tonnari · 3 years
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tonnari · 6 years
@slytherinsweetheartx this is us, but I won't tell you to eat dinner. You eat it, then you tell me you ate dinner and it was shit. 😂
Hufflepuff: EAT DINNER!
Slytherin: I DID!
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tonnari · 6 years
The Houses As Teachers I’ve Had
Hufflepuff: French teacher
She was so lovely / But her sass never stopped / Gave me merits for shutting down sexist comments / Used memes in her lessons / Always wore loads of rings and had her hair in a messy bun / “if you say ‘j’ai chaud’, the French will turn the heating off, but if you say ‘je suis chaud’ the French will take their clothes off, do you get what I’m saying? …I’m talking about sex, Steven.’ / Brought in sweets on exam days / Dated the PE teacher in secret and ensured she got on all the school trips led by that department to spend time with him (’Because they need someone who speaks foreign languages’)
Slytherin: English teacher
Does impressions of teachers he doesn’t like / Everyone loves him / Everyone roasts him / ‘Can one of you guys make fun of me already? You’re being too respectful and I don’t like it.’ (two minutes later) ‘I don’t care if you all think my idea is shit, in this classroom I am your benevolent dictator with incredible theories!’ / Bought himself expensive French chocolate because a character in a book did / ‘Why did [character] shag him!? He’s not even rich!!!’ / Directs Shakespeare plays for fun / Wears a ‘revolution is only a t-shirt away’ t-shirt
Gryffindor: History teacher
Would get students to dress up and act out key events / Used Horrible Histories and Black Adder regularly in his lessons / Used to be an archaeologist and would tell crazy stories of his “occupational hazards” / ‘Did I tell you guys about the time I was chased by land pirates?’ / Would call feared historical figures ‘dicks’ in front of a class of thirty twelve-year-olds / ‘Can you imagine being in the French revolution? I’d execute David Cameron first, he has a potato face, the little prick.’
Ravenclaw: Music teacher
Would give out books on the subject to anyone who showed minute interest / Liked to look out of the window as if he was on ‘The Office’ when someone gave a stupid answer / Wasn’t mad when someone played the Wii music in class, just disappointed / So he learnt how to play it and played it for almost a whole lesson / Would push himself around on his wheelie chair instead of walking around the classroom / ‘We’re gonna be singing this song in choir, because Miss X doesn’t like it and I heard her insult John Williams the other day.’
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tonnari · 6 years
*Hufflepuff finds out that she is in Hufflepuff* Slytherin: Now, you know that you're in the Hufflepuff House, so you can understand how bad it is when people underestimate you and treats you like you're EVIL!
Hufflepuff: *hugs the Slytherin*
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tonnari · 6 years
Troubled Thoughts 
George Weasley x Reader
Summary: Spending the weekend at your in-laws had it’s perks, like being able to relax and read a book for a change. However, this scene stirs something up in George.  
Warnings: None.
Word Count: 1.7k+
A/N: Gotta love that sweet, sweet domestic fluff. Enjoy!
The sun had just set on another perfect day at the Burrow. George had begged you to take time off of work for a long weekend trip back to his childhood home. Naturally, you agreed. You adored spending time with your in-laws, especially now that all of their various redheaded children had left the nest.
“(Y/N), did you happen to see my tie?” George, being the eccentric man he was, had decided to unpack his entire bag the minute he had gotten back into his childhood bedroom. Something about ‘feeling odd’ with living out a suitcase for a few days. This, of course, had led your tornado of a husband to put his belongings scattered across the room in a rather colorful fashion.  
“I think it was on the nightstand last I saw it” You had been sitting on the bed, reading the copy of Men Who Love Dragons Too Much you had borrowed from the one of the older Weasley brothers, Charlie. Dragons had fascinated you from a young age. Well, the idea of dragons had fascinated you, seeing them up close and personal had terrified you. In your 6th year at Hogwarts, the Triwizard Tournament had returned to the castle, bringing real live dragons with it. Watching them move and attack from the audience had been quite the fright, leading you to enjoy dragons from the comfort of a novel from now on.
“Found it!” George grabbed the dark green tie and held it up triumphantly, “I promised Dad that I’d let him borrow this for his work banquet tomorrow night” He places the tie back on the nightstand, but in a more purposeful manner and sits down next to you. “Whatcha reading love?” His eyes scan over the cover of your book.
“Just some book I swiped from Charlie’s old things. Really interesting read” You reply, flipping to the next page. The weight on the bed shifted suddenly, causing your gaze to move from the pages to your husband. He had moved into a lounging position. His hand was supporting his head, fingers interwoven with his fiery hair.
“More interesting than your own husband?” His free hand flying to his chest dramatically.
“Of course not,” You give him a sympathetic look. “It’s just nice to learn about something new, you know?”
“You do remember that I had left my education early, right?” Obviously you did. How on earth could you forget the spectacle that was the twin’s exit from Hogwarts in your 7th year?
“Just because you left early doesn’t mean you don’t enjoy learning new things. If I recall correctly, you were over the moon after you had learned how to make a new type of love potion for your WonderWitch line.”
“I was only excited because I could finally use it on you darling” He winked. You felt your eyes roll automatically, something that happened quite often since you’ve known George.
“Is that why you brew the coffee every morning? I knew you had an ulterior motive!” The sweet sound of George’s laughter filled the room, but slowly died down after glancing back at the book still sitting in your hands. His eyes filled with uncertainty as he scoured over the cover. “Is everything alright George?” Your question snapped his attention back to the real world and back at you.
“What? Of course love, just tired is all. You know how exhausting catching up with my mother can be” This was true. As much as you loved Molly, sometimes conversations with her could grow quite taxing. You were happy to retell your various stories and anecdotes of your newly married life, though this had always come with an overwhelming amount of questioning and reassurance.
