theogmiemiew · 22 days
Tomura showing a rare vulnerability after comforting, or at least trying to comfort you about your insecurities <3
He was passing by your room to get some water when he heard sobbing, walking in and finding you laying in your bed, covered by your blanket up to your head. "You crying?" He rasped, seemingly unbothered by it, just curious.
You snap your head up, eyes widening slightly at seeing Shigaraki stand in front or your bed, nonchalantly staring you down. "No.. I'm not, I'm okay" you stated, wiping away your tears and knowing he wouldn't care about your reasons anyway. He never did, not when you were displaying any kind of emotions that were irritating for him, to say the least.
"I'm not blind. Neither dumb." He mutters, kneeling down to get a better look at your teary, puffy eyes. "Why are you crying?"
You blinked at him in confusion, the fact that he insisted on details unusual to his coldness. With a sigh, you decide to give in and justify your tears "I was... feeling insecure.." you mumbled, eyes looking away from his.
"Of what? Go on, finish your thought" he urged you on, gaze intensely focused on you, crimson eyes making you feel intimidated.
"Of my looks.. I'm not pretty enough, never am." You felt tears gathering up in your eyes once again as the words slipped past your lips, feeling utterly unworthy of anyone's attention or love. "I don't have a model face... my body's ugly, nothing is special about my looks-"
"Dumbass..." Shigaraki scoffed, standing up only to sit right beside you on the bed, pulling you up by your wrist forcefully and wrapping his arms around you, making you melt at his touch and gasp in surprise.
"I'm not good at this stuff, you know it perfectly. Yet you still make me have to comfort you because you're too naive to see past banalities..." His voice rumbled through his chest, fingers tracing through your hair unexpectedly softly. "You're pretty, I think you're pretty."
"So... don't cry, please" he adds, quiet plea warming your heart up, hands clinging to his body with eagerness while you nuzzled your face in his strong chest, feeling it raise up and fall down with each of his breaths "you know I mean it when I say something like this"
"...m'kay.. I won't" you sighed softly as you calmed down, wiping away any remaining tears as you stared into his eyes adoringly. "How come someone who wishes to destroy the world is able of being so gentle and wholesome..?"
"You bring out a softer side of me..." He leans in, pressing his lip against your forehead as he whispers into your ear "You make me vulnerable... and I'm not used to that..."
"Are you scared of that?.." you asked softly, looking up at him as your fingers trace patters on the back of his waist.
"...a little" he replies after a silent moment "I hate how vulnerable you make me feel... you have a way of making me forget myself... forget my mission. forget my hatred... forget the world..."
"And sometimes it terrifies me" his confession thickened the air, Shigaraki becoming visually awkward and tense despite admitting some of his most sensitive fears himself.
You lean in to kiss his cheek, brushing a strand of hair out of his face and simply holding his gaze with care, heart longing to make him feel loved "you know I love you, Tenko"
His arms tighten up around your waist at your words and he buries his face in the crook of your neck "Don't say that.. I don't do the whole 'love thing', you're aware of that"
And yet his words sounded way too bare, way too raw with the emotion pooling admist his denial of your feelings. "I don't want to feel that disgust with myself, don't want to end up hurting you with how harsh I can be."
You smile warmly at his words "I won't leave, if that's what you're talking about... I'll never leave, no matter how you treat me, I'll always stay here, because I love you, and I can't bring myself to leave your side." you whispered, carding fingers through his hair and gently caressing his scalp.
"And that's exactly why I'm afraid to love you..." he tightens his fingers around your waist "because if I end up losing you, my life will crumble to nothing but destruction, becoming dull again."
"Who knew you'd be such a gentle, sweet boy underneath that cruel facade you're always with on..." you mumbled, smiling against his shoulder, placing soft kisses on his dry skin "does it hurt when I touch you there, baby?" You muttered, careful with the itchy and dry skin of his neck.
