the-tiny-carat-blog · 6 years
One of my favs!! Check them out asap!
HI. So, I just wanted to say that I followed your blog before I even HAD a tumblr account and I absolutely ADORE your SVT scenarios like njehufhgihriut.😍💕💖💘❣ They are so freaking amazing like they bring me life.😍😍😍 They are part of the reason why I began to write my own fics!! Anyway! Just know that ily and I love your blog!!!! ❤❤
Aaaaaahhhhh!! That just made my day!! Oh my gosh!! Thank you, darlin’! That’s so sweet!! I got a big ol’ cheeser on my face right now!!!
Thank you for supporting me and good luck with your future scenario writing! I’ll be keeping an eye out for them! I hope my scenarios continue to make you happy!
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the-tiny-carat-blog · 6 years
(Seventeen) First Time Cuddling {Part 2}
Request: Heyyy, could you make a first time cuddling with svt??
A/N: wOW, so the first part of this scenario did really well, I was very surprised!! Thank you so much!💕 I hope that part 2 is just as good for you all!
{Part 1}
*not my gifs! credit to original posters!*
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It is common knowledge that Jihoon is not a big cuddle fan. He usually keeps to himself (except on the rare occasion when he has an outburst of affection). However, one night, Jihoon came home from an especially busy day feeling absolutely exhausted. You were laying down on the couch when he came home, flipping through your phone. You heard him shuffle around for several moments, probably setting his bag down or taking his shoes off. Suddenly, he whipped around the couch and immediately fell right on top of you. You began squealing that you couldn’t breathe and that he was killing you, so Jihoon shifted slightly so that he wasn’t cutting off your air circulation but was still on top of you. You were about to keep complaining but you froze when he nuzzled his face into your neck, resting there, and you felt his delicate hand find yours to intertwine your fingers with his. Flustered, you realized that Jihoon wanted to sleep there with you. A smile rose across your face as you silently obliged, taking your free hand that wasn’t intertwined with his fingers to cradle his head that was nuzzled into your neck, his slow, hot breath tickling your skin.
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Minghao’s first time cuddling you was on impulse. It was more like an “I can’t take this anymore I have to have you in my arms right now” type of situation. You were just standing there, flipping through your phone and Minghao was sitting in a chair behind you, lovingly gazing at you as you did absolutely... nothing, really. Yet, everything you did was mesmerizing to Minghao. Finally, as he stared at you, he snapped, and with a giant, dorky grin on his face, he wrapped his arms around you from behind and pulled you onto his lap. You cried out in protest, but Minghao merely giggled at you, his grip around your waist tightening as you sat on his lap. You felt his nose nuzzle to the back of your neck and you shivered, causing Minghao to blush at his affect on you. You placed your hands on his that were wrapped around you and squeezed affectionately. He then smiled, beginning to give you small kisses all over the back of your neck and upper back. He sat there with you forever, unwilling to let you go.
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Mingyu is just... giant. So, when he tried to cuddle with you for the first time, it kinda…bombed. Not knowing his own strength, Mingyu tried to pull off the same thing Jihoon did by laying on top of you. However, this outcome was much much worse than Jihoon’s. The poor boy and his giant self just absolutely squished you. From your screaming, Mingyu realized that maybe this wasn’t a good idea and panicked. He rolled off of you to lay next to you, grabbing your face and asking you five thousand times if you were okay. The look of terror in his eyes made you burst out laughing and you hit him playfully. He gave a sigh of relief when he realized that you didn’t have any broken lungs and you were okay. He still had a raging urge to cuddle with you, so he turned and spooned you, wrapping his arms around you tightly. You were still in a laughing fit, but your heart was racing at the new and foreign affection Mingyu was showing you.
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Seokmin is a doll, so it did not take long at all in your relationship before he decided to cuddle with you. In fact, it was only about two weeks into your relationship when he cuddled with you for the first time. You were on a date together at the park and were sitting on a park bench. Seokmin to this day blames his reason to cuddle with you that day on the fact that ‘it was cold’, but you knew it was just because he wanted to. He had slyly smoothed an arm around your shoulders and pulled you into him affectionately. You looked at him in surprise and he gave you one of his iconic smiles that lit up your world. You felt your insides heat up and you softly laid your head on Seokmin’s shoulder, in which he returned the action by putting his head on top of yours. You sat there in his embrace unable to speak for a long time. The both of you felt too shy and flustered to say anything. 
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(cutiieeeee) Hansol had suggested a movie in bed, which you had found a great idea. Throughout it however, the two of you began getting fidgety, toying with each other’s fingers and playing footsies. Finally, Hansol paused the movie and turned to his side to face you so the two of you could cuddle properly. He wrapped his arms around you and pressed his forehead against yours. You felt extremely flustered by the sudden close contact but you couldn’t help but smile  contently. You laid there for some time, gazing into each other’s eyes and relishing in each other’s presence. Things were silent for quite a long time before suddenly, Hansol sneezed unexpectedly...right in your face. His sudden jolt scared you so bad that you screamed and fell backwards, right off the bed and onto the floor. Hansol cried out in shock when you fell and he crawled over to look over the side of the bed onto the floor. He winced when he saw you in an awkward heap on the ground. He repeatedly begged for your forgiveness, helping you back onto the bed. You both started laughing uncontrollably after the embarrassment faded. Both of you continued to bring up the awkward moment frequently several weeks after it happened just so you could laugh about it all over again.
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(ignore Jeonghan... even though he looks gorgeous here) Seungkwan was really nervous to cuddle with you for the first time and didn’t even know how he should initiate it. For several days, he would be indecisive, grabbing your wrist quickly as if he was about to pull you into him for some affection, only to chicken out and let it go again. He wanted your first time cuddling with him to be perfect and he kept getting more antsy and unnerved the longer he kept putting it off. Finally, one night when you were out together, Seungkwan couldn't take it anymore and while you were in the middle of some story, he closed the gap in between the both of you, hugging you from behind and simply laying his head on your shoulder. Your silly story died on your tongue and your body heated up immensely at Seungkwan’s loving touch. You placed your hands on his around his stomach and couldn’t stop a smile from forming on your lips. It was such a simple touch from Seungkwan, yet it spoke volumes.
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Just like Seungkwan, Chan really wanted, but was petrified to cuddle with you and kept chickening out of perfect situations to get affectionate with you. He was afraid that you would reject his touch (which is dumb). However, he finally got his perfect moment when the two of you had an accidental sleepover. In the beginning, the two of you were just having a movie night. But, when both of you accidentally fell asleep and woke back up at 12am, you offered to let Chan sleep over at your apartment. Because of your new relationship, you both felt too awkward to sleep in the same bed, so Chan slept on the couch while you slept in your bedroom. However, in the middle of the night, you got insomnia and couldn't sleep. You fought with yourself for a long time, but finally decided to go wake Chan up. You told him your situation and even in the dark, you could see Chan’s eyes light up when you asked him sheepishly if he’d sleep next to in bed. He immediately (even though he was groggy) picked you up bridal style and carried you back to bed before crawling in next to you. He pulled you into his arms and began tracing lazy shapes with his finger over your arm and pressing soft kisses to your forehead until you fell back asleep.
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the-tiny-carat-blog · 6 years
Heyyy, could you make a first time cuddling with svt??
yaaaassss I love this idea! Just posted! Thanks for requesting! Read it here!
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the-tiny-carat-blog · 6 years
(Seventeen) First Time Cuddling {Part 1}
Request: Heyyy, could you make a first time cuddling with svt?? 
A/N: Heck yes I can!! 😍Thanks so much for this request! I split this into two parts for easier writing. I will post part 2 in a day or so, so don’t worry!!! Hugs! 💕xo
{Part 2}
*credit to gif owners!!!*
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Yes yes yes yes. These were the only words that Seungcheol’s mind could come up with as you cuddled up to him on the couch for the first time since your relationship. When you dropped your head down onto his shoulder and slid your arms around him, Seungcheol wanted to scream to the high heaven’s with joy. But, he kept his cool (as a leader does) and smiled down at your blushed face, putting his head on top of yours and slinging an arm around your shoulder, squeezing it affectionately. He was in heaven.
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Jeonghan merely stared at you in shock as you ran into the room, sat down next to him and threw your arms around his chest, cuddling up to him tightly. You had never shown such an act of affection to him before. What made it even more shocking, was that you had decided to cuddle with Jeonghan for the first time ever, in front of the all other members. They all gave the two of you smirks and cute smiles. Jeonghan was flustered at first, but after a few seconds, he cuddled you back, wrapping a delicate arm around you and cradling your head with the other one. Pride swelled within him and he gave his fellow members a look that declared, ‘She’s mine’.
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Keep your cool, keep your cool. Joshua went into panic mode when you intertwined your fingers with his and cuddled up to his chest out of nowhere as you stood next to him in public. He questioned why you had picked then when you were out together as your first time to cuddle. He blamed it on the fact that it was cold outside (what a humble boi), but really, it was just because you were smitten with him and couldn’t handle it any longer. He felt the same way, but was great at hiding it from you. However, as soon as you had touched him, he melted. He squeezed your fingers in his adoringly, wrapped an arm around you to bring you closer to him (if it was even possible), and looked down at you to give you an adorable smile.
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Jun had bUsTeD a move on you when the two of you were watching a movie together on the couch. He had slyly slithered an arm around you, side-eying you cautiously to see your reaction. When he saw your face flush a deep shade of crimson and noticed how freaking flustered you were by just an arm around you, he felt his heart do cartwheels at how cute you were. It took you a few moments to regain your composure, but once you did, you returned his action and scooted closer to him to lean your head on his shoulder. Now, Jun was smiling so big that it was embarrassing. He later went and bragged about the innocent encounter to Minghao, who congratulated immensely, but then warned him about what comes after cuddling...
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You and Soonyoung had decided to take a nap together. Great bad idea. As soon as you told Soonyoung you’d nap with him, he grabbed you and pulled you back onto the bed with him, immediately lying down. He tugged you into his chest and you were suddenly squished against him, his grip around your body so tight, you could barely breathe. He didn’t say a word, closing his eyes and immediately going to sleep. You were flustered and confused, yet somehow very happy at his affectionate gesture. You weakly complained that you would get too hot and probably sweat because of his raging body heat but he shushed you, squeezing you tighter and stating that he was just ‘that sexy’ before cooing you to go to sleep. (By the way, yes you sweated, but it was freaking worth it to wake up next to this hamster).
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(iconic gif ammiright) You and Wonwoo’s first time cuddling together was surprisingly, in the morning. You had walked into his room and found him sitting up in bed with a quilt, obviously just waking up, and looking like he was seriously struggling to get rid of that morning drowsiness. You couldn’t help but melt at how adorable he looked with that wild hair and those sleepy eyes. (ohh my god imagine Wonwoo’s tired voice with that DEEP HECK VOICE I am deceased). You ran over to him and it was like instinct. He immediately took you into his open arms and fell back onto the bed, squeezing you tightly to his chest. You threw the quilt back over your bodies and you snuggled your head into Wonwoo’s neck, causing him to chuckle softly (wiTH THAT DEEP HECK VOICE). The two of you ended up falling asleep together for another hour and were both late to your schedules that day. Whoops.
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the-tiny-carat-blog · 6 years
Important Note!
First off!!! Thank you guys for 200 followers wAT!! That’s crazy!!! Thank you thank you!! I really appreciate it!!
Secondly, I have recently got in quite a few requests, and I am having a hard time catching up because I have a busy schedule and I keep having new ones come in, so for now I unfortunately am going to have to close my requests temporarily (of course).
If you have recently requested from me>>> NO WORRIES. You can check my “Upcoming” post with all my accepted requests right here and those ones I will be writing and posting even though my requests are closed for now. ALSOOO, thank you guys so much for all the support! Requests will reopen soon! <3
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the-tiny-carat-blog · 6 years
Parking Thief (Wonwoo College!AU)
A/N: (why did this take me so long to write wth??) I am really sorry for the absence, I have been really busy and I have had some super bad writer’s block!! To @pseudopo I hope you like this. I feel like I could have made it more “college-y” but this was the best I could come up with. Thanks for the request! <3
Pairing: Wonwoo x Reader
Genre: college!au, fluff
Words: 1,337
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He had had it. This was the second week in a row that some random student had been parking their car in Wonwoo’s parking spot in front of his dorm. Everyone that lived in the same dorm or close to it, knew that the one particular spot next to the giant oak tree was Wonwoo’s spot. And only his. So when some kid started stealing it each day, Wonwoo was beyond pissed.
It was the perfect parking spot; covered by the oak tree so his car wouldn’t get too hot during the day, and it was right in front of his front door, so he never had to walk far. Wonwoo would stare at the thief’s car every day when he got home, twirling his keys in his fingers as the car sat there like it was mocking him pathetically. He had asked around the student housing area, trying to figure out who the student was, but no one could identify who the car belonged to.
“Must be a new student.” Wonwoo’s friend Mingyu had guessed.
“That doesn’t make it okay.” Wonwoo muttered. Mingyu laughed, shifting his backpack around slightly.
“Why are you so upset? It’s just a parking spot.”
“But it’s my parking spot!” Wonwoo argued. “I claimed it at the beginning of the year! It’s perfect! It’s in the shade and everything!”
“Oh, so you’re just upset that your car now has to be a little bit more hot when you get in it? Are you afraid to sweat a little?” Mingyu burst out laughing and Wonwoo stared at him coldly.
“No. I just want my parking spot back.” He huffed.
“So, what’s your plan then?”
“I’m going to catch the thief in their act.”
“Thief?” Mingyu questioned.
“Thief!” Wonwoo yelled. “And then, I’m politely, going to ask them to find a new parking spot. If they give me trouble, I’ll-I’ll...” He trailed off, wondering what he should do if the student gave him trouble. Mingyu raised an eyebrow at his friend but didn’t object.