“She’s just making sure you’re happy Georgie” You move the book to the nightstand and grabbed your wand. With a flick, the lights in the room go out and you crawl under the covers and put your wand back to where it was, careful not to let it roll off onto the floor. George followed suit and snuggled in closer to you.
“Nah, she’s just nosy” You try to stifle a laugh, but failed. Turning over onto your side, you were now face to face with George, who was looking at you with a small smile. “Besides, she already knows how happy I am, I mean, look at you” His left hand is freed from under the covers and gently caresses your face. You feel the coldness of his wedding band trace down your jaw and resting under your chin, his thumb lightly touching your bottom lip.
“Your ring is cold” You mumble, gently pushing his hand away from your face. A soft laugh shakes the bed.
“You’re the one who gave it to me, it’s your fault really,” He grabs ahold of your hand and lacing his fingers with yours, drawing small circles on the back of your hand with his thumb. “How on earth did I get so lucky?”
“Dunno, must be that love potion you keep spilling into my coffee” You reply, trying to hold back a yawn.
“I’m serious (Y/N),” He repositions himself closer to you. “Sometimes I think about how different my life would be without you in it.” You hold your breath. “I mean, would I be this happy if you weren’t here?” You consider George’s heavy words for a moment, thinking about how to respond. His freckled face looks uncertain, vulnerable even. It’s rare to see your husband so open like this.
“I-I would like to think that you would still be happy, of course,” You stutter, avoiding eye contact. “I know that you would still be wildly successful with your shop and be making loads of money. I also know that just living your life with Fred would still bring you great happiness at the very least” The air in the bedroom seemed to feel heavier around you. You didn’t particularly like thinking about what your life would be like without your husband beside you.
“I mean, yeah, I’d have loads more Galleons without you and your spending habits sometimes,” You squeeze his hand tighter in protest, pulling a smile to his face. “But I would probably still have that little piece of me missing that resides in you I think”
“Are you comparing me to a Horcrux? Because that just screams romance Georgie” He laughs again, not shaking the bed quite as bad.
“In a way, I guess? I think that I would be so lost without you (Y/N). With Freddie, he just feels like another part of me that’s always been there, but when I found you, I truly, for the first time in my life, felt whole. I guess I’ve been thinking about a lot of what-ifs lately.”
“Like if we hadn’t met? Who would you be sharing a bed with right now? Who would I be sharing a bed with right now, if at all? Would you have a bunch of kids? What would they look like? Would you have married Lee? Merlin, I hope not. Woul-”
“What brought on this sort of thinking love?” You cut him off, trying to kill his negative thinking. Even in the darkness of the night, you could still see a bit of your husband’s face grow red with embarrassment.
“Well, uh. When you were reading earlier?” You nod. “I was so curious about what you could have been so interested in, thinking how cute you looked taking in every detail. You then had said you had nicked the book from Charlie’s things, yeah? Well, I grew a bit…”
“Yeah,” He sighs. “Just a bit.” You give an affectionate sigh and release your hand from his, putting it on his shoulder.
“Of Charlie?” He doesn’t respond, but by the way he’s avoiding your eyes you got the answer you were looking for.
“You just had this look of interest on your face (Y/N), I hadn’t seen it in a long time. I had thought, for a moment, that you’d be happier living with Charlie, around dragons and all” You let out a loving laugh, moving your hand from his shoulder to his cheek, gently rubbing your thumb over his face. Judging by the stubble you felt under your thumb, he hadn’t shaven in at least two days.
“Georgie, honey, I’m terrified of dragons, you know that. Not only that, but you know how I feel about Charlie” You had met him for the first time your 6th year, but only briefly. It wasn’t until you and George had been engaged did you really form an opinion on him. He was caring and kind, as any child Molly and Arthur would be, but just a tad bit of a loner. From your conversations with him at dinners, you could tell the man lived and breathed all things dragons, something that didn’t particularly win you over.
“You’re right” George sighed. “I guess I was just overthinking, huh?”
“Well, not entirely,” He paused, waiting to hear what you had to say. “I mean, I do have a thing for redheads” You gave your husband a quick wink. He reaches out for you and wraps your body with his arms, legs twisting with yours, as if you two were meant to be tangled like this. With a quick motion, his lips are on yours. He kissed you gently and deliberately, like he always had. Pulling you closer, harder into the kiss, a low groan emitted from deep in his throat. You pull away for a moment, trying to catch your breath.
“Wait, you said redheads, plural, meaning many” The realization hitting George like a ton of bricks. You press a chaste kiss on his lips.
“I should have been more clear,” Another kiss. “I have a thing for one redhead”
“Care to prove that Mrs.Weasley?”
“I can, and will, for the rest of my life Mr.Weasley” You place one last kiss on his forehead before closing your eyes, completely wrapped up with the love of your life. George lets out a large yawn before completely relaxing his body to the comfort of the bed.
“Looking forward to it love”
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tonnari · 6 years
Fred x reader / Piece of cake
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(Gif not Mine)
Request: 20,25 & 26? With Fred please? Maybe there’s like a party that reader drags him to or something? Do whatever you like with it, I trust your writing talent <3 (From anon)
A/n: Here you are and thanks for the compliment anon. I’m not too sure what this is entirely but I’m happy with it. I changed the prompt a little to change the story but that’s all. It’s just a comedy fluff piece with George and Ginny included. The title is ridiculous but I am very poor at them so it’s the best I can do. Anyway enjoy!
Word Count: 2k+
Warnings: Implied smut. 
Prompts here.
Prompt #20: “I can’t bake a cake. What makes you think I can bake a cake?”
Prompt #25: “There wasn’t anything that I wanted more in that moment then that cake, so, I did what I had to do.”
Prompt #26: “Conversations? Socializing? Being outside of my house? That sounds horrible, no not fun.”
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“Why do we have to go to these things?”
Fred smiled despite his annoyance as you laughed. His hands struggled with the material of his tie before yours closed around them and took the material, doing it up neatly.
