wolf-na · 19 days
wolf keum – eye twitch
summary : “can’t you believe what you see?” you’re best friends with wolf but your feelings for him are a burden to carry all by yourself. what happens when you actually confess?
genre : fluff – angst (i mean… wolf)
warnings : best friends to lovers, angst, fighting, blood, injuries, bad communication, harsh words, jealousy, wolf’s a bit ooc, stalking because wolf’s actually obsessed?!?!
author’s note : 1st time writing for weak hero and it had to be for wolf!¡! if you like this pairing i’m considering writing drabbles for them so throw a comment if you’d like to read that!
The hand of the clock moved so slowly you could have ripped your own head off in boredom way too many times to count. You never liked Fridays, probably your second least favorite day of the week after Monday.
Your teacher was speaking, probably explaining a mathematical theory you never once cared about, but it sounded more like gibberish.
To your left, Wolf’s empty seat. He did offer you to skip the last classes of the day —not that he actually attended a single class the last two days, but you refused. Your parents were on your back ever since finding out you failed two tests this month.
You drop your head on your desk and text Wolf that you could just kill yourself at this point. You can almost hear his typical snicker in his reply.
You had been friends with Wolf for years at this point, bonding over a bizarre hobby you both shared. Fighting. Well, it wasn’t bizarre for the two of you, more so a daily activity. But you agreed it was uncommon for most people.
Unlike Wolf, you never tried to pick fights over nothing. But you would always retaliate when someone would challenge you. Sometimes you would fight over a simple snarky comment but, hey, they were asking for it.
And when Wolf joined the Union, people immediately assumed you did too. Donald did offer you a position, always open with the idea of creating a branch for women. You knew it was purely strategic, fully aware of the advantages women could bring to the table, especially for business.
You throw a pretty woman with a tight dress in a room full of old and rich business men and you can be sure that they sign any contract if the woman flirts with them, even just a little.
But you had politely declined the offer, not firmly, knowing that you had to let the window open just a little bit to make sure Wolf could be on Donald’s good side. Instead, you had promised Donald to think about it long and hard but that joining the Union was not part of your plan at the moment.
So, you were not directly part of the Union, but being friends, with one of its most important members, you knew you were kind of affiliated with them.
You’re the first on your feet when the bell rings. School is over and your favorite part of the week just started. The weekend. You pack your bag, say bye to your friends and sprint down the halls, ready to meet with Wolf for your usual Friday evening plans.
Your happiness fizzles out when you don’t spot Wolf’s purple hair amongst the buzzing crowd, nor do you see his bike.
Where the hell is that punk? you think as you pull out your phone.
He texted you ten minutes ago and your face falls at the message :
🐺 😈
last min meeting with donald
i’ll text you when i’m done
Well, it looks like your weekend is off to a rookie start. You just hope Wolf isn’t in trouble. You know he isn’t the best at keeping a low profile —even when Donald demands it, so, even if you know that Wolf wasn’t involved in any big confrontation recently, you can’t help but worry a little.
. . .
You were never a bad student. It doesn’t mean you’ve ever been a great student. You would more so say… good on average. You never planned on going to a prestigious college and your parents never tried that hard to make sure you were amongst the best students. So having them check your test scores every time after failing two exams was more than upsetting.
You grunt in front of the paper sitting on your desk, awaiting an essay that isn’t even interesting. Absentmindedly, your eyes land on your phone. No texts from Wolf. It’s ten at night. You’re about to grab the device, ready to call him when a slight knock on your window makes you drop the phone and jump up in surprise.
Wolf’s on the other side of the glass, a cigarette hanging between his lips as he waves with a tiny smile.
The daggers you send his way for scaring you are soon replaced by a heavy sigh. No bruises or blood on his face, his knuckles are untouched. Nothing bad happened during the meeting, Wolf is fine. You open the window and steal the stick from his mouth, taking a long drag before blowing the smoke directly on his face.
"Are your parents home?"
You chuckle, "Please, why do you keep asking."
Wolf shrugs and he blinks, taking a good look at you. When he comes over —most of the time without warning, it’s usually early in the morning or in the evening to take you out on a night stroll. Wolf has seen you in your pajamas often. But it’s definitely the first time he’s seen that one.
He raises an eyebrow, "Didn’t take you for a princess kind of girl."
Wolf doesn’t think before latching a finger around the strap of your silk nightdress, "Princesses wear dresses like that to bed."
Your heart jumps in your chest at the contact. You two can be close physically, usually when no one you know is around, but this one feels different. You can feel your cheeks warming up and you step back, forcing Wolf to let go of his hold.
"How do you know what princesses wear?" you ask. "Do you watch romcoms in secret?"
Again, he simply shrugs, his eyes lingering on your figure as you open the drawer on your nightstand to pull out an ashtray and sit on your bed, still smoking his cigarette.
"Princesses don’t smoke," he says as he climbs into your bedroom. "Or fight."
"Good thing I’m not a princess then."
Shoes forgotten near the window, bag opened to reveal a few beers and some snacks, Wolf picks a CD and starts a track, jumping on your bed. He is lying down, face by the foot of your bed, occasionally sitting up to drink his beer.
