thekinddemon-blog · 7 years
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thekinddemon-blog · 7 years
So it's Father's Day. If any of your dads suck or aren't there for you, I'm your dad now. Cmon sport let's grill footballs.
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thekinddemon-blog · 7 years
The thing that sucks about mental illness is that if you aren’t depressed enough, suicidal enough, bad enough, nobody cares. Nobody cares until you reach their standard, and that standard is when your problem is bad enough to effect them
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thekinddemon-blog · 7 years
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thekinddemon-blog · 7 years
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thekinddemon-blog · 7 years
Reblog if you're asexual, you support asexuals or you're actually a cat that walked across the keyboard.
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thekinddemon-blog · 7 years
Chapter 1
This is just a little story that has been in my head for a bit now. This story isn't using anyone else's head cannons or stories but if I mention anyone's I will be crediting the creator. Undertale is owned but @tobyfoxofficial ___________________________________________ *BEEP* *BEEP* A single alarm rang through the two story house loudly. Hearing it the young horned monster let out a soft sigh closing her eyes for a moment before looking back up at the ceiling that she had been staring at for the past few hours. She had always had trouble sleeping but as of late it's been even harder. While laying there she heard movement throughout the house. Letting out one more sigh she started to get out of bed a slight shiver shooting up her body from the cold wood floor. Feeling that she pulled away pulling her legs closer to her on the bed a sad look filling her eyes as she thought about facing the day. She didn't know why she felt this way but despite those she had around her it was always hard to get out of bed. Almost on cue to snap her out of this a loud voice called from down stairs. "SANS, LILY WAKE UP I MADE BREAKFAST!" Papyrus' voice always filled the house with a positive light. Hearing his voice made her smile and she started out of bed again ignoring the cold floor this time. Stretching a little she opened her closet to look at her self in the full length mirror she had on the inside of the door. Looking at herself she frowned noticing the bags under her eyes came back and the boys would definitely notice. Taking in a deep breath she summoned up her her magic letting the reddish orange light cover her. After a moment she let out the breath and the light disappeared. Looking back into the mirror her bags were gone at least temporarily her magic hiding it for less and less time each time she used it. Not worrying about that for now she pulled her long white hair back into a ponytail not changing out of her grey sweatpants or black tank top she slept in before heading down the stairs for breakfast. Yawning as she walked down the stair a voice from behind her made her jump slightly. "Mornin kiddo." Sans spoke lazily and through a yawn. "Mornin sleepy bones." She replied blushing softly. "Heh what can I say I was offered a job at a mattress store so I asked the manager if I could sleep on it." How retorted with his signature smile. "Hahahaha!" Lily couldn't help but laugh at his silly joke but while her eyes were closed she didn't notice the soft blush across the skeleton's face. "SAAAANS!" Papyrus yelled from the kitchen irritated from the kitchen from his brother's pun. "Oh come on Paps." Sans started with one eye socket open while walking into the kitchen with his hands behind his head. "SANS DON'T!" Papyrus pleaded starting to cringe. "Come on Paps." Sans smile grew a bit wider. "PLEASE DON'T!" "You don't have to be a." "NO!" "Noodle about it." "SANS THAT DOESN'T EVEN MAKE ANY SENSE." "Eh they won't all pasta bar." Hearing the banter Lily laughed even more as she entered the kitchen tears forming on the sides of her eyes. Seeing her in the kitchen the brothers had different responses to her laugh. Sans blushed again a bit darker then before loving the sound but Papyrus seemed to get frustrated. "DON'T ENCOURAGE THIS!" "Hey you don't have to get so saucy." "... ANYWAY I'M GLAD YOU ARE BOTH UP BREAKFAST IS READY!" Lily and Sans sat at the table Lily still giggling from before while Papyrus put plates in front of them. Looking at the plates both smiled and thanked Papyrus before they started digging in. "Mmm Papy your spaghetti is always the best." Lily praised him smiling widely. "Yeah bro anyone else's would be an impasta." "SANS!!!" Lily just started laughing again while Papyrus shook his head. Sans felt very proud of him watching his brother shake his head but out of the corner of his eye he watched Lily feeling very content. While Lily's laugh died down Papyrus rolled his eyes at his brothers smug grin his sight following on the clock. "OH NO SANS WE'RE GOING TO BE LATE!!!" Papyrus yelled picking up Sans and ran out the door. "SEE YOU LATER LILY!" Lily giggled watching them slowly growing smaller into the distance making her shake her head. Turning back to the kitchen she sighed seeing the mess that was left. Letting out of soft sigh she started work on cleaning up. Wrapping up the leftovers and starting on the dishes. She did feel depressed but they had helped her so much through the years. While washing the dishes she smiled to herself thinking how lucky she was to have been with the skeleton bros for as long as she had.
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thekinddemon-blog · 7 years
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thekinddemon-blog · 7 years
"I appreciate that. I'll be there soon."
