, as this isn't one that should be rushed into lightly. Art for a game is a huge undertaking to say the least. Right now we're focusing on the pet art. And will be looking for site artists for maps, monsters, zone art, site art in general (for shops, and all the little things) and items for the game itself (both wardrobe and other usable items for icons.) of the art we have from other people, we are only keeping a little (the logos, combat skill tree art, and some items). IF you know anyone who's art style is very good, and you think would like to help us, please toss them our way. Layout: We will be looking at getting a new layout coded and art for. We are going to be staying with around the same colors, (green, creams and golds) with splashes of other colors here and there. We are planning on themes down the road, so you won't always be stuck with green and creams. Hurhur. So what does this all mean? We need your financial support now more than ever. None of this is going to get done without support from you, and quite a bit out of my own pocket. I'm looking at getting a job on another game just to have more capital to throw at Tremder alone. I know we can do this. It may take us a while to find our stride and get our team back in focus, but we are back on the right track to get this done! Thank you for sticking with us so far! Onward and forward! Mortain
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tremder · 6 years
HIRING!: Volunteer Artists
Yep, you heard us right. We’re looking. We’re trying something new this time and going through an actual application process this time. These positions have the potential to work into paid positions, and in order to be considered for a paid position you must have been a volunteer at some point in your work history with us. Pop over to this link, fill out the form, do the art test, and submit your final thoughts. Pretty simple and straight forward! Volunteer Artist Application: https://goo.gl/forms/wWgqvAM9RgCeudGf1
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tremder · 6 years
Community Feedback Questionnaire
We have a community feedback Questionnaire running till the end of the year. If you have an account, or are waiting for us to open, please fill it out, give us some feedback and it will help us as staff for the community we want to make for everyone involved! https://goo.gl/forms/miajMPkr2AKl02A32
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tremder · 6 years
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Just some idea sketches going into the cash items. these sketches may or may not be used, dunno yet. but this is what some of these items do. Leech (300): Allows you to heal a sick wolf. Does not work on fatal diseases. Smelly Fur (300): Allows one pup from your litter (of your choosing) to survive. Yellow Leaf (300): Changes gender of one of your wolves. Crunchy Beetle (500): Will give you a randomized amount of Skill Points from 50-200 points. Lost Watch (500): Can increase or decrease your wolf’s age by a year.
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tremder · 6 years
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Our Upgrade Account Items. Most will be purchasable at all times. While the large star will be once in a while. We do it this way so people can give upgrades as a gift to those whom they want to gift them too.
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tremder · 6 years
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The finished piece (I never got around to showing it). Commissioned to be a background for the game. I think it may be our background for our wolf building. It would fit well in that regard. 
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tremder · 6 years
Greetings and salutations, I know it's been a while for all of you to hear from us. We haven't died. We swear! Our team is smaller yes. As teams tend to do when there is downtime looking for new coders and new artists. However. I did not want to come to you empty handed again, with just more disappointment. Today is good news however. We have locked in a new coder (after Jess said goodbye for her own reasons.) and are now currently in contact with a few artists of note to see if they would be a good fit for Tremder itself. This means that POSSIBLY down the road we will be changing over from the Rixon artwork on the wolves to something more along the line of what an artist can do for the site itself. We are trying out hardest to reach out to those who can style match her art, and the going is slow and tedious to say the least. We have a couple of very promising leads, but we have yet to see how they will pan out. If you know someone who would like to help us out in the art department. Please have them email a link to [email protected] of their online portfolio. This time we're going to be pretty picky and are scrapping MOST of the old item art we have for personal reasons. We have some item art, we're keeping that. A couple of item icons will be redone however to bring it more up to date with the quality we're use too. Tremder is getting Moved to be under another game studio banner. No longer will it be it's own LLC, but it will be under Spotted Mare Gaming LLC. We feel this will be more helpful when we get done with Tremder and pick back up on our second site. SO with that, we are back to selling accounts for early access. I know it seems old hat, but these games take money to make and they take a lot of time and effort to get done. To have to pay for coding, pay for art, pay for services and hosting. It all gets very very expensive pretty quickly. Payments for accounts are at [email protected] for the paypal. If you need a list of what is available for purchase, you can go here for that. Http://tremder.com Also if you want to go play with the demo again, it's located here Http://tremder.com/demo So you can make your dream wolf! (Just an FYI, We are working on new markings and more base colors behind the scenes.) Mortain