“Alright then.” He patted Wonwoo on the back, “Good luck with that. Let me know how it goes.”
That afternoon when Wonwoo had finished all of his classes, he basically sprinted towards his car, determined to catch this parking thief and end his misery. He got in his car, fumbled with his keys for several seconds, and slipped the correct one into the ignition.
“This ends today.” He murmured to himself quietly. At this point, he wasn’t even that pissed anymore. He just wanted to know who the student was and solve this “unsolvable” mystery that had been going on for over two weeks. Wonwoo drove up to his dorm, his coveted spot was empty. A smile slowly spread across his face as he parked a few spots away. He had beaten the thief. Now, he could catch them once and for all. He swiftly got out of his car and entered his dorm, ignoring his roommate, Seungcheol’s greeting. He dragged a chair to the nearest window so he could watch the parking lot, and wait.
“Oh.” Seungcheol sighed. “I see. You’re looking for the person who keeps taking your parking spot.” Wonwoo waved his hand indifferently as he stared out the window. Seungcheol scoffed.
“You’re obsessed...” He shook his head and walked away to grab some chips.
It only took a few minutes. The oh-so-familiar grey car that Wonwoo had grown to dislike the past two weeks, finally pulled into its stolen spot. He didn’t hesitate, leaping up from his seat and bursting out the front door, ready to face his enemy.
“Excuse me! I-” He boomed, but was cut off when his eyes met his offender.
You had shrieked at Wonwoo’s sudden deep voice, dropping all of your books onto the concrete. Wonwoo was frozen in place, his eyes glued to you. For some reason, it never really crossed his mind that the student stealing his parking spot would be a girl... a gorgeous girl at that. His heart was beating abnormally very suddenly and he didn’t quite understand why.
“I...” Every ounce of confidence he had had just seconds before was lost and was replaced with nervousness and guilt as he watched you, frantically gathering your books.
“You can’t just yell at people like that!” You huffed, struggling to carry your textbooks.
“Oh... I’m really sorry!” Wonwoo was snapped out of his daze by the sound your beautiful voice. He ran over to you, offering to take some of your books. Out of anger, you smacked a few of your heaviest books into Wonwoo’s apologetic arms. You began to walk off towards your dorm, Wonwoo close behind.
“U-uh. So what’s your name?” He called after you, quickening his strides to catch up with you. You scoffed at his sudden efforts to make conversation, which were probably just out of guilt since he made you drop all of your things. Your day had been bad already, and being scared out of your wits had been the last straw.
“(Y/N).” You replied in a bored tone.
“That’s a pretty name.” Wonwoo expressed and you snorted, finally reaching your front door. When you didn’t say anything back, Wonwoo shifted your books in his arms awkwardly before clearing his throat.
“Listen, I didn’t mean to scare you-”
“It’s fine.” You interrupted, desperate to be alone so you could finally relax.
“Okay, but, the reason I came outside was because...well, you’ve been parking in my parking spot the past two weeks.” As soon as the words left his mouth, Wonwoo suddenly felt like a downright idiot. It hit him that the whole situation was ridiculous and he shouldn’t have been so mad about it in the first place. Especially since this whole time, a beautiful girl was the one taking the spot. You paused and looked up at him curiously. You couldn’t hold back a smile at the flustered look on Wonwoo’s face. He was obviously embarrassed and you thought it was the cutest thing ever.
“Oh. I’m really sorry. I didn’t know it was yours.” You tried not to laugh at Wonwoo’s look of embarrassment as you took your books from his hands.
“No no no, it’s fine. You can park there whenever you want.” Now Wonwoo just wanted to punch himself and run away, never to see you again. You smiled again and Wonwoo awkwardly played with his fingers as he stood in your doorway.
“I was mad at first but I guess I didn’t realize that it’s been a pretty girl this whole time stealing my spot.” Now it was your turn to blush.
“Don’t worry, I wont park there anymore. I understand how important parking spots can be.” You laughed nervously, just then realizing how handsome this stranger was. He was tall, with dark hair and dark eyes. You began to fidget a little at the realization that you had a good-looking boy standing in front of your dorm.
“What’s your name?”
“Wonwoo.” He said, slightly surprised that you even cared. You held out your hand and he shook it.
“Nice to meet you. Hey, maybe we were supposed to meet like this. I steal your parking spot, you come out and scare me and now here we are.” You laughed and Wonwoo smiled in relief that you weren’t mad anymore. He nodded.
“Well, I guess I’ll see you around. Nice to meet you again, Wonwoo.” You waved and Wonwoo did the same before you closed the door, leaving him standing by himself in shock.
It took him several long moments to process what just happened as he stood there in silence. He couldn’t ignore the slight heart palpitations he was having just from speaking to you. Maybe you were right. Maybe this was fate. As Wonwoo walked back to his own dorm, he smiled to himself, wondering when he could see you again and wondering if you would continue to park in his spot. He hoped that you would, so that he could watch you walk home.
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the-tiny-carat-blog · 6 years
(Seventeen) First Date (Performance Unit)🌹
A/N: I’m finally finishing this “First Date” series! Woo!! I am so proud! Enjoy!
Links to other units for this scenario: {Vocal} {Hip Hop}
Got a request? Send it here~
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(ignore Hoshi! Or don’t ??? cuz wow cutie pie) Junhui is known for being a bit of a tease with his playful personality. However, you knew that deep down he was the sweetest and softest boy on the planet. Any time Junhui was around you, he became undeniably anxious; terrified that he would mess something up and you would think he was weird.
This showed the most when the two of you were on your first date. He had taken you to a wonderful restaurant, not too fancy yet not too casual. He did his best to keep up comfortable conversation with you even though he was a nervous wreck the entire time. You were secretly loving Jun’s cute anxiety, but you didn’t want to bring it up to him for fear of embarrassing the poor kid.
Afterwards, Junhui took you to the park across the street so he could talk to you for a little longer. You blushed when you noticed that he was secretly stealing lovesick glances at you every so often as the two of you walked together in the park. You gazed over at him and grinned, letting him know that you had caught him looking. His face flushed and out of embarrassment, suddenly grabbed your arms to pull you flush against him, causing you to squeal.
“W-what are you doing?” Your heartbeat picked up speed at the close proximity of Junhui’s face to yours.
“Wanna dance with me?” He didn’t let you reply, sliding one hand down to hold your waist and the other to grab your hand, suddenly twirling you around with him in a dance that involved no music. You began to laugh hysterically as Junhui spinned you around, his heart melting at the delicate sound of your laugh. You felt slightly embarrassed that you were basically ballroom dancing in the middle of a park with no music, but the other side of you didn’t give a care in the world who saw you goofing off with him.
“Wait!” You exclaimed after several moments of Junhui twirling with you. “I’m dizzy now!”
Junhui paused suddenly and out of dizziness you stumbled, falling against his chest. After you recovered, you looked up to realize that his face was centimeters from yours. You blinked in shock, frozen in place and Junhui seemed to be experiencing the same emotion. You held your palms against his chest for support as he looked down at you lovingly. It seemed that neither of you had anything to say for several long moments as you stood there, completely still. Finally, you were about to pull from him when suddenly Junhui couldn’t stand it any longer, closing the gap between the two of you and pressing his lips to yours.
You let out an exclamation of surprise but it was muffled by Junhui’s lips. He let go of your waist to bring his hand to your cheek, holding it softly as he deepened the kiss. You felt your body basically go numb out of shock and pure bliss at the feeling of Junhui’s lips working against yours. When he finally pulled away, he kept his forehead pressed against yours.
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Soonyoung had everything planned out. He had made the reservation for your favorite restaurant several days in advance, he got a new outfit to wear, he had conversation starters planned— your first date with him was going to be exceptional.
The first twenty minutes were going phenomenal, besides the fact that Soonyoung was a nervous wreck. Ever since he had picked you up, you had noticed his fingers shaking lightly on the steering wheel, his eyes shooting you occasional nervous side glances. You were inwardly cooing at how adorable he looked when he was this nervous. You wanted to grab those puffy, adorable cheeks and kiss them all over.
“Uh... I’ve said this already... but you look stunning.” Soonyoung cleared his throat. Your cheeks heated up instantly at his comment. You sheepishly replied with a ‘thank you’.
“You look very handsome as well, Soonie.”  Now it was Soonyoung’s turn to blush and he chuckled slightly. He was ecstatic for this date even though his nerves were driving him wild. He just prayed that he wouldn’t say anything stupid, do anything stupid, nor would anything stupid happen—
The car made some weird noise and began shutting off. Soonyoung panicked.
“What the? What’s-what’s happening?” Luckily, he had been driving on the farthest lane over, so he was able to slightly turn and merely drive off the road without any issues. You kept looking over at Soonyoung fearfully as he made the car come to a stop on the side of the road.   You watched nervously as he frantically tried to figure out what had happened, swearing quietly under his breath. Suddenly, he made an exclamation of realization and threw himself back into his seat angrily. He was silent for several seconds, holding his face in his hand.
“I had forgotten, I was low on gas. It was running on its last bit of gas and I forgot to fill it up before our date.” He finally admitted to you, shame evident in his voice.
“Oh...” You felt sorry for Soonyoung and you could tell he was mentally beating himself up. “Well its fine, we can-“
“Now we’re gonna miss our reservation.” Soonyoung threw his hands in the air. “We have to have someone pick us up now. Oh God, I gotta call Seungcheol and ask him to pick us up... Listen, I am so sorry. This just absolutely failed. I had everything planned out, it was gonna be perfect, I am so stupid I should have-“
Soonyoung exclaimed in surprise when he suddenly felt your lips on his. You had gotten tired of his self-loathing rant and leaned over to shut him up by kissing him softly. After it hit him that yes, he was indeed kissing your soft lips, he took action and grabbed your cheeks with both hands, deepening the kiss and making sure the moment lasted as long as possible. You finally pulled away from Soonyoung’s lips, his hands still on your cheeks to keep you close. He looked like a confused puppy and it made you giggle.
“Soonie. Stop beating yourself up. It’s fine.” You reassured him and rested a hand on his thigh which made the muscle tense at your delicate touch. “Now hurry and call Seungcheol, tell him to come pick us up. Don’t worry about the reservation, okay? As long as I am with you, I’m happy.”
Soonyoung immediately melted into one of his adorable smiles. He leaned in and gave you another quick kiss.
“What did I do to deserve you?”
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Minghao lifted his camera to take the one millionth photo he had taken of you that day.
“Hao.” You laughed. “You’ve taken so many pictures.” Minghao merely smiled at you adoringly before looking down at his camera to observe his work.
“I don’t want to ever forget this day with you.” He said simply, playing with his camera. You felt your cheeks redden slightly at his romantic words. Almost every time you weren’t looking, or doing something, you would glance back to see Minghao taking a quick photo of you. His dark brown eyes would be peering over his camera to look at you and you would act annoyed, but deep inside, your heart was melting at the way he would look at you.
“Do you know just how beautiful you are, (Y/N)?” He suddenly asked, jolting you out of your thoughts.
“You are the most beautiful thing I have ever seen in my life. I can’t help but take photos of you. I can’t resist it. Every little thing you do is just so picture-worthy. You’re breathtaking.” Minghao smiled sheepishly, his cheeks turning a slight tint of pink as he spoke those delicate words to you. Your heart sped up violently and all you could do is look away, grinning in embarrassment. How was he capable of such loving words.
“Hey, look at me.” Minghao’s voice was so soft as he gently reached for your chin, turning your head back to his. “You really are stunning. I can’t believe I met you. You are everything I’ve ever wanted.” You wanted to burst into tears and throw your arms around his neck, exclaiming how much you loved him, but you settled for a shy giggle.
“Thank you, Hao. I think you’re absolutely amazing as well.” He beamed at your words and tugged on your chin lightly to pull you in for a soft kiss on the nose. Your heart stopped.
“You missed.” You stated and Minghao quirked an eyebrow at you.
“I said you missed.” You slid one hand into his hair, leaning in to connect your lips to his. Minghao tensed at first, mainly out of shock, but after a few seconds he began kissing you back, sliding his hands down to hold your waist. You couldn’t believe how soft and decadent his lips were.You could feel the passion in his kiss. You never wanted to pull away. Unfortunately, you did eventually but the look on Minghao’s face was absolutely priceless. He looked absolutely dazed.
“How did I know you’d be a fantastic kisser, (Y/N)?”
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Chan absolutely tried to go overboard on your first date, and when he was talking to you about it, freaked you out with his lavish idea of a fancy restaurant, fancy flowers, fancy absolutely everything. You had interfered with his idea, frantically telling Chan that you just wanted a simple date with him. This surprised him, yet he didn’t object. All he wanted was to make you happy.
Instead of a lavish restaurant, Chan took you to get ice cream, a more casual experience that made you feel way more comfortable. He loved every single second with you, talking and getting to know you better. And he found, that the more he got to know you, the more he felt himself falling deeper in love. Any time you’d smile at him, it would become slightly harder for him to breath and any time you’d laugh, his heart would skip desperately.
After getting ice cream, Chan took you to walk on the beach pier so the two of you could talk some more. If he was honest with himself, he could’ve stayed up all night with you just chatting about random things that didn’t really matter. At one point it was silent, you were observing the sea over the pier and Chan was staring at you like an enamored schoolboy. You looked over and saw him staring at you, causing him to blush at being caught and you to giggle lightly.
“What is it?” you asked softly and Chan cleared his throat nervously.
“Oh... I just... I just think you’re really pretty.” He managed to get out and your face heated up drastically. You were planning on returning the compliment, but your words died on your tongue when you felt Chan’s fingers brushing lightly against your wrist and slowly begin to go lower. He wanted to hold your hand.
You looked down at his fingers that were shakily making their venture down to your own delicate fingers before gazing back up at him. His eyes were glued to yours, desperately looking for your reaction. You could tell he was nervous that you might reject his advances so you smiled at him shyly to let him know that everything was fine. Chan took this as a green light and slid his fingers into yours, instantly intertwining them. You returned the movement and squeezed his hand lightly.