He squirms slightly as you kiss his neck, his head rolling around slightly as he presses his forehead against your shoulder. "The fact that you think I actually have a kind side is laughable," his voice is thick with emotion.
His hand travels slightly down your waist and up, coming close to your hip. "As for your question, yes... yes it hurts, but it hurts so good,"' he whispers, his voice soft and tender.
"Sorry... didn't wanna make it hurt, handsome.." you said softly, lips moving to his jawline instead, tongue slowly dragging alongside on it, moaning against his skin as your kisses got hungrier, needier. "And you think you dont..? Have a kind side?" You mumbled, not minding the thought, only finding it hotter.
His body shivers at your kisses, eyes rolling back and lips parting slightly "God... I hate how much you crave my touch, I hate how much you want me and I hate the way your love makes me so soft." He grunts, voice getting raspy "Damn you for bringing this out of me"
"Can't help it" you say between sucking and lapping at his skin "I love you too much" your kisses trail down further to his throat, to his shoulders, to his chest and make his skin tingle with goosebumps.
Shigaraki groans, sighing heavily "gods damn you... gods damn you, you make me weak" a soft moan escapes him in the heat of the moment, and you cradle closer to him, indulging in the rare opportunity of seeing him like this, savoring each taste of it.
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theogmiemiew · 1 month
<<Sick in the head>>
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cw: bdsm, degrading, violence, mentions of death, rough sex, both oral and vaginal, reader is a female, humiliation, autassassinophilia, dacryphillia, sliiiightest praise kink.
You woke up in the middle of the night due to incoherent mumbling and chanting disturbing your sleep. Groaning, you rub your eyes and yawn before standing up and out of your bed, it was only your second day living with the League of villains and you're already having trouble sleeping.
Slowly, you walk out of your room, hesitantly stepping closer and closer to where all the mumbling came from, leading you to Shigaraki's lair. "All these good for nothing heroes, all these pathetic losers thinking they're better than us in so many ways..! They make me so mad I sometimes think of unraveling and destroying everything around me..." Shigaraki's prominent voice is heard, raspy whispers coming out in shaky chuckles and manic laughing.
You stand there in silence, listening to all his nonsense babbling and feeling remorse for him. It was stupid, the last thing Shigaraki would ever want is people feeling pity for him, yet you couldn't help but feel a little bad for the villain. Sighing, you turn to leave, but stop all together when a particular plank you step on makes a high pitched, squeaky noise.
You hold still, holding your breath as you beg for Tomura not to have heard you, your heart pumping faster then ever before, adrenaline rushing through your body. How would you ever explain your presence near his door in the middle of the night to him? Hell, he would probably not even give you a chance at explaining yourself if he found out you've heard him talking to himself in such an intimate moment.
Shigaraki turns his head abruptly to where the noise came from, slowly moving to fiddle with the door handle as if to unlock it. "Who's there?" His voice resonates through the thin walls, his other hand coming up to his neck as he's started to feel frustrated, scratching at the dry skin relentlessly as he grunts quietly. Nevertheless, he already has a pretty good idea on who it could be behind the door due to the familiar presence lingering in the air.
"Shit..." you curse under your breath, wanting to slap yourself for your own stupidity before sighing and accepting your fate. "It's me, I'm sorry if I had bothered you in any way, I'll leave you be. Sorry again, boss." You muttered, trying to make your way out of the situation and escape without any damage. Clearly it wasn't going to be that easy, was it?
"No you fucking won't" He snaps as he opens the door, revealing his hunched figure and his clearly disturbed face expression, red eyes staring you up and down. He moves slightly to the side, as if leaving room for you to enter. "You've come for a reason, haven't you? You've got at least some sort of brain inside your head, haven't you?? I'm sure you had a good, undeniable reason to make your presence known at 3 AM in the morning, right?" He urges you on, a cynic smile making it's way on his chapped lips, grin so wide it already made you feel uneasy.