He is quiet and you take that time to observe him, eyes wandering by his features. He has his usual bandages, one on his jaw, another one following his neck line. His face is relaxed, eyes gazing at the ceiling, as if his often clouded brain is now peaceful.
"You’re staring."
You blink, almost choking on your sip, and nudge him with your foot. You absolutely hate when Wolf does that. You don’t know if those glasses give him superpowers but it’s like he always knows when you look at him. Sometimes, you happen to stumble upon one of his fights and it only takes him a second to turn around and spot you.
When he sees you and he is busy fighting random guys on the streets, he often winks, "My supporter’s finally here."
Other times, he lets you finish the fight for him. It only happens when he knows you are strong enough to defeat them and because he never once hid the fact he goes feral when watching you fight. He just loves to see when boys go from confident —they always assume they are stronger than women, to utterly terrified and ashamed when you throw them to the ground. What’s even more exciting is that these boys usually don’t even have enough time to try and touch you that they’re lying on the ground in a puddle of blood.
You sigh, putting your beer can on the nightstand, "How was the meeting?"
And that is when something weird happens. Gaze still locked on the ceiling, you notice how he stiffens, eyes darkening at your question.
"S’alright," Wolf replies.
S’alright? you repeat in your head. Well, that’s a first. Usually, Wolf hardly keeps secrets from you. Of course, if things were sensitively confidential, you knew Wolf would never mention them. But you had already been invited to meetings in the past. Mainly in the beginning, when Donald was trying to recruit you.
Your stomach twists at the way Wolf’s attitude changed in a second. You don’t know what happened but you don’t like what you’re seeing. Wolf is usually so… careless. Even when it comes to the Union. He does the job but he never looks worried.
You can tell something is bothering him. And you hate seeing this. It makes you feel like something really bad could potentially be happening sooner than planned. You sit up, ready to change his mind, "Wanna go out?"
You have this bar you both love to go to, mainly because the owners love you. For an obscure reason, you never dared to ask, too scared to lose that privilege, since you’re not eighteen yet. Well, in a few months but, legally, you’re not allowed in.
You miss the way an almost unseen expression flashes in Wolf’s eyes for less than a second and he shakes his head, "No, I’m good here."
Well, that’s even weirder. Wolf’s always up for a drink at the bar. Actually, he is always up for multiple drinks and you often end on the dance floor after one or two drinks, always begging for Wolf to come with you. You’re not persuasive enough since he’s always sitting on a stool, keeping an eye on you.
And, again, you take a look at him. His eyes are closed now, his breathing is steady and his arms are crossed behind his head. You bite your lower lip at the sight and mentally curse.
It was an eternal battle with yourself to face your feelings for Wolf. Because they settled in your heart insidiously, like a secret your own brain was unaware of. At first, you only thought it was because he looked pretty. Because he did. Amongst the girls in high school, it was always « If only he wasn’t such a psycho, I could fall for him ». Except you knew more than the psycho about Wolf.
He likes to read, alone or with you, and you still perfectly remember the shock on your face the day Wolf mentioned wanting to go to the library with you. You were astounded. Even more when he actually did go, breezing through the library’s alleys and reading back cover after back cover until he settled on a book.
He likes to go eat with you, always okay with whatever place you pick and he is always down to try the weirdest looking dish on the menu.
He remembers everything you tell him. From the strange dreams you’ve had the night before, the next tatoo you plan on getting, your favorite snack and the names of the people who ever messed with you.
And, even if you know he doesn’t talk much, he is always there. You know you can always count on him for anything.
You drop your head back, feeling conflicted. You will have to confess. The feelings are eating you alive, burning and choking you when you barely start to think about them. But you know you might lose him when you do confess.
Wolf doesn’t seem interested in dating. Hell, even flirting seems to bore him out of his mind. You’ve noticed how women try to engage a conversation whenever you go out to the bar. Every time, his eyes leave you to land on the stranger. Every time, he blinks, says something you can never hear because you are too far, the woman blushes in embarrassment and walks away. Then, he sips his drink and looks back at you.
Sometimes, the delusional part of yourself thinks it’s because of you. He likes to tease you about how much you look at him. But he does the same. You may not be as good to spot his eyes on you every time but you catch him often.
Somewhere in your mind, the hope that Wolf may feel things for you exists. And as exciting as it is, it’s just as dangerous. You know Wolf isn’t one to sit on things he wants to say or do. If he does like you, a part of you knows it would be completely out of character for him to stay silent. Wolf is not a passive person, quite the opposite.
That is also why you need to confess. Because you’d rather rip the bandage quickly and be rejected than to keep living in the fantasy that blossoms more and more each day.
It is probably going to hurt. Your heart already aches at the possibility of Wolf turning on his heels and erasing you from his life altogether. But unrequited love always hurts harder in the long run if kept quiet.
You have to confess. But not tonight. No, tonight you want to enjoy his presence a little longer.
. . .
You’ve spent every night with Wolf this past week. Which is strange because Wolf usually likes his alone time.
