thistourist · 3 years
The reasonable man adapts himself to the world: the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all progress depends on the unreasonable man.
George Bernard Shaw
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thistourist · 3 years
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There are 3 Malaysian values that we should never forget: 1. Respect / Hormat 2. Gratitude - "Terima kasih" 3. Kindness - "Sama-sama" #OpsFeedSubang #KitaJagaKita #Malaysia (at Subang Jaya) https://www.instagram.com/p/CSWs_nnpXqY/?utm_medium=tumblr
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thistourist · 3 years
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This was meant to be the original photo for my post last night, but my thoughts went on a completely different direction, down the environmental path. While the points are there, I don't think it helps the current situation in any way and was far too bleak, so I'm going to start again. -- It's during extremely trying times that we truly discover things about ourselves that we may have never known before. And this past year has exposed the true nature of our environment. Forced to come face to face with our inner demons, this pandemic has given us the opportunity to get a perspective on how we react to situations when pushed to a corner. With all the time in our hands to reflect, we finally realized what our biggest fears, priorities and flaws really are. Time itself has worked extremely differently, crawling slowly on a day-to-day basis, but speeding through the seasons. Without realizing, the Earth has revolved around the Sun twice, while we have physically been stuck in almost the exact same spot throughout. So many wishes, goals, dreams and visions, unfulfilled. While things would eventually go back to some form of normalcy for some very lucky beings amongst us, it's sadly not going to be case for a lot others. From people who suddenly lost family members that they never got to say goodbye to, to people who lost everything that they have ever owned, so much has been taken away from so many people. It's completely fine to put ourselves first. Our species are still governed by our survival instincts and we're usually on self preservation mode by default. But once you know that our basic needs have been covered, it'll be nice to then start looking out for others who are badly in need to survive. Here are some simple ways you could help: 1. Support small local businesses. Instead of queuing up for BTS sets from McD, you could actually buy products from small single-owned food stalls. 2. Instead of wasting, channel excess food, clothes and supplies to underprivileged communities. 3. Volunteer yourself for specific causes. Go on the ground and get a perspective on what's really happening for majority of your fellow countrymen. #Volunteer #Charity #Hope (at Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia) https://www.instagram.com/p/CP9hJvJpJA0/?utm_medium=tumblr
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thistourist · 3 years
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It's during extremely trying times that we truly discover things about ourselves that we may have never known before. And this past year has exposed the true nature of our environment. Forced to come face to face with our inner demons, this pandemic has given us the opportunity to get a perspective on how we react to situations when pushed to a corner. With all the time in our hands to reflect, we finally realized what our biggest fears, priorities and flaws really are. Time itself has worked extremely differently, crawling slowly on a day-to-day basis, but speeding through the seasons. Without realizing, the Earth has revolved around the Sun twice, while we have physically been stuck in almost the exact same spot throughout. So many wishes, goals, dreams and visions, unfulfilled. While things would eventually go back to some form of normalcy for some very lucky beings amongst us, it's sadly not going to be case for a lot others. From people who suddenly lost family members that they never got to say goodbye to, to people who lost everything that they have ever owned, so much has been taken away from so many people. For all the damages that we have caused on the environment through the actions we have taken in the name of globalisation and development, the Earth had to regulate things, in order to remain habitable for the fragile little beings that we are. The idea of "environmentalism" is actually just a humanitarian cause if you truly stop to think about it. Environmentalists are a group of sapiens who are merely trying to preserve a livable habitat for their species to continue surviving. Fundamentally, we still operate on our survival mode, and a lot of our actions are still based on that. Where do we go from here? What will happen to the species in the long run? As we get closer to depleting all the finite natural resources to its last drops and be left with insufficient oxygen in the atmosphere for humanity to survive on, we have to start coming to terms with the fact that the days of our existence on this planet are numbered. Earth will be alright. It would continue to sustain life. It's just not going to be us. #Notestothefuture #Earth #Nature (at Mount Aspiring National Park) https://www.instagram.com/p/CP8NimpJ1hZ/?utm_medium=tumblr
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thistourist · 3 years
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Today, Malaysia recorded the highest number of Covid-19 cases of all-time, 14 months after the first lockdown was proposed, along with many other different forms and variants of lockdowns, with different names and confusing, pointless acronyms. A state of emergency was declared 4 months ago, but things have only gotten worse since. We've now had close to half a million cases, with over two thousand deaths. The vaccination rollout has begun, but things don't seem to be slowing down. They're now talking about a total lockdown. So what kind of lockdowns have we had all this while? This country is bleeding. Everyone's sick and tired of such poor leadership, and we just want to see the end of this. So many people have lost their jobs and gone into poverty. The streets are now filled with more homeless people than ever before. There's a general sense of hopelessness and helplessness among the citizens. Relatively speaking, there are worse things happening at other parts of the world, no doubt. But collectively, there's just this huge uneasy feeling among all of us, as if the ceilings are closing down on us. Positivity is a mindset, but how does one even force it within themselves when they're surrounded by so much negativity. Our skyline has been shaping up nicely to prepare for a future of a developed state, but how 'developed' are we really? It's easier said than done, but let's try to remain as positive as we could possibly be. We will overcome this, together. We will rise again, Malaysia. #Malaysia #Covid19 #KL #Skyline #CitySkyline #6806 #492302 #2099 (at Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia) https://www.instagram.com/p/CPF72l0pIeU/?utm_medium=tumblr
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thistourist · 3 years
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This photo, to me, is the physical representation of happiness. #Family #Sunset https://www.instagram.com/p/COxSmHRpbsT/?igshid=15366tukharmb