You gulped, feeling your knees grow weak as you decide not to push his limits any further, stepping inside the room and letting him close the door behind you. Your eyes widen as you hear the lock click twice, signaling that Shigaraki's locked the door, meaning you wouldn't be able to leave this room willingly anytime soon. Another anxious thought washes over you, overlapping your previous worry by fear as he walks in front of you, one of his fingers pointing at a chair, a silent order for you to sit down.
You oblige immediately, wobbly feet carrying you to the chair as you take your place in it, hands placing themselves on your knees as your gaze fixates on the floor, unable and not wanting to meet his piercing gaze for now. It doesn't stop you from hearing his infuriated voice as he gets closer to you.
"Say now.. what could be so important that it was worth disturbing my peace in the middle of the night?" He asks sternly, red eyes staring down at your smaller figure and intimidating you without any additional effort. You ought not to speak, can't speak as a knot ties itself up in your throat, lips pressing themselves together as you can practically feel his gaze devouring you whole.
As moments of silence pass by, Shigaraki loses his patience, a stinging and sudden pain inflicting on your cheek and snapping you out of your trance as you're forced to meet his eyes, his two fingers slapping your cheek harshly as you gasp due to the pain and shock you're experiencing. "I told you to speak!" He groans, shaking his hand slightly as he's felt the slap himself. "Useless waste of oxygen, making me lose my precious time with things like this..."
You bring up a hand to cover up your already forming bruise, parted lips and widened eyes staring up at him as you felt a tear slip down your cheek. "I've just..." you don't get to finish your sentence as another slap of his fingers land on your other cheek, small chuckles leaving his mouth breathily.
"You've just.. you've just..." He mocks in your own tone, grabbing your chin forcefully and bringing your face upwards, so close to his own face that you can feel his ragged breath on your skin. "You're just too dumb to think, aren't you? Not able to think of anything at all with that worthless mind of yours, ain't I right? Huh? Speak!" He spits out, gritted teeth building up another grin as he awaits your next words.
Your cheeks burn, not only from the pain he's lingered on you, but from shame and embarrassment too, ashamed of yourself for feeling... aroused at the moment of humiliation you were involved in. You feel wetness sip down into your panties, forming a visible patch on them and you're even more worried now as you think of the possibility of leaving a wet spot on the cushion chair you're sat in.
"Mhmm.." you mumbled, nodding at his accusations as your lower lip wobbled softly, sobbing quietly as your teary eyes stared up into his, nipples hardening under the thin fabric of your top at the sight of him, at the danger of his almost whole hand grasping at your chin.
Surprisingly for him, you don't even try to fight back, you're not even struggling against his grip as he strengthens it up, practically pinching your skin now. He laughs suddenly, eyes not breaking contact with yours as he pulled your face closer to his "Whats that..? It seems you're enjoying this whole act, aren't you, whore?" He leans down to whisper in your ear "Do you like this? Is your pussy begging to be filled? Is it why you've come to my door in the middle of the night, hm? To beg for cock?..." One of his hands slides down to your tits, thumb grazing over your already hardened nipple as you bite back a moan once he tightly tugs on it.
"Please.." you beg, biting down your lip to quiet down your sounds at the pressure he was applying to your chest, pressing your thighs together in a desperate attempt to relief down your arousal.
You've always found Tomura attractive, you were sure everyone in the league noticed your gaze lingering on him for a little too long during any encounters with the heroes. You've just never thought about the possibility of him noticing you. With the way he was always focused on his only goal in life, with the way he never cared for anything else in the world, you had no hopes for actually finding yourself in such a heated situation with him.
"Now you're begging? Ha..! Filthy whore, nasty, dirty slut... What're you even begging for, do you know?" He mutters, grinning down at you as his fingers trail back up to your neck, not quite closing around it before you felt his teeth graze and scratch over the lobe of your ear. You whimper, shaking softly as you feel the way his fingers begin to close around your jugular "You of all the people should be aware of my quirk..." you feel his lips curl up in a gruesome smirk "what is it that you want? I'm one finger away from killing you right now... s'that what you're so prettily pleading for?"