And, every night, you told yourself you would confess. Only to chicken out. You would start talking, look up to see Wolf’s eyes already on you and a wave of regret would choke the words down your throat.
The breeze blows stronger now that you are on the highest hill of the park. The heavy clouds rapidly moving into the night sky forced the few people already there to pack their stuff and leave.
It’s going to rain, you can feel it.
Something electric lingers in the air, you have to confess now. After spending a whole week with Wolf —he even attended more classes, you can’t stand what’s happening inside of you anymore. The way your stomach twists and your heart races, it just hurts.
Wolf is leaning against the railing, back facing you, as he smokes a cigarette.
You take a deep breath, "Wolf."
"Ah, are you finally gonna say what’s been on your mind all week?"
Touché. You know Wolf is smart and never bought your excuses every time you pretended what you wanted to say wasn’t important. Or that it slipped your mind.
Wolf turns around, eyes boring into yours and it feels like there is no distance between you both. But there is. You would have to take a good five steps to be standing in front of him. So why does it feel like he is right there, so close that your breathing picks up and that you feel your throat tightening.
You can’t back down anymore. Not this time. You tried to make the feelings go away, persuading yourself you were making things up. To no avail. You like him.
Fuck what happens next, you’re prepared for the worst.
"I like you."
A heavier breeze hits your face when the words leave your mouth, carrying the echoes of your confession into the sky.
That’s it, you said it. It’s too late to back out now.
Wolf’s eyes twitch for a second before he blinks once. No, twice. A silence that lasts for longing seconds fills the distance. You watch him, noticing how he seems to be struggling with something. His lips tremble, as if wanting to say something, and a veil cover his eyes.
Suddenly, you wonder. Did he really understand what you just said? Saying you like someone doesn’t necessarily mean in a romantic way. You like all of your friends and are never scared to tell them.
You scratch your throat, "I—I meant, hm, not just as a… friend—"
"Yeah, I got that."
Wolf’s voice is as sharp as ice when he interrupts you. It’s as harsh as your mother’s hand colliding against your cheek.
That is a good thing you prepared yourself for the worst case scenario. Because it looks like it’s becoming real.
The veil that was covering his eyes vanishes and his gaze darkens. It is the first time Wolf has ever looked at you this way, your blood turns cold at the sight.
The next minute is probably the worst in your life, as Wolf spits terrifying words at your face.
"You think I didn’t know before?"
You can’t stop the blush warming up your face. You didn’t think it was so easy to read you.
"I thought you were smarter than this, honestly," he says with a snicker. "I don’t need friends, even less a girlfriend."
Okay, you weren’t expecting such harsh words. What does he mean he doesn’t need friends? Was your friendship with Wolf a product of your imagination? It couldn’t be. You never forced him to hang out with you, he was actually the one to approach you first, years ago, after seeing you defeating three boys at once.
"I hang out with you because Donald wants you in the Union," he reveals. "Not because I want to."
A part of you knows Wolf is blatantly lying to you. You were friends before he joined the Union. You were also certain that Wolf was glad the day you refused to join the Union. He never said anything out loud but being a part of the Union meant risking your life every day because the stakes were higher than random fights at school or in the streets of Seoul.
And yet, Wolf said what he said. That he was never your friend and was obeying Donald’s orders. What if it was all true, in the end? Because Wolf had proven to be manipulative when it could benefit him or the Union.
Your world came crashing down with the first light rain drops falling on the ground. Even if Wolf’s words were lies —you could still hope all of this was just a nightmare, they hurt. Next to this, a few punches in the face would feel nice and comforting.
Wolf didn’t like you back and chose to spit hatred at your face instead.
A feeling of rage melted with the pain and sorrow. Tears were threatening to fill your eyes but you couldn’t cry now. Not in front of him.
You glare at him, "There was no need to talk to me like that."
Wolf’s eyes twitch again. He has seen you glaring at people in the past. He has seen you seething harsh words at people. But never at him. You were always nice, a bit playful, mostly attentive and caring, even in the smallest of actions.
Now, you’re looking at him like he is an enemy.
"You could’ve just said you didn’t like me back."
But he can hear the way your voice slightly breaks, he can see your eyes glistening.
You turn around, not waiting to see if he wants to reply, and walk away. He’s said enough, ripping your heart in half. He won the fight and you choose to process the defeat far away from him.
. . .
You think the warning of rain in the sky was actually a warning for rain in your heart. Because the clouds are shyly dropping cold beads of water on the pavement but not enough to need an umbrella.
No, the real rain comes from your heart and flows through your eyes. No matter how hard you try to stop the tears, they just keep coming, over and over again.
You feel so weak, so stupid to have ever thought confessing to Wolf was a great idea. You were expecting a rejection. But this one was harsh. So harsh that your friendship with him was thrown in the flames, burning into ashes spread around by the wind.
Until nothing was left anymore.
You replay your friendship with him as you walk down the streets. All those nights he came to your place, climbing into your bedroom with drinks and snacks, lying down on your bed with a book in his hands. The nights you would patch him up after a fight, cleaning his wounds and cursing him for fighting endlessly. The times you would open your bag in school to find a new book in it with a note inside, Wolf would buy those he thought you’d like.