“Because your dad asked us to be there so we’re going.” You made your point as you tightened the knot up to his collar, you looked up to see your boyfriend pouting at you.
“We could just stay home? Do something just the two of us?” Fred’s eyebrows raised in a suggestive manner and you snorted a laugh, knowing fully well what was in his mind. You shook your head defiantly but decided to tease him a little by resting your hands on his chest and reaching up to kiss him.
Fred moaned a little as you kept up your teasing and slid your tongue into his mouth but before his hand could even go below your waist, you broke the kiss. Fred’s eyes became filtered with confusion as you smirked and then he just became full on annoyed.
“That,” He pointed his finger towards you for emphasis. “was uncalled for.” You laughed, walking away to gather your things and change your clothes for the party. A large smirk remained on your face as you felt his eyes watch you walk away.
You carefully picked out your outfit for the evening, making sure it was something that would drive your boyfriend crazy but still look respectable. You and Fred had a challenge of teasing each other lately and since the other day, when you had decided to pay the burrow a visit, he had drove you crazy enough that you done some pretty indecent things to him later that night - you thought you needed to step up your game. Your little (y/f/c) dress was perfect for that.
Just as you put on your shoes, a knock sounded at the door of the bedroom. “Y/n, I’m sick.” You fought hard to stifle a laugh as Fred put on a small pouty voice with an added fake cough. You couldn’t however fight the hard roll of your eyes as you opened the door to reveal him leaning against it and the minute he spotted you he pretended to sneeze. This was before he properly took in your appearance and a smirk grew on his face. He loved this teasing game. His smile faded as he realised that’s all it was – teasing – and that he’d have to endure a fancy party pretending not to look at you too lustfully.
“See something you like, Freddie?” You smirked as the dress had done exactly what you had wanted it too. Fred stifled a moan as you began to kiss his neck before he pulled away with another pouted look and firmly crossed arms but there was still a light glint to his eye so you knew he wasn’t really mad.
“I hate you.” Fred looked rather annoyed as his tongue placed firmly to the inside of his cheek. “And I hate this party already.”
“Come on, it might be fun.” Despite your teasing nature, you tried your best to reassure him. The party was important to Arthur and you had promised not only him but Molly as well, that you would be there. Your hand comfortingly reached up to run through his hair, messing it up a little before you straightened it back down. Fred smiled at the contact but didn’t look convinced that a party was a great way to spend his night.
“Conversations? Socializing? Being outside of my house? That sounds horrible, not fun.” Fred’s smile faded to a smirk along with a look as if to tell you that you were crazy for thinking otherwise. You again rolled your eyes with a laugh as you dragged your boyfriend out of the door.
Apparation was never easy, no matter how long you had been doing it for. It always brought a sense of dizziness and nausea whenever you transported. Fred held your hand, mostly to keep you upright as your arrived outside the party’s location. You could feel the sweatiness of his palms and the way he squeezed your hand just a little bit tighter than usual.
It was strange, back in Hogwarts Fred and George were party legends of Gryffindor house. There was never a dull moment with them celebrating, they were confident and the life of the party. You spotted George across the way, looking just as miserable as his twin as he adjusted his own suit self-consciously. The formal type of party never had been either of their scenes, even when it was the yule ball, Fred preferred to go somewhere else and have your own celebrations (after you had insisted you had at least two dances from him of course).
Just as you met George in front of the host’s house, a sweet voice rang out into your ears from behind. “Aw, look at you three.” You turned to meet Molly with a smile. “Don’t you two look handsome.” She motioned to both of the twins who smiled half-heartedly with the hints of blushes from embarrassment. “And of course, Y/n you look beautiful.” Her hand rested on your arm as her kind smile met her eyes and she begun to usher you into the building, her husband not far behind.
“Are you okay, Mr Weasley?” You asked casually, noticing he hadn’t said much and that he looked quite pale. He turned to you as though had just realised you were standing there and released what seemed to be a long-held breath.
“Oh, yes. Just a tad nervous is all.” You watched as his hands fidgeted together nervously. “They’ve asked me to give a speech.” He rubbed the back of his head.
“I’m sure you’ll do fine, Mr Weasley.” You smiled but he didn’t seem comforted, he did however try his best to return the smile.
“thank you Y/n and we’ve been through this, call me Arthur please.” He smiled a little wider at your nod of agreement before motioning to go in further to where the party was.
The room was magnificent. It was the size of a large ballroom and was adorned with various decorations. A bar had been set up but looked as if it was built in among the furniture and so had a dozen or so tables, all beautifully set up for guests. People were dressed up to the nines, toasting glasses of what seemed to be champagne. You hadn’t realised how big of a deal this party must be and you suddenly felt very underdressed. As you joined Fred and some of his siblings, (his parents had begun talking to colleagues and such) he caught your change of attitude and placed his arm around your waist in a comforting action. You smiled sweetly up at him and snuggled into his side. He kissed the top of your head as he continued in his conversation with George and Ginny.
“I don’t even understand what this party is for?” George made a face as he scanned the room, watching women in floor-length gowns walk past and men in tuxedos walk with them. He pulled his own tie down and unbuttoned the top button as if it were suffocating him. Ginny then began to explain what the party was actually for before she was rudely interrupted by Ron who walked up to the group excitedly.
“Guys! There’s a whole buffet over there and a cake!” Ron pointed to where a group of people were gathering, he wore a smile so large that it took up most of his face. Fred and George immediately followed their brother with a new sense of determination. You and Ginny laughed at them as you tailed behind, admiring the dresses that people were wearing.
So far, Ron had had three plates whilst the twins were still eating their way through their first plate of food but they had taken a different approach to the buffet and had loaded every food there onto the plate, enchanting it to be able to carry the weight. Molly could only laugh at her sons, knowing it was futile to tell them off when it came to food.
You sat next to Fred at the rather small table, your chairs so close that with one move you could practically sit in his lap. You observed the room just as you felt a hand rest on your upper thigh, your breath hitched and you turned to see Fred smirking teasingly at you. 