Tears flood down your face, straight up crying now yet you can't help it with the fear you're experiencing, can't help it with the way it feels just too wrong to feel so aroused by this. "..I want your cock..." you finally speak up, bold words and demand hesitantly leaving your mouth.
The room is silent for a good second as Tomura releases the strong hold on your neck, his hand now moving upwards to hold your chin roughly in place, thumb grazing over your lower lip harshly. "...You're sick in the head" he laughs before pushing his finger past your lips, circling around your tongue. "Crazy slut begging for my cock"
You sob, making his cock twitch relentlessly within his tight jeans with the way you start lewdly sucking on his thumb, gagging softly when he pushes a little too deep into your mouth. "I bet you're dirtying the whole chair underneath you with your filthy cunt, huh?" He chuckles, withdrawing his finger suddenly and landing another slap on your face before stepping away from you to admire your state.
Hands obediently placed on your knees that don't seem to stop shaking, your own spit smeared all over your chin, mixed in with salty tears that fall down on your boobs, smearing down all the way to your hard nipples and soaking the fabric of your top up, making it cling to your skin and revealing all of you shamelessly.
Shigaraki walks back to you, gripping your arm tightly and putting you on your feet as you yelp at the unexpected move, letting him carry you over to his desk as he threw you on top of it, bumping one of his knees between your thighs, forcing them wide apart before grabbing full hands of your lower clothing, decaying your panties along with it and licking his dry lips at the sight of your pussy.
He sneers down at you, trapping one of your legs between his own thighs as he presses down on the plush of your skin, grunting out at the little yet delicious feeling of his hard cock rutting against you. He swiftly moves one of his hands between your thighs now, wasting no time in sticking one of his thick fingers up your pussy, without warning nor preparation.
"Ah!" You yelp out at the painful intrusion, biting back tears and whimpers. You sling one arm over your eyes and are quickly stopped from doing so by his strong hand keeping it in place and above your head.
"You wanted it, remember? Acting as if you weren't a needy whore bare minutes before this." He mutters through gritted teeth, plunging another finger deep into your cunt as he's started pulling in and out of it, leaving you no room for rest as you gasped for air, fingers trying to clutch at the hard wooden desk for at least some kind of grounding.
Despite the burning feeling, you push your hips down and into his fingers, relishing in the way you could feel him so close to you, moaning out loudly as soon as his thumb pressed down your clit, your heartbeat increasing at the way he's started straight up humping your thigh now.
"O-ohh..! Please, I need your cock, it's not enough...!" You whine out, body squirming on his desk in a desperate attempt to get him to fuck you. Instead, you feel his hand resume his place on your neck, squeezing tightly and restricting your access to air as you see him stare up at you with the corner of your eye, noticing the sudden shift in demeanor. He's angry, annoyed at you.
"Oh won't you shut up already?" He snarls, fingers getting rougher and faster inside of your pussy. "Your whining and babbling is getting so annoying it's hard for me not to stand up and kick you out of here, unsatisfied, with your slutty cunt empty. Is that what you're trying to reach by crying like that?" He mutters, groaning from time to time whenever the fabric of his boxers grazed over a particular sensitive spot on the underside of his tip.
You rapidly shake your head, clearly alarmed by the thought of that, yet you clench down on his fingers at the harshness of his words. "Please please please no, I'll be good, just plea-" you gasp in pain as he squeezes down hard onto the meat of your pussy, almost tearing up the inside of your walls as you feel tears prickle at your eyes again.
"I told you to shut the fuck up, don't you get it?" Shigaraki repeats from within greeted teeth, making you fall completely silent now, only moans of pleasure now heard from you as he continues rutting against your thigh, eagerly fingering you. "Shit... fuck, you're so fucking wet, almost like you've gotten even more turned on by this, huh?" He stands up, withdrawing his fingers as you whimper in the emptiness he's left you in "Hush, I'm only getting ready to stuff you full of cock, be patient."