Was it always fake on his part? Was it just part of Donald’s plan to get you in the Union? What if Donald had promised a huge load of money to Wolf if he ever got you to join? After all, those small actions just meant he knew you well, understood what you liked and what you needed to be trustful.
Maybe it was always fake, you think as a whimper inevitably escapes your lips.
"Hey, pretty, why’re you crying?"
You stop at the masculine voice. Who dares speak to you when you are literally going through a heartbreak? You really don’t have the strength to snap at anyone right now.
"Come here, baby," the man says again. "I promise you’ll be the happiest girl when I take care of you."
You don’t even look at the man, ignoring the alarming sirens that boom in your head when you hear the laughters of two other men.
Nothing will happen to you if you just keep walking. These men just like to mess with girls because they need a distraction. Also because they are incredibly stupid. Who thinks hitting on a woman in the street is going to get them anywhere?
You start walking again but the man calls out for you again, "Hey, hey!" Next thing you know, he is standing in front of you.
He is tall, extremely tall, very muscular and carries a disturbingly large smile on his face. Your heart slightly drops in your chest. You know you’re a great fighter but he appears way too strong.
His two friends pop up behind him, sporting equally disturbing smiles as they eye you up and down.
"We’re going to a club, you should come," the first man says. "I promise you won’t be crying no more if you hang out with us."
Rage bubbles in your chest again. Does it look like you want to go to a club with a bunch of strangers? You just want to cry in peace.
"Leave me alone."
The three men share an intrigued glance and the tallest one claps his hands, "Feisty, I like it."
Oh god, they aren’t giving up, you think. You just want to go home, you don’t know what else you have to do to show them you aren’t interested by them.
"I want you even more now," he says, his fingers wiping the dried tears on your cheek.
The physical contact is so sudden, so unexpected, that you freeze on the ground. Did he just touch you? Did he really just do that?
Your fighting style has always been completely different than Wolf’s. Wolf goes straight into it, punching and kicking with all his will, definitely not scared of what his opponent might strike him with.
You, on the other hand, like to think things through. You rarely hit first because it is often the weakest strategy. Instead, you like to let your opponent throw the first punches, dodging them so it gives you enough time to analyze their fighting style.
But that man just touched you. He laid his fingers on your face, stroking your skin as if you belonged to him. He may look stronger but you are enraged, mind clouded with tears and pain.
Fuck strategies, you don’t even think before pushing his hand away and slapping him across the face with all your strength.
The blow is so strong the man stumbles on his own feet and the sizzling sound of your palm colliding with his cheek bounces against the walls.
You can leave now. They learned their lesson.
Or maybe not.
You’re thrown into a dark alley a few seconds later.
For ten minutes, you try to fight back as much as you can. But your first observation was the right one, they are stronger than you. And your mind is too out of it. You didn’t want to fight tonight, that wasn’t your plan.
You just wanted to confess to your best friend, when you still hoped he would confess as well.
Now, you’re scarred, face and knuckles seeping with blood, slightly limping and latching your fingers on the ripped hem of your top.
You don’t notice Jake, Dean and Timothy drinking in front of a convenience store when you walk past them.
They see you, though. And they are quick to understand that the three boys who walked away a few minutes earlier, spitting insults about a girl as they grunted in pain —one of them holding onto his arm as he had a visibly dislocated shoulder, were talking about you.
"Damn, she can really fight," Dean says as they watch you disappear around the corner.
"She isn’t first in the girls’ Shuttle Patch for nothing," Timothy notes.
. . .
You didn’t go to school for three days after that incident. Your parents saw the state you were in and didn’t even try to fight you. They didn’t know what to do with you anyways.
Your body was aching but it was nothing compared to the pain in your chest. Your mind was playing games with you, constantly flashing images of Wolf, reminding you of his last words and the disdain in his eyes.
How long will it take for you to move on? It is impossible to tell. But, with each awake second, the pain is growing, choking you with tears.
Wolf didn’t listen to a word Donald said during the meeting. He didn’t see you for three days, nor did anyone see you at school.
He recalled what happened almost two weeks ago.
Wolf was perched on the roof of Ganghak, waiting for Hwangmo. Looking down, he saw you walking out of the school as your eyes scanned your surroundings. He noticed the way you shoulders lowered when you checked your phone.
You didn’t need to know what he was doing.
When Hwangmo finally showed up on the roof, Wolf didn’t waste a second and pulled out his phone.
"See this number?" Wolf gestured for the unknown contact. "I want you to find who they are."
Hwangmo nodded, typing down the contact on his phone. But he was unsettled. Why did Wolf need help for that? If he had issues with someone, Wolf never hesitated to go give them a beating. What was different this time?
"What’s with them?"
Wolf let out a sigh, locking his phone before his eyes could look at the texts sent by that unknown number.
"They’re threatening (Y/N)."
And that is why he rejected you that night. He didn’t think before the worst words escaped his mouth. Because he knew exactly what to say to make sure you would turn around and not look back.
