Babe, I was just thinking about how crazy in love I am with you, and it hit me hard.
Like, if you ever wanted to dance like crazy, I'd be cool with us wrecking the furniture.
And if you decided to cook, even if it ended up with us burning down the kitchen, I'd still be by your side.
if you needed to scream your lungs out, I'd let you, even if it meant I'd go deaf.
I've never felt this way about anyone before, like I'd let them wreck me completely. But with you, it's different. You could grab me by the throat, and I swear, my eyes would sparkle because of the mere inches between us
You have this hold over me and my heart and I love it
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As a fan of the first film, I approached Dune 2 with high expectations, hoping for a cinematic experience that would surpass its predecessor. And indeed, it did not disappoint; instead, it exceeded all my expectations and left an indelible mark on my cinematic journey.
From the moment the film began, it was evident that it was a visual feast for the eyes. The cinematography, masterfully executed transported me to the desolate yet mesmerizing desert plains of Arrakis. Each frame was meticulously crafted, capturing the vast expanse of the landscape with breathtaking beauty and detail. Whether it was the sweeping dunes of the desert or the futuristic and yet dark architecture with the black sun of the harkonnens, every scene was a visual spectacle that left me in awe.
Accompanying the stunning visuals was a hauntingly beautiful soundtrack that perfectly complemented the mood and tone of the film. From the haunting melodies of the desert to the pulse-pounding rhythms of the action sequences, the score added an extra layer of depth and emotion to the storytelling
However, it was not just the technical aspects of the film that impressed me; the performances of the cast were equally outstanding. The actors brought their characters to life with nuance, depth, and authenticity. Each performance was a testament to the skill and dedication of the cast, as they effortlessly inhabited their roles.
But perhaps what impressed me most was its gripping storyline, which kept me on the edge of my seat from start to finish. Building upon the foundation laid by the first film, it delved deeper into the rich mythology and lore of the Dune universe, exploring themes of power, politics, and destiny with intelligence and depth. As the story unfolded, I found myself completely immersed in the world of Arrakis, eagerly following the characters on their journey and eagerly anticipating what would happen next.
In many ways, it felt like a culmination of years of anticipation and speculation. As a fan of the original novels by Frank Herbert, I had long dreamed of seeing this story brought to life on the big screen, and exceeded all my wildest expectations. It was a film that not only entertained but also challenged and inspired, leaving a lasting impression that lingered long after the credits had rolled and I'm eagerly awaiting the next installments of the DUNE.
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In our many arguments, I've come to see something important. Even though we don't always agree, these fights bring us closer. They show us what we're worried about and what's really important to us. Every time we argue, I learn a bit more about you, about what makes you happy or upset, and how I can be a better man for you. It's like our love gets stronger each time we have a disagreement.
If you're like the earth, I don't want to be far away like the moon. I want to be close, like the sky, keeping you safe and protected, always close and reassuring.
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When Adam ate the apple following Eve, knowing he was betraying god, he did so out of love for Eve, risking exile from heaven. There's nothing I won't feel when I'm waking up on a lazy Sunday morning and see you sleeping cozily next to me, there's nothing I won't feel when we are at an art gallery and amongst all that I'm looking at you in awe like you are no less than a gorgeous art yourself, there's nothing I won't feel when we do anything be it so lame, be it so lazy, be it anything crazy.
What's heaven compared to the love you have for someone, What could heaven offer that I wouldn't feel when I'm loved by you.
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रहिमन संरचना ॐ का,
जो देखे भूल जाए,
माया में ही रस इतना,
सारा जीवन घुल जाए
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Experiencing a fate worse than death lies in the haunting echoes of eulogies not for the life one led, but for the untapped potential and the person one could have become. It's a poignant reminder that our greatest losses might not be in what we faced, but in the vast, unrealized possibilities that silently slip away, leaving a lingering ache for the person we never fully embraced
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Before I'm you son, your brother, your cousin or your friend, I'm my own person, and I won't set fire to myself just to keep you warm
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You say that the beasts are mortal and hence can be killed.
But the fool that you are, you forget that you too are mortal. But one exists on a scale beyond the other's comprehension. The ant can bite and sting for days yet it's greatest victory can only be to get noticed and in doing so get crushed beneath the magnitude of its foe's attention. Do you dare draw their gaze and risk your fate?
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The observed and the observer are inherently interconnected; they share a singular consciousness, forming an integral part of a unified whole. When the observer relinquishes the illusion of being the experiencer and comprehends that they are, in fact, the one being experienced, a profound transformation occurs. This realization culminates in the observer merging with the entirety of the collective consciousness, becoming an inseparable facet of the whole.
