thedungeonarchive · 6 months
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Appropriately enough for the recent HMS Terror posts that I've reblogged, I've spent the past few weeks slowly completing this map of the ill-fated ship. HMS Terror is underway through a sea of ice and slush, exploring the distant periphery of the known world. What dangers may her crew encounter?
Grid variants of the top two layers (overhead view and upper deck) are available for free on my Patreon in Roll20's preferred 70 DPI resolution. Subscribers have access to the full map (four decks + overhead view) in day/night + grid/gridless variants in PNG and VTT formats.
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thedungeonarchive · 3 years
One time I was DMing a campaign where the players walked into that tavern every campaign has and one of the patrons was a Mindflayer wearing a very bad human disguise who insisted his name was Johnald Humanman. And they were just like "Oh, okay. Well, that's his business" and didn't interact with Johnald Humanman at all.
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thedungeonarchive · 3 years
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Traveling through the desert is dangerous both thanks to the extreme heat and the wild creatures that prowl the lands in hopes of easy prey. Thankfully, your party has found respite in a desert canyon that is defensible from all sides - except from above… Hey everyone! With our coal mine train station map, we knew there was potential for the desert canyon to be used for much more and created some unique variants, like turning the whole area into a desert camp for your players to set up - or stumble across! You can find the map and all our variants on our Patreon here! Our Patrons also get access to over 30 variants, including Lightning Rail variants for those who need something with an Eberron influence for their games! Let us know what you think!
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thedungeonarchive · 4 years
Not Another Tavern Generator
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thedungeonarchive · 4 years
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Have use for a Cyberpunk or a sci-fi apartment building, or know someone who does? Well, allow me to scratch that particular itch! I’ve just released six free apartments…
Read more: The Cyberpunk Apartment Battle Maps
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thedungeonarchive · 4 years
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The sea monstrous daguerreotypes Borja Guillot
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thedungeonarchive · 4 years
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Long before the ice came and eroded it all, a church stood here. Will the remnants of power provide refuge for your party, or only false hope?
Hey everyone! With the release of our, huge collaboration yesterday, we thought it’d be fun to go ahead and create a number of winter-themed 30x30 maps to fit in with your adventures! You can check out the full post, which shows off all of our variants here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/remote-ice-30x30-41668940
And also be sure to check out Shards of the Storm, our mega map collaboration, complete with maps, minis, monsters, and music, here! https://www.patreon.com/posts/shards-of-storm-41668533
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thedungeonarchive · 4 years
Your rpg content is so sharp! Two curiosity questions, if you don’t mind: do you like any rpg streams, and would you ever run a game in 5e?
You know, this is going to sound crazy, but I’ve never actually played in (much less run) an actual name-brand Dungeons & Dragons game?
The traditional fantasy setting doesn’t really inspire me, and it’s very combat-forward and stat crunchy in a way that, for me personally, takes energy away from telling a good story. I know a lot of really good stories have come out of D&D, I don’t mean to suggest that it’s an inferior medium for them at all. It’s just not really conducive to my style of DMing. There are other systems that are more explicitly geared towards supporting tone, RP, and character development which I prefer.
I kinda bounced off of Critical Role, although I’ve probably sunk ~30 hours into it, and I definitely learned a lot from watching Matt Mercer, who is an incredible DM. I really liked his DM Tips series that he did with Geek & Sundry. I also liked the Adventure Zone, although I haven’t listened to it since Balance ended. I also got a lot out of Matt Colville’s Running The Game series, and The Good Friends of Jackson Elias podcast. I also check in on The Alexandrian from time to time - their series on node-based game design really helped me codify and clarify the way I think about designing my games.
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thedungeonarchive · 4 years
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thedungeonarchive · 4 years
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Download is here
Hi res, lineart, gridless, and psd docs are available to patrons on my patreon.
Anyone that has played God of War has endured hours of pain in this room, and now you can share that pain with your players! Force them to relive defeat after defeat at the hands of the valkyries, or any other monster you so choose. If that won’t suffice, it also makes a beautiful encounter room for any ruined building, or perhaps even a small temple to commune with your deity of choice.