He considered telling you what was going on. Multiple times. After all, you worked as a pair. But he didn’t because they were trying to get to him. Warning you would have only caused a bigger issue. He knew you could fight back, he just didn’t know what these people were capable of.
If they had been threatening him, Wolf wouldn’t have cared one bit. You, it was different. So he pushed you away, thinking it could be the solution to make sure nothing would happen to you.
"Hey, do you know who these guys were?"
Wolf blinks, pulled out of his thoughts by Jake’s voice. He grimaces at him, "What’re you talking about?"
"Those who attacked (Y/N)."
The world spins when Wolf understands why you didn’t come to school for three days. Were you attacked… No, Wolf couldn’t think it had happened right after the last time he saw you.
Jake awkwardly scratches the back of his head, "Is there trouble in paradise between you two? She… didn’t tell you?"
Wolf doesn’t say anything about Jake’s innuendo. Most of the people in the Union —or who knows you and Wolf, think you have been dating for a while now. Wolf never minded and even less tried to correct anyone. He liked to know nobody would try to flirt with you. It took him some time to understand why he liked that people stayed away from you.
No, Wolf is fuming when his eyes land on Jake, "When and where? How many were they?"
. . .
You’re a great fighter and you’re used to the bruises and cuts but you can’t help the grunt out of your throat when you have to lift the heavy trash bag to throw it into the container of your building.
Dragging your feet onto the pavement, you just want to go back into your house and lock yourself in your bedroom. You’ve been binge watching animes for the last four days and you don’t plan on stopping anytime soon.
You stop dead in your tracks when you spot Wolf outside of your house, leaning against your bedroom window. For how long has he been here? You walked out just two minutes ago to take out the trash. You should have heard his bike.
But, then, you notice his appearance. His hair is messier than usual, his eyes glazed and skin covered in blood, lower lip busted, scratch on his cheek and knuckles. He just got out of a fight, you think.
If he wants you to take care of him, he can go fuck himself. What the hell is he doing here in the first place, has he lost his mind? Did he forget what he told you last time?
Whatever, I just have to walk past him, you tell yourself.
Wolf, on the other hand, is taking in your appearance. You’re wearing your « lazy » pajamas, as you like to call them. An oversized tshirt and shorts. He’s seen you in those a lot. Big bags under your eyes, Wolf knows it means you didn’t sleep much these past few days.
And then he sees the bruises. All over your arms, some on your legs, but the worst one is around your neck. These bastards choked you, Wolf knows.
Your eyes gaze past him and you start walking with your heart thudding in your chest. Just a few steps and you will be inside your house. Just a few steps and you can pretend he was never there in the first place.
Wolf stands up and blocks the way, standing in front of you.
Wolf doesn’t budge, instead pointing a finger at you, "What’s this?"
"Makeup," you snark, finally letting your eyes connect with his. "I’m considering a career in special effects."
His jaw clenches at your sarcastic tone, that is something he’s always liked. Not now, though.
"Now, if you’ll excuse me," you say as you step aside to walk past him, "I have stuff to do."
Wolf pulls you back by the wrist and you hiss in pain, terror flashing in your eyes when you notice Wolf’s cold gaze on you, "You thought I wouldn’t find out?"
You yank your wrist away, "What the fuck do you want, Wolf?"
Silence settles between you both. You see the same expression on Wolf’s face, the one he carried when you confessed. The one you didn’t understand. But, honestly, you’re done with him. What brings him here?
"Can’t you just let me be?" you rage. "Didn’t you do enough last time? Wanna go at it again?"
"You’re so fucking dumb sometimes, Y/N."
That’s when you lose it. For the second time this week, you attack first. How dare he call you dumb when you’re just… sad and confused?
Wolf, who’s good at predicting when and where people will hit, is struck by lightning when your palm comes in contact with his cheek. He had never experienced your strength. Now he knows why you’re so good at fighting.
In the blink of an eye, you’re pressed against a wall with Wolf’s hands on your shoulders.
"How dare you call me dumb?" you growl, desperately trying to push him away. But he is too strong. "Why are you here? What’s your fucking problem!"
Wolf doesn’t express feelings often. Besides anger. That he knows how to express. It’s easy, all he has to do is count to three. You, on the other hand, bring other feelings into action. Feelings he doesn’t understand himself.
But seeing how determined you are to get out of his grasp, you who’s always so keen to be gentle to him, is enraging.
He snaps, "I didn’t fucking mean what I said last time!"
Your heart stops at his words but isn’t it too late now? You relax against his hands but a snicker fills the silence, "Right, of fucking course."
Wolf blinks in confusion, you’re smirking and rolling your eyes at him. You’re… making fun of him.
The surprise causes him to relax his grasp and you slightly push him away, "You can go fuck yourself, Wolf."
He won’t let you go away so easily. No, instead, he pushes you back against the wall and you barely have time to understand what’s happening that you feel one of his arms wrapping around your waist and one of his hands resting against your cheek.
Your heart jumps to your throat and you gasp when he crashes his lips on yours.