You nod in excitement as you hesitantly support your weight on your elbows, looking at him and admiring the sight in front of you as he unbuckles his belt, pulling out his reddened cock and pumping it hurriedly, throwing his head back and moaning as he focuses on his leaking, big tip. His shaft is even bigger, girthier, thicker, you notice, pretty v-line at his hips only making the sight even more desirable.
His head shots back to meet your gaze "ha.. hah..." He chuckles breathily, gripping at the base tightly as if letting you examine it standing hard. "You like it, bitch? What d'ya think, huh?" His manic red eyes question you, urging you on and adding to the heat in your lower belly.
You gulp down your want for him, nodding repeatedly "Y-yes, I need it so bad, Tomura, please.." you beg, eyes not leaving his as you feel your cunt ooze with arousal, closing around nothing when he approaches you, his hands gripping at your thighs from each side as he effortlessly rotates your body on the desk, leaving your head hanging off the edge and facing his dick.
"Then take it, sweetheart... it's all yours to worship, come on, open up" He grins as he taps his cockhead over your lips, smearing his precum all over your face before sliding it past and into your mouth, groaning, his voice blissful to your ears as you open your mouth wide open, the unusual petname he's whispered to you making your body shiver.
Both of his hands grip at your neck, holding you in place as he's started pounding into your throat, making you gag at his size and smell, yet feeling even more soaked than before. "That's it... good whore, doing a great job there" He praises, pressing down on your throat to make it tighter around his cock, moaning shamelessly while drooling slightly, small drops of his spit falling down on your chin, making you whimper around him.
His hips halter, uneven pace forceful and merciless as Shigaraki fucks your mouth and suddenly you're choking on his dick, throat fluttering tightly around it as he presses his hips flush against your mouth, balls resting against your nose and restricting your only source of fresh air.
You panic, shaking your head as one of your hands pushes against his pelvis, trying oh so desperately to get him off you so that you wouldn't suffocate to death on his cock. All you get in return is another sinister chuckle of his, pushing even deeper into your face "Ahh... fuck.. keep still, cunt" He orders, eyes rolling back into his head while his shaft throbs within your mouth.
You almost feel like passing out when he finally pulls away after another long moment, a long, thick trail of your spit hanging from his cockhead, smearing all over your tear stained face as you gasp for air, coughing up gobbles of drool, not seeming to get enough air as you heave uncontrollably under him.
Tomura clicks his tongue, watching you writhe while stroking his cock in long pumps "Stop being dramatic, I went way too easy on you.." He mumbles coldly, shaking off the spit off his dick and letting it fall down on the floor. "Fucking nasty, could you have gotten any messier than this?"
He yanks on your hair sharply, snapping you out of your attempt to calm down "What's wrong, hun? Already spent out?" He teases, eyes fixated on yours "I haven't cum yet, it's not fair to leave your boss with blue balls now, is it?"
You shudder, the burning pain on your scalp making you whimper softly and you can't lie to him when he's so close to you, can't lie about still wanting to be fucked by him. "M'not spent out.." you cough out, yet your state says otherwise, eyes blurred over and tears along with sticky precum smeared around your whole face. "...want your cock, please" you whisper, pouting softly and begging for him to fill you up once again.
You don't expect it, ready and prepared for anything but his lips pressing with weird softness on yours, the intimate and vulnerable moment ending way too quickly for your liking as he picks you up from the desk, hurriedly carrying you over to his bed.
You're placed on all your fours, Shigaraki getting on his knees behind you as his cockhead pokes at your entrance, dragging up and down your slit. You moan, face falling down into his sheets, his smell lingering on them as your hands curl up into them, grabbing tightly as you push your hips back into his with eagerness "fuck.. please, Tomura, just please fuck me.." your voice cracks down, chin shivering as you feel like crying again from how much you desired him.