Chan instantly sighed in relief at your touch, his heart speeding up to an unnatural pace. The two of you suddenly felt very intimate with each other, even though it was such a simple physical action. Chan looked down at his hand entwined with yours, mentally taking a picture of the beautiful sight. He rose his eyes back to yours and smiled widely.
“I love you.”
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the-tiny-carat-blog · 6 years
Hey guys! ~~ I know I haven’t been posting nearly as much as I was, and I wanted to let you guys know— if you have requested from me I HAVE NOT FORGOTTEN 😂. I am a full time student, plus I have a part-time job so my schedule is wack and I can’t stay up late most nights to finish requests. This makes it hard for me to finish my writing.
Another thing is, I’m not trying to whip out posts constantly because I am a very detailed writer and I take my time giving my stories the loving care and attention they deserve. This means that it naturally takes way longer for me to finish a request because I try to make it perfect and make it exactly the way you request it. SO, I apologize for the long wait, but know that I am working on it! Love you guys!! 💕
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the-tiny-carat-blog · 6 years
Seventeen Falls For You After They Attend A Club Meeting (That you’re the president of)✏️📓
A/N: ayyyyye! ιт’ѕ вeen alмoѕт a weeĸ ѕιnce ι нave poѕтed вυт ι wanтed тo jυѕт ѕay тo yoυ gυyѕ тнanĸ yoυ тнanĸ yoυ тнanĸ yoυ ғor over 120 ғollowerѕ!!! ι ѕтarтed тнιѕ вlog a lιттle over 2 weeĸѕ ago and ιт ιѕ вlooмιng already and нoneѕтly ι aм ѕo ѕнocĸed, ι really dιdn’т eхpecт anyтнιng тo coмe ғroм тнιѕ вlog ѕo ι aм ѕo eхcιтed тнaт yoυ gυyѕ lιĸe мy wrιтιng! тнanĸ yoυ ѕoooo мυcн!!! ι really apprecιaтe ιт!💕
Request: “Could i request a Seventeen post about them being a new member of a club that you are a president of and them falling for you after attending a info meeting? (Sorry i know its kinda weird and specific)🙃   Thank uuuuu😁”
A/N: So, about this scenario hahaha, I had like no idea what clubs to put most of the members in so I kind of guessed based on their personalities and their profiles? There were a few I knew exactly where to put them... like Seungkwan in the Drama Club HA. to @sa-ro-ya  I am so sorry that this took me 50,000 years to write, it was a lot harder to come up with 13 separate ideas than I thought hahaha! AND THEN, when I finished this, my house got internet issues so posting got delayed, and then my computer glitched and half my work on this post got deleted and I had to write it again *sigh*. So I apologize. I hope that this is what you wanted and I really hope that you love it! Thank you for requesting!!💖 Hugs! xo
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Seungcheol sat down at his desk, eagerly looking at the kids around him. He was attending an info meeting for the school’s Improv Club. He loved to rap, and when he heard that the Improv Club often did freestyle rap contests along with the usual Improv assignments, he decided to attend as soon as possible. He tapped the desk with his finger nervously, looking at his watch and then back at the other students.
“Hey.” He called to one of them, “Who’s the president of this club?”
“(Y/FN) (Y/LN).” A nerdy looking boy answered, “You know her?” Seungcheol racked his brain but couldn’t think of who the boy was talking about. He shook his head. The boy grunted and nodded.
“Well, she’s really nice.” The student leaned to the side to be closer to Seungcheol, “And really pretty-“
“Hello everyone!” You strode to the front of the classroom, carrying some information packets. “My name is (Y/N) and I am the president of this club. I am so excited that many of you are here wanting to sign up as new members and get information-“
But Seungcheol wasn’t listening to your words. His mouth had fallen agape at the sight of you. You were the most beautiful thing he had ever seen in his life. It was like he had choked on air the second he saw you. He got this weird... tingly feeling throughout his entire body, and he felt frozen in place. You had instantly put a spell on him. He swallowed hard as he tried to regain composure and actually listen to what you were saying about the club.
Seungcheol had never signed a sign up sheet so fast in his entire life.
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Jeonghan doodled on a piece of notebook paper as he waited for the Book Club meeting to start. He was new, and he felt slightly nervous about his first meeting.
“Hello. Are you Yoon Jeonghan?” You were suddenly standing at his desk and Jeonghan jumped slightly. He swallowed hard as he took a look at you standing close to him. Oh my God, she’s gorgeous.
He hadn’t even realized that his pencil had rolled off the desk until you bent down to pick it up off the floor and hand it back to him. He snatched it away from you a little more aggressively than he intended to.
“Y-yes. That’s me. And you are?” He smiled shyly and you giggled.
“My name is (Y/N). I am the club president.”
Jeonghan’s heart stopped. “Oh.” He felt suddenly very embarrassed for not knowing that information as he gripped his pencil you had handed him tightly. He opened his mouth to speak again but you spoke before he could make a sound.
“Welcome to our club, Jeonghan. I hope you enjoy it.” You strode off, leaving Jeonghan admiring you in awe, his heart beating a lot quicker than normal.
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“Josh. I’m so happy you joined the club, man.” Joshua’s best friend slid into the desk next to him, patting his back gently, “You’re going to love it, it’s so much f- Oh hey! (Y/N)! Come meet Joshua!” His friend beckoned you over to their desks when he spotted you walk into the classroom.
Joshua followed his gaze and swallowed hard when his eyes met yours. You had a bright smile on your face and were carrying several miniature international flags to represent your club. You nodded and set the flags down on a table, striding over to the two boys.
Joshua unconsciously gripped the edges of his desk as you got closer to him. You greeted Joshua’s friend before turning to him.
“So, you’re Joshua! I’ve heard a lot about you! How many languages can you speak again?” You asked him brightly and Joshua’s mouth hung open for several seconds. His friend ended up having to hit him on the back roughly to snap him out of his daze as he stared at you.
“U-uh!” He exclaimed, startled, “Five!” Your eyes widened in shock.
“Five?! Wow! You should be the president of this club, not me! You laughed, “I’ll be back, I need to get some more things. Nice to meet you, Joshua.” You smiled once again and walked away to go grab more supplies. Joshua whipped towards his best friend.
“You seemed to have failed to mention that (Y/N) is probably the prettiest girl in this entire school. Nor did you mention that she was the president of this club!” He whispered harshly and his friend laughed cheerfully, patting Joshua’s back again.
“I think she’s single too, bro!”
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Junhui sprinted down the school hallway, carrying his bags and panting heavily. He was late to the info meeting for the Martial Arts Club. He cursed himself internally for getting so behind on time as he turned a corner sharply, running down a new hallway. He had been so excited to attend the meeting. He was finally going to be able to show off his martial arts skills to the world, learn new things, meet other teenagers with the same interests-
You screamed, dozens of posters flying in a million different directions. Junhui had run right into you, sending you tumbling to the ground.
“Oh my God!” He cried out as he realized what he had done, “I am so sorry! I was just-“
His brain suddenly snapped into reality when he saw your face for the first time. You were laying on the ground, posters everywhere along with you, glaring at Junhui in shock. His heart stopped and his hand that had naturally jutted out to help lift you up, halted halfway. Your beauty hit him like a truck. He immediately had the urge to find out who you were and how come he had never seen you before until now.
“Are you gonna help me up or what?” You yelled and Junhui blinked in surprise.
“O-Oh!” He grabbed your hand and jerked you up a little roughly, causing you to stumble. Out of instinct to impress you, Junhui bent down to pick all the posters he had made you drop.
“Where were you headed?” You asked, a tone of annoyance obvious in your voice. Junhui stood up suddenly, carrying all the posters in his arms.
“The Martial Arts Club.” He said shyly. Your eyes widened and you suddenly burst out laughing.
“Dude. That’s my club. I’m the president.” Junhui blushed, suddenly wanting to find a dark, hidden corner to hide in for the rest of his life. Not only were you gorgeous, you were the president of the club he was wanting to join. He felt relieved and terrified at the same time. He stood like a stature in the middle of the hallway, holding the posters, trying to process what the crap was happening. You opened the door behind you and beckoned Junhui inside.
“Are you going to just stand there? Or are you going to come inside? Now I’m curious to see your martial arts.”
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Soonyoung was watching you dance effortlessly to the music, the other Dance Club students vigorously trying to copy your movements. The way you moved was absolutely hypnotizing, your hips swaying sensually, your leg movements sharp and on beat. Soonyoung could have stood there and watched you dance for hours upon hours, never getting bored. Also, your breathtaking beauty really didn’t help Soonyoung’s sudden potent crush on you.
He daydreamed through his entire first club meeting, barely paying attention because his thoughts were only on you. Yet, his mind would snap to attention any time you started dancing or when it was his time to show the choreography. Before he even knew it, everyone was leaving the room and practice had ended.
“Soonyoung!” You called and he was jerked out of his romantic thoughts. The crushing realization that he was alone with you in the room suddenly hit him. He hesitantly walked over to you.
“Do you mind doing the choreography for me one more time? I was noticing how well you picked it up and I am thinking of using you as a lead for our next performance. I know it was only your first time, so if you’re not interested, that’s fine. I just think you’re a really good dancer.” Soonyoung’s heart was racing one million miles a minute. You wanted him to perform the choreo for you? By himself? Alone with you?
“Uh, sure.” He replied awkwardly.
“Actually how about we do the duet part?” You decided and before Soonyoung could respond, you had run over to the speaker and hit ‘play’ on the music. You returned to him, wrapping your arm around his waist for the first move of choreography.
Your touch on Soonyoung’s skin felt like it was burning and he suddenly felt very hot. He tried to push his feelings to the side as he grabbed your wrist, pulling you this way and that, guiding you through the music as the two of you danced together. He couldn’t believe how natural it felt to dance with you. Your body swayed with his in perfect rhythm, each move flowed naturally. By the time the two of you finished, you were both sweating, but smiling widely.
“That was awesome! It worked together so perfectly!” You exclaimed and Soonyoung nodded, out of breath.
“You’re an amazing dancer. I’m really happy you joined my club.” You said shyly, looking at the ground. Soonyoung inwardly cooed at your cuteness and he laughed softly.
“Have you ever seen yourself dance? You’re incredible. I feel super honored to be a part of this club.”
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As soon as Wonwoo joined the Math club, he didn’t regret it. The president of the club was one of the smartest and prettiest girls he had ever seen in his life. You. You knew math like the back of your hand. You conquered every math subject with ease, making everyone else look absolutely stupid and Wonwoo found it absolutely sexy.
However, you never let your skill in math go to your head and you always were there to help any student that needed some extra homework help. That was the other part of you that Wonwoo found irresistible. Your humbleness. You made yourself available to any student, any time, there to help them succeed in their math class.
“Hey, Wonwoo?” You called shyly after the meeting ended, “May I talk to you?”
Wonwoo felt his heart pick up speed drastically. The words that had been exchanged between the two of you were few. This was mainly due to Wonwoo’s nervousness around you. He nodded and walked over to you, anticipation growing with each second at the thought of what you might say.
“Hey... I heard you were good at Advanced Calculus, right?” You began and Wonwoo noticed a hint of nervousness in your voice. He nodded again. “Well I was wondering if maybe you could tutor me a little bit.”
Wonwoo almost dropped his math textbook. Him? Tutor you? One of the best mathematicians in the entire school? Tutoring meant that he would have to be alone with you for over an hour. Just the thought of being alone with you made him slightly weak in the knees.
“You need help in Calculus?” He asked you, almost in shock. You laughed awkwardly, twirling a pencil in your fingers.
“Yeahh, I’ve been struggling a little with it and I heard you were good so... I mean, if that would make you uncomfortable then don’t feel obligated to say yes, I’ll just find someone else.” Your voice trailed off and you were unable to look Wonwoo in the eye.
“Yes.” He answered without hesitation.
“Huh? So it would make you uncomfortable?” You felt embarrassed suddenly. Wonwoo’s eyebrows knitted together in confusion and he shook his head vigorously.
“No! I mean, I’ll help you. I would love to help you actually.” He said a little to enthusiastically, causing him to clear his throat in embarrassment. You giggled softly.
“Oh. That would be amazing. How does Thursday’s at 2pm sound? We can meet at the school library.” The way that you were smiling at Wonwoo made him want to melt right where he was standing.
“That sounds perfect.”
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Jihoon joined the Computer Club because it consisted of a whole bunch of students who sat around and did their thing on computers and barely talked to people. It was one of the more “unsocial” clubs and Jihoon liked it that way. His first meeting he attended, he was automatically thrilled. He could produce his music in peace, yet still be in the presence of people who had similar skill sets and interests. He played his piece of music on his computer over and over, his headphones in to block out any other unwanted noise. He closed his eyes, taking in the music and mentally criticizing it as it played in his ears.
He jumped when he felt a tap on his shoulder. He sighed, stopping his music before whipping around, his look of annoyance immediately dropping when he came face to face with you.
“Hi. Are you Jihoon?” You waved shyly to him. Jihoon nodded silently.
“Cool. My name is (Y/N) and I am the president of this club.” You laughed nervously. Jihoon’s eyes widened in shock as he stared at you. You? The president of the Computer Club? You were so beautiful and soft. He couldn’t believe that you were the nerdy type that sat around and worked on computers all the time.
“What computer skill do you have?” You pointed at Jihoon’s laptop and he blushed slightly.
“Oh um... I produce music.” He replied hesitantly. Your eyes lit up in wonder.
“You make music? That’s incredible! Are they instrumental or do you add vocals?”
Jihoon’s blush deepened and it took him several seconds to respond to you. He usually wasn’t fond of sharing his talent with others, but since he was to take refuge in this club, he felt obligated to spill the secret.
“I.... yeah. I add vocals.” He nodded softly, trying to avoid the question as he looked away.