His lips are chapped and you can taste the blood on the tip of your tongue but you can’t help but melt into his embrace. You hum against him, using one hand to pull him even closer by the collar of his shirt as you let your other hand grab his hair.
He groans into your mouth, kissing you more feverishly, tightening his grasp on your waist. You know you’ll have a bruise shaped like his fingers tomorrow morning.
It feels so good, you don’t want this moment to ever stop. There is a clear fight for dominance as your lips clash and you bite his lower lip, pulling on the flesh. He kisses you harder after that.
Wolf is kissing you, you’re kissing him. It feels so good but, then, his words echoe in your brain.
"I hang out with you because Donald wants you in the Union. Not because I want to."
Wolf breathes into your neck, biting the skin under your ear before licking his mark.
"I don’t need friends, even less a girlfriend."
He is kissing your collarbone, you shiver and your heart flips in your chest. It feels so good to have him like that, you wrapped around him as he touches you in places you’ve fantasized about for way too long.
But you push him away.
He looks at you in confusion and you don’t linger on his lips, they’re swollen and you don’t want the memory to ever be engraved in your mind.
"I… You can’t be doing that," you pant with trembling lips. "Maybe you didn’t mean what you said but I can’t fucking forget those words."
You walk back into your house before Wolf even has time to understand what just happened.
. . .
For the next two weeks, you barely cross paths with Wolf.
Well, you try not to but it’s like he is everywhere you are.
First, he attends more classes. You wouldn’t go as far as to say he is here every day of the week. But you notice the surprise on your teachers faces when they spot his purple hair in the classroom more and more over the past two weeks.
He tends to go more to the cafeteria as well, followed by Hwangmo and Hayden.
Next thing you know, the whole school whispers about you two in the hallways. Because you are seen in the same place but never together. The rumors of a potential breakup —wait did they really think we were dating?, keep everyone on the edge of their seat but you pretend not to hear a thing.
And when you are out with friends, you know he is somewhere amongst the crowd. You never try to look for him but it’s like your eyes can’t help but fall on him.
Because a part of you misses him. Those past two weeks stretched to feel like an eternity. The memories of Wolf definitely hold a sour taste now —mixed with the pain inflicted, but your heart still flutters at the simple thought of him.
You can’t erase his arm around your waist, his lips on yours, kissing you like you provided him with oxygen, unlocking a new addiction.
You check your reflection in the mirror one last time, fixing the strap of your dress and you leave your house. You planned to go out for drinks with your girl friends, knowing just the bar that would let you all in.
The owner greets you warmly when you walk in and your nostrils flare at the smell of alcohol mixed with sweat and strong cologne.
You lean towards the bar and fist bumps the owner as she speaks, pointing a finger to her left, "Wolf’s already there!"
A dragged sigh escapes your lips when you see Wolf sitting on a stool, carelessly toying with his drink. Your friends grimace at your sudden blank face and they shake their heads when you sprint towards the purple haired boy.
Wolf turns around when someone taps his shoulder. He bats his eyelashes a little faster, eyeing you up and down.
"Can you stop being everywhere I go?"
His eyes linger where your dress stops, mid thigh, and he gulps. He still carries his usual smug, though, and you’re too annoyed to notice the effect you have on him.
He licks his lips as he makes eye contact with you, "Princess dress again, uh?"
He doesn’t have the right to give that type of look. That’s the type of thing that only happens in movies, the type of scene that would have you screaming in your pillow before you’d start internally complaining that this never happens in real life.
You want to punch that smirk off his face, "This isn’t funny, Wolf. You can’t erase everything by acting like a stalker."
What you don’t know, though, is that Wolf keeps an eye on you because the three boys who attacked you last time were not those who threatened to come after you.
He made the mistake to let you be by yourself once, he isn’t about to make the same mistake twice.
Wolf’s smirk vanishes and he blinks, "You’re pretty."
Suddenly, you don’t know how to breathe anymore. His voice had been soft, such a contrast compared to the last times you exchanged words with him. You want to believe him so bad. So bad.
Because you know Wolf can manipulate others but would he go that far? It was clear you wouldn’t join the Union anytime soon. Especially not after what had recently happened. And Wolf was smart enough to know that fixing your relationship wouldn’t change your mind on that.
Wolf can tell your mind is racing, he knows because you always do this thing with your eyebrows when you’re deep in thought. He wants to know what you think, hell, he wants you to stop thinking and start believing him.
He hates how you avoid him because you’ve always been such a safe person for him. Even he needs a break here and there. You were always there to provide that for him, even when he was fighting.
He tries to reach for your hand but you turn around and walk away, somewhere between anger and on the verge of tears.
"Let’s go," you deadpan, "I don’t wanna be here anymore."
"What?! No, come on, Y/N," Minji pouts.
"Please… I don’t feel good."
Yujin raises an eyebrow, "Hey, we don’t know what happened between you and Wolf. You don’t have to say a thing about it if you don’t want to."
No, you don’t want to. Everything in your head is twisting and nothing makes sense anymore. How did things end up so terribly, anyway? If only you had kept your damn mouth shut, you wouldn’t be in this situation.