"Hey, easy... easy, slutty baby" He whispers, smirking down at your ruined form as his body hunches over yours, lips barely touching your ear as he whispers into it "Don't worry, I'll fuck out every last bit of self consciousness out of your dumb little brain by morning" he promises, laughing breathily as he presses his dick into you, sliding in so easily due to how wet you were, resulting into you immediately letting out a gasp of pleasure and clutching down harder on the sheets underneath you.
Finally you feel it, the ecstasy of having him inside of you, pressing up against all of the right places as you can't help but moan continously with each snap of his hips against your ass. It all feels surreal, and for a moment you regret not having him fuck you earlier as you're so tired out that you almost see stars, present seemingly slowing down while Shigaraki fucks you raw.
You're a sight for sore eyes from Tomura's perspective, unfocused gaze and lulled out tongue as moans after moans fill the room, his hips not stopping even for a second as he watches your ass jiggle with each of his movements. "Holy fu-uuck..!" He heaves, not expecting to feel this heavenly nestled inside of you, balls slapping against your clit.
You don't hear him, not able to hear anything beside the slapping skin sound as you're drowning in a puddle of your own saliva, arousal and, mostly, undeniable pleasure. You can feel his nails digging deep into the flesh of your meaty thighs, whining like a bitch in heat at how much pleasure you were receiving.
"You're sucking me in so tightly, hah.. wouldn't be able to pull out even if I wanted to, your hole's drawing me right back in" He laughs, tilting his head in bliss and resting it against his shoulders while he watches his cock slide in and out of your cunt, covered in a thick layer of sheer, slick wetness.
He's high striked in his own cloud of pleasure right now, almost feeling like he's a virgin all over again, cursing under his breath whenever you clenched down on him, so tight he had to hold back from cumming a couple of times.
His body curls down on yours, mouth greedily attaching to your nape, tongue licking all over your sweaty skin as he bites down on your skin, rutting into you desperately, fucking you in an almost animalistic way. You don't react at the burning pain, only moaning dumbly as you feel your orgasm approaching.
With another deep thrust of his hips pressing flush against you, you whine out, cumming on his cock the next second while your fingernails tear through his bed sheets, biting down on them as you tiredly fuck your hips back up into his, body exhausted and drenched out from each and every last drop of strength within it.
You want to scream out at the overstimulating pleasure as soon as you feel him pulling out of you slowly, pressing right back into your cunt as soon as you've come down from your high, yet all you're capable of is small, helpless whimpers, too weak and dizzy to be able of more than that.
"Fuck.." you faintly hear Shigaraki curse above you, his moans way easier to catch with the way he's becoming quite loud himself "I'm about to cum..." He stutters against the back of your neck, hot, ragged breathing tickling your skin.
Using all the will inside of you, your head lifts up the slightest to take in the sight of his face distorting in bliss, biting your lip when he abruptly pulls out of you, stroking his shaft desperately a few more times and letting his hips fuck faster into his hand before his movements come to a stop, white cum messily landing on your lower back as he heaves and pants, stuffing his tip right back into your pussy on his last shot of cum and filling you up sweetly and you smile at the warmth it spreads within your body, happily falling back down onto his bed and closing your eyes with a soft sigh.
Shigaraki breathes out heavily, dry lips parted the slightest as he admires you laying under him, covered and filled up with his cum and it almost makes him hard all over again. He reaches down, finger pushing a strand of hair out of your sticky face, tapping your cheek sternly "Hey" he calls out and your eyes open up briefly, meeting his gaze "You're mine now..." He mutters, and you realize he's serious now by the deadly stare he sends you, rubbing sweat off his forehead before standing up and leaving you rest off in his bed as you hear the door handle click and heavy footsteps exit the door.
You feel both flattered and alarmed by his last words, yet you decide not to give it much thought and instead, you indulge in the now familiar smell of his lingering on the fabric underneath your fingers, nuzzling into it as you drift off to sleep. Little did you know that he meant those words, dead ass serious and that you could now say good bye to any guy who isn't him, because Tomura hates his things being touched by others, after all, they're his for a reason.
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