the-totoko-fish · 2 years
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commishi for @miian_kotoriin on twitter!! of a beautiful scene with kara inspired in princess tutu🩰💙 commissions info
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the-totoko-fish · 2 years
hewwos! sharing from my main account to let everyone know matsu commissions are cheaper now!! sorry i hadnt been that active in this account tho!! ;; but im still here!!
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You will only have to pay $30usd for a character drawn in the style of osomatsu-san now as I’ve place them alongside cartoon characters since their design is rather simpler than other animes!! if you’re interested you can contact me through this account or my twitter one (I also go as @malyfl0res there)
commissions info  
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the-totoko-fish · 2 years
Can I please squeeze Karamatsu pecs!🙏🙏🙏
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starting off strong huh
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the-totoko-fish · 3 years
Art requests are open again!!
Im gonna be accepting matsuasks since a couple ppl sent me very heart warming messages asking me to accept requests again so here we go!!
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a couple things tho!  ★  im gonna be answering them in my free time, that said it may take me a while to doodle your request but if u cant wait my commissions are still open!  ★ doodles will be done in canon ososan style! since my personal style takes me longer to do and im not so confident in it anymore (´°̥̥̥ω°̥̥̥`) ★ they have to be sfw! i dont wanna get banned orz
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the-totoko-fish · 3 years
Are you still working on the game ? °^°
i've received a lot of asks regarding of the progress of the game and sadly even tho i really want to work on it i hadnt have the time or the inspiration necessary to make big advances (´;ω;`) the best i've been doing is redrawing some scenes i did in the beggining that didnt look so good but i think im gonna need big inspiration to actually move on with the story
i think maybe i could open matsu requests here again! it really helped me when ppl would ask for matsus reactions to situations or just for silly doodles but idk if theres many ppl still here in tumblr that would want to request smth orz what do u guys think?
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the-totoko-fish · 3 years
This is my main account!! If youre interested in a commission matsu style or any style please contact me preferably through that twitter but if u cant u can send me a DM here in tumblr thats fine too!!
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I’m gonna start taking commissions in twitter but i thought i should share here too! if youre interested please message me through my twitter account which is twitter.com/malyfl0res
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the-totoko-fish · 3 years
just realized i can add the riceballs to the game hell yea
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the-totoko-fish · 4 years
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have some more old art
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the-totoko-fish · 4 years
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The very first ever scene I did for the game back in 2017!! 
The perspective is so wacky and the background looks all over the place but I remember being so proud at the moment! back then I was trying so many game maker programs and struggled with coming up with a personal style for the bois...it feels like I’ve come up a long way even tho I’m still working on the game after all this time(T▽T) Thank you everyone that wants to play it already for your patience!! I promise I’m doing my besto but having a job now had reduced the time I have for developing the game_(:3 」∠)_  We’ll get there tho!! 
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the-totoko-fish · 4 years
I did an animation that I’m very proud of!! The audio is from this interview in a radio show with Sakurai where a listener asked him to say some lines in Oso’s voice and he delivered the good kush!!!
heres the translation:
“You don't get it? What don't you get? No matter how many times I say it, you still don't get it... I said, this part is... Wait... why are you looking at me? Aren't you looking just at me? Ah, could it be... you like me? Ah, so that's why you haven't been able to remember this... Guess I have no choice. Wait, what's with that face?! Really? ...Well, why don't we study my way? Why don't we study what I practiced? Even though I'm a virgin! “ 
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the-totoko-fish · 4 years
Hi! I was wondering if you could tell me where you’ll be releasing your game? As in, which platform? Is it going to be on a website or an app or... ?
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Hello yes the game doesn’t have a determinated date for its release as I’m working on it in my spare time and just for fun! I’m using renpy to make it and I’ll probably make a page for it in Sandbox Adventure for people to download it when it’s done💓
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the-totoko-fish · 4 years
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random doodles I don’t think I’ll ever color
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the-totoko-fish · 4 years
I just want to say your art is fucking amazing and I’m really glad I stumbled onto this blog by chance, keep up the good work (●´ω`●)
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the-totoko-fish · 4 years
🐟Otome game update!🐟
It’s been a while since I gave any news about it but the game is still on the making!! I’m working on it more often than before and even tho there’s still some time left for it to be completed I’ve been advancing at a good pace, so here’s some things to mention
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I changed the art style from my personal style to a more canon design since it was taking me more time to finish sprites in the first one and I don’t have to worry much about anatomy and shading when trying to do it ososan style (I also think more ppl will get the dokis when seeing the bois look more like themselves)
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I now count with an amazing talented writer! Since english isn’t my first language and I don’t consider myself a very skilled person in the matter I asked someone I think is very good at writing ososan fics and has a good perception of the boys to help me write the plot I have planned for the game
Since I hadn’t seen as much activity here in tumblr as before in the fandom I was thinking of making a discord server to talk more with anyone that could be interested in the game or to directly ask you questions of what would you like to see in it, stuff like that...I’m not so sure if it’d be a server dedicated to the game entirely or a self insert server... so I’ll let you know later maybe by posting a link to it when is done
All the game menus are done and the entire plot is coded, what I still need to work on is in all the images and the storytelling which is relatively easy to do but takes time since I only have two hands!! 
Since I had to redo the sprites and scenes that I did first in my personal style the progress of the game hadn’t change much since the last time I talked about it (´°̥̥̥ω°̥̥̥`) so from a 15% I’m now at a 25%?? but!! the good thing is that ososan style since it takes me less time to draw and color it allows me to advance faster! 
I think that’s all I needed to say... sorry I hadn’t been so active in this blog, I’m mostly active now in my si twitta now if you wanna see content from me (tho is gonna be oso and me smooching 24/7) Matsu requests are closed but I’m still taking commissions!! so if you’re interested here’s my commissions info wink wonk 
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the-totoko-fish · 5 years
I'm curious is the the ososan otome your making is going to be free or not? And if not how much will you price it?
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Is gonna be a free game ofc!!
Since I’m gonna use voice clips of the seiyuus and ososan ost I don’t think it’d be fair for me to add a price to the game plus is a fangame so is not 100% original contentI’ll still add somewhere a link to my ko-fi page in the game so I’d be able to accept donations!!
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the-totoko-fish · 5 years
nsfw HOT matsu girls fic from a friend 💓👀💦 https://archiveofourown.org/works/18897772
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the-totoko-fish · 5 years
That game of yours sounds so cool! Do you think we can get a sneak peek/demo at some point? I'm cheering for your success!! 💖
I’m thinking of releasing a trailer at some point? but that would be when the game is at 50% done more or less and to get to that point I still have a loooong way to go
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