“Do you sing?” You had figured him out. The way he was playing with his hair and avoiding eye contact, you knew he had a hidden secret. Jihoon’s eyes snapped up to meet yours and he stared at you in awe. You had unraveled him.
“Yes.” He admitted and you smiled. Jihoon had never played any of his music for anyone, nor let anyone know that he was able to sing. His music producing was his own little secret yet somehow, he felt like he could trust you, he felt comfortable around you and it bothered him because, he had only know you for a solid two minutes. Yet the way you were looking at him, you looked thoroughly interested in his work. And you looked so gorgeous just standing there playing with your hair nervously.
You didn’t want to imply further so you had begun to walk off and Jihoon felt his heart begin to race as a sudden emotion overwhelmed him. He didn’t want you to leave and he knew he had to act quickly to ensure you didn’t.
You felt a delicate hand on your wrist and you turned around.
“Wait, (Y/N). Do you want to hear some of my music?”
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“Alright, everyone! Thanks so much for coming to the info meeting! I’m going to come around and collect your picture submissions for the club. As soon as I do, you’re free to leave. Your submissions will be reviewed by me and the top twelve students will be accepted into the club. I will be in contact with all of you.”
Minghao watched as you went around to each desk, thanking each student for coming and collecting their photos. His fingers were feeling the edges of his own submission, his heart racing with anticipation. He sat in the very back so that you would collect his photo last. He wanted to see your face when you saw it. He pulled it out of the envelope and looked at it one last time.
He hoped you liked it. He hoped that it wouldn’t freak you out or make you uncomfortable. He stared at the photo proudly and could only hope that you would think it was okay. His eyes shot up as he noticed you were approaching his desk soon and his foot began to tap on the ground nervously. He swallowed and took a deep breath as you got even closer. How were you so beautiful? How were you capable of making him feel so... nervous?
“Minghao. You’re last.” You gave him your famous sweet smile that never failed to make it slightly harder for him to breath. His hand shook slightly as he held out the photo to you. You clicked your tongue as you took it.
“Oh, Minghao. You shouldn’t keep the photo outside the envelope, it could get-“ You stopped, bringing the photo closer to your face in one swift movement. Minghao’s heart was racing.
“This... this is a photo of... me.” You said in shock. It was of you, alone in the school courtyard, reading a book. You were in awe at the way the colors in the photo blended together so perfectly and how the quality of the lighting was so phenomenal. Minghao was silent as you stared at the photo.
“This... is beautiful.” You marveled.
“It’s only beautiful because you’re in it.” With that, Minghao stood up from his seat and left the room, leaving you standing alone in pure shock.
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Mingyu threw himself into a desk in the classroom, slouching carelessly. He had a lost a bet. The deal was that if he lost, he had to attend the Fine Arts Club info meeting just for kicks. Mingyu didn’t know a single thing about fine art, nor did he care. He wanted to get out of here as fast as possible.
“Excuse me.” He turned to look at you, annoyance obvious on his face. It immediately melted away as soon as he looked up to see you standing in front of him. He swallowed.
Wow. That’s one hell of a pretty girl. Mingyu had to blink a few times to figure out if he was dreaming or not.
“You’re new, yes? May I have your name?” You didn’t seem interested in shenanigans.
“Kim Mingyu. And...who are you?” Mingyu asked, a flirtatious tone evident in his voice. You stared at him for several seconds.
“My name is (Y/N). I’m the president of the Fine Arts Club.” You stated. Mingyu basically choked on air. So, basically one of the -if not the- prettiest girls he’s ever seen in his life was the president of the Fine Arts Club. Mingyu opened his mouth to respond, but you interrupted him.
“You don’t seem real excited to be here. Did you sign up for the right club?” You quirked. Mingyu suddenly cleared his throat and sat up straight.
“No, no! I’m super excited! I love fine art. I always have ever since I was a kid.” He played with his hair nervously and you snorted, unable to keep your laughter back at his terrible lying.
“Oh? What’s your favorite piece of fine art then?”
Mingyu panicked at your question, racking his brain for pieces of art that he might know.
“Uhh... Mona Lisa?”
You burst into sincere laughter this time, Mingyu feeling his heart jump slightly at your beautiful laugh.
“You have a lot to learn. We’ll teach you more about fine art in this club and I hope that you’ll be able to develop a real love for it after our meetings.” You chuckled one last time before walking away. Mingyu stared after you dazedly for a few seconds.
After you left, he leaned back in his chair. “No need. I just met the finest piece of art to ever grace this earth.”
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Seokmin walked up to the classroom where Vocal Club auditions were being held, his confidence booming. He knew he was ready for this audition and he had a great chance of making the club. He had spent weeks fine tuning and perfecting his song. The one he planned on singing was an original and he was very proud of it. He stalked up to the classroom, determination flowing through his veins. He gripped the doorknob, ready to enter the room, but then—
He froze. He began hearing the most beautiful noise he had ever heard in his life. Someone was singing, gorgeously. He couldn’t mentally find any other comparison for the voice other than to that of an angel. He craned his head to look inside the window of the door and his heart lurched at the sight of you. Not only was the voice breathtaking, the girl it belonged to was even more alluring. You had a notepad and it looked like you were getting ready to listen to one last audition. You were singing to pass the time. Seokmin suddenly felt every ounce of confidence he had just seconds before, drain out instantly. His hand quivered on the doorknob as he let it down in defeat. He couldn’t do it. He couldn’t walk in there and his sing his stupid original song. He just couldn’t. He didn’t understand why or how but he couldn’t make himself move to open the door. He couldn’t sing in front of you.
He cursed himself for being so weak and vulnerable. He watched you sing carelessly for a few more seconds before turning on his heel, walking away with his head hanging low. He felt like a dork for not being able to sing in front of a pretty girl, but the way his determination had just blew away like dust so quickly, he knew he couldn’t have made himself do it. A short walk later and he arrived at his locker. He took one last look at the paper in his hand, containing the words to his original song. He sighed and began to sing it softly as he opened his locker to collect his things. The song was about newfound love (ironically enough) and the words promised that they’d never let their lover go. Seokmin sang it passionately yet gently as he collected his things, a pang of sadness hitting him as he closed his locker.
“That’s a beautiful song.” Seokmin gasped, dropping all of his books on the floor. “Oh my God! I am so sorry! I didn’t mean to scare you! I just had heard someone singing and thought it sounded amazing so I followed the voice. I really am sorry.” You apologized frantically.
Seokmin’s face blushed a deep shade of crimson as he realized that the captivating girl with the voice straight from heaven was standing right in front of him. He bent down quickly, beginning to collect his books.
“O-Oh. It’s alright. Thank you.” He frantically began collecting his thing, his face still heated with embarrassment.
“I’ve never heard the song before.” You crouched down to help Seokmin, “Who’s it by?”
He froze. “Uh... m-me.” Your eyes widened in shock.
“Really? You wrote that?” You exclaimed and Seokmin nodded. “That’s incredible. Not only can you sing like a bird, you can also write beautiful lyrics! Have you ever thought about joining the Vocal Club?”
Seokmin grabbed his books that you had picked up out of his hands and stood up. He sighed. “Actually I had planned on auditioning today but... I left.”
“Why’d you leave?”
“Because you’re pretty.” Seokmin blurted out before he could stop himself, instantly regretting his stupid word choice. Now, it was your turn to blush.
“Well.” You smiled nervously, “Consider this your audition. Welcome to the Vocal Club.”
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It was Drama Club audition day and Seungkwan felt totally unprepared. His friends had pressured him into auditioning because they said he would be great at it, since he’s literally naturally dramatic. However, Seungkwan didn’t have any desire to be an actor at all.
By the time it was his turn to perform his skit for the audition with a few other students, he was in a bad mood. He didn’t want to be there at all. He low-key sulked to the front of the room with his group and what he didn’t know was that you had a quirked an eyebrow at him from your chair, concerned about his attitude.
“Alright, guys. Whenever you’re ready.” You twirled a pencil between your fingers, a clipboard on your lap. Seungkwan looked up dolefully towards the sound of your voice and his eyes immediately widened when they locked on you. He had never seen such perfection in his entire life.
“Seungkwan!” A member of his group whisper-yelled at him, “Come on!” He glanced at you dazedly a few more seconds before clearing his throat and hurriedly joining the rest of his group. You couldn’t help but giggle at Seungkwan’s awed glances at you and you tapped your pencil on your clipboard nervously.
The first part of the skit went smoothly, however, Seungkwan was hardly paying attention. He couldn’t seem to tear his eyes from your beautiful face as you watched the skit, an encouraging smile on your face. It was contagious, and Seungkwan couldn’t help but smile, for some unknown, stupid reason, as well. However, It quickly faded when your eyes suddenly met his, making Seungkwan realize that everyone else’s eyes were on him as well and the room was silent. Oh. It was his turn for his lines.
He stood there in silence, the whole room watching him intensively. He opened his mouth to speak but he made the fatal mistake of drifting his eyes to meet yours and that’s when his mind went completely blank. He couldn’t remember one line he was supposed to speak. He panicked, his heart racing in his chest as you began to look at him inquisitively. Seungkwan wanted to punch himself for forgetting his lines merely because he was too enthralled with a girl he’s never met. Yet you were just so beautiful... and delicate... and you just looked like the kindest person on the entire planet—
Seungkwan acted (literally) instantly. He knew his lines would never come back now, so he decided to improv. He made up a completely different story, hoping his teammates would pick up on his game, somehow. He dramatically ran around the room, yelling random lines and creating some weird story about a kidnapping, all on the spot. His fellow members in the skit looked at him like he’d lost his mind, but they wanted to make the club just as much as him. So, they played along.
By the end, you had burst out laughing, Seungkwan’s heart stopping at the melodic sound of it. He looked over at you hesitantly and you were in a giggling fit.
“You know, those weren’t even close to the original lines...” You snorted, holding up the skit script, “However, that was absolutely marvelous. And extremely impressive that, One— Seungkwan could come up with those lines on the spot and two— the rest of you were able to play along. Very well done.” You smiled and Seungkwan felt butterflies fill his stomach.
“All of you are accepted into the club. I’m excited to see what you’re capable of.”
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“Okay everyone! For our first meeting we are going to do what ever Harry Potter fan does and take the Sorting Quiz!” You exclaimed excitedly and the classroom of students erupted with excitement. It took you several moments to get them to calm down.
“Alright guys! Alright! Now, we are going to do it on the computer because it is the quickest and most accurate way to take the quiz so please take a seat at one of the computers in the room, unless you have your own laptop with you. Please begin as soon as possible so we can move on!”
It took Hansol several moments to regain his composure as he watched you stride around the classroom, a Harry Potter scarf around your neck, butterbeer in your hand. You were checking up on each student taking the Sorting Quiz, discussing their results with them. Hansol didn’t understand how such a perfect human being could exist. You were the kindest person he’d ever met and you were absolutely breathtaking. Also to add on major points, you were nerdy. You fangirled about Harry Potter and it made Hansol feel crazy (In a good way).
“What house did you get, Hansol?” You sat down at the desk next to him and he was scared out of his thoughts.
“O-Oh um...” He didn’t want to admit that he had been admiring you instead of taking the quiz. He stuttered for a few seconds before recognizing the Gryffindor scarf around your neck.
“Gryffindor.” He lied.
“No way! That’s what I am too! I mean, I’m sure you can tell by my scarf.” You smiled at Hansol and he felt his heart skip violently in his chest.
“Y-yeah.” He laughed nervously. You smiled at him one more time and got up, asking the next student what they got. Hansol felt a slight emptiness as soon as you left him. He sat there for several seconds wondering if he could ever convince you to think of him as more than a fellow club mate.
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Chan ran with the soccer ball towards the goal, several other Sports Club students chasing after to stop him before he made a goal. He was panting heavily, aggressively trying to keep the ball away from his fellow teammates. Several students were cheering him on from the sidelines. He was so close to the goal, just a little further and he would make it-
Suddenly a student ran in front of him blocking him from making the shot. He tried to go around but the student was too fast as he began trying to steal the ball from Chan.
“Just kick it! Just kick it!” He heard a student yell. His opponent began laughing at him when he noticed that Chan was becoming more and more frustrated that he couldn’t escape him to make the shot. Finally, Chan got angry and just kicked the ball blindly, not even to make the shot anymore, but to make sure his opponent wouldn’t get it.
A sudden sharp cry of pain was heard and Chan turned towards the high-pitched noise. You bent down, clutching your shin in pain.
“Way to go, loser. You hit the club president.” Chan’s opponent scoffed and hit him on the back to mock him.
“The- the president?”  Chan whipped around and gazed at you. You were still holding onto your bright red shin, your eyes lightly lined with tears. “Oh God.”
He ran over to you, bending down immediately. “Are you okay? I am so so sorry! I didn’t mean to hit you, I was just trying to keep the ball from-“ Chan was stopped halfway through his sentence by his heart student halting to a stop. You were staring at him in pure confusion as he gazed at you in silence, his mouth slightly hung open. Chan blinked several times, trying to bring himself back into reality. You had quite literally taken his breath away. Before you could interfere, Chan lifted you up bridal-style, stating loudly that he was taking you to the nurses’ office.
“Wait!” You had tried to stop him but you were stuck in his arms, his grip on you rather tight. You expected Chan to say something or keep ranting about how sorry he was for nailing you in the shin with a soccer ball, but instead he carried you in silence, occasionally sending you nervous glances.
“I didn’t realize you were the president of the Sports Club.” He finally spoke up and you quirked an eyebrow at him.
“Yeah. My name is (Y/N). You’re Chan, right? Today was your first meeting?” Chan’s grip on your body tightened. You knew who he was? All he could do was nod.
When Chan reached the nurse’s office, he set you down softly. You couldn’t help but smile at how soft he was being with you.
“A-are you okay?” His voice was tender and you chuckled.
