thebigcjart · 4 days
THIS ACTUALLY!!!! If people understood this everyone would be SO much more organized!! Imagine the fanfic tagging potential! Almost everything I write is pretty much exclusively level 1 but my main UT fic moves between them stepwise due to some level 3 stuff that messes with the narrative
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it came to my realization that 99% of my fandom related headaches would be cured if everyone understood this
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thebigcjart · 8 days
Yeah i have a dark past (being 13). Just an absolutely horrible backstory (being 13). It would keep you up at night if i told you about it (i was 13 one time)
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thebigcjart · 8 days
being OCpilled is so fucking mortifying honestly. like oh... yeah..... heres my guy. i invented him. i can't think about anything else except for him this week. but he isn't cool or anything. he actually sucks. im just ill.
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thebigcjart · 8 days
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thebigcjart · 8 days
“Why should rich people pay more” because fuck ‘em
“So you are okay for paying more when you have money” I am not excluded from ‘fuck ‘em’ when relevant
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thebigcjart · 10 days
No context for you guys but in my UT fic there will be an AU inside it in which grown up Asriel becomes a sniper
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thebigcjart · 22 days
Swamped with homework and trying my darndest to graduate, but as soon as things ease up I’ve got a Dave hero mode cooking up then I think I’ll try to sprite up some fankids for this fansession I’ve been brewing. Which also ties into another related project that’s only like a quarter done.
Big things y’all
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thebigcjart · 23 days
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thebigcjart · 27 days
Hey, welcome to my blob!
This is the official art/adjacent sideblog for @thebigcj. Here is where I will be posting my art (among other assorted procrastinations)! I am a newbie artist, I mean ofc I've been around a while, so I've done a whole bunch of worse art in the past, but this is sort of like the next step, y'know?
You can call me w/e (as long as it's not "late for dinner", I don't cotton to liars). Pronouns are he but not him, because I'll never be him (whatevs is also fine but keep in mind I am v masc for an NB).
I am v v into Homestuck atm so p much 90% of my stuff will be HS related, but I also plan on doing other things and my own stuff. I have an original series on Webtoon called Super Fish Legs. It was made (and abandoned) several years ago, but now I have an excuse to get back into it!
Here I will also be posting some original content related infodumps and nerd rants (I am quite aurtistic), including but not limited to; OC worldbuilding, HS fansessions, discussing techniques and constructive criticism, and various other things instead of doing my homework!
A lot of my early stuff will be kinda mid (except for Shitty Karkat; the skrunkly) so follow so you can watch my progress as an artist! This is just a mild hobby so don't expect frequent updates (unless I am in ADHD Hyperfocus Overdrive)
Here are some tags I frequently use!
#cj does art - I do art
#cj infodumps - I infodump, but sometimes… I just regular talk
#ask cj - PLEASE bother me with questions and statements, I will try to respond to as many as possible
#fanfic chat - Talking about fanfiction; will most likely just end up being my own.
#art wip - Art that is work-in-progress
#cj style - Art that is done in my art style, but that will change drastically as I do not have a set “style” yet.
#cannon style - Art that is styled as closely as my skill allows to the source material; in the case of Homestuck, this specifically refers to sprites.
#hero mode - Art that is styled as closely as my skill allows to the Homestuck frame style called Hero Mode. Not necessarily Homestuck characters but pretty much just Homestuck characters
#ms paint - Art that is made on Microsoft Paint (Windows 10)
#[art program name] - Art that is made on [art program]
#physical art - Art that is drawn on paper and photographed
#mouse art - Duh
#Tablet art - Also Duh
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thebigcjart · 27 days
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First hero mode goes to Nepeta! Always been a fan of Nepeta :33 so this is my first shot at doing hero mode art. I think it turned out pretty well, I am especially proud of lower half; I did the jacket and pants wonderfully, I just need some practice on making the top half align. That and her smile feels like way early Homestuck and that is cool.
Some things to improve on for the next ones:
Make facing angle/direction consistent throughout the piece
Fix head/face proportions
Maybe stylize more? I took most of the head details from the sprite and it was mostly the clothes that were referenced from some HM panels. Either get closer to the style I'm emulating or take more artistic liberties
Fiddle with the hair; it'll just take practice
Horns, for obv reasons
:33 < if anyfang, just get gud lmao
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thebigcjart · 27 days
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thebigcjart · 27 days
The main difference between this one and Shitty Karkat is I was using the brush feature to make him while I used the pixel pencil for June and honestly it matches the cannon style so much better
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June Egbert; Heiress of Breath
Classes are supposed to be one syllable each, so maybe "Lass" is more appropriate but idek. I did this sprite free-hand and I'm honestly p proud of how it came out. Not as proud as I was of shitty Karkat (the skrunkly) but yeah this one is solid. Might try to use sprite templates for cannon-style in the future.
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thebigcjart · 27 days
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June Egbert; Heiress of Breath
Classes are supposed to be one syllable each, so maybe "Lass" is more appropriate but idek. I did this sprite free-hand and I'm honestly p proud of how it came out. Not as proud as I was of shitty Karkat (the skrunkly) but yeah this one is solid. Might try to use sprite templates for cannon-style in the future.
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thebigcjart · 28 days
New art blog just dropped: @thebigcjart
Go drop a follow
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thebigcjart · 28 days
I like long walks on the beach
New art blog just dropped: @thebigcjart
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thebigcjart · 28 days
Wow… Do you wanna get like… coffee or something?
New art blog just dropped: @thebigcjart
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thebigcjart · 28 days
Thank you CJ, I appreciate a shoutout from handsome fellow
New art blog just dropped: @thebigcjart
Go drop a follow
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