"There’s nothing to say, I just don’t know if anything with him was ever fucking real."
"Yo, stop acting like such a pick-me," Minji warned. "We hate those, remember?"
"Yeah, I don’t get why you think it wasn’t real?" Yujin says with a chuckle. "Wolf’s been obsessed with you forever."
"Preach!" Minji wooed, giving Yujin a high five. "I think you’ve been blind too long cause boy only ever had eyes for you." She looks away for a second before shivering, "It was a bit creepy at times, if I can be honest."
Yujin pushes you to the side, "Just go talk to him. Like talk for real."
The two girls push you even further and you know you’ll have no other choice but to confront him. But what is there to say? Can you two fix things?
Deep down, you’re terrified to forgive him but hold a tiny piece of grudge on the inside. Because that’s what could cause your relationship to break in the long run. Wouldn’t it be best to end things right now?
Your heart aches at the thought. Because you want things to get fixed. Hell, you’d rather go back to just being friends with him if it meant moving on from what had happened.
You take small steps, unsure of how to approach him now. Knowing Wolf, he could just laugh at your face for breaking so easily.
A woman is sitting next to him, leaning forward with the most flirtatious smile you have ever seen. The way your heartbeats speed is unmatched and you can feel yourself glaring at her from where you’re standing.
Wolf’s eyes flicker to you and you don’t waste a second, latching a hand around his wrist and tugging him away from there.
This time, you’re walking with a purpose and you roll your eyes when you hear Wolf snickering behind you. He can judge you all he wants, you’re walking out of this place with him.
You squint your eyes when the cold breeze hits your face but you don’t halt your footsteps, the streets are too crowded, you need to be alone with Wolf.
"Ah, where’s the princess taking me?"
"Shut up."
Wolf laughs a little louder, "Bossy, even with me."
Finally, you find the perfect place. An empty kids’ playground. Wolf raises his eyebrows when you drag him there. You release the grip you have on his wrist and point a finger at a swing, "Sit there."
Again, that is the first time Wolf experiences this side of you. He knows you have a tendency to dominate and that you like to feel in control of everything. The funny thing is, Wolf is like that too, but none of you ever tried to be in control of the friendship. As if you both naturally balanced each other out.
Usually, Wolf hates being told what to do. He doesn’t know why it does something different to him when it’s coming from you.
And it does something to you when Wolf sits down without batting an eye. Your mind wanders at the sight of him, oh how easy would it be to take just a few steps and lock your arms around his shoulders. He would lift his chin up to make eye contact and you would only have to lean in a little to feel his lips on yours again.
Oh god, just focus, you think. You cross your arms over your chest, "Explain yourself."
The smugness stretching his features is replaced by something more serious. His eyes leave yours and land on something random behind you as his breathing picks up. Just a little but it’s enough for you to notice.
You know it’s best for you to wait, Wolf isn’t one to talk much and you know you’re asking for a lot. But your mind runs wild with the possibilities.
"There’s nothing to explain."
Oh yeah, you should have expected that. Typical Wolf. You’re glaring, the words coming out sharply out of your mouth, "Why did you lie?"
Another beat of silence and you’re growing more fed up by the minute, "Did you even fucking lie?"
"You don’t need to know."
"Are you serious right now?!" you scoff and you groan when Wolf’s blank expression doesn’t budge. "I can’t fucking believe you, do I have to… beg you?"
"Don’t bother," he deadpans, before a smirk tugs his lips. "As tempting as it sounds."
You ignore his last words, "Then why are you following me around?!" you ask in frustration. "Do you… do you actually want us to be friends again?"
Wolf gives you an unimpressed look, "No."
You’re completely out of words, what is wrong with him. Is he serious right now?
"Y/N, I can’t kiss my friends."
You throw daggers at him with your eyes, "Stop, this isn’t funny."
"I’m not joking."
"I don’t believe you," you reply in a heartbeat. "One day you say you were never friends with me, now you say you want to kiss me. What am I supposed to believe, uh?"
Wolf is so done with you at this point. It was funny seeing you act stubborn for a few minutes, now he wants you to look at him. He leans forward, grabbing your wrist and pulling you towards him forcefully.
You gasp in surprise, forced to press your arms against in chest to avoid falling face first into him.
"Can’t you just believe what you see?" Wolf asks in a whisper.
Time stills when you finally look down and focus on him. Your heart skips a beat when his arms lock around your waist, securing your body against his. You could die for his eyes, the way they’re traveling between your eyes and your lips, twitching behind his glasses.
And you recall all those times you caught his eyes on you.
One day, you were stretching after PE class and Wolf was waiting for you on the bleachers because you had planned to ditch maths class afterwards. When you made eye contact, you barely noticed how his eyes twitched before he blinked.
Another day, you were reading in a park, enjoying the sunlight, when your attention was drawn to a couple walking their dog. Honestly, the dog was the cutest thing you’d seen all day and you were literally fawning over the little fur ball. You felt Wolf’s eyes on you and looked at him with the biggest smile on your face. Again, his eyes twitched.