“Yes. I’m okay, Chan. Thank you for bringing me here. And don’t beat yourself up about it, okay? I’ll probably just need some ice.” You grabbed his shoulder and his body tensed slightly. He nodded again and you walked inside the nurse’s office, leaving him alone in the hallway.
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the-tiny-carat-blog · 6 years
hi you're the literal best and i wuv u 😍 can i request for a very fluffly jihoon scenario? nothing specific, just lotsa fluff. thank you 💕
wuv u 2!! 💖 Thanks for the request! posted! check it out here~
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the-tiny-carat-blog · 6 years
Night Kisses (Woozi/Lee Jihoon)
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ᴀ/ɴ: ᴀᴡ~! ɴᴏ ʏᴏᴜ’ʀᴇ ᴛʜᴇ ʙᴇsᴛ! ɪ ʜᴏᴘᴇ ʏᴏᴜ ʟɪᴋᴇ ᴛʜɪssss... ɪ ғᴇᴇʟ ʟɪᴋᴇ ɪ ᴄᴏᴜʟᴅ ʜᴀᴠᴇ ᴍᴀᴅᴇ ɪᴛ ғʟᴜғғɪᴇʀ *sɪɢʜ* ʙᴜᴛ ɪ ᴅɪᴅ ᴍʏ ʙᴇsᴛ! ɪ ʀᴇᴡʀᴏᴛᴇ ᴛʜɪs ʟɪᴛᴇʀᴀʟʟʏ ᴛʜʀᴇᴇ ᴛɪᴍᴇs ʙᴇᴄᴀᴜsᴇ ɪ ᴋᴇᴘᴛ ᴄᴏᴍɪɴɢ ᴜᴘ ᴡɪᴛʜ ɴᴇᴡ ɪᴅᴇᴀs ʜᴀʜᴀʜᴀᴀ. ᴇɴᴊᴏʏ!!
Pairing: Woozi/Lee Jihoon
Theme: Fluff
Words: 1,439
Got a request? Send it here~
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You sighed as you looked at your reflection in the bathroom mirror, removing the last bit of makeup from your face. What a long day. Work had been rough and it felt like it went on forever and ever. As soon as you had gotten home, you were itching to change into your lounge clothes and just collapse in bed, but you had promised you’d take your friend out to dinner that night.
It wasn’t even relaxing for you. All your friend did was talk about herself the whole time and you just felt more emotionally drained than you already had that day by her constant chattering and complaing. It had been in the middle of your dinner when Jihoon had texted you suddenly, telling you that he wanted to spend the night at your apartment so he could be alone with you for a while. Your heart had raced when you saw the text and you could barely pay attention your friend, who was ranting on about how her coworkers are just a bunch of incompetent idiots. 
You texted Jihoon back immediately, saying that you couldn’t wait to see him. He often spent the night at your apartment when he could, just so he could get away from the other members of Seventeen for a while. It was loud at the dorm, and if Jihoon spent too much time around the noise, especially when he was stressed out, he’d either shut down or snap. That’s where you usually came in to rescue him. To whisk him away for a while so he could wind down from the idol life. Even if it was just for a few hours before he was obligated to return to his hectic schedule. You were his refuge. His only refuge.
“Jagi...” It was like he knew you were thinking about him. You heard Jihoon’s raspy sleepy voice calling you from your bedroom and you smiled as you fixed your hair.
“I’m almost ready for bed! One more minute.” You replied and then heard a tired grunt of acknowledgement from the other room.
When Jihoon knew you were going to sleep in the same bed as him, he always waited for you to join him before he fell asleep. He never went to bed without you by his side. Part of it, you believed to be the fact that he struggled to sleep in general. He was so used to staying up all night producing songs for Seventeen that on the nights when he didn’t have to, his mind couldn’t calm down and he couldn’t sleep. Or, he was just too stressed out and couldn’t relax. You simply lying next to him in bed was sometimes all it took for him to realize that everything was going to be okay.
On nights when you spent the night at the dorm, Jihoon would lecture every member of Seventeen to stay away from the both of you for the night since he never gets alone time with you. Of course, one of the members would then obviously crack a joke saying that the only reason Jihoon wanted the boys to stay away from his room was so the two of you could have sex that night without being disturbed. This always made the both of you blush wildly and Jihoon would give the boys threatening looks as he whisked you away to his room.
“(Y/N)! You said one minute! It’s been several!” You realized that you had been staring at yourself blankly in the mirror, reminiscing, for several minutes. You hurriedly shut off the bathroom light and made your way to the bedroom.
“What were you doing in there?” Jihoon was underneath the covers already, looking through his phone.
“I’m sorry, I was taking my makeup off but then I started thinking about today and how much of a crappy day it was and I got distracted.” You didn’t want to admit to Jihoon that you were merely daydreaming about him. He frowned.
“I’m really sorry you had a bad day. You shouldn’t go out to dinner with your friend anymore. Any time you do, you come home upset.” He scooted over on the bed and slapped the empty spot next to him, beckoning you to get in. You sighed and rubbed your temples.
“I know. I just feel super obligated to. She’s really nice, but she just talks about herself the whole-“
“-I know you feel obligated to hang out with her. Here, can you get in bed and talk at the same time? I’ve been dying to hold you you all day.” Jihoon laughed, embarrassed at his own desperateness to get his hands on you. You smiled and nodded sheepishly before climbing into bed, Jihoon welcoming you with open arms. You relaxed into him with a groan of exhaustion as he hugged you tightly into him. He softly pushed some strands of hair out of your face with a delicate finger and you smiled.
“You’re so beautiful. Are you tired?” His dark eyes gazed at you and you blushed at the close proximity of his face to yours. You nodded and breathed in deeply.
“Like I was saying, you shouldn’t feel obligated to hang out with that girl. You don’t owe her anything. Besides, she’s taking away your time with me.” Jihoon said firmly and you couldn’t help but smile sheepishly.
“I will always pick you over her, Jihoon. Always.” You whispered, your heart beginning to race as Jihoon smirked and brought your face closer to his slowly.
“I love you.” He whispered and you were aching with anticipation as he kept inching closer. He held you tighter against him, his body heat radiating against yours.You replied that you loved him too and he smiled.
“I’ve been wanting to kiss you all day. I hate when I don’t have you by my side during the day. Your lips, they’re so inviting and so soft. God.” Jihoon whined the last part softly and that’s when you pounced on him, unable to resist his flirtatious actions any longer and colliding your lips with his.
Jihoon immediately moaned quietly against your plump lips, holding your face in his hands as you were cuddled together. Jihoon was for the most part, a quiet person. Except for his laugh, which was often higher-pitched and it made you die every time. He was cautious and often held himself back from making noises in bed for the “sake of his own masculinity”. However, you had some mystical power that he didn’t quite understand where you could pull out a soft whimper or breathy moan out from him. It embarrassed him at first, but over time, he realized that you loved his noises and he let himself be more vocal.
He sucked in a breath and tenderly bit down on your bottom lip, sliding his hand into your hair and his free one to interlace with your fingers. Your body was getting warmer with every smooth move that Jihoon was unleashing on you with his lips. He would kiss you deeply for several moments, pull away, and do it again. And again. Making sure that every time he pulled away made you internally begging for more. Your body was screaming at you to take it to the next level, to slowly dip your fingers under Jihoon’s oversized tee and pull it over his head. But your mind screamed ‘heeeck no, sister’. Because it knew that if you made that move... Jihoon wouldn’t let you back-track and you were too tired to go all the way tonight.
However, Jihoon must have sensed your neediness (or maybe he was just needy himself) and he parted your lips with a ‘pop’, only to brush them down your face and immediately latch them onto your neck.
“Jihoon... we can’t.” You saw where this was headed. He lifted his face up from your neck and your heart hurt at the look of disappointment on his face.
“Too tired?” He asked woefully. You nodded.
“Tomorrow, I promise. I’m just so drained today, I’m not even in my right mind. Can you be patient one more day?” You gave him a tired smile.
Jihoon chuckled and gave your collarbone a quick kiss. “I suppose. But for now, I need to make sure you sleep well. Lift your head.” You did as you were told and Jihoon slid his arm underneath your head so he could cradle you close to him. You were flush against his body and it was pure bliss. He softly rubbed his thumb over your cheek and gave you one more kiss on the lips.
“Good night. Sleep well. I love you.”
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the-tiny-carat-blog · 6 years
(Seventeen) First Date (Vocal Unit)
ᴀ/ɴ: ᴏᴋ, ʟᴏʟ. ɪ ᴘʀᴏᴍɪsᴇᴅ ᴛʜɪs sᴄᴇɴᴀʀɪᴏ ʏᴇsᴛᴇʀᴅᴀʏ ᴀɴᴅ ᴛʜᴀᴛ ᴏʙᴠɪᴏᴜsʟʏ ᴅɪᴅɴ’ᴛ ʜᴀᴘᴘᴇɴ ʟᴏʟ 😂. @melodyofthemuse ɪ ᴀᴍ ʀᴇᴀʟʟʏ sᴏʀʀʏ! ɪ ɢᴏᴛ ᴄᴀʀʀɪᴇᴅ ᴀᴡᴀʏ (ᴏɴᴄᴇ ᴀɢᴀɪɴ) ᴡɪᴛʜ ᴛʜɪs ᴄᴜᴛᴇ ɪᴅᴇᴀ ᴀɴᴅ ɪᴛ ᴛᴏᴏᴋ ᴍᴇ ᴡᴀʏ ʟᴏɴɢᴇʀ ᴛᴏ ᴡʀɪᴛᴇ ᴛʜᴀɴ ᴇxᴘᴇᴄᴛᴇᴅ. ɪ ᴡᴀɴᴛᴇᴅ ᴛᴏ ɢɪᴠᴇ ɪᴛ ᴛʜᴇ ᴅᴇʟɪᴄᴀᴛᴇ ᴄᴀʀᴇ ɪᴛ ᴅᴇsᴇʀᴠᴇᴅ ʜᴀʜᴀ. sᴏ, ɪ ғᴇᴇʟ ʟɪᴋᴇ ɪ ᴄᴏᴜʟᴅ ʜᴀᴠᴇ ᴅᴏɴᴇ ʙᴇᴛᴛᴇʀ ʙᴜᴛ ᴛʜᴀᴛ’s ᴡʜᴀᴛ ɪ ᴀʟᴡᴀʏs sᴀʏ ᴀɴᴅ ɪ ᴛʀɪᴇᴅ ᴍʏ ʜᴀʀᴅᴇsᴛ. ɪ ʜᴏᴘᴇ ʏᴏᴜ ʟɪᴋᴇ ɪᴛ!  @melodyofthemuse 😇
Links for the other units for this scenario: {Hip Hop} {Performance}
ɢᴏᴛ ᴀ ʀᴇǫᴜᴇsᴛ? sᴇɴᴅ ɪᴛ ʜᴇʀᴇ~
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(this gif makes me feel some type of way lol)  Jeonghan and his sweet butt, took you ice skating on your first date which you both thought was a brilliant idea. However, there was one downside—neither of you knew how to skate.
“I mean, I’ve roller-bladed before but I’ve heard that ice skating is completely different.” You remarked as you struggled to make your skates tighter on you feet. Jeonghan stared out at the ice wearily.
“I don’t know. Maybe I should have asked somebody if ice skating is really difficult before we did this.” He cringed as he saw a kid bust on the ice in the distance.
“Jeonghan! It’s fine! It’ll be fun, now help me up, please?” You held out your hand towards him, which he grabbed without hesitation, pulling you up. “Well. I feel stable so far!” You said optimistically as you stared down at your feet.
“Yes, well. We are on stable ground. Just wait until we get to the rink.” Jeonghan smiled shyly and led you by the hand to the edge of the ice skating rink. You held onto Jeonghan’s hand a little tighter as you stepped over with one foot into the ice. Mercifully, you didn’t slip.
“Hey! This isn’t bad!” You grinned and as you were about to hurriedly bring the other foot over, Jeonghan gripped your hand. You looked up at him and his face looked like he had the pressure of your entire life and welfare and his hands. He looked pale, and you were pretty sure it wasn’t just from the cold air. You giggled at his nervousness and practically jumped the rest of the way onto the ice, causing Jeonghan to gasp in fear as he held out his free hand just in case you fell.
“You’re reckless.” He said firmly, watching as you experimentally slid your feet back and forth on the ice. You scoffed.
“And you’re too careful.” You replied, suddenly pulling your hand away from his, turning, and skating away from him towards the middle of the rink.
“Wait! (Y/N) Wait! They say beginners should stick by the sides of the rink so they can hold on-“ But you weren’t paying any attention. You wobbled terribly but you hadn’t fallen yet, pushing off timidly with your feet. You felt proud of yourself as you determinedly made your way around the rink... even if you were going as slow as a turtle. You had an urge to impress Jeonghan by skating well and when you decided to looked back at him to smile proudly, your foot buckled.
You screamed, immediately losing all your balance, flailing your arms before you made contact with the ice. Hard. Tears stung your eyes as a pain in your knees hit you like a truck.
“Jesus Christ. Oh God. (Y/N)! Hold on, I’m coming! It’s okay! Stay right there!” Jeonghan knew you had hurt yourself. He could tell by the way your body hit the ice. He determinedly skated out to you, forgetting the fact that he’s never skated a day in his life. When he reached you, he panicked when he saw that you were trying to hold yourself back from crying. God, this was his worst nightmare.
“Oh, (Y/N). It’s alright, I’m right here. Are you okay?” He softly wrapped his arms around your waist, lifting you up softly. He cringed as you gasped in pain when you tried to stand up with his help. You leaned on his chest, trying to suck in the pain as Jeonghan led you off the skating rink, holding onto you tightly. As soon as you were off the rink, he picked you up, carrying you to a bench and setting you down slowly. Then, he began to pace back and forth, running his fingers through his hair nervously.