“Fred-” Your voice was warning before it was cut off with a slow lingering kiss. Fred pulled back just enough that his lips still grazed yours without fully touching. 
“I can’t let you have all the fun, love,” He chuckled before kissing you again and the taste of his lips almost made you forget where you were - almost. You pulled back with a blush as Fred laughed and kissed your ear, his hand remained on your thigh. Luckily, the rest of the Weasley’s seemed to be occupied with the speaker in the centre of the room. That was until Fred brought everyone’s attention to the table of food and one very prominent item on it - a large two-tiered cake. 
“Mum?” She looked up to meet Fred’s questioning gaze, George’s eyes also looking up from his plate to question her.
“Why is that cake still untouched? I mean we were going to get some but we thought it was best to save it for dessert.” George spoke after he had swallowed his food whilst his twin nodded, with a mouthful of chicken. Molly sighed and looked ready to explain before Arthur jumped in instead.
“That cake, boys,” He pointed to the cake. “is strictly off limits.” His voice was stern as was his look. “It’s only to be cut by Isabelle.”
“Who?” You curiously inquired. Arthur turned to look at a table not far from yours where a woman was being applauded by the people on her table. She stuck her nose up in the air proudly and smiled smug, she reminded you a little of the female version of Percy.
Arthur explained that the party was partially in honour of her but also her whole department for their work after the war. You nodded along but could already feel a sense of impending doom as the twins exchanged a mischievous glance, first at each other and then at the large cake.
Your suspicion heightened when they both simultaneously went missing from the table. It was just after Arthur had delivered his speech that they had snuck away. You quickly gave Arthur a congratulations and a brief note of reassurance before you excused yourself under the premise of using the bathroom. Everyone’s attention had apparently been brought to the centre of the room as someone important made a speech so you weren’t surprised to find both the twins hiding out in the empty kitchen, neither were you surprised that they were currently eating the cake.
George spotted you in the doorway first, with a cheery smile as if he wasn’t doing anything wrong but he did look the slightest bit worried. He nudged his twin hard in the ribs, Fred looked up annoyed before he spotted you and gulped. His lips were covered in pink frosting.
“How old are the both of you?! Honestly?!” You reprimanded them as you walked closer, noticing a large chunk of cake was missing. They both shrugged, trying to hide their laughter. Fred suddenly became formal in his voice and you narrowed your eyes suspiciously.
“Look Y/n, there wasn’t anything that I wanted more in that moment then that cake, so, I did what I had to do.” Fred looked almost innocently at you as his hand rested on your shoulder, you sighed before laughing a little at the pair stood in front of you. Fred smiled a little in relief, it grew wider as you traced your thumb along his lip, wiping a bit of frosting off (knowing it would tease him) with a shake of your head.
You walked closer to the cake, knowing that it would be expected any moment now. The damage was done, a large evident chunk had been cut out. George went to take some more but you swatted his hand away. “We need to fix this.”
“Yeah definitely,” Fred nodded vigorously until he tilted his head to the side and pursed his lips. “Or we could you know leg it.” Fred pointed behind him with his thumb towards the door and you looked at him angrily – surely, he wasn’t serious.
“I second that.” George chimed in with a little raise of his hand. You shook your head to both of them.
“No, we can’t just run.”
“Okay, then we’ll make another one.” Fred shrugged and you mulled over the idea, it wasn’t terrible. Him and George both gave you pointed looks and suddenly you realised by ‘we’ they meant you. You sighed heavily.
“I can’t bake a cake. What makes you think I can bake a cake?” You gestured aimlessly to yourself with a hushed yet panicked tone. You were talented at a few things but baking was not one of them as the twins fully well knew – you had once tried to bake them both a cake for their birthday but it had just turned into one inedible mess. Fred nodded knowingly with a grimace.
“So that only really leaves the first option.” George stated with a grimacing smirk and you knew, as much as you hated to admit it, that him and his twin were right. You hesitated before a loud chatter of people sounded outside the door and you knew you had to make a decision and quickly.
Fred pulled you out of the back exit and George followed suit, you all ran as far from the kitchen as you could. You hated to think of the faces from the partygoers and the disappointed, knowing looks from Molly and Arthur. Just as you reached the outside, you bumped into Ginny who had stepped outside for some fresh air.
“Oh, hey Gin.” George panted, slightly out of breath from the adrenaline of it all and the running. Ginny smiled before her eyes narrowed in and you could tell she knew something was going on.
“What have you done?” Ginny deflated with a disappointed look at her brothers. As they shrugged and shook their heads, attempting to look innocent and casual, you came up with an idea.
“Can you just tell Molly that I was really sick so Fred’s taken me home?” You asked hopefully and Ginny looked hesitant but as your eyes pleaded with hers, she gave in. You had been best friends for almost as long as you had known the twins, you trusted each other fully. She nodded and George scoffed loudly.
“What excuse have I got?” George looked annoyed at you before Ginny painfully kicked him in the leg. “OW! What was that for?!”
“Well, now you have an excuse.” Ginny shrugged with a smirk as she patted you on the arm and walked back in to the party. You and Fred couldn’t contain your laughter as George limped the rest of the way dramatically. 
Fred apparated you both home as George left for the burrow. You felt bad leaving him but he said he was fine and that he had inventory to do as well as a certain revenge plan to concoct for his sister. 
As soon as you entered your home, you were pushed back against the door roughly as Fred’s lips attacked yours. Your teasing had worked perfectly and so had his. Hands ran everywhere and things escalated quickly. You were so thankful that Fred had eaten that cake especially when you got hints of it’s sweetness on his tongue.