One time, Wolf was at your house, sitting on your desk chair with a towel wrapped around his shoulders. You were reading the instructions on the box of hair dye. It was the first time you were doing this and your heart was hammering in your chest with fear. You really didn’t want to mess this up. You knew you were just touching up his roots but it still felt like an incredibly important task. When you looked at the mirror, Wolf’s eyes were already on you.
Maybe you’ve been blind all these years. Because it feels like you just put together all the pieces of the puzzle. You always wondered how Wolf was able to feel your eyes on him. Could it be because his own eyes were always settled on you?
Your friends words resonate, the rumors at school, the way strangers always looked at you both, how boys never dared to approach you.
Wolf is holding you so close it feels like your bodies could actually melt together. Your heart is racing and you can feel your stomach twisting and flipping around.
You have to kiss him now. If you don’t, you feel like you’ll run out of oxygen. So you do.
You press your lips against his and you fold when you feel Wolf kissing you back instantly. His hands tighten around your waist, grabbing you so strongly you wonder if his fingers didn’t just go through the fabric of your dress to burn your flesh.
Your lips move slowly, much slower than the first time you kissed, and you let the tip of your tongue touch his bottom lip. Wolf’s mouth slightly opens and a low grunts echoes into your mouth when you start playing with his hair.
This sound of his becomes your favorite, causing you to kiss him harder. Wolf picks up your pace, chasing your lips like a thirsty man.
His hand slowly travels down your body, sending shivers down your spine when his fingers brush against your ass before grabbing the back of your thigh.
You pull away from his lips with a gasp, eyes opened wide. You can already feel yourself blushing, his hand latched around your naked skin like that was where it always belonged.
Wolf’s eyes are half opened but you’re ready to lose all self control when he quite literally bites his lower lip at the sight of your swollen lips, "I really like that dress."
You’re full-on red at this point and you drop your head in the crook of his neck with a chuckle and you can feel him smiling.
You teasingly bump your nose against his when you finally look at him, heart jumping in your throat when Wolf leans forward, brushing your lips with the clear desire to kiss you again.
Fuck, he wants me that bad? you think before you give in, pressing your lips together for a few seconds.
A choked moan is swallowed by Wolf’s throat when you feel his thumb stroking your thigh and you pull away for good before it all becomes too much. You’re outside and he is touching like there is no tomorrow.
You scratch your throat and step back, missing the way Wolf is looking at you. You’re too busy fixing the strap of your dress and soothing the beating of your heart to see Wolf’s stunned eyes and partially opened mouth.
But you do see the way his eyes twitch when you finally make eye contact.
"Wanna go eat?" you offer with a tiny smile dangling on your lips.
He nods before he can even think to breathe.
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wolf-na · 8 months
I am currently writing a Chishiya x OC story and you can already find the first fifteen chapters on wattpad!
Would you maybe like for me to post the chapters on here as well?
" so... that means no coffee for me? "
KAORI was planning on doing what she does every single day. Until fireworks and a strange blackout brought her onto a place where she would have to play some twisted games to survive.
" i don't know who's in charge of this... whatever this place is, but you should consider dropping a coffee machine every now and then. you know, for the sanity of us down here! "
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wolf-na · 1 year
howlite — chishiya
hello aib fans!! just for information, i am currently writing a chishiya x oc story on wattpad and i would loooove to have some feedbacks! 4 chapters have been posted already
here is the summary :
" so... that means no coffee for me? "
KAORI was planning on doing what she does every single day. Until fireworks and a strange blackout brought her onto a place where she would have
" i don't know who's in charge of this... whatever this place is, but you should consider dropping a coffee machine every now and then. you know, for the sanity of us down here! "
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wolf-na · 2 years
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i love you seb.
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wolf-na · 2 years
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Thank for making me fall in love with this sport Seb, we love you 💗
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wolf-na · 2 years
seb: *creates an instagram account*
us: omg exciting new project, can't wait!!
seb: i'm retiring
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wolf-na · 2 years
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“There is no reason not to be motivated. You cannot always be the best. But you can do your best.” — Sebastian Vettel
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wolf-na · 2 years
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"Love you, man"
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wolf-na · 2 years
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463 notes · View notes
wolf-na · 2 years
MICK SCHUMACHER is delighted to find out he was named Driver of the Day at the 2022 Austrian GP
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wolf-na · 2 years
Will there be a part three of amazing?? Loved the two first parts!
Yessss! I’m currently working on it!
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wolf-na · 2 years
what are you talking about f1 is literally the nr1 straight fuckboy "sport" 😭
Is it tho
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wolf-na · 2 years
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just seb being pretty :)
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wolf-na · 2 years
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121 notes · View notes
wolf-na · 2 years
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2009 // 2022
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wolf-na · 2 years
I drew Charles and well I hope it looks fine 🤷🏼‍♀️
Forza Ferrari
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Reference photo:
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wolf-na · 2 years
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you can’t make old friends [part i / part ii] // ribs, lorde // the knowing, sharon olds // two slow dancers, mitski // old friends, simon & garfunkel // you are jeff, richard siken // 8 feb. 1927 - letter to vita sackville-west, virginia woolf // old friends, coldplay
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