thestardustpack · 2 years
There’s power in telling yourself ”no we don’t do that anymore” in response to self destructive urges.
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thestardustpack · 2 years
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My littles painted our nails today with my wife💕
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thestardustpack · 2 years
If I had to see this, so do you
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thestardustpack · 2 years
I finally got an ADHD diagnosis and We are being put on new meds. Im so excited to actually be getting care !
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thestardustpack · 2 years
fuck it stealing this ask game from the op bc they were shitty
🍓- if you’re an introject, what is ur source? (Don’t tell if uncomfortable ofc)
📍- funny story that happened in source memories? (If u have any)
🍒 - funny story that happened in headspace?
🌹 - funny story that happened in the meatspace?
🍊 - tiktok audio/vine that reminds you of a headmate?
🎃 - who is close to the front rn?
🥕 - are there any headmates frontstuck rn?
🏵️ - a random song lyric? :)
🌟 - how did you find out you were a system?
🌻- do you use I/me, us/we, or any other 1st person pronouns?
🌙 - do any headmates have typing quirks? if so, what are they?
🍋 - does the system have a host? if so, who?
☘️ what do you use to keep track of system members?
🌿 - Any cliques among alters?
🌱 - share a picture of yourself (art, picrew, etc) in the inner world
🦎 - do you share any memories with your alters?
🍂 - is your system "heavy" with a certain type of alter? (introject heavy, non-human heavy, little heavy, etc)
🐬 - any non-humans?
🛋️ what does your inner world look like?
👁️ - what does front look like?
☔ - Being a system can be hard, but not always! whats your favourite thing about being a system?
👾 - collective name/pronouns?
🌂 - singletsona?
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thestardustpack · 2 years
Here's a reminder that alters don't have to be perfect at performing their jobs! You don't have to be flawless, if you mess up it's ok! Just take your time and do your best ^^
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thestardustpack · 2 years
Fox finds dog toy and has the best time. [source]
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thestardustpack · 2 years
In case no one has told you this lately: thank you for being alive at the same time as me. I appreciate you so much. Thank you for surviving your worst days. Your existence is so important. Your feelings are valid. You deserve kindness from yourself and others. Don't ever forget how strong you have been and that you are deserving of love and happiness. Thank you for holding on. Thank you for still being here.
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thestardustpack · 2 years
I talked to my mom today and was telling her how much I appreciate her. I was telling her I appreciate how she supports us and how she supports everyone in our system and how we are grateful she took the time to get to know each of us separately. She said we didn’t have to thank her and that she thinks of it as “the more the merrier”. We were shocked by her receptiveness to the stardust pack and wanted to let her know how thankful we are for how she treats us. She even makes sure to talk to the littles as if they were her own little kid again. And that means everything.
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thestardustpack · 2 years
Having a service dog with DID is interesting, but she saves us all in different ways. We have trained her to help each of us how we need it and she rocks it. We are all so thankful for our happy little hoosker.
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thestardustpack · 2 years
I wrote my wedding vows for my partner today and I’m so so excited to marry them😭😭
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thestardustpack · 2 years
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thestardustpack · 2 years
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thestardustpack · 2 years
Fox and I (Jacob) took the love language quiz and the anger quiz separately and got really similar love languages but different levels of how we deal with anger. I think that’s really interesting as system who is learning about themselves every day.
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thestardustpack · 2 years
Things I Needed To Hear When I Found My System: by Ray
Some things i needed to hear when i first discovered i was part of a system:
-It's ok to have quick/brief switches
-It's ok to start switching and then, in the end, for you to be the one fronting again
-It's ok for each headmate to not front as regularly as others
-If you are the host, you are the one in charge of daily living, so if you're fronting the most, that's why. it's not because youre faking.
-it's ok to feel sort of lucid with people just popping in and out
-it's normal for, when you first discover the system, to just keep on discovering more and more alters (but it's also totally ok if you go weeks/months/years without finding another or there are no more you dont know of!)
-It's ok for headmates to act similar to you. doesn't mean youre faking, just means yall have similar traits
-it's ok to always be fronting/co-con. that might just be a temporary thing or it could be a permanent thing but either way it's perfectly ok
-it's ok for your image of the innerworld (if you have one) to not be perfectly vivid as if youre walking through it. For me, i kinda just sense things, sort of in the same way how you can "feel" someone watching you
-It's ok if your headmates don't tell you about already-existing alters before you find them. It's not their responsibility to tell you about them and they might be actively choosing not too (hell, they might not even know about them!)
-It's ok to forget about some headmates. You don't have to feel bad about it, just like you wouldnt feel bad about forgetting the name of someone you just met at like, a coffee shop or something for the first time. They'll just reintroduce themselves
-It's ok for your alters to not always communicate through fully thought out sentences. A lot of the times, we kinda just talk through concepts instead of full sentences
-Adding onto the last one: its ok for you to take the concept or thought they gave you and put words to it! You are not fabricating the thought yourself, youre just better understanding what theyre saying
-its ok to not remember all your trauma and it's also ok for no one to remember the trauma. And it's ok for you to remember it later on. Just don't push yourself
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thestardustpack · 2 years
Some positive things about being a system:
One person doing a task for another that they know the other hates (someone without dysphoria taking a shower, etc.)
Someone else feeling your emotions and you feeling them feeling your emotions which makes all of your feelings infinitely stronger (not so great when it’s negative emotions but when it’s positive ones this is pretty great)
Being in a relationship with a head mate and seeing yourself through the eyes of someone who loves you
Feeling someone else experience things that you’ve done before for the first time when you get someone new
Singing along to songs that you like while co-fronting
Alternatively, one person singing along to songs they like while another person does something productive while co-fronting
When you get a haircut that everyone likes
Not being lonely
Memes in the headspace/having inside jokes with headmates
Someone else buying something/saving a post/taking a screenshot of something because they know you like it
With DID and OSDD systems we all literally exist because we were needed. Maybe it’s just me but I love knowing that I have a purpose
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