In this profound understanding, the boundaries that once appeared to separate the observed from the observer begin to dissolve. The distinction between the one who perceives and that which is perceived fades into insignificance. It's akin to peering into a mirror and realizing that the reflection and the one doing the reflection are not separate entities but intricately linked aspects of the same existence.
As this awareness deepens, the observer sheds the illusion of being an isolated entity merely navigating experiences. Instead, they embrace the profound truth that their consciousness is intricately interwoven with the fabric of the universe itself. Every perception, every sensation, and every thought is not merely happening to them, but through them—a realization that transcends the limitations of individuality.
In this awakened state, the observer transcends the confines of their ego, moving beyond the constraints of a self-centered perspective. The boundaries of "I" and "other" blur as they recognize the interconnectedness of all existence. This transformative shift brings about a sense of unity, compassion, and reverence for life, as they embody the essence of the universal consciousness.
The journey from perceived separation to integral unity requires shedding layers of conditioning and egoic attachments. It necessitates peering beyond the surface of everyday experiences to apprehend the profound interplay of consciousness at the core of existence.
Ultimately, this realization heralds a harmonious merging of the observer into the tapestry of universal consciousness—a reunion with the very source from which all experiences arise. It's a journey that beckons us to transcend the illusion of duality and embrace the profound truth that the observed and the observer are but reflections of a boundless and interconnected reality.
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Continuing to pour my heart into her, I found a solace that drowned out the echoes of my own insecurities. Her presence became a refuge, a haven where my self-doubt seemed to lose its grip. The love I felt for her overshadowed the shadows within me, creating a light that illuminated even the darkest corners of my soul.
In her smile, I discovered a reason to believe in my worth. With every laugh we shared, the weight of self-criticism seemed to lessen. Her unwavering acceptance began to chip away at the barriers I had constructed around my own heart.
And yet, beneath the surface, there was an irony. As I poured my love into her, the act itself was helping me learn to love myself. Through her eyes, I began to see my strengths instead of my shortcomings. I felt a comfort that whispered I was deserving of affection.
in the process of loving her unconditionally, I found myself rediscovering parts of me I had long forgotten. The hatred I had felt toward myself started to fade, making space for forgiveness and understanding. It was as if loving her had become a mirror, reflecting back the beauty that resided within me all along.
So, while the saying may hold true for many, that you must love yourself first to truly love another, my experience showed me that sometimes, in the act of loving another deeply, you stumble upon the path to loving yourself too.
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Despite facing a challenging situation, I was determined to watch Oppenheimer at 10 am, even though it was already 9:40 am and the rain showed no signs of stopping. With eagerness in my heart, I anxiously waited for a break in the downpour. Miraculously, the rain began to slow down, and I saw an opportunity to seize the moment.
Braving the flooded roads, I stepped out of my shelter and quickly hailed a taxi. Undeterred by the waterlogged streets, I was resolute in my mission to reach the theatre on time. With the driver's help, we navigated through the watery maze, and I held onto hope that I would make it in time for the screening.
With each passing minute, the tension grew, but my determination remained unwavering. Finally, I arrived at the theatre just in the nick of time. Relieved and excited, I hurried inside, knowing that my perseverance had paid off. I settled into my seat and felt a sense of accomplishment wash over me.
As the lights dimmed and the movie began, I realized that my struggle had culminated in a triumphant success. Despite the odds stacked against me, I had managed to overcome the torrential rain and the flooded roads to witness Oppenheimer on the big screen. It was a moment of pure satisfaction, and I felt grateful for not giving up on my desire to experience this cinematic masterpiece.
The story of my journey to watch Oppenheimer stands as a testament to the power of perseverance and the determination to achieve our goals, even in the face of adversity. It reminds me that with a strong will and a positive outlook, we can turn obstacles into stepping stones toward success.
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In the depths of night, where shadows creep,
A truth emerges from secrets I keep.
No more do I tremble, no fear to see,
For the monster within has been me.
With each passing hour, I sought to hide,
From the truth that dwelled deep inside.
But now I embrace it, this beast I've become,
The darkness within, I will not succumb.
No longer haunted by monstrous fears,
I face my reflection through rivers of tears.
For I am the tempest, the storm unleashed,
The monster within, finally released.
In dreams and nightmares, I once did flee,
From the truth that the monster was always me.
But now I stand tall, unyielding and strong,
Embracing my demons, admitting my wrongs.