Would you kindly meet me at Grillby's? I'll buy the first round.
|| “Would you Kindly” Meme || Not accepting 
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“one step ahead of ya, bud. i’ll have fries waitin’.”
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thekinddemon-blog · 7 years
This post made me smile. I had kinda given up on seeing goodness in the world. Unfortunately personally I had teachers and the school counselor give up on me or tell me and my friends either we weren't good enough, to stupid or would never have the money to follow our dreams. Right now we are working our ass off to prove them wrong but I'm happy to see proof of amazing people.
[Music teacher] I was in middle school, it was a music class and we had to pass a flute test individually. During my turn, I made a mistake, cursed, then continued, hopping that I’ll do the rest right, and I did. I had everything right exept that one note and I felt like I was so close to succeed, I looked down. Then My teacher said: “It was really good! You made no false notes, you have the rythm, it’s a 10/10 score for me.” I looked up at her a little surprised. “But I’ve made a mistake.” “Yes, but you didn’t stop here, you quickly continued anyway. That’s what matters.” _______________________________________ [Technology teacher] The next year, I had that technology teacher who was a big nerd of Citroën 2cv cars. At that time, I began to felt out of space, different. I had dysphoria, but as I had no idea that thing existed, I had no idea why I felt different. It was just a weird period for me. Then one day after class, every student left but the teacher called me, asking me to stay sit, so I did. He then sat next to me, looked at me and said. “Are you alright ?” I was surprised he asked me that. I said nothing and he continued, telling me I looked sad and distant from others, that he was worrying. And suddenly I just started crying. Nobody ever told me that before, I had no idea myself that I was, yeah, unhappy. I never cried in school, never had a fight, I was just shy and reserved. But that teacher saw that something was wrong when nobody did, not even myself. And even if he didn’t know what was going on, even if I never really talked to him, he often stayed with me after class, telling me everything was going to be okay as I cried. _______________________________________ [History teacher] First year of hight school, I was really depressed. Still not knowing what was making me feel that way. I started to harm myself to get out of the frustration, and maybe to call for help as I was beeing bullied by many different people, including my french teacher, because I had blue hair and was really shy. At that time I began to lose interrest in school, I wasn’t working at all anymore, I never studied, and one day we had to take a History test. I started writing a letter to the teacher instead of writing down the answers because obviously I didn’t know any of them. So I just started writing non-senses, including that I wished I could copy on my neighbour but how I remembered he wasn’t the best either. How I would end up alone in a house with twelve cats, one for every Kights of the Zodiac. It was just funny things running throught my mind at this moment. Then I gave that to the teacher at the end of the class as my test. When she gave back our copies the next week, I had a surprise. She actually responded to my silly letter. She responded to everything I had written down, saying I was beeing mean to my neighbour with a “XD”, then that twelve cat was a good number because if I inclued a female Athena one, they would fight for her. She was just beeing as silly as I was. Then at the end, she wrote. “That was really fun to read! It gave me a nice break from all that work. But I don’t want you to give up at school, I saw what you did before, and I know you can do it. Don’t give up!” At the end of the class she waited for me, then offered me a text book with a pretty picture as a cover. She said I should keep writing. _______________________________________ [Nurse] The next year. It was the hardest time of my school years. I still hadn’t found that who I was, I was switching my sexual orientation and identities every so often, and I was heartbroke by a very destructive love story. All of that eventually sent me to the hospital. When I came back, nothing changed even if I thought it would. I began to skip classes, I lost almost all my friends, and I was beeing harrased by a crazy girl, among the usuall bullying. I had stoped sleeping properly, I had lost weight, and that day, I really wasn’t feeling like passing that test. So I went to the nursery, hoping I could fake an illness.
The nurse gave me pills and food, I faked the fact that I swallowed the pills then she told me to go rest in the bed behind the room we were in. The following days I tried again, and she always was allowing me to skip classes, with pills and food and a bed. I was taking advantage of her kindness, but at the same time, everything was so quiet, and peacefull, I was alone, I could listen to music and sleep. I felt safe. Then one day, I came back again, telling the same things, but this time she sighted and told me: “You can’t continue like this.” I thought I was going to be kicked out.
