tree-number-4 · 5 years
I only have two brain cells and ones for being horny and ones for being dysphoric
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tree-number-4 · 5 years
Sense 8 (Netflix)
Lots of representation including a lesbian trans woman!
howdy yalls I wanna start a thread! here's some of that sweet, sweet LGBT+ content I've found
• Loud House (Nick)
• She-Ra Princesses of Power (Netflix)
• One Day at a Time reboot (Netflix)
• Twelve Forever (Netflix)
• Good Omens (Amazon)
• Zombieland Saga (wherever you get your anime)
this is just some stuff I've seen that I can recommend off the top of my nog, please add anything you've found to help someone out!! LGBT+ content is hard to come by!
• Steven Universe from Cartoon Network! No idea how I forgot that one, also check the notes there are lots of other shows that should be seen I just can't list them all!
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tree-number-4 · 5 years
Thank you, I really needed to hear this after an argument with my ex girlfriend where she basically told me I was just trans. I really appreciate you fish!
nonbinary people are so amazing because they're doing what makes them happy and they don't care what any jerks have to say about it and that's just so!!!!!! rad!!!!!!!!!!
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tree-number-4 · 5 years
@i-am-a-fish oh gosh this made me smile so hard fish you have no idea, it’s so exhausting hiding my autism from my peers everyday. Thank you for being so supportive of everyone I hope you never stop!
attention all of my autistic followers,
you just got hit with the
DOUBLE VALID!!!!!!!!!!
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tree-number-4 · 5 years
Why does rocking back and forth feel so nice
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tree-number-4 · 5 years
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tree-number-4 · 5 years
Does anyone else use songs to explain their emotions? I can never quite name how I’m feeling sometimes, but I’ll listen to a song and go “that’s it, that’s exactly how I feel right now” even if the lyrics have nothing to do with my situation. I don’t know how healthy of a coping mechanism it is tho because it’s not like I can explain that to other people. Nobody’s really gonna understand why I have to listen to a certain song ten times because it’s the only thing that helps me understand what I’m feeling. But I guess it doesn’t really matter what other people think.
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tree-number-4 · 5 years
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tree-number-4 · 5 years
How to unlock the Upright / Reversed Ending in The Arcana
This post doesn’t contain spoilers for book XX of The Arcana, but does contain spoilers for previous chapters I’m currently figuring out which choices for each route matters when it comes to getting the Upright or Reversed ending and this is what I gathered so far:
General - Once you change enough choices to tip the scales to the other ending - you will be notified, but ONLY WHEN YOU GO TO THE MENU after the chapter ends instead of starting another one - Once you unlock both endings, you will not have to go back to the previous books to change your choices again - both endings will be available to play as you wish - As confirmed by the devs - paid choices don’t change the outcome - Whether you choose to accept Devil’s deal (reversed) or decline (upright) matters (Edit: It matters, but it won’t change the outcome alone. If you have a lot “upright” LI-specific choices, then accepting the Devil’s deal alone won’t be enough to unlock the reversed ending) Asra: - All of the choices with stuff like “I’d do the same for you” or “You’d do the same for me” lead to reversed - All the choices where you can either face the task ahead with courage (upright) or try to avoid getting involved (reversed) - Everything that makes you seem afraid to act on your own without his help/guidance - reversed - When you choose to go to him and help even if you were told to do something else (the fight with the tree / when he goes into the magic lake to separate Lucio’s soul from the body and he says you can’t go in the water, but you choose to try anyway) - reversed. - letting him hide away from other people with you (reversed) Nadia: - You can either make choices that will encourage her to repair her relationships with her sisters (upright) or those that will encourage her that “she doesn’t need them” (reversed) - Choices that will gain her sympathy from other people - whether or not you let the guards dine with you and Nadia (upright) or not (reversed), when someone approaches her at the masquerade - “I’m sorry, Milady is busy” (reversed) or “how can we help?” (upright) - There are few choices about Lucio that let you determine his fate  - basically, if MC would kill him or not etc (forgiveness - upright, ruthlessness - reversed)
Julian: - Every time you have a choice to make him accept what happened and that he can’t blame himself for it (upright) or that “you know he would do anything to keep you safe” (reversed) - Every time you encourage him to trust other people (upright) instead of pushing them away to “protect” them (reversed) - Every choice that justify his “martyr” tendencies (“you had your reasons” etc) - reversed  - The perfect example of a choice that you may think is “better” because it sounds “kinder”, but actually leads to the reversed ending is the choice from book XIII. Julian feels guilty about MC’s death and you can tell him “You can’t save everyone.” or “You’ll save me in the future.” Saying the latter seems kinder to him, but it will make him feel that the safety of MC is his responsibility and that he must do anything to protect them (leading to him making the choice that he did at the beginning of the reversed version of book XX, because he believes he has to do whatever it takes to save MC) EDIT: - someone reminded me of one more thing that probably affects Julian’s route - whether you’re calm (upright) or panicked (reversed) in stressful situations. F.ex, do you keep struggling when the vines are tightening around you in the Hanged Man’s realm (book XII) or whether you choose to chase after the goat (reversed) or listen to Julian (upright) at the Masquerade (Book XIV).  I might add stuff to this list later when I have some time to replay the rest of the books, but this is the general guide that I think will help you get the ending you want
Feel free to comment or DM me if you have questions or anything to add to this guide!
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tree-number-4 · 5 years
Number 7
Tag yourself I’m 5
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tree-number-4 · 5 years
Man reinventing yourself is emotionally taxing :/
I’m trying to get rid of this shirt that used to belong to a close friend who I’m not friends with anymore but I can’t do it. Throwing out half your closet is difficult.
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tree-number-4 · 5 years
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This one is my favorite to send to people when I’m in class and someone airdrops things to me
can people send me their fave reaction images i lost all mine when i got this new dumbass phone and couldn’t backup my old phone beforehand
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tree-number-4 · 5 years
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tree-number-4 · 5 years
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tree-number-4 · 5 years
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Terrence Conran’s New House Book, 1985 🏠
Salvaged & scanned by @jpegfantasy  🖨️
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tree-number-4 · 5 years
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tree-number-4 · 5 years
I’ve taken a bath every night for the past 3 nights. This is how I’m spending my vacation, soaking up the luxury of a nice warm bath in my favorite bathroom ever. I’m gonna be sad when I go home to my shitty bathtub at home that’s barely even a foot deep.
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