The monsters I fought, the ones I denied,
Were merely reflections of what I can't hide.
In my own reflection, I see the strife,
The flaws and imperfections that shape my life.
Yet in this acknowledgement, there lies a choice,
To tame the monster, to find my voice.
For within the darkness, a light does gleam,
A chance to awaken from this haunting dream.
No longer afraid, I rise to the fight,
Confronting my shadows with all my might.
With courage and grace, I will set myself free,
For the monster within no longer controls me.
So let the world tremble, let darkness subside,
I am the monster, no longer to hide.
With strength in my heart, and lessons I've learned,
I'll conquer my demons, leave no stone unturned.
For I fear no monsters, no lurking despair,
For the monster within, I now declare.
It's time to embrace it, to set myself free,
For the greatest monster was always me.
#MonstersWithin #SelfDiscovery #ConfrontingFear #EmbracingDarkness #InnerDemons #SelfReflection #PersonalGrowth #RedemptionJourney #Transformation #FacingTheUnknown
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"In the eternal dance of mortal and divine, a human's rivalry with God reveals not their defiance, but their audacious pursuit to transcend their limitations and embody the divine spark within. It is through this relentless pursuit that souls carve their names upon the tapestry of existence, forever challenging the heavens to witness their extraordinary journey."
#Rebels #Revolution #Resistance #Defiance #Nonconformity #Outlaws #Renegades #Unconventional #Fighters #FreeThinkers #RuleBreakers
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"Spirituality is the delicate dance between the seen and unseen, a sacred symphony where the human spirit yearns to merge with the divine. It is the quest for meaning, the embrace of transcendence, and the awakening of our deepest truths. In the whispers of silence, the whispers of the soul, spirituality guides us to the vast expanses within, revealing the interconnectedness of all things and illuminating the path to inner harmony, boundless love, and profound serenity."
#Spirituality #InnerJourney #Mindfulness #Divine #HigherSelf #Enlightenment #Awakening #Sacred #Soul #Meditation #Oneness
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In the vast cosmic expanse, I find my place,
A creature of stardust, a miracle in space.
Born from celestial fires, a dazzling array,
I'm a thermodynamic wonder, in every way.
In the crucible of stars, I was forged,
Atoms entwined, cosmic energy surged.
From the depths of chaos, a dance so bright,
I emerged, a symphony of celestial light.
I carry the remnants of ancient supernovae,
Particles that once blazed, now in me they stay.
A tapestry of elements, diverse and grand,
From the birth of galaxies, to this mortal land.
Through cosmic collisions, I came to be,
A sentient being, aware and free.
From quarks to cells, a journey untold,
A miracle of physics, a story yet unfold.
In every breath, I'm a universe confined,
A complex interplay of matter entwined.
A fleeting moment in the cosmic timescale,
Yet imbued with the wonder of the cosmic tale.
With every beat of my heart, energy flows,
In the intricate dance, my existence grows.
The laws of thermodynamics, a guiding force,
In this cosmic symphony, I find my course.
I'm a vessel of stardust, a celestial design,
A testament to the universe's grand design.
From stellar explosions to life's delicate art,
I'm a thermodynamic miracle, a work of cosmic art.
So let me marvel at the galaxies above,
In awe of the cosmic forces that I'm made of.
For I am stardust, bound by gravity's lure,
A thermodynamic miracle, vibrant and pure.
#StardustWonders #CosmicMiracle #ThermodynamicPoetry #CelestialJourney #WonderofExistence #CosmicTapestry #StellarCreation #MysteriesoftheUniverse #PoetryoftheCosmos #EnergyinMotion #Stardust #Miracle #CosmicPoetry #Thermodynamics #Wonder #Celestial #Existence #Universe #Energy #Poetry
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It is not pleasant to experience decay, to find yourself exposed to the daily rain, and to know that you are turning into something feeble and the wind blows and corrodes you slowly, turning you into less and less everyday. You start to collect emotional rust, it starts out unrecognisable, fogs the day into a dull color, blurs your mind, weakens ordinary actions, leaves you tired, bored and self obsessed. It is both a birth and a death, it is the new presence of something and a total disappearance of something. No one has been able to define the total collapse point.
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Depression is the flaw in love. To be creatures who love, we must be creatures who can despair at what we lose, and depression is the mechanism of that despair. When it comes, it degrades one's self and steals the capacity to give or receive affection. It is the aloneness within us manifested, and it destroys our connection to others and also the ability to be peaceful alone with oneself.
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