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tonnari · 6 years
George x reader / Show me love
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Request 1: Hi! May I request George developing feelings for reader but she refuses to get into relationship with him because she thinks she can’t give him all the love he deserve. And if you make it emotional with lots of drama? 😘😘😘 (from anon)
Request 2: I love your imagines so much!! you are such a talented writer!! If it’s not to much, could you possibly do prompts #12 and #14 with George and a Ravenclaw reader? (from anon)
A/n: Hope this is okay for you both, I was going to incorporate smut but it’s sort of hinted at so I left it as it is. If you do however, want smut as like a part 2 sort of thing then I’ll be happy to write it 😊. I sort of went off the differences of the Phelps twins because Fred and George’s differences aren’t described in the book so 🤷🏼‍♀️ Reader is Ravenclaw but it’s only mentioned a couple of times, just so you know I did adhere to your request :). 
#Prompt 12: “My personality? Really?”  
#Prompt 14: “Hey, I get it. Don’t worry about it.”
Prompts here.
Word count: 2.1k+
Warnings: Swearing, mentions of past cheating, angst. 
Masterlist | Requests open
“Is one moment of peace too much to ask for?!”
This was a question you found yourself asking daily especially around Fred and George Weasley, who you were actively trying to avoid so being snappish meant that they became taken aback and hopefully left you alone. You didn’t however mean to snap the question at your housemate Luna who had innocently come to check you were okay after the other day.
The day you had ruined everything.
It had all been amazing – your life at Hogwarts, your friends, your classes (and your grades) and then all too quickly you felt yourself developing feelings for your best friend. George was sweet and funny but you couldn’t fall in love with him. It wasn’t because of anyone else but yourself and the someone you had once been in love with. That someone had broken your heart clean in two by cheating on you. It wasn’t a matter you liked to discuss often but George had been there when it had happened and every moment after. He truly was amazing and it wasn’t hard to fall for him.
You could tell that George had somewhat of a crush on you too. It was pretty obvious with the hushed whispers between him and Fred that stopped the minute you walked by, the almost absent, dazed stares at you and the amount of red that appeared on his cheeks when you caught those stares. He’d asked you on dates but you’d always managed to dodge them with a well-timed excuse because you couldn’t go out with him and risk your heart, not again. You only accepted once and that was for the yule ball which had taken place 4 days ago.
It had been fun, you’d danced and had fun with your friends and when George pulled you away to somewhere more secluded you hadn’t even thought about it. You got so wrapped up in the moment that you had ended up kissing him heavily and it had all ended with you sleeping in his bed. Nothing had happened, you wouldn’t have done that to him but it was more than you had anticipated and the last thing you wanted to do was to lead him on. You had left without any words to him and with tear stained cheeks. You had avoided everyone especially George since then.
So, it wasn’t strange for your friends to wonder if you were okay as Luna was currently doing. She spoke kindly but you just wanted to escape the questions and run back to the Ravenclaw common room. Luckily Luna caught onto your unwillingness to talk and left you be. She was so sweet and here you were treating her like crap.
“Hey, Luna?” She turned back around with the same serene smile that usually lifted her lips. “Thanks.” You returned the smile although more half-heartedly and she nodded before skipping away out of the great hall.  
You resumed eating your cereal with an almost quick pace, worried that any moment now George would come in and want to talk with you. And then just as you were leaving your worries came to light once more as you walked straight into George, not seeing him due to the blinding light coming through the opposite open door. He apologised with a laugh before spotting who it was and there was something that changed in his demeanour – hurt and hesitation. Your heart dropped, the last thing you had ever wanted to do was to hurt your best friend.
“Y/n I-“ George’s voice was small and unsure and it hurt. You bit your lip to stop emotion from overwhelming you as you looked away from his sweet gaze.
“George, I can’t okay.” You motioned to walk away, past him and straight to the common room but he moved to block your path. His hurt look had been replaced with anger.
“No! Stop this Y/n! Please talk to me.” His last words were pleading and as you met his eyes you saw they were having the same effect. You heaved a deep breath, knowing there was no point making up excuses and nodded to which George looked grateful.
You walked out to the courtyard where there was more peace to be had and sat down hesitantly on one of the benches. It soon dipped with George’s weight as he joined you.
“I’m sorry for that night.” You didn’t meet his eyes but instead turned to face the fountain in the middle of the courtyard, watching as the water flowed silently down to the next level and into the basin below. George however, had no problem watching you and waiting for your eyes to meet his.
“What? Y/n why would you apologise? That was the best night I’ve had in- well ever.” His adoring tone made your eyes look into his and the way they smiled in their own way at you like small honey coloured moons made you want to sigh dreamily. “And I’ve been to the quidditch world cup.” He said it proudly and you had to think for a moment on that.
“Didn’t that end really badly?” You made a face and George deflated as he remembered the full events of that night.
“Oh yeah. Well okay you don’t have stiff competition but it was still a really good night. Why are you sorry?” You laughed a little before taking another deep breath and averting your eyes again. He must know why you were apologising, it wasn’t like you hadn’t seen his hurt glances towards you or the way Fred had now seemed to take up a dislike to you as well.
“Because of the way I behaved the next morning and the fact that I led you on by kissing you.” You explained and George nodded slowly but he looked heavily confused.
“Led me on?” His eyes softened into a hurt puppy dog look and you wanted to scream, run away into nothingness because this was too painful.
“George,” You met his eyes because it was only right to say this directly to him. “I can’t do this with you.” His brow furrowed at your words and you attempted to make yourself clearer. “Have a relationship. It will just ruin everything we have.” It wasn’t the full truth but it was enough to make George think. He instantly begun to protest at your words.
“No, Y/n. It could never-“
“I’m sorry George. I just can’t.” And before you could let your insecurities slip, before you could give in to the desire to kiss him – you ran.
It wasn’t until after the holidays that you had to relive your feelings once again as classes resumed and George walked in to potions with Fred, smiling until he met your gaze and his whole laugh-filled persona faded into hurt. Fred put a hand on his shoulder and guided his twin to their seats with a harsh glance to you for breaking his brothers heart.
