totalwomanvictory · 2 hours
my toxic trait is that I’ve kept my phone on silent since like 2015
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totalwomanvictory · 2 hours
ten years ago my mom would give me a $20 bill and it would cover a ticket, a coke icee, and usually a box of candy.
i went to a movie this past sunday and spent nearly $20 on the ticket itself, and an icee and candy were over $15🧍‍♂️
I think movie theaters might have bounced back much quicker after Covid if a popcorn and pop didn’t cost a mortgage payment.
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totalwomanvictory · 2 hours
Poll answers reference who the subject of your dreams is.
Few times has less options than semi-regularly to often, because it hasn’t happened enough to be split up more.
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totalwomanvictory · 2 hours
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a comment i really appreciated on jenny nicholsons subreddit regarding her starcruiser breakdown. i do love me some kurtis conner shade
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totalwomanvictory · 2 hours
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totalwomanvictory · 4 hours
95% of self proclaimed asexuals on this website are fakers and if I were asexual it would literally make me homicidal. I mean they'll seriously be like "well I only feel sexual attraction under specific circumstances" cool. not asexual. "oh I only feel sexual attraction once I form an emotional connection." good for you. not asexual. "oh I REGULARLY HAVE SEX and I fucking LOVE IT, I'm a dirty bastard I'm a kinky slut....but I don't experience sexual attraction tho so I'm asexual <3" yes you do. what the fuck do you think sexual attraction is
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totalwomanvictory · 4 hours
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totalwomanvictory · 4 hours
today at work i rung up a customer and the total was 12.30 and i said “12:30, reminds me of a clock :)” and they kind of smiled at me with confusion and i was like “like the time on a clock, just reminds me of it… 12:30” and they said “i have no idea what you’re talking about…” with an expression of supreme pity and gentleness. after that was finished i turned to my coworker next to me and said “i just bombed so hard with this clock comment” and then realized the customer hadn’t moved and was still standing right next to me. if my fate continues down this path, the customer will probably read this tumblr post as well
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totalwomanvictory · 4 hours
I don’t think feminism stands to gain anything by pretending that it’s easy to be a feminist. When I see or hear things like “80% of the world is feminist, a feminist is anyone who believes women should be equal,” I’m not comforted. I don’t see what the movement has to gain by pretending that misogyny is not the default in most people, and that being a feminist is as easy as buying into a buzzword. Feminism is hard. It requires examining our own beliefs and behaviors, a constant struggle to root out misogynist and patriarchal beliefs and behaviors, analysis of how our actions and the actions of others are harmful to women, and a conscious effort to change. Not just one time, but every day. To pretend that anyone who “believes in equality” is automatically a feminist is to leave the status quo untouched, to dress up oppressive behavior as liberating if we affix a “likes women” badge to it. To pretend that the fix is easy is to ignore that the disease permeates every aspect of our society, and to avoid naming the problem and telling people that work is actually involved is to fail women in the name of making others comfortable.
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totalwomanvictory · 5 hours
i kinda do get why a lot of gendies think rad fems are conservative because some of you literally say crap like "I hate the sexual revolution", "casual sex shouldn't be for women; it only beneifts men", "the only people who should be allowed to take care of elders and children are women", etc. I get that a lot of you have trauma with men, but please consider what you are saying.
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totalwomanvictory · 8 hours
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Long post, I apologize, but I saw this and I am stunned.
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totalwomanvictory · 20 hours
We ask your questions so you don’t have to! Submit your questions to have them posted anonymously as polls.
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totalwomanvictory · 21 hours
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reblog after voting!!
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totalwomanvictory · 21 hours
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totalwomanvictory · 21 hours
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totalwomanvictory · 21 hours
my country has no xxs, it’s xs (rarely), s, m, l, and then an unlimited amount of x in front of large. i am not telling lies when i say i have to shop children’s sizes because ‘xs’ is just medium. everyone says plus size girls don’t have clothes but neither do women who are genuinely skinny?
omg what country if u dont mind me asking? i think there are clothes for actually slim women but they aren’t affordable or accessible at allllll like who’s gonna spend $60 on one tank top.. and it’s not even great quality or ethically made.
also i think lots of people underestimate how much height plays a factor like i look pretty average sized and wear that size bc im short, a taller woman in an xs is a whole different body type than me.
nothing is made w petite women in mind!! like i refuse to get another phone besides my 12 mini bc i want to be able to reach my screen, there are some SUVs that the seat doesn’t go high enough for me to see properly!! and i’m not even abnormally short im just like. normal short lmao.
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totalwomanvictory · 23 hours
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