tourmalinedreams · 4 days
If you're considering not voting or casting a pointless 3rd party vote in the upcoming US elections*, I'd urge you to read about Project 2025, which is the Republican transition plan for if they win the 2024 election (link is for the wiki page, not the actual website).
A short summary:
Project 2025, also known as the Presidential Transition Project, is a collection of policy proposals to fundamentally reshape the U.S. federal government in the event of a Republican victory in the 2024 U.S. presidential election. Established in 2022, the project aims to recruit tens of thousands of conservatives to the District of Columbia to replace existing federal civil servants—whom Republicans characterize as part of the "deep state"—and to further the objectives of the next Republican president. It adopts a maximalist version of the unitary executive theory, a widely disputed interpretation of Article II of the Constitution of the United States, which asserts that the president has absolute power over the executive branch upon inauguration.
Among the many horrifying and notable points:
Abolishing the Department of Education, whose programs would be either transferred to other government agencies, or terminated. Basic research would only be funded if it suits conservative principles.
Promotes the ideal that the government should "maintain a biblically based, social-science-reinforced definition of marriage and family."
Proposed recognition of only heterosexual men and women, the removal of protection against discrimination on the basis of sexual or gender identity, and the elimination of provisions pertaining to diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) from federal legislation.
Individuals who have participated in DEI programs or any initiatives involving critical race theory might be fired.
Explicitly reject abortion as health care
Revive provisions of the Comstock Act of the 1870s that banned mail delivery of any "instrument, substance, drug, medicine, or thing" that could be used for an abortion.
Restrict access to contraception.
Infuse the government with elements of Christianity, and its contributors believe that "freedom is defined by God, not man."
Criminalizing pornography
Combat "affirmative discrimination" or "anti-white racism," citing the Civil Rights Act of 1964.
Deploy the military for domestic law enforcement and to direct the DOJ to pursue Donald Trump's adversaries by invoking the Insurrection Act of 1807.
Recommend the arrest, detention, and deportation of undocumented immigrants across the country.
Promotes capital punishment and the speedy "finality" of such sentences.
Reform the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) so that the nuclear household structure is emphasized.
Give state governments the authority impose stricter work requirements for beneficiaries of Medicaid
Mandate that federal healthcare providers should deny gender-affirming care to transgender people
Eliminate insurance coverage of the morning-after-pill Ella (required by the Affordable Care Act of 2010).
Remove Medicare's ability to negotiate drug prices.
These are just a few things and I'm sure lots of people will be like lol this will never happen but lots of people said this about overturning Roe, as well.
*FWIW - I think it is absolutely valid to be angry, discouraged, and disappointed in our current administration.
Be mad at Biden! (though I would encourage looking into some of the actually positive things his administration has achieved).
But also consider what's at stake for a huge population of this country if we wind up with a GOP win.
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tourmalinedreams · 4 days
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which fujoshi are you⁉️
previously posted on former bird app
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tourmalinedreams · 6 days
*obnoxious european accent* you guys are f*#king crazy i love it. you guys are rock stars
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tourmalinedreams · 10 days
armand's lesmand wattpad fanfiction....... girl the secondhand embarrassment i can't do this gonna scream
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tourmalinedreams · 10 days
Starting my first DnD campaign with my roomie and some friends soon. Gonna be a Kobold cleric of the grave domain (serving Anubis). Anyone have any thoughts on name ideas? Not so much the name itself, but I was thinking of trying something unique and say that her original Kobold name was discarded when she entered the order. Maybe she should have a new one given to her by her temple? Or maybe she could have no actual name at all, so the party calls her a nickname?? Or would neither of those make sense??
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tourmalinedreams · 10 days
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tourmalinedreams · 10 days
Its cuz you're always on that Born In The U.S.A. 1984 🙄
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tourmalinedreams · 10 days
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tourmalinedreams · 10 days
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tourmalinedreams · 11 days
Soundgarden - Fell on Black Days
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tourmalinedreams · 12 days
Only day you can reblog this
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tourmalinedreams · 13 days
Louis calling himself a "magical negro" to Morgan and then turning away and not helping either him or Emilia later was very loaded.
I don't know if Morgan really sensed there was something different about Louis or not. But the audience very well knows that both Louis and Claudia could have very easily stepped in and stopped what was about to happen to them both. Especially since the episode opens up with them slaughtering a large group of German soldiers. Stopping what was happening to Emilia would have been light work.
And I think, in any other show, Louis and Claudia would have stepped in and saved them. To reinforce the idea that they -- she and Louis -- are "good" and "benevolent" vampires, the type Claudia has convinced herself they are and that she is looking for.
And yet? They both turned away very easily from helping two humans who were helpful to them. They, Louis especially, did not play the "magical negro" here. They walked away and did so completely unconflicted about doing so.
Because, in truth, they aren't really benevolent. Not when it comes to humanity. Magical they both are, in the nature that all vampires are. But they are not there to help humans in that "magical negro" trope fashion -- and this goes for all humans, be they white or black or anything else.
Louis now has begun to take to heart that human affairs are not his to get involved with, something he began to learn in the harshest ways possible in Season 1. For better or worse he is part of a different world now. And what that world is and is about is a journey that he will continue to learn throughout season 2.
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tourmalinedreams · 13 days
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«Know only this, mon cher. You are the only being I trust, and whom I love, above and beyond myself. All my love belongs to you. You are its keeper.»
INTERVIEW WITH THE VAMPIRE | 2.02 "Do you know what it means to be loved by Death?"
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tourmalinedreams · 13 days
You can tell armand lies awake all day mentally rehearsing the zingers he's going to spring in daniel to ~take control~ of the interview, and then he delivers them with such smugness, clearly SO pleased with himself, and it's all deeply cringe things like "oh yeah well I've been louis' bf for exactly 47 years longer than lestat, do the math more years = more love, bet you feel stupid now" or, "oh yeah well I am rubber and you are glue so actually YOU'RE unworthy I disregard YOU" like pls armand I am BEGGING you to find some dignity, this is agonizing
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tourmalinedreams · 14 days
accent hoarder armand i love you unalive girl
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tourmalinedreams · 14 days
Louis and Armand are the most fucking annoying couple in the world. I would be begging for death if it was trapped in a Dubai tower with them (already a place that makes one beg for death)
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tourmalinedreams · 15 days
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despite all my dread i am still just a rat made of thread
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