But Fred might be the whole solution to this problem, if you could just talk to him and iron everything out maybe he could tell George instead of you and everything could revert back to the normality of messing around with them both and pranking the whole school with ingenious plans. Or at least as close to that normal as possible.
So after class, as the twins walked out you pulled Fred to the side, away from George who looked heavily confused but continued in his own path anyway. You tried your best to not look at him, he had the same piercing eyes as George and it hurt to see them, not only because they reminded you of the hurt you were causing his twin but because you expected them to be angry and you couldn’t cope with the image of a hurt Fred as well to add to your pain.
He went to speak but you cut him off immediately. “Fred look, I know I’m probably the last person you want to speak to right now but just let me explain okay?” Out of the corner of your eyes, you saw his hesitant nod and it was enough for you to continue with your practised monologue of speech.
“Okay,” A large deep breath. “the reason that I did what I did was because I love George and he means the world to me but I can’t be in love with him.” You knew Fred must be confused so you continued. “I don’t deserve him – his sweetness or his kindness. I don’t. I’m broken and he doesn’t deserve to have to deal with that. He’s my best friend, Freddie and the last thing I ever wanted to do was hurt him in the way I have and I’m sorry for that. I led him on and that was wrong of me to but that kiss, in that moment was everything I had ever wanted and it was perfect, he was perfect. But I can’t love him even though I do.”
Fred was silent, most likely shocked by your admissions of your insecurities. Tears were now burning quickly from your eyes - blurring your vision, even if you wanted to see Fred be angry with you, you couldn’t. And then you heard a small sniffle that didn’t sound as if it came from you and the sound shocked you ever so slightly.
“Maybe he doesn’t care, maybe he thinks he does deserve you because he loves you too Y/n.” Fred’s voice was sure yet filled with unshared emotion, it sounded a bit deeper than normal. You shook it off and scoffed a laugh at Fred’s words.
“I don’t see why he would.” You looked at the floor intently, blinking tears away. Fred’s hand rested on your shoulder, squeezing tightly.
“Because you’re awesome, funny, stunningly beautiful and you have an amazing personality.” You could hear the smile in his voice.
“My personality really?” You were touched at the sentiment but decided to joke around with the answer since the words were odd and made you feel weird especially coming from Fred. You were just about to further question the older twin, you looked up with a confusion settled on your face which quickly turned into shock as you realised something.
You noticed that he was ever so slightly taller than you had remembered Fred to be, his eyes had a difference to them and his face was ever so slightly more rounded. “Shit! You fucking little-!” Your angry loud words were cut off by a pair of lips meeting your own. You gasped before kissing back and melting into the kiss. It wasn’t long before the twin pulled back with a guilty smirk on his face. “George!” You hit his chest lightly, you couldn’t find it in you to be mad after that kiss.
He shrugged and whilst part of you wanted to slap the smirk off of his face, the other half lusted for his lips to reattach to yours. You felt dazed from everything as George nuzzled his nose against yours and kissed your lips with a peck.
“Y/n, I love you. I want to be with you and I know you think you don’t deserve me but the truth is,” He hesitated with a large deep breath to emphasis his pause. “I don’t deserve you. You’re truly the most amazing girl I’ve ever met and I want you to be mine now and forever.” George’s hand tenderly stroked your face. You met his eyes and there was no hurt there anymore, just true unconditional love. Your heart swelled and you found yourself crying for a whole new reason – happiness. There was nothing you wanted more in that moment than to kiss him so you did exactly that. The kiss was perfect and deep and everything you had remembered from the night of the yule ball. George’s lips were so soft and caressed your own in such a synchronised way that you couldn’t help but think that they were made for you to do exactly this.
When the kiss was broken unwillingly for air, you felt a little bit of guilt bubble up inside of you and knew you had to apologise. “I’m sorry for mistaking you for Fred.” You hadn’t done that since you were 11. After starting to develop feelings for George (even though you didn’t know what it all meant back then) you started to learn every little difference between the two twins, a bonus being you got bragging rights over anyone who couldn’t tell them apart and felt an odd sense of pride at being able to do so.
“Hey, I get it, you were upset. Don’t worry about it.” George shrugged your apology off with a smile and you returned the expression gratefully. You grabbed his hand as you started to walk heading for the Ravenclaw common room where you knew many students would be in class.
“So, you love me, huh?” You flashed a coy smile to George who blushed ever so slightly as well as tightening the grip on your interlocked hand. He nodded.
“So much, Y/n.”
“Why don’t you show me then?”
And show you he did.
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tonnari · 6 years
George x reader / Lovable Dork
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Request: Can you write a story where George haves really big crush on the reader and their both in their 7th year at Hogwarts and George just found out that she dumped her boyfriend over the summer and what’s to ask her out but is afraid she will reject him and Fred keeps trying to help George come of his shyness which annoys and embarrass him and Fred pushes George on the sofa she’s sitting on when he walks by her and that’s he when he finally talks to her. (from anon)
A/n: This fic is just purely dorky George and reader and also matchmaker Fred. A lot of this is from Fred’s POV but also a bit of George’s as well. I loved this request and loved writing it! Just a quick note for every lovely person who has requested – I am on them and I love them all! It’s just sometimes I get writers block or busy and it gets difficult so I write the ones that I have the best idea for in that moment so if I haven’t got around to your request I promise you I will. The title is due to the fact it’s what George is in this fic. 
Word count: 2.4k+
Warnings: Tiny bit of angst at beginning, mentions of a bad past relationship.
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There was nothing more painful than witnessing the person you were in love with, be in love with someone else. This was a pain that George Weasley had had to live with for the past 2 years. By now he had gotten used to it but when Y/n had first started to talk about her new boyfriend, George had experienced an anger above anything else he had ever known and he had been to oblivious to his own feelings to know why.