I really enjoyed working on this map, and I hope you enjoy playing on it.
Fuck Sigrun.
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thedungeonarchive · 4 years
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A town for all seasons. Created to represent Phandalin from the Lost Mine of Phandelver. Available in sunny, rainy, dawn/dusk, night, winter, and winter’s night variants. High res links: Daytime Rain Dawn/dusk Night Winter Winter’s Night
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thedungeonarchive · 4 years
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I’d like to announce a brand new map: The Shipyard! These sun-bleached jetties are begging for blood. Download the day and night versions for free, and grab some ships too while you’re at it! :) 
The Shipyard https://2minutetabletop.com/shipyard-harbor-port-battle-map/
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thedungeonarchive · 4 years
You know what’s more fun than worldbuilding that makes some fantasy races EEEEVIIIIIIILLLLL!!!!? Worldbuilding that gives the different races cultural differences that help explain why there’s a lot of conflict between them:
Goblin culture doesn’t have a concept of “Property”. A stick on the ground and a tool in a locked shed are equally up for grabs if a thing needs doing. They casually take and leave things all over their communities, eat from communal pots, and genuinely Do Not Understand why the Core Races are so Angry and prone to Violence all the time.
Consequently Goblins who live near Core communities develop a reputation as “Thieves” despite not even having a *word* for that. (The closest word they have is more like “Greedy” and it means a person that hides things so nobody else can use them, and it’s a surefire fight-starter to call a Goblin that)
Common Orc Spiritual beliefs hold that a Soul can only grow stronger by overcoming Challenges in life, and see intruding on another person’s Challenge unasked for as not just Rude, but Deeply Harmful. You’re Stealing their chance to Grow. Asking for help is deeply personal and doing so can be both a way to grow closer with them or a too-personal intrusion, depending on your existing relationship with them. An exception is Children, as far as most Orcs are concerned, all Children are fundamentally the responsibility of the Whole Community, regardless of whose child they are, or even if said child is an Orc at *all*.
This means that Orcs who live near Core neighbors often seem Rude and Standoffish if not outright hostile, because they neither ask for nor offer aid even in times of trouble, and respond to unasked for aid themselves with Anger. There are even rumors that they Steal Children, because if an Orc finds a child lost in the woods they’re pretty much immediately going to start feeding it, and if they can’t find where to bring it back to, or it doesn’t seem to be well cared for, they’re just gonna keep it. 
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thedungeonarchive · 4 years
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For some, the study of magic is a study of the world itself. Those that turn this knowledge into power are known as Scholars.
Here it is! The Scholar class (Version 4.0 Chronicler). I’ve done heavy rewriting and balancing to the class, and decided to give them a regular number of spell slots. Now, instead of being able to manipulate spells, they instead are able to call upon the elemental spirits of the world itself to gain additional magic-like effects, as well as having some of the previous concepts mixed into the class’ base abilities (such as spreading a spell around, running two spells at once, etc.)
Although they’re mentioned, you might have noticed I didn’t include statistics of the elemental spirits. That is because Tumblr would not allow for the number of images I needed to put them all in one post. I’ll put them in soon, though!
I’m going to be playtesting this myself soon, but any constructive critiques or playtesting data would be heavily appreciated!
As always, feel free to critique or respond, and roll well!
- Pen
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thedungeonarchive · 4 years
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Apothecarian’s Roaming Garden by GLangGould
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thedungeonarchive · 4 years
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This is amaaaaazing advice
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thedungeonarchive · 4 years
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Do you DARE run this DEADLY and ARCANE cultist lair?? 
Actually, the deadliness is up to you – those eyes might shoot disintegration rays or just strobe menacingly. 
Whatever the case, please enjoy my latest free battle map. :)
The Cultist Lair… https://2minutetabletop.com/cultist-lair-dungeon-map/ 
What do you think the eyes are for, and what do you think goes on in these halls? Let me know!
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