“You can’t just came here and skip class. You have to talk to me now.” But she just wanted to help me better. And she did. I continued to come to the nuresery, but this time, to talk with her. And eventually, I didn’t need to come back at all. The rest of the years, each time we saw each other, we smiled and waved.  _______________________________________
[English teacher]
The last year of hight school, we had a new english teacher. I was in a Engineer class, so the level of our english lessons were very low. As I grew up with english songs and video games, I was bored. (nb: I’m french, english isn’t my native language) I never listened in class, never participated, and I could clearly see that our teacher didn’t really like me or my attitude.     One day I was just scribbling on my book, not paying attention at all until the teacher called my name. I looked up, she was asking me to read a sentence written on the blackboard, apparently it was a phonetic lesson, and she saw that I was not paying attention and gave me that mean look, hopping that I would failed to teach me a lesson. But I didn’t. As I pronounced the sentence right with a fluent accent (I surprised myself a little, I wouldn’t lie)  she oppened her eyes wide and said with a smile:
“That was perfect!” Then she moved on. The next days she gave me a bunch of lessons she had prepared for her last year students from the Expand English class. Then I started having fun and learning things again. At the end of the year, when final exams were done, she saw me arriving and quickly wen to me and asked what score I had at the english test. I told her I had 20/20. She raised her fists in the sky and screamed a “YES!” of relief. _______________________________________ I often remember them. I was very lucky to have them all, and I know that. When I hear students complaining about their teachers for free, saying that they all don’t care anyway, I silently got mad. I saw teacher crying because of their students. I saw teacher beeing bullied. You know kids, some of them are really here to help you and make you grow.
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thekinddemon-blog · 7 years
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A big to-do about SmashBits Animations
4 months ago now, SmashBits on Youtube started a series in order to cash in on the Undertale craze. If Undertale was Realistic. For a while, I saw it in my recommended, but paid it no mind.
It wasn’t long after the video was booming that I got a message from my friend @pipann about how the series was using her Undertale Models.
Not only was this done without her permission, but they were monetizing on it through Patreon, and while they gave credit to their animators and voice actors, there wasn’t a single line of credit to be found regarding the modelers and the models SmashBits ripped from the Steam Workshop.
Contact was made, disappointment was expressed, and at the end of the day, all that could be offered to Pip and the other model makers was that they would be publicly credited for their work. The project would continue to be funded through Patreon, so the animators and voice actors were still being paid. The modelers were not. This was ignored for the time being.
Recently, however, SmashBits got a sponsorship, and have injected a minute long product placement ad into their latest “If Undertale was Realistic” in order to earn even more money through their sponsors on top of revenue from clicks and their Patreon. They were continuing to make even more money off the backs of modelers who’d done the time to sculpt, map, and rig these models that were meant to be used on terms of the modelers (whom mostly allowed these models to be used for fun, not for profit).
Through encouragement of myself and others, Pip issued a DMCA and marked all points in the offending videos of the series in which her model(s) were present. She got the attention of one of the partners of SmashBits and they had been in the middle of finding a solution that would make both parties happy. But the moment the head of Smashbits decided to Counter Claim the DMCA, any negotiation went out the window.
Pip has attempted to leave comments about the situation on SmashBits’s page, both when the DMCA was first issued, and after the Counter Claim was made.
As of now, the comments have been deleted by someone at Smash Bits [Right click -> view image in new tab for full view]
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This was to keep the now angry mob that is Smashbit’s fanbase informed as to what was going on in order to keep accusations from flying.
But with SmashBits having deleted the comment, their fanbase is left in the dark to continue being angry.
I, myself, have also left a comment.  [Right click -> view image in new tab for full view]
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But lo and behold it is no longer there when I go into Incognito Mode
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The comments still appear for both myself and Pip due to Youtube’s cache being a bit slow to update for us. But it’s confirmed SmashBits is trying hardcore to cover their ass over the fact that they are making money using assets they have no right to, and even after several people have contacted them angrily about it when it all started, they doubled down to get even MORE money through the sponsorship without having consulted any of the artists.
I have even been outright muted to keep from posting any information on their discussion page. They themselves have not made any comment regarding the scenario other than “the videos will be back soon”.
I normally am against callout posts, but this is a case where the offending party (Or at least the head of the party) is very much in the wrong, and it needs to be known. The artists are not the bad guys for wanting to be properly respected and to not be seen as just a tool that gives people free assets to make money off of.
Smash Bits does not deserve to go unscathed from this. Spread the word. Inform the fanbase of the hacks they actually art.
At least until they either fully demonetize the projects in which they do not own all of the assets to, or they hire artists to make assets specifically for them to use.
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thekinddemon-blog · 7 years
This is the nature vs nurture argument that people have been debating for years. I believe it is a mix of both because depending on factors that happen to you in the womb play into how you are going to turn out. With how I was raised then I should be a stripper with a drug problem but I decided on my own I wanted to be better then my family.
In fact...
We are just the consequences of our environment we don’t have “personalities” at least not in the meaning of some behavior we execut because it works with our desires, you lived in a rich family and you are arrogant it’s clear it comes from there, you were rich and yet modest? still the environment, your parents affected you that way. you lived in a space where seeing people smile was something rare? how couldn’t I expect you to be rock. Some treats might be more complex to explain but in the end we are just what the causes made of us. Untill we discover that… and we will be aware of what’s true or false, good or bad (which is still depend of the way you learned it from your environment) then if you still an arrogant bitch than you are just an asshole. Right?
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thekinddemon-blog · 7 years
I am undertale trash
I am going be starting my undertale fanfic and starting out with some other short stories between.
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