Fred was of course, there for him to confide in and vent to but his twin always had a knowing look as if he knew something that George was missing. “I just don’t get why I’m so angry over this? I mean she’s happy but-“ George lost his words – It was the last day of their sixth year and Y/n had just gone to meet her boyfriend with a large smile, he felt his insides burn with an anger.
“Not with you.” Fred finished his sentence as he stammered. George protested immediately that Y/n was his friend and that was all. “Godric! George, you can’t be serious? Everyone knows you’re in love with her. All apart from you apparently.” Fred laughed and George conjured up another argument but he soon realised that maybe Fred’s words had some truth in them. As George lay in bed that night he pieced together everything and realised he had fallen, quite deeply for Y/n.
“I can’t believe she didn’t come to meet us.” George wanted to be angry but he could only find it in himself to be sad. He had written Y/n letters all summer, his last asking her to meet them in diagon alley before their last year of Hogwarts together. It had become almost tradition since meeting her there when they were 11 that Fred, George and Y/n shopped for their school stuff together. But this year she hadn’t even bothered, clearly her new boyfriend was more important than her best friends, he thought bitterly.
“She’s probably just busy.” Fred shrugged in attempt to soothe his brothers anger but he looked thoroughly unconvinced and saddened himself. Sure, George had more of a romantic connection but Y/n was still one of his best friends and the idea that she didn’t want to spend time with them anymore hurt.
It was until they arrived at platform 9 and ¾ that they saw he next. She had scared them both when she had jumped out from behind them unexpectedly. They both gave identical yelps. The proud smirk she wore for getting them both lightened up their moods.
“Hey Stranger.” George greeted jokingly before hugging her tightly in an embrace. He seemed to forget about diagon alley as she hugged just as tightly back. Fred honestly wanted to hit them both for their obliviousness as the hug went on for more than was considered a friendly amount. They must have realised how wrapped up in each other they had been because their cheeks simultaneously blushed when they pulled back.
The twin’s attitudes changed about that day in the summer when they found out the real reason Y/n hadn’t come. She explained, as they sat in their usual compartment at the end of the train, that her boyfriend had become very possessive of her in a not-so-nice-way and that he had become controlling, telling her who she could be friends with and who she couldn’t. He had hid George’s letter from her, telling her not to go. Ultimately he had pissed her off and pushed her to the edge so much so that she had had enough.
“So I broke up with him.” Y/n’s words were simple with a small shrug and unless Fred was mistaken, which he never was, Y/n’s eyes lingered on George as she spoke. George on the other hand, was trying not to look as if all his Christmases had come at once.
“Well, good riddens, I say. Guy sounded like a prick.” Fred thought he would input his own thoughts as a small silence filled the compartment. George and Y/n were just smiling at each other and Fred felt as if he was imposing on an intimate moment so he left with the excuse to find Lee. He didn’t notice his twin’s warning look as he exited the compartment. 
As students bustled off the train, Fred caught back up with his twin who looked very sullen compared to how he had been in the compartment. “So, did you and Y/n get it on then?” Fred winked, hoping George was just acting in a bad mood.
“Nope.” George picked up his pace to the castle with an annoyed look on his face, what the hell had happened? And then right in the middle of the pathway, he stopped dead in his tracks and turned to Fred with a sharp glare. “Why the hell did you have to leave?” George spoke through gritted teeth and Fred could tell he was annoyed but what he couldn’t tell was why.
“What? I left so you could have a moment with Y/n. You know, confess your feelings to her – maybe even snog a little.” Fred explained like it was obvious and gave a short laugh before he noticed George was not in a joking mood.
“Well, we didn’t. We spent the rest of the way in complete awkward silence except for some really crappy jokes which I told out of nerves.” George begun walking again and Fred had to hurry to keep up with his brisk pace. Fred should have remembered that George became unusually shy around girls he liked and since he was in love with Y/n it must have been worse for him.
“I’m sorry Georgie, I thought I was doing you a favour.” Fred’s voice came off slightly obvious and sarcastic but George knew he meant no harm by it. George was silent as they reached the great hall and promptly took their seats for the start of term feast.
Y/n walked past them with a cheery wave to Fred and a coyer, more special one to George, who stammered and waved quickly back almost knocking over a jug of water on the table. Luckily Ron caught it with a laugh at his older brother’s idiotic nature. George sank down in his seat and let out a deep breath, looking a little embarrassed. Fred knew something had to be done and quickly, he had never seen his brother behave more stupid than this and he had lots of incidents to compare it to. 
Fred didn’t like to brand himself as a matchmaker but he did have some talent for the art. He had been trying to convince Ron to make a move with Hermione for years and although he hadn’t yet, it was only a matter of time and Fred liked to think that it would be because of his expert words of advice. He had tried with Ginny and Harry but there was seemingly nothing that he could do on their end – that one he would just have to wait and see (Ginny had refused to listen to any of his advice and had brought up some harsh truths about his own love life so he’d left her alone). Fred even thought of the idea to sell love potions in their new shop because (although he would never ever admit it) Fred liked the idea of romantic love.
So Fred set up the perfect scenarios for Y/n and George. Firstly a prank that when it went ‘wrong’ he had fled from the scene leaving George stunned then Y/n walked by looking annoyed from what they had pulled (resulting in her accidently being covered in pink dye) and George told her the funny story – but that one had not ended as planned, Y/n hadn’t spoken to either of them for the next 2 days. Another time Fred tried to lead them both to the same location but something got lost in communication (Fred had stupidly asked Ron to pass the note to Y/n since she wasn’t speaking to him) and they had both ended up on polar opposite sides of the school. 
Fred sighed, thinking maybe it was hopeless between the two of them but then he realised maybe his match making didn’t have to be mischievous and complex. He talked to George about his problems of being shy and just told him to go for it but his twin wouldn’t have any of it and constantly shook his head with nervous laughter. Then one day, Y/n was partnered with him in potions and to Fred’s not-at-all-there surprise, she asked about George – if he was seeing anyone, the next time he had a free period etc. And Fred had had enough.