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tremder · 6 years
Not dead yet
Our sincerest apologies for being silent so long. We as a team have been waiting on some issues our coder had to get settled with her internet. Those are fixed, now she's down with a nasty illness. So we are still waiting for coding to be done. The priorities right now are Admin tools, forums, player profiles (where you can edit all your stuff yourself), and the caerns, where you call your home den. I as an owner are slowly getting in touch with artists and such who have gone astray and trying to see if they can commit still to the project. Rubyz is still on board and is now tacking items for us, and Juke is just waiting for an assignment. Most everyone else is MIA. Our lead artist is having real life issues and had to step away for the foreseeable future, but touches bases with me every once in a while to keep me in the loop. Updates will be slow until we get back to some semblance of regular work. But fear not, we haven't given up yet, just postponed out release date until i can figure out what will be a good one. Everyone who has an account so far will be getting a lot of in game stuff to make up for the time delays.
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tremder · 6 years
Terms of service are now LIVE
Terms of service, Community Code of conduct, and Privacy Policy are now LIVE on the site. GO check em out and make sure you have read them. By using tremder's website you agree to the tos, so please please make sure you read them.
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tremder · 6 years
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Good morning Pack. I'm really glad you're all still here with us and watching us and supporting us.
Despite our hardships, despite our past issues with bad coders, people up and disappearing, and all that has happened, we are still here. I can't say it hasn't taken it's toll on me as an owner, it really has. But my art team, my writing team, and everyone else are still working in good faith that some day they'll all get paid, and we'll all get paid, and you as members of tremder will all have a finished game to play with the BEST community online that anyone could ask for.
I am so PROUD of my staff, and all of you, for watching us struggle, and giving us all the support you can muster to help us through these hard and lean times. So from the bottom of My heart, and that of the tremder team:
Thank you so much for all the love and support!
Without you all, there is no need for us to work on this game, without you, there is no feedback on our work and our struggles.
So, Onto other news. We still need to keep the money coming in so we can save enough for the down payment of another coder. I figure about 700$ should do for most things. And right now we have $0.37 USD. That's it. What little i did have saved has slowly been eaten away by server costs and paying some people for bits of artwork for the site.
For lack of a better term, we're broke as hell. Without your account purchases and your donations to keep us going, i fear this project won't get made quickly. If we don't get monies coming in, it could take -years- before tremder sees the light of day in a very basic form. It would be minus the combat, and the explore features which are going to be 2 of the biggest things to code and needs a sighted coder to do so.
SO please, if you can find it in your heart to donate even 1$, it would be 1$ well spent, And if all of the Facebook followers did donate that 1$, we could raise over 900$ in no time to go towards hiring a new coder. And I will record all the emails of all donations outside of account purchases for something nice to give you once the site goes live.
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tremder · 6 years
To the Community At large:
To the Tremder community at large:
 Last nights post contained information about Rixon that was posted in poor taste. I take full responsibility for this action, and did not think when I worked out the post and that is entirely my fault. While some are still very supportive and don't see issue with this, others are very angry with me in doing so and are leaving Tremder and not supporting us anymore. I can't say I don't blame them. I was thinking about the transparency we had with everyone here with us, and that it would bring closure to this chapter of our lives as to why she did what she did. I did not harbor malice or hate against her when I crafted the words. However I cannot take those words back at all, and they are now forever a very hard and valuable lesson for myself, and my team.  In light of this, our transparency will no longer be so out there and we are going to keep some stuff to staff alone and work on trying to figure out what to do with what we have and what we've been given.
Thank you for your understanding
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tremder · 6 years
Community feedback Poll
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