“I knew this was a bad idea, I knew it. I am so so sorry, (Y/N). I should have picked something else, something more low-key. But because of my stupidness, now you’ve hurt yourself and it’s all my f-“
Jeonghan let out a muffled exclamation of surprise as your lips met his tenderly. Somewhere along his session of self deprecation, you had decided you had had enough and stalked up to him, ignoring the pain in your knees, and grabbed his shoulders to kiss his lips. Jeonghan’s eyes closed as he grabbed your face, bringing you as close as physically possible so he could kiss you deeper. When you pulled away, Jeonghan looked at you in shock. Before he could say anything, you began to speak.
“It’s okay, Jeonghan. I’m fine. It’s my fault, you were trying to help me and I decided to be arrogant and skate on my own. Next time, I think I’ll take your advice.”
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How about a date in bed? Heck. yes. That’s not how it was originally planned, but when your date to the park was rained out, Joshua suggested that you hang out at the Seventeen dorm for a bit. The rest of the boys were gone luckily, so you and Joshua had the place to yourself.
“You wanna watch a movie? Or...?” He threw his keys on the counter and turned to you nervously. You were in awe at the sight of him slightly wet from the rain, a few of his bangs sticking to his forehead as he looked at you. You blushed slightly and looked at the floor.
“I don’t really mind Josh, we can do whatever you want to.” You stuttered over your words and you heard him chuckle quietly.
“Why are you so nervous, suddenly? It’s just me, (Y/N).” He approached you slowly and cupped his hand underneath your chin, tilting it upwards so you would look into his eyes. Your blush deepened.
“No, I’m okay. I’m not nervous. I’ve just never been in your house before.” You made up some weird excuse. Joshua quirked an eyebrow at you suspiciously. Before you could stop him, he pressed a hand flat against your upper chest so he could feel your heartbeat.
“Oh really? Then why is your heart racing?” He teased you, a sly grin on his face.
“What the? Why would you do that? Stop taunting me, Joshua. It’s not funny.” You pushed his hand away and you felt embarrassed suddenly. You knew your heart was beating wildly, it was beating so hard it hurt and you could feel it. Being on your first date with the boy you adored was enough to send your emotions into hyper-drive. But you didn’t want him to know that.
“No don’t worry! My heart is beating really fast too, feel it.” He grabbed your hand and placed it against this chest. It really was racing. Did you really have the same effect on him?
“I don’t want us to feel nervous around each other, I want you to feel comfortable. Here, come here.” Joshua took your hand and led you to his room. There was a tv on the wall and you immediately knew where this was headed. He walked over to his bed and threw open the covers, patting it.
“I know you’re probably cold from getting wet in the rain so come get warm.”
“W-what? No... I shouldn’t lay down in your bed.. I’m wet and that’s...weird.” You hugged your jacket to your chest and backed away. Joshua laughed in confusion.
“Not weird! We’ve been friends long before we admitted we liked each other. This is fine! And besides, you didn’t get that wet, don’t worry about the bed.” He jumped into his bed and scooted over so there was room for you. He gave you the sweetest smile you have ever seen in your life and you couldn’t dare resist him. You reluctantly got into bed and Joshua grabbed the tv remote. It only took you a few moments to agree on a movie and for a while, the only sound in the room was the noise coming from the tv. You felt relaxed lying next to him, watching one of your favorite movies together.
“Do... do you- I mean. Do you want to cuddle? I mean, you know. Just a little?” Joshua suddenly broke the silence and cleared his throat nervously. You couldn’t help but smile at his request.
“Okay.” You whispered softly and Joshua had you in his arms in milliseconds. He was so warm and his hands were soft against your skin, rubbing slow circles on the small of your back. All thoughts of the movie were now out of your mind completely.
“You’re so pretty.” You could feel Joshua’s breath on your neck and you shuddered. You muttered a shy ‘thank you’ in response and laid a soft hand on his cheek. He blushed at your delicate touch.
“Hey, I know our date got rained out today, but I wanted you to know that I’m having just as much fun with you here right now. I like being with you, you make me feel really happy, (Y/N).”
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Oh God. Jihoon was an absolute terrified wreck on your first date. You being his first girlfriend, he had no experience with girls whatsoever. What do they like to do? Should he get you flowers? If so, what kind? Should he hold your hand on the first date? Kiss you? He was panicking. And the fact that he was absolutely smitten with you didn’t help his nerves. He already struggled socially, but when you were around, his mind shut down completely and all he could do was stutter useless gibberish. Yet, he was determined to make you feel loved and cherished during your first date, even if that meant he had to literally fight with himself and drag out the courage he knew he had in himself somewhere.
However, his plan to be strong and shower you with affection, failed when somewhere you miscommunicated on where you were meeting up. Jihoon had let you pick the spot for your first date and had misread your text. Horribly. He had showed up to the restaurant he had thought you picked out and waited patiently. Ten minutes went by. Fifteen. Twenty. There was no sign of you.
Jihoon was checking his phone every ten seconds for a text or a call. Something. He held the bouquet of flowers he bought for you nervously against his chest. What if you had changed your mind? Of course you did. He was too quiet for you. His silent and mysterious demeanor had scared you off. He should have been more open to you, more talkative. He just got so nervous around you and-
His phone suddenly freaked out, sending in a million notifications at once loudly. He jumped in shock and clambered to grasp his phone. It was you. You had texted him four times and called him twice, all throughout the past twenty minutes that he had been sitting at the restaurant.
Jihoon swore loudly, scaring the old couple at the table next to him. He must have lost service and the texts didn’t come in until now. He fumbled with his apps, clicking on your contact to call you.
“Hello? (Y/N)?!” He basically yelled into the phone, scaring that old couple again.
“J-Jihoon? Where are you?” Your voice was cracking and Jihoon’s heart stopped. You were crying.
“I’m... at the sushi restaurant? Are you okay? Where are you?” He asked urgently. You were silent for several seconds.
“I’m also... at the sushi restaurant? I’ve been here for twenty minutes.” You sniffled on the phone and Jihoon was physically hurting hearing you be upset.
“Uhh...hold on.” He went back to look at your text containing details on the date and when he did, he almost choked on air. He had went to the wrong restaurant.
“Oh man. I’m at the wrong place... (Y/N) I am so sorry. I will be there as soon as I can, okay? Don’t leave! Stay right there!” And with that Jihoon sprinted to his car and raced to the actual restaurant. Thank God in heaven that the real restaurant was actually close by.
You sat on a bench outside your favorite sushi place, tapping your foot nervously on the ground. You tried to wipe the evidence of your tears off your face before Jihoon could arrive. Relief had washed over you as soon as you realized that Jihoon just went to the wrong place. At first, you thought he had decided to ditch you, leave you hanging. Even though you knew it wasn’t Jihoon’s personality. You wiped at the stubborn mascara stains underneath your eye when you suddenly heard a ruckus going on to your left.
“Excuse me- Excuse me! Sorry! Excuse me.” You looked over and Jihoon was pushing his way through the crowd of people in front of the restaurant. When he saw you, his eyes lit up and you couldn’t stop your heart from fluttering wildly. You felt tears coming back and you mentally told yourself to get your crap together. He ran up to you, panting excessively, a pink tint on his cheeks and a thin layer of sweat above his brow.
“(Y/N)! I am so sorry. There was no parking and so I had to park super freaking far away and then-“ He gave a yell of surprise when you suddenly threw your arms around his neck and squeezed probably a little too hard.
“I really thought you had forgotten about me.” You whispered. Jihoon felt extremely guilty that you would ever feel such a thing. He wrapped his arms around your waist as you pulled away from his neck only slightly.
“You? You? The prettiest and the coolest girl I’ve ever met in my life? No way. I would never forget about you. However, I probably should start reading your texts better so this doesn’t happen again.” You both burst out laughing and he pulled you into him for another hug.
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Seokmin is so fun-loving and kind. He loves to take you on adventures with him as often as his schedule will let him so the two of you can experience life together in the funnest ways possible. So, of course, your first date was an amusement park. Seokmin didn’t want to admit how scared he was to go on a date with you, therefore he knew that taking you to an amusement park was the best way to break the ice and have fun together. And that’s exactly what the two of you did.
Seokmin dragged you to every rollercoaster, just for an excuse to hold your hand during them because he knew you were scared of rollercoasters. He took advantage of every photo opportunity so he could save the memories. And he tried to make you laugh all day long, which he succeeded in every time. Each time he watched you burst into a fit of giggles any time he said or did anything funny, his heart would lurch in his chest and he’d have to take a breath to calm himself down. It happened every time you laughed. You were just so beautiful, especially when you giggled girlishly and Seokmin was an absolute sucker for it. You felt the exact same way about him any time he smiled. He had a giant grin that could light up the whole world and you adored it.
Eventually, towards the end of the night, the both of you were on a serious sugar rush from eating too much sweets. You were laughing at anything and everything, strolling through the park hand in hand. Seokmin would squeeze your delicate fingers that were interlaced with his periodically making your heart skip a beat each time. The air got chillier throughout the night and when Seokmin started to see you shivering, he took action. He rushed behind you, wrapping his arms around your front. You immediately felt warmer but laughed at his silly actions.
“What are you doing?” You asked him playfully.
“Warming you up! Now keep walking, I wanna go on the Ferris Wheel with you.” Seokmin replied, laying his head on your shoulder as he continued to walk with his arms around you.
“Why the Ferris Wheel?”
“Because I want to kiss you.” He murmured and you whipped around to face him.
“K-kiss me?” You stuttered and he nodded cheekily. “But, why on the Ferris Wheel?” You asked. Seokmin clicked his tongue in teasing annoyance.
“Have you never heard the thing where couples kiss each time the wheel reaches the top?” You nodded. “Well then, we have to do it!”
As you sat down on the Ferris wheel seat next to Seokmin, your mind raced. The two of you had never kissed before and now suddenly, Seokmin had decided he wanted to. He had admitted it so cooly as well, the way he had his arms around you and just whispered in your ear that he wanted to kiss you—
The Ferris Wheel lurched forward and you looked over, realizing that Seokmin had been staring at you while you were lost in thought. His soft eyes were focused down on your lips and your heart began to palpitate with anticipation. The Ferris wheel went up and up... and as it did his lips got closer and closer...
Before you knew it, Seokmin had a hand in your hair and his lips pressed oh-so-softly against your lips. It was such a light kiss yet it held so much emotion in it. He didn’t let you go even when the Ferris Wheel had passed the top. He held onto your lips with his with such fervor that you began to melt into his arms, unable to control your own body. He felt your weakness and without breaking the kiss, wrapped his arms around you and brought you as close as he possibly could. When he finally pulled away, he smiled widely with a slightly dazed look on his face.
“See? The Ferris Wheel is the perfect place to have your first kiss.”
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Nervous wreck part 2. The other members of Seventeen thought Seungkwan was going to have a nervous breakdown several times throughout the day of your first date. He kept nagging them, asking them for stupid advice and his hyungs would just reply with stupid answers like, “Just be yourself, it’s gonna be fine.” 
But every time, Seungwan would huff dramatically and walk away, unsatisfied with his their answers.
“What should I say to her when I see her again?” Seungkwan looked in the mirror and pulled on his shirt to flatten it. Seungcheol sighed.
“Tell her she looks beautiful. Then, hand her the flowers and take her to the car. Anything else you say after that moment will come naturally. You don’t need rehearsed lines.”
“What if I do something stupid and mess it all up?” Seungkwan fixed his hair for the umpteenth time since he came into the bathroom to get ready.
“You won’t.” Seungcheol said flatly.
“What if I say something stupid? Offend her?” Seungkwan was on the brink of a panic attack.
“Well then just watch your words! Be careful what you say!” Seungcheol remarked in obvious annoyance. Seungkwan? Watching what he says? Yeah, right. He let out a groan of doubt and Seungcheol shook his head, laughing softly.
“God, you’re smitten with her, aren’t you?” He asked playfully. Seungkwan blushed and looked down. “You’re so nervous about ruining it or her thinking your personality is weird but, Seungkwan. She would never agree to go out with you if she thought you were weird. You’ve been friends for so long already, she already knows what you’re like and I know for a fact she returns all the affection you have for her. So please, don’t worry. Just be yourself.” Seungkwan felt a surge of confidence course through his body after hearing Seungcheol’s words.
“Thanks, hyung.” Seungcheol was about to reply when the sudden loud noise of someone running into the bathroom interrupted them both. It was Chan.
“She’s here! She’s here!” He was slightly out of breath from spring across the dorm. Seungkwan swore quietly before giving himself one last look in the mirror.
“Looking good.” Seungcheol snorted and handed Seungkwan the bouquet of flowers. “Go get em’ tiger.”
As soon as Seungkwan saw you standing in the entryway of the dorm, he felt like anything but a tiger. His knees suddenly felt like jelly as his eyes made contact with yours. You looked breathtaking. Drop dead gorgeous. Killer. And you were his? Oh God. It’s a dream.
“(Y/N)..” He slightly choked on his words and his throat felt dry for some weird reason. You smiled at him and he wanted to faint right then and there.
“Seungkwan.” You said softly. He basically shoved the bouquet of flowers into your chest out of nervousness but you didn’t mind. In fact, you could see the terror and awe mixed together on his handsome face and it made you giggle quietly. He cleared his throat and held out his arm for you to take, which you did.
“Are you ready to go, princess?” Seungkwan often called you princess, even when you were still just friends. Yet, it never failed to make you blush.
“Of course. Are you?” You tightened your hold on his arm slightly and he smiled.
“I’ve never been so ready for something in my entire life.” 