He took their fate into his own hands literally. He was walking with George listening to his idea for a new product idea when he spotted Y/n sitting alone, reading on the Gryffindor sofa. Perfect. She saw them both and smiled as she looked up from her textbook. George gave a dopey grin back before continuing to walk. Fred waited until George reached the sofa, in line enough for his plan to work. Then the older twin smirked as he heavily pushed George onto the sofa and onto Y/n, running as quickly as he could away to his dormitory – peering out the door so he could make sure his plan worked this time. 
George let out an involuntary yelp as he was pushed forcefully by his twin. He heard a yelp below him and as soon as he landed onto Y/n’s lap he felt himself get very nervous, his cheeks feeling on fire and then he was rolling off the sofa from his attempt to get up as quickly as possible. George’s head thudded loudly against the wooden floor. A small gasp sounded and George slowly blinked open his eyes to see Y/n’s angelic face look down at him, her features concentrated heavily with concern. 
“Georgie? Are you okay?” Her voice was slightly pitched with panic but she sighed in relief as he nodded. Her hand reached out for his and he only briefly hesitated to take it, knowing full well the tiny spark that went off in his stomach at any contact he had with Y/n. Sure enough as her soft hand enclosed around his and pulled him to a standing position, he felt a swoop and knew he was done for as his heart pounded loud enough for not only Y/n but the whole world to hear.
“Merlin, I’m sorry Y/n. Fred pushed me.” George rubbed the back of his head in a sheepish manner and to his own relief Y/n smiled and started to laugh, a little bit uncontrollably. George furrowed his brow slightly. “What?”
“Nothing,” Y/n’s laughter faded but a large beautiful smile remained on her face, making George’s heart soar. “It’s just- I knew you’d fall for me one day.” She giggled again and by god, if it wasn’t the cutest thing George had ever heard. He knew he had heard it before but now, in this moment it was like musical heaven to his ears. A gap filled only with rambunctious laughter followed Y/n’s flirtatious joke. Oh Merlin, Y/n was flirting with him!
George’s eyes widened comically but he tried to remain cool, he thought it was best to sit down but when he went to, he was so set on trying to act collected and keep eye contact that he completely missed the sofa and fell back down to the floor. Y/n laughed again and if George was making her laugh by falling down then he would happily do it 5 times over to keep hearing that beautiful sound.
“Oh Georgie, it isn’t your day today is it?” Y/n’s voice had a soft yet worried cooing tone to it as George lifted himself up and successfully sat down this time on the cushioned sofa. Y/n joined him with a wide endearing smile.
“I don’t know,” George shrugged coolly. “I get to sit here and talk to you, I’d consider that a great day.” He was surprised at the amount of confident flirting he was able to do when he was so nervous. It seemed Y/n was a little surprised too because her cheeks were now blushing furiously and her smile had become shyer but there was a sweet glint in her eyes – one that told him she liked the confident, flirty side of him. It was now or never, George thought.  “Y/n would you like to-“
“Yes.” George hadn’t even asked the whole question before Y/n’s answered. She didn’t skip a beat as she spoke with a smile even wider than before.
“You don’t even know what I was going to ask.” George laughed and Y/n started to look a bit guilty, she bit her lip and damn, if it wasn’t both the cutest and sexiest thing George had ever seen. “I might have been asking you to come and slay a Dragon with me.” He joked and Y/n laughed again.
“Well, I assumed it was for a date but to be honest, I wouldn’t entirely say no to going to slay a dragon as long as you were there to protect me.” Y/n stepped her flirting game up and rested her hand on George’s arm. He tried to ignore the way his breath hitched at her boldness but when Y/n smirked like that it seemed almost impossible to control anything. George sunk into a bit of a stunned and thoughtful silence as he pondered what to say next. He was usually so quick witted but his brain was currently on what felt like shutdown mode and his heart had taken full rein.
“Of course, if I assumed wrong and it wasn’t for a date-“ Y/n’s words trailed off and George realised his silence had led her to believe she was in the wrong. There was only one way to fix it that George could think of, the only way he wanted to in that moment. “I’m sorry, I’m going to go and hide under my covers for the rest of the year.“ Y/n had just been about to up and leave with a nervous, self-deprecating laugh before George pulled her back and met her lips with his own. His eyes were tightly shut but he could feel her surprise that was until she started to kiss him back and the world became nothing more than Y/n and the feel of her perfect lips. Her hands were all of a sudden cupping his face and George realised that maybe his own should be somewhere. He moved them from her arms to her hips and then snaked them around her waist, he could sense Y/n smile into the kiss at his dorkiness.
He pulled back first with a large dazed smirk and Y/n’s own smile was brighter than the sun, her eyes lifting up perfectly with such happiness. George had made that smile happen, his heart raced just thinking about it. He realised he needed to say something and just like that as though his brain had realised he didn’t need to be nervous anymore his witty confidence came back to him. “it definitely was. For a date I mean.” He added the last sentence hastily so he was clear and he internally screamed at his nerves still rearing their ugly head. But Y/n didn’t seem to mind and she appeared to have found her own confidence as she leaned back in to George’s closeness, her lips only an inch away from his. 
“Good.” Y/n kissed him again and it seemed to be even better than the last as they both re-found their inner confidence.
Fred averted his eyes as they both went into full snogging mode but he couldn’t have been prouder of his twin and of his own superior match-making skills of course.
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tonnari · 6 years
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Courtesy of Sincerely Tumblr on Twitter
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tonnari · 6 years
How you see yourself when you’re sorted into Slytherin
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How everyone else sees you when you’re sorted into Slytherin
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tonnari · 6 years
How you see yourself when you’re sorted into Slytherin
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How everyone else sees you when you’re sorted into Slytherin
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tonnari · 7 years
Aaah I waant onee~ Be lucky ;)
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This is the Honey Buddha Chip bag of Luck. Reblog for good luck and no sad feelings.
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