thediscardedone · 3 years
Exerpt from a story I'll never write #1
The Clover
I gazed at her, wanderlust in my eyes as she incessantly combed through the fields of green at her feet for an anomaly in the fray. Her eyebrows raised and her face lit up. A wry smile enveloped the right side of her face as I sat there scanning every wrinkle of her skin. Every mound and curve. And boy... were there mounds and curves. Almost high on a feeling that could be called lust but also something else, I asked if she'd found one. She caught my gaze.
"Were you even looking?" She asked mischievously.
My wide open mouth turned into a sheepish grin.
"Yeah, yeah. I was looking..."
She raised an eyebrow.
"Looking at what?"
I responded by looking deep into her eyes for the first time since she started talking. She held my gaze for what seemed like an eternity. Looking into my soul. Trying to determine if I was just trying to be smooth or genuinely sincere. Whether I was just looking for a fuck like the others or something more. Her face shifted from a pale white to a deep red, ears almost glowing. So close I could feel the heat radiating off her skin, her warm breath evaporating into the crisp night air. She got up and turned around in one fluid motion, her hands flying to her face as she started bounding toward her dorm room. She had the answer to her question.
I spent the rest of the night outside. On the floor. Alone. A feeling I was very familiar with. My gut was filled with a sort of turbulent energy that I usually used as a precursor to an upcoming turbulent time in my life. I'd named it the "energy of potential". The following morning I walked back to my dorm room, hands empty.
On that cool mid November evening, we weren't Lucky enough to find the four leafed clover we were looking for. But somehow, we found something even more rare.
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