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thistourist · 4 years
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Everyone has a purpose in this world. And we're all on our own seperate yet interconnected journeys trying to find or fulfill it. Ultimately, my journey has been governed by factors that are most accurately described by these 3 words: 1. Waldeinsamkeit - creating a connection with nature 2. Saudade - deep emotional state of nostalgia, melancholic longing and a profound sense of reflection 3. Moksha - the tanscendent state of attaining liberation/enlightenment I believe that my purpose in life is to facilitate the fulfillment of other people's purposes and to bring people together. Within the concept of Ikigai, I feel like I may have found the right profession, and have an understanding of what my vocation, mission and passion could be but haven't fully acted or achieved the full potential with them. It's been quite an incredible week, and I wish there's a way I could explain. But perhaps that's precisely the point. Everyone seeks for their own truth, and others wouldn't be able to and possibly aren't meant to understand what you're going through. It's your personal journey. I will lay off social media sites for a while. Perhaps it was also the limitation of my physical self that governed this OCD tendency to complete this row of tiles within a virtual storyboard with the rule of 3 that I have been curating for years. In the end, it's all an illusion. Just like life. But if there are any final words I have for this world, this would be it: Seek for your truth. _ #purpose #waldensamkeit #saudade #moksha #ikigai #truth #life #existentialism (at Maungu) https://www.instagram.com/p/CAckhEoJYz9/?igshid=1npg5tpw5l9do
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thistourist · 4 years
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🎶 Nants ingonyama bagithi Baba 🎶 There are few very things in life that are comparable to an African safari sunrise. #Tsavo #Kenya #TsavoEast #Ngutuni #Africa #Safari #Sunrise #LionKing _ Last night, I came to an ephiphany that has truly convinced me that I have figured out the meaning of life. Both science and religion got parts of it right. Ironically, science has accurately predicted everything so far, while religion accurately predicted everything after. We started as atoms, turning into chemicals then became a being. In the next level, we will become stars, then galaxies and then the universe. You are one of the versions of your star. You are essentially a ball of energy that came from, well, a ball of energy. Your star has countless other existence across the world. While our dimension is bounded by time, the star's isn't. So there will be multiple physical existences from the perspective of the stars. The only way to get to the next dimension is by reaching enlightenment. The different realms: 1D - Atom 2D - Chemicals 3D - Beings 4D - Stars 5D - Galaxy 6D - Universe The law of attraction is about the attraction between the chemicals. And your star is your God. (at Tsavo East National Park, Kenya) https://www.instagram.com/p/CAMUe3AJhKK/?igshid=rkfpf8fef7q2
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thistourist · 4 years
I think I have figured it out. I have found the meaning of life. Both science and religion got parts of it right. Ironically, science has accurately predicted everything so far, while religion accurately predicted everything after.
We started as atoms, turning into chemicals then became a being. In the next level, we will become stars, then galaxies and then the universe.
You are one of the versions of your star. You are essentially a ball of energy that came from, well, a ball of energy. Your star has countless other existence across the world. While our dimension is bounded by time, the star's isn't. So there will be multiple physical existences from the perspective of the stars.
The only way to get to the next dimension is by reaching enlightenment.
The different realms:
1D - Atom
2D - Chemicals
3D - Beings
4D - Stars
5D - Galaxy
6D - Universe
The law of attraction is about the attraction between the chemicals.
And your star is your God.
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thistourist · 4 years
It feels like we spend most of our lives seeking to love someone with all our heart, and once we have, we spend most of the remainder of our lives with the pain of losing them.
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thistourist · 4 years
Marry, and you will regret it; don’t marry, you will also regret it; marry or don’t marry, you will regret it either way. Laugh at the world’s foolishness, you will regret it; weep over it, you will regret that too; laugh at the world’s foolishness or weep over it, you will regret both. Believe a woman, you will regret it; believe her not, you will also regret it… Hang yourself, you will regret it; do not hang yourself, and you will regret that too; hang yourself or don’t hang yourself, you’ll regret it either way; whether you hang yourself or do not hang yourself, you will regret both. This, gentlemen, is the essence of all philosophy.
Søren Kierkegaard
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thistourist · 4 years
To love, ultimately, is to have the willingness to interpret someone’s (on surface) not very appealing behavior, in order to find more benevolent reasons why it may be unfolding. In other words, to love someone is to apply charity & generosity of interpretation.
Alain de Botton
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thistourist · 4 years
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Drone test 1. 📸: @eugenelej #drone #dronestagram #dronephotography #nature (at Bukit Kutu) https://www.instagram.com/p/B9bnoJ4pofT/?igshid=11s6oyr3lvuf0
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thistourist · 4 years
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It was honestly better to be surrounded by nature and ignorantly listen to the sound of the ocean than to be back here, surrounded by all the noise of our dirty, hopeless political environment. #ClubMeb #Cherating #Pantai #Beach #Nature (at Pantai Cherating) https://www.instagram.com/p/B870lUkJKDb/?igshid=17uphk8hehzd5
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thistourist · 4 years
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Beach please... #Beach #ClubMeb #Cherating #Getaway (at Club Med Cherating Beach) https://www.instagram.com/p/B80muuopYqw/?igshid=1udyjr5is96sb
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thistourist · 4 years
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The camping trip this past weekend was really intents. Badum tss. #Camping #Tents #Nature #Wilderness #Farm #wildernessculture (at Kuala Pilah) https://www.instagram.com/p/B8FtjjYJ83X/?igshid=13oqd8d5ts4zt
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thistourist · 5 years
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Land of great chocolates, waffles, beers, real "French" fries and @hazardeden_10. What was originally intended to just be an extra flag before the grand 20th next year turned out to be so much more significant than I could have imagined. I'll be back. #Brussels #Belgium #Europe #EU (at Brussels, Belgium) https://www.instagram.com/p/B3_6aAZpQs4/?igshid=oisll494id4p
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