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the-tiny-carat-blog · 6 years
Upcoming Trash
Hey! Did you send me a request? If you did, look for it here~ in my upcoming posts list. I will update this frequently to let everyone know what posts I will be doing next + for those who have requested to see if I have accepted their request. (It’s also to help me keep track so I don’t mess up and die lol)
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What’s Next? (Updated: 10/2/18)
(In order of when they will be posted)
~First Time Cuddling With Seventeen (scenario) {requested}
~Seungcheol Idol angst (fanfic) {requested}
~Movie Night w/ Soonyoung (fanfic) {requested}
~Tutor!Jeonghan (fanfic) {requested}
~Jealousy!Vernon (fluff) {requested}
~Seventeen’s Reaction to You Doing a sExY Dance on Stage (reaction) {requested}
~Joshua angst (fluff ending) (fanfic) {requested}
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the-tiny-carat-blog · 6 years
(Seventeen) First Date (Hip Hop Unit)
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ᴀ/ɴ: ᴜᴍ. sᴏ. ʙᴇᴄᴀᴜsᴇ ɪ ɢᴏᴛ sᴏ ғʀᴇᴀᴋɪɴɢ ᴄᴀʀʀɪᴇᴅ ᴀᴡᴀʏ ᴡɪᴛʜ ᴛʜɪs ʀᴇǫᴜᴇsᴛ ʟᴏʟ, ɪ ᴀᴍ sᴘʟɪᴛᴛɪɴɢ ɪᴛ ᴜᴘ ɪɴᴛᴏ ᴛʜᴇ ᴜɴɪᴛs ʙᴇᴄᴀᴜsᴇ ᴇᴀᴄʜ ᴘᴀʀᴛ ɪs sᴏ ʟᴏɴɢ ᴀɴᴅ ɪ ᴅɪᴅɴ’ᴛ ᴡᴀɴᴛ ᴛʜᴇ ᴘᴏsᴛ ᴛᴏ ɢᴏ ᴏɴ ᴜɴᴛɪʟ ᴊᴇsᴜs ᴄᴏᴍᴇs ʙᴀᴄᴋ ʜᴀ. ɪ ʀᴇᴀʟʟʏ ʜᴏᴘᴇ ʏᴏᴜ ᴅᴏɴ’ᴛ ᴍɪɴᴅ! @melodyofthemuse ɪғ ʏᴏᴜʀ ʙɪᴀs ɪs ɪɴ ᴀ ᴅɪғғᴇʀᴇɴᴛ ᴜɴɪᴛ ᴛʜᴀɴ ᴛʜᴇ ʜɪᴘ ʜᴏᴘ ᴜɴɪᴛ, ᴍᴇssᴀɢᴇ ᴍᴇ ᴀɴᴅ ɪ’ʟʟ ᴡʀɪᴛᴇ ᴛʜᴇ ᴜɴɪᴛ ᴛʜᴇʏ’ʀᴇ ɪɴ ɴᴇxᴛ sᴏ ɪ ᴄᴀɴ ʙᴜsᴛ ɪᴛ ᴏᴜᴛ ғᴏʀ ʏᴀ xᴅ. ᴛʜᴀɴᴋs ғᴏʀ ᴛʜᴇ ʀᴇǫᴜᴇsᴛ!! ʜᴏᴘᴇ ʏᴏᴜ ʟɪᴋᴇ ɪᴛ!
ʜᴀᴠᴇ ᴀ ʀᴇǫᴜᴇsᴛ? sᴇɴᴅ ɪᴛ ʜᴇʀᴇ~
Links for the other units for this scenario: {Vocal} {Performance}
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Everything was going perfectly. Seungcheol had taken you out to a coffee shop so the two of you could could drink coffee together and chat. He wanted  you guys’ first date to be very low-key and easy. He knew you got nervous easily, so going to a fancy restaurant where you have to dress formally and act formally was out of the question. He wanted to make you as comfortable as possible. You loved it. You got to dress more casually and drink your favorite coffee beverage with your favorite boy. Heaven. Seungcheol was so easy to talk to and the way he just stared at you with that one look that boys give to the girl that they adore made your heart palpitate the entire date.
Afterwards, Seungcheol took you to the park across the street to walk around calmly, his fingers interlaced with yours the whole time. It was the first time the two of you ever held hands. He was so calm and confident about it. He had merely slipped his fingers down your delicate wrist and slid his fingers into yours, squeezing softly. You had felt your heart speed up as if it wasn’t beating hard already. Eventually, he beckoned you to sit down next to him on a bench when the two you had walked far enough. You chatted on the bench together for what felt like forever before things suddenly got silent and you began to get nervous. Was he bored? Did you bore him? Did he run out of things to talk about? All three questions inside of your head were wrong. In truth, Seungcheol was panicking. As he watched your beautiful face stare into the distance of the park, he internally fought the urge to just grab your face and kiss it all over. Every inch. Both cheeks- which were rosy from the chilling air. Your nose. Your forehead. Your lips, God your lips. He wanted to kiss you so badly. But-he didn’t know if you were ready. He didn’t want to scare you or make you uncomfortable. After several more minutes of Seungcheol fighting with himself and tapping his leg anxiously on the ground, he finally turned to you.
“Can I kiss you?” He blurted out suddenly, immediately regretting how aggressive the question sounded. You were taken back. But then, your heart immediately melted. Oh. Was that why he was so quiet for such a long time? He was trying to find the right words to ask if he could kiss you? And then they all just came out suddenly? You giggled at the embarrassed look he had on his face. You scooted closer to him and Seungcheol couldn’t stop himself from shaking slightly out of nervousness. You met his eyes with yours.
“Go ahead.” You whispered with a soft smile on your lips. Now he was really panicking. He managed a small smile in return and nodded his head quickly. He was internally hitting himself for being so nervous as he raised his shaky hands to softly hold your chilly cheeks. Your face was inches from his and he gulped in realization at what was about to happen.
“Ready?” He whispered and you shivered at the contact of his breath on your face. You nodded eagerly and he didn’t waste anymore time. He pressed his lips against yours, both of your hearts immediately skipping a beat at the contact. His lips were so soft against yours until he pulled away, only to kiss you once again. You laughed against his lips at his eagerness. When he finally pulled away, he still held your face in his hands. He had a dazed expression on his face that made you feel proud.
“That... that was amazing.”
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Wonwoo was one of the easiest people to get along with that you had ever met. He was quiet, yet one-on-one he was fun-loving and caring, constantly wondering about your welfare and your interests. On your first date, he took you shopping (what a prince) and told you that you could buy whatever you wanted, which made you blush wildly. You had tried to turn down his generous proposal but he insisted on buying you something.
At one point, he dragged you into a women’s clothing store that did not look cheap. You had never been spoiled like this before and you had absolutely no idea what to do when Wonwoo beckoned you to look at the beautiful clothes that surrounded you.
“I-I...” You stuttered as you nervously looked around, unable to find where to start. Wonwoo laughed softly at your  shyness and gently turned you around so you were facing away from him, towards the store. He grabbed your shoulders gently and began to push you forward, guiding you through the store. Most of the items were evening gowns and gorgeous formal dresses that you could never afford if you tried.
“Wonwoo, I-“ He cut you off with an exclamation of approval.
“(Y/N). Look at this one.” He grabbed a long evening dress that was simple, yet absolutely alluring. Even the shade of red that the dress contained looked rich. Wonwoo’s eyes sparkled as he admired it.
“You would look absolutely stunning in it. Would you please try it on for me?” You giggled at how awed he was by the dress and your heart fluttered at the thought of him imagining you in it, which you could tell he was doing. You nodded and grabbed it from him, quickly walking to the dressing room. When you tried it on, you couldn’t help but admit that it was breathtaking. it hugged your curves just right and made your figure look beautifully feminine and shapely. You were absolutely in love. However, that quickly faded away when you suddenly looked down and saw the price tag. You almost choked on air.
Jesus. You thought. You had seen Wonwoo looking at the price tag before he handed it to you so he absolutely knew how expensive this dress was. You immediately felt guilty. Why was he doing this for you? Buying you materialistic things weren’t going to win your heart. All you wanted was him.
You exited the dressing room and Wonwoo had been sitting in a chair, waiting patiently. His eyes snapped up and when he saw you in the dress— oh man. He almost drooled. You looked absolutely breathtaking. The red silk fabric hugged you oh-so-well and the color made your skin tone look heavenly. The words that you had prepared for him to explain why you couldn’t let him buy you the dress, died on your lips when you saw the priceless look on his face. Your cheeks heated up instantly.
“(Y/N)... you look-“
“Wonwoo.” You interrupted him. Your firm tone snapped him out of his daze and his eyes met yours. You had a look of worry on your face and Wonwoo panicked.
“What’s wrong? Do you not like it? We can pick out another, it’s fine, we can go-“ He began to stand up.
“Wonwoo.” You interrupted him again and now you had his full attention. “I can’t let you buy me this dress. Or any of them.” Wonwoo stared at you inquisitively.
“Why not? I said I wanted to buy you-“
“Wonwoo, I don’t need clothes. You buying me this won’t make me love you more. I already love you so much. The only thing I need is you.” You blushed and Wonwoo died a little inside at your cuteness.
“(Y/N), I love you too. And I know how humble you are. I know you don’t need nor want gifts,” He approached you, placing his hands on your cheeks, “But I want to do this for you. Not to win your love, but to treat you. To make you feel special. I want to do this for you, baby. So please let me, okay? Now, do you like the dress?” You nodded and Wonwoo smiled, kissing your nose briefly. “Perfect. I think you look stunning in it. Now, go change again so I can pay for it.”
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You loved animals and Mingyu knew this as well. So it was obvious that your first date had to be the zoo. It was low-key, exciting, and fun. Mingyu had your hand locked with his the entire time as he pulled you around the zoo, pointing out each animal and admiring them.
“Which animal do I remind you of, (Y/N)? If... you know... I was an animal.” Mingyu laughed awkwardly. You giggled but then pointed a delicate finger out towards the giraffes. Mingyu followed your finger and immediately snapped his head back towards you with a teasing look of shock and offense on his face.
“You’re only saying that because I’m tall! How dare you!” Mingyu suddenly pulled your hand into him and you yelped as you were yanked against his chest. He stared down at you, his eyes gleaming playfully.
“You little tease. You know what animal you remind me of?” Mingyu placed a hand on your cheek and you looked at him questioningly.
“A bunny.” Mingyu smiled happily. You immediately rolled your eyes.
“Wow.” You said simply, trying to walk away from Mingyu but he pulled you back against him.
“No I mean it! They’re so small and cute, just like you. They wiggle their noses, just like you sometimes. You do that. And then they hop around and you sometimes skip a little when you walk.” Mingyu imitated your nose scrunch and skippy walk. You hit his chest in annoyance.
“Oh my God. Wow, you’re being so cute. I want to throw up.” You rolled your eyes once again and Mingyu laughed, squishing your face together lovingly with both hands.
“You’re cuter.” He replied and suddenly— his lips were on yours. You squeaked into the kiss in shock, your eyes wide open as your brain actively tried to process what was happening.
Mingyu was kissing you for the first time. Your eyes fluttered close and you grabbed a handful of his shirt as he deepened the kiss. He pulled away, only to give you quick pecks over and over again until you were laughing and blushing madly.
“Mingyu...” You began when he finally pulled away for real. Mingyu had developed a pink tint across his cheeks.
“I-I’m sorry. I couldn’t help it. You’re so pretty and I’ve wanted to kiss you for so long now-“ You interrupted him by standing on your tip toes and giving him a quick kiss on the lips once again. Mingyu gave you a dazed smile.
“My little bunny...”
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What a kid. His first date with you was at none other than the trampoline park. He picked a time when the whole place was empty, so it would just be you and him. He has so much dang energy that he could jump for forever, leaving you off to the side out of breath as you recovered.
“(Y/N)! Come on! Let’s go!” He beckoned you as he did another backflip on the trampoline. You felt really out of shape compared to him. But you had to remind yourself that he’s a boy and he’s young still, so his hormones were still going haywire. You took one last breath and smiled at him.
“I’m coming!” You yelled back and jumped onto the trampoline. Hansol came bounding towards you and when he reached you, wrapped his arms around you tightly causing you to squeal in surprise.
“Wait! I want you to jump with me. Maybe we should like... hold hands or...” He blushed slightly and your heart skipped a beat when he slid his fingers into yours, eyeing you to see your reaction. He didn’t want to push it with you or make you feel uncomfortable, but he sighed in relief when he saw you smile softly.
“Okay, come on!” He pulled your hand and started to jump repeatedly, taking you with him when he’d leap. You squealed at how high he was taking you each time he jumped in the air and after a few minutes, you were an exhausted and laughing mess.
“Hey, can you do a front flip?” Vernon asked excitedly. You shook your head. “Want me to teach you? It’s really easy!”
“Okay, Hansol. But don’t make me do anything weird.” You laughed and doubled over, clutching your aching sides. Man. Maybe you should exercise more. Hansol came over to you and placed his hands on your hips. You swore your heart dropped several inches in your chest as soon as his hands made contact.
“Okay, all you’re going to do is jump and push your body forward. Also, pull your legs in when you do. I’m going to push you foreword the first few times to give you momentum. Don’t worry about it, I got you.” He added the last comment when you looked at him with a concerned look on your face.
The first time you jumped and attempted a front flip, Hansol tried to push you into the roll with one hand on your hip and one on the small of your back. You landed on your face. Hansol laughed his head off with that stupid grin that either makes you think he looks hot or makes you annoyed.  Depends on the situation. Right now, you were leaning towards annoyed as hell.
“It’s not funny!” You whined as you got up from the trampoline. Hansol felt slightly bad for laughing and he hugged you as an apology.
“I’m sorry! It was just cute! I’m not making fun of you. I promise I won’t laugh anymore. Jump a little higher next time! It will give you more momentum.”
You tried to attempt the front flip several more times, each time getting better and better, especially with Hansol guiding your hips and legs. You felt a mixture of goosebumps and butterflies each time he placed his hands on you, ready for you to jump. After what felt like you’re one millionth try, You somehow, someway, actually did the freaking front flip. And landed it (with Hansol’s help of course).
“Oh. My God. You did it! That was incredible!” Hansol yelled and you screamed in delight throwing your arms around his neck and slamming your lips into his so suddenly, neither of you knew what just happened.
Hansol went blind, deaf, and dumb for several seconds as soon as your lips hit his. Not knowing what to do with his hands, he settled for gripping your waist tightly as he returned the kiss. A soft “Mmm” of pleasure escaped his lips involuntarily and he pulled away in embarrassment, his cheeks flushed. You giggled softly and Hansol struggled to meet your eyes. “Sorry.” He said awkwardly. You laughed and shook your head.
“It’s fine. Don’t worry about it. Maybe I can make you do it again.” You whispered and before Hansol could protest, you connected your lips once again.
A/N: wah! I tried my hardest. I feel like I could have done better. Writing dates is actually a lot harder than I thought it would be! Anyway, I hope you guys liked it. <3<br>
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the-tiny-carat-blog · 6 years
How Seventeen Would Kiss You (Part 2)
ᴀ/ɴ: ʜᴇʟʟᴏᴏᴏᴏᴏ!! ᴘᴀʀᴛ 1 ᴏғ ᴛʜɪs ʀᴇᴀᴄᴛɪᴏɴ ᴅɪᴅ ʀᴇᴀʟʟʏ ᴡᴇʟʟ!! ɪ ᴡᴀs sᴏ sᴜʀᴘʀɪsᴇᴅ ᴀɴᴅ ʜᴀᴘᴘʏ ᴛᴏ sᴇᴇ ᴛʜᴀᴛ ʏᴏᴜ ɢᴜʏs ʟɪᴋᴇᴅ ɪᴛ sᴏ ʜᴇʀᴇ ᴏғ ᴄᴏᴜʀsᴇ, ɪs ᴘᴀʀᴛ 2. ʜᴀᴘᴘʏ ʀᴇᴀᴅɪɴɢ!🍡
~ᴘᴀʀᴛ 1 ᴏғ ᴛʜɪs ʀᴇᴀᴄᴛɪᴏɴ ɪs ʀɪɢʜᴛ ʜᴇʀᴇ~
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(look at his nose! wah, so cute!) Jihoon is not a big fan of PDA, especially around the other members. However, this doesn’t mean that he doesn’t like kissing you. On the contrary, he’s obsessed with kissing you. His favorite place to attack you with kisses is in bed at night after a long day. Any time you spend the night at the dorm or he spends the night at your apartment, he waits for you in bed and when you finally crawl into bed... don’t expect to go to sleep any time soon. We’re talking, Jihoon’s secret cuddle bug side comes out instantly. Oh, you’re tired? Well too bad. This is some of the only alone time Jihoon gets with you. He immediately pulls you into him, tangling your arms and legs with his as your body lays flush against him. He then proceeds to kiss you softly over and over and over again. When you start to fall asleep, Jihoon will slow down the kisses, drawing them out, watching your eyes flutter until you drift into unconsciousness. Falling asleep to Jihoon kissing you is a nightly routine.
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(pretend you’re Hoshi for 5 seconds lol) Minghao is a slight tease. He likes to make kissy faces at you from across the room (or even up close) all. day. long. Just to really make you irritated that he won’t get his skinny butt over to you and give you a legit kiss. And of course, when he’s in an extra teasing mood, he’ll ignore your attempts to kiss him, just to piss you off even more. However, Minghao isn’t a jerk (not even close) and eventually, when he decides that you and him both can’t take it anymore, he’ll grab your wrist an pull you into him kissing you with all the pent up frustration you’ve both had all day. Throughout the rest of the evening, Minghao will let you kiss him whenever you please. (what a doll)
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As we all know, Mingyu is just a giant. You know what that means? It means he loves wrapping his arms around your waist and picking you up so the two of you are face to face. Once you can see eye-to-eye, Mingyu would give you long, sweet kisses, getting more heated by the second. He’s definitely a tongue guy, using his skillful tongue against you whenever he possibly can. He has an absolute gift in leaving you breathless when it comes to kissing (and other things- haha ok sorry im done). Once things get heated enough, he’ll playfully throw you on the bed or couch (whichever is nearest), and climb on top of you, continuing your playful kissing session.
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Cuddle bug part 2! Seokmin has a thing for cuddling you while kissing. It’s like he can’t do one or the other, he has to be cuddling you in some major way while kissing. Sometimes, he’ll just wrap his arms around your waist and squeeze playfully. But most of the time, he’ll stop you in the middle of your kiss and drag you to a chair or couch, pulling you on top of him so you’re straddling his lap and his arms are around you. Then, he’ll finally let you kiss him as he grabs absolutely whatever he can during the process. Thighs, wrists, hands, arms, shoulders, face, butt. Anything.
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(i guess pretend you’re coups?? idk lol) Lips are great, but have you seen Seungkwan’s chubby cheeks? Irresistible. He also feels the exact same way about your cheeks. He’s obsessed. Any chance he gets, he’s grabbing your face and planting rough, yet playful kisses on your delicate cheeks. Sometimes, he’ll repeatedly kiss them over and over again until you’re annoyed and embarrassed. You’ll then proceed to tell him to STOP before you smack him back into history. He always laughs at your sassy remarks and coos at you, saying how cute you are when your mad. He then softly turns your face towards him so he can plant a loving kiss right on your lips. Finally.
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(i die every time i see this gif because seungcheol comin up behind hansol is priceless) Hansol will turn straight into playboy mode any time you guys kiss. He’s actually a big softie, but he likes to turn the fact that you’re whipped for his kisses to his advantage and really let his heartthrob image shine through. He’ll tease the heck out of you, saying that he knows you sit around and think about his lips all day (facts) ...and other things (facts). All you can do is just stare at him in awe as he woos you. Lip bites are a must with him and he’s good at them too. He’s learned just the amount of pressure you like to have you weak in the knees.
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Cuddle bug part 3! Oh heck yeah. Chan’s definitely a cuddly mess around you. Once his lips are on you, he can’t stop himself. They often trail away from your lips to your cheek and down your neck where he then begins to nuzzle his head into you. He’ll wrap his arms around you and stay there, his face buried in your neck. He also won’t hesitate to place gentle kisses on your collarbone, making you shiver each time.
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the-tiny-carat-blog · 6 years
“how they would react to you kissing them” where’s minghao’s one? ;-;
Ahhhhhhh!!! I apologize to all the Minghao stans!!! This was not intentional at all. It is fixed now!!!
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the-tiny-carat-blog · 6 years
Could you make a "how they would react at their crush kissing them?" ❤️
A/N: Yes I can! I hope this is what you wanted! Thanks for the request!
Seventeen’s Reaction to Their Crush (You) Kissing Them
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Seungcheol was utterly susprised when you suddenly came out of nowhere, throwing yourself onto him and screaming wildly. “I got the job!” You squealed, wrapping your arms around Seuncheol’s neck and squeezing slightly. Before he could even reply or before you knew what you were doing, your lips were on his. He stumbled back in shock, eyes wide open as he stared at your face that was literally pressed against his. Your lips somehow tasted faintly like vanilla and his eyes began to close involuntarily at the realization at what was happening. You snapped back into reality and quickly pulled yourself away from him.
“Seungcheol… I- I am so sorry. I…gotta go. I-” He snatched your wrist before you could run away from him. His eyes bored into yours.
“(Y/N)? Is there something you need to tell me?”
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You weren’t sure how it happened at all. One minute you were sitting next to Jeonghan on the couch watching a movie, the next, your lips were tenderly pressed against his, all thoughts of the movie now gone. At first, Jeonghan tried to pull away out of courtesy, thinking you had made a mistake, but when your lips chased after his when he pulled away, he let his heart take over. He grabbed your cheeks with both hands and deepened the kiss between the two of you. You didn’t even know how long the two of you sat there, experimentally kissing over and over again. Jeonghan’s hands traveled up the side of your face, grabbing some of your hair as he softly tried to slip his tongue into your mouth. That was the moment your common sense caught up to you and you decided to pull away before things got interesting. You couldn’t meet Jeonghan’s eyes and as you opened your mouth to apologize, he interrupted you:
“(Y/N), I think we need to talk…”
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“I-it’s okay. It was an accident.” Joshua nervously reassured you as you stared at him in shock. You had been facing the other way and when you turned-boom. You collided with Joshua Hong’s lips. You hadn’t realized that he was right there and because of it, disaster happened. You instantly backed up and tried to stutter out some sort of apology. He interrupted you and assured you that it was fine, yet the blatantly obvious blush on his cheeks gave away that he was dying on the inside. Your embarrassment grew so much that tears began to fill your eyes and Joshua panicked. He grabbed your hands and rubbed them with his thumbs softly.
“It’s okay (Y/N). It’s fine. Listen, I wouldn’t even be upset if you did it again…”
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As soon as you kissed Jun out of excitement, you immediately regretted it. You had pulled away almost instantly and covered your mouth with your hand, looking at him woefully. You tried to run away but he chased you down. “(Y/N)! Wait! Wait!” He was dying of laughter. You stopped and whipped around to face him. “I’m sorry, Jun! It was a mistake! Forget about it.” You turned back around to walk off but he grabbed your shoulders and rather violently and pulled you towards him. He had a dazed look on his face.
“Wait. I- I didn’t mind. Actually, I think I kinda liked it…can you maybe… do it again?”
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“Did-did you just kiss me?” Soonyoung asked you firmly. You regretted your idea of kissing him once the clock hit the New Year as soon as you saw the look on his face afterwards. You couldn’t read his facial expressions at all. Was he mad? Confused? His eyes looked a little glazed over and you noticed that some of the other guests at the party were eyeing the two of you in curiosity. “I’m… really sorry, Soonie. It was a-” Before you could finish, Soonyoung had taken one hand and grabbed the back of your head, pulling you in and crashing his lips into yours once again. You went deaf for several seconds at the impact and intensity of his kiss. As he pulled away, he still held the back of our head lightly and he smirked softly.
“Happy New Year’s, (Y/N).”
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Wonwoo had absolutely no idea what to do with you when you placed a soft kiss on his lips suddenly after he confessed that he liked you. He didn’t see it coming and neither did you. But when you saw how nervous Wonwoo was about confessing, you knew you had to do something to let him know your feelings were mutual and at the moment, you were at a loss for words. It took him a few moments, but after his mind realized the situation, Wonwoo quietly slipped his hand into yours, kissing you back lovingly. The both of you were quiet people, so physical affection seemed to be the better way to get your feelings across.
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Jihoon merely stared at you after you kissed him quickly on the lips to “warm up your lips” in the chillingly cold winter air. His reaction made you extremely nervous. His expression was almost blank, except for a note of curiosity twinkling in his eyes. His skin was pale with a touch of pink on his nose and cheeks from the cold. You wondered if you had made him upset. You began to apologize before he interrupted you by clearing his throat and pulling on the scarf around his neck.
“Are your lips warm now? Or do you need to kiss me again?”
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“Wow, your lips taste really good!” Seokmin saved the awkward situation with a funny comment. He had let you take a sip of his milkshake, but when you lifted your head from the straw, your lips accidentally collided with his briefly. You almost choked on the milkshake. Seokmin burst out laughing and patted your back violently, now making you almost spit out your milkshake instead of choking on it like you were just seconds before. You angrily yelled at him to stop and he smiled widely.
“Aww, now she’s mad. If I kiss you again, will it make it better?”
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(To the 7 people that messaged me and told me I had forgotten Minghao in this post, I deeply apologize. I cannot believe I forgot him because he’s literally in my top 5 favs. *sigh* this why you don’t write these late at night when you’re exhausted.)
Minghao was dying inside. You, his crush, had just kissed him on the lips and now as you pulled away, his heart was a palpitating mess. A nervous noise that sounded close to your name escaped his lips as he just stared at you in shock. You had only pulled away slightly and were still inches away from his face. Both of you had blushed cheeks and you could feel Minghao’s shaky breath on your lips. You were nervous that you had scared him, but in seconds, he had closed the gap between the two of you, pressing a kiss against your lips that held one million times more passion in it than the first one did.
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“Whoopsies!” Mingyu giggled when your lips brushed his slightly when you pulled away from his hug. Your cheeks heated up intensely as you backed away from him. Mingyu laughed at your embarrassment and grabbed your wrists, pulling you close to him once again. He squeezed you tightly.
“Hey, don’t worry about it. You overthink things. It didn’t bother me at all.”
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Hansol flushed deep scarlet as you grabbed his collar and pulled him in for a quick kiss on the lips as a goodbye to him before he leaves to go on tour. When you pulled away, Hansol’s hand flew straight to his hair and he played with the brunette strands nervously. Both of you stood awkwardly in front of each other, not sure what to do next. “Well, I guess I have to let you go…” You began to back away but Hansol hastily grabbed your arm, afraid of losing this moment with you.
“Wait, Dont go.”
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“Jesus Christ, (Y/N)? What was that?” Seungkwan had to be a drama queen when you grabbed him and kissed his lips playfully. You shrugged and sat down as Seunkwan stared at you in shock. He stood gazing at you for a really long time and you decided to ignore him so he wouldn’t say anything else sassy to you. After several moments, you decided that him standing there was too awkward and you lifted your eyes to meet his. Instead of being met with a dramatic look of frustration, you were met with a look of pure curiosity.
“You’re cute.”
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You had finally confessed to Chan that you liked him. When he simply stared at you in shock, you panicked, grabbed his face and crashed your lips into his. Chan’s emotions went absolutely haywire. He had started dying the second you said you liked him but when you kissed him, wooooo adrenaline rush. It took him several seconds but eventually he forced his shaky hands to your face and squeezed lightly as he deepened the kiss between the two of you. When you tried to part the kiss, he pushed forward, connecting your lips once again. Eventually, reality hit both of you and you burst out laughing, finally disconnecting your kiss. Chan smiled.
“If you haven’t noticed